Friday, November 8, 2013
Birth Certificate Petitioner: Communist Plot To Install Obama In The White House
Preview of Upcoming Book on Obama Forgery
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 6, 2013) — A document analyst, Douglas Vogt, who filed two affidavits with the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on October 18 has released a preview of the book he and another expert are writing on the Obama birth certificate forgery.
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Douglas Vogt is preparing to release a book on his and co-author Paul Irey’s research into the creation of the fraudulent long-form Obama birth certificate |
The Post & Email interviewed Vogt both after he filed the affidavits and earlier in the year as his research was progressing.
One of the affidavits is public; the other is sealed and presumably names the individuals Vogt believes committed the numerous crimes and cover-up involved in the forgery of the birth certificate. On a new website with the url “,” Vogt explains that he did not approach the court to file a lawsuit, but rather, to request that the presiding judge summon and empanel a special federal grand jury to examine the evidence in Vogt’s possession.
Former attorney Montgomery Blair Sibley assisted Vogt in writing the affidavits.
On Tuesday, Judge James L. Robart responded to Vogt by claiming that the court does not have “subject matter jurisdiction” over the identified complaint and appeared to interpret it as a challenge to Barack Hussein Obama’s presidential eligibility, which was done in other cases over the last five years. However, Vogt did not raise the question of Obama’s constitutional eligibility, but rather, the specter of crimes having been committed which allowed Obama to ascend to and occupy the Oval Office by deceit.
Under U.S. Code, Vogt and anyone else who becomes aware of a felony is obligated to report it to “the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State.”
The judge responded that ““[A] private party may not enforce criminal statutes through a civil action,” citing case law, although Vogt did not file a lawsuit.
The Post & Email has reported extensively on the loss of citizen-controlled grand juries which were accustomed to investigating the actions of elected officials. Since 1946, when the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure were altered by Congress, common law grand juries have been marginalized and the presentments they once issued declared “obsolete.”
In 1992, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia wrote that “the grand jury is an institution separate from the courts, over whose functioning the courts do not preside.”
Robart contended in his response that “Decisions to prosecute or file charges are generally within the prosecutor’s discretion, and private citizens, such as Mr. Vogt, have no standing to institute a federal criminal prosecution and no power to enforce a criminal statute against another.” However, prior to 1946, grand juries operated without a prosecutor, attorney or judge present, arriving at their conclusions independently and without the possibility of undue influence from government employees.
A victim of a co-opted grand jury in Monroe County, TN, Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, has repeatedly told us, “The grand jury is what makes us a republic.” Fitzpatrick has requested an audience in front of a federal grand jury for more than four years to present evidence of Obama’s treason as well as exculpatory evidence relating to an innocent man currently serving a four-year term in federal prison. Fitzpatrick was denied access to the grand jury by U.S. Attorney William C. Killian, and federal Judge Thomas Varlan ignored Fitzpatrick’s requests.
A grassroots effort to reinstate common law grand juries in every county in the United States is currently under way. A former Justice Department prosecutor has formed a citizens’ grand jury in Florida which has issued several indictments against government officials.
On the new website detailing the upcoming book, Vogt reveals that he has assisted the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, which, led by Mike Zullo, has conducted a 26-month investigation into the long-form birth certificate issue and other questions relating to Obama’s background.
Vogt has written several other books about science and religion which he has published through his own company.
On March 1, 2012, Zullo and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form were “computer-generated forgeries.” The mainstream press failed to investigate and instead showed anger toward Zullo and Arpaio.
Obama was reportedly elected to a second term without the public having been informed of the findings of forgery and fraud in the only “documentation” he has provided to show his identity, background and parentage.
Obama’s public life narrative contains many inconsistencies, and a pre-release of a book written by two NBC News “journalists” significantly changes an element of it by stating his mother’s death as having occurred in 1988 rather than 1995. They also state that Obama found his original birth certificate at his home in Chicago two weeks before the image was uploaded to the White House server. Former Hawaii resident Miki Booth took issue with that statement on the WheresObamasBirthCertificate radio show on Tuesday evening by stating that the “document” Obama purportedly “found” in Chicago was a souvenir given to all parents whose children are born at Kapiolani Medical Center.
Booth’s husband and son were both born at Kapiolani.
Many Americans believe that Obama was born overseas. Former CIA agent Dr. Jim Garrow, who appeared on the Tuesday night radio show prior to Booth, stated plainly and unhesitatingly that Obama “was born in Kenya.” On Wednesday, while arranging an interview with The Post & Email, Garrow said, “The Russians and the Chinese have the information on Obama. It’s the Americans who don’t know who he is.” Garrow added that as a result, “America is currently the laughingstock of the world.”
Over the last month, Garrow has done numerous radio shows in which he discusses Obama’s alleged Middle Eastern background and attendance at American colleges by means of a Fulbright Scholarship intended for young black students. Garrow asserts that Obama “is a Muslim.” On Tuesday, he said that Kapiolani possesses no birth record for Obama, which is contrary to public statements made by former Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino and current Director Loretta Fuddy.
Vogt identifies the Hawaii Department of Health as having been involved, knowingly or unknowingly, in the production or transfer of the fraudulent document.
Zullo has stated publicly that “there was no birth in Hawaii” for Obama.
Pastor and Dr. James David Manning, who hosts a radio show four days a week, reported that a prior attendee of the prestigious Punahou School recalls seeing Obama at the school on occasion. A woman known as Mia Marie Pope told Manning that Obama used the name “Barry Soetoro” and was addicted to drugs in his high school years.
Pope said it was “common knowledge” that “Barry” was not attracted to women. She described him as “a pathological liar…every time this guy would open his mouth, the most outlandish stories would come out…”
Vogt believes that contrary to Obama’s life story, communist poet, journalist and union activist Frank Marshall Davis is Obama’s biological father. Others are convinced that Obama is the secret son of slain civil rights leader Malcolm X.
In 2008, thousands and perhaps millions of American citizens wrote to members of Congress, state legislators, governors, judges, members of the Electoral College, and attorneys general asking that Obama’s eligibility be verified both before and after the presidential election, but their entreaties were rejected or ignored. Many suspected that Obama was born in another country, which places into question whether or not he can qualify as a “natural born Citizen,” as the Constitution requires.
Garrow said that Obama’s background is well-known by “the intelligence community.”
Congress allowed Obama to be certified as president-elect in both 2009 and 2013 after the counting of the electoral votes.
Judge Robart allowed Vogt 20 days to provide a response as to why he disagrees with the court’s decision not to take action on his complaint. Vogt stated on his website that if Robart fails to act on his affidavit, he will seek another federal judge who will.
Vogt is of the opinion that a communist plot to install Obama in the White House was carried out in order to “destroy the United States from within,” with which Garrow agrees.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Doug Vogt Identitfies Obama Birth Certificate Forger - Misprision of Felony Notice - 10/18/2013 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
Despite website glitches interest in Obamacare rises.
Courtesy of Reuters:
Uninsured Americans are showing more interest in the coverage offered under President Barack Obama's healthcare law despite technical problems that have hindered enrollment through a government website, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.
The glitches have crippled, the new online insurance marketplace meant to serve people in 36 states, frustrating millions of would-be applicants since it opened for enrollment on October 1.
The poll's findings are good news for Obamacare supporters who worry the problems and bad press could dissuade people from signing up, particularly the young and healthy who are crucial to diversifying the pool of insured and keeping premiums down.
The uninsured view the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, more favorably since online marketplaces opened - 44 percent compared with 37 percent in September, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll. It found that 56 percent oppose the program compared with 63 percent in September.
A higher proportion of the uninsured also said they are interested in buying insurance on the exchanges, with 42 percent in October, saying they were likely to enroll compared with 37 percent in September. The results have a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.
Of course as I, and others, have documented this is in spite of a constant barrage of criticisms and attempts to sabotage the program coming from the Right Wing since the day the law was passed.
Recently it was discovered that there have even been attempts to overload the website in order to keep people from signing up for ACA.
Yet despite all of that Americans continue to demonstrate that ultimately the program will likely be a success, which of course is the fear that continues to drive the Right Wing to extreme attempts to undermine it, derail it, or sabotage it.
Especially out of fear it will be a success before the 2014 election cycle.
Wonkette has a little more fun with Bristol Palin's constant internet defender.
"OMGD, they're talking about me again. If only I had my very own batshit crazy troll to defend me." |
We don’t know what it is about Bristol Palin, but that girl has got herself some fans. Or one fan who won’t stop writing to us. Our short piece yesterday about the child custody lawsuit filed by Manly Alaskan Sperm-Thrower Levi Johnston only drew about 70 comments, which is about right for a one-paragraph story. But it also filled our comments queue with 20 attempted comments from would-be Levi-n-Bristol defender “Lovefirst21,” whom we’ll assume is a new incarnation of “Livefree601,” who previously defended Bristol as “literally the most amazing and strongest woman out there.” Once more, she (? — perhaps we should not assume?) wants us to know that some things are simply beyond the Palin, and should never be said:
"Nice slander. Tripp Palin is an amazing little boy with the maturity of a kid twice his age. Way to go Bristol. Top notch! I’ve never seen a 4 yr old who is always happy and so adaptable."
Yes. Tripp Palin, a child who is known to Lovefirst21 primarily through the teevee, is a wunderkind, and the only reason he’s not already in 3rd grade is that the government schools simply don’t recognize his brilliance. Why is he not yet on a ballot or a payroll somewhere?
Funny stuff but it pales in comparison to the troll's (Or as we know her Kristy Patullo) actual comments.
Like these in reference to Levi:
Yet he’s the one who started the nasty battle :/
Levi did exploit BOTH kids while Bristol was actually working. Thankful for good mothers.
Actually, he was desperate to marry Bristol as he was obsessed with her. He did once say that.
I feel sorry that his father ever made this part of his life public. There’s a reason custody cases aren’t public domain. The inherent bitterness in all of them don’t deserve outsider opinion. But God bless Bristol Palin and her well-raised boy
Or these in reference to Tripp:
He’s the happiest of kids, living a normal life. School, activities. The only difficulty might come from a alienating stepmom who can’t see her husband as the loser he was not too long ago.
LOL All jokes aside, the reality is, Bristol’s son is a blessed, happy boy with a devoted mother and a father who’s finally matured.
Libel. Get a life. Bristol is a remarkable mother raising a lovely boy who beams with love
Tripp is literally the most blessed child. Never without smiles and nurturing. These comments are just wrong.
Libel? Oh yeah, that's our batshit crazy troll alright.
Gee it kind of makes me wish I has saved all of the comments and e-mails she has sent me over the years instead of deleting them, having holy water sprinkled on my hard drive, and hiring a Native American Shaman to wave burning sage over my computer while chanting.
Oh well, I am sure I will have many more opportunities to do so in the future.
(A trip down memory lane.)
Colorado State Senator Owen Hill: We Already Have President From Kenya
Colorado State Senator and U.S. Senate candidate Owen Hill: We Already Have President From Kenya;
About Owen Hill: Owen Hill moved to Colorado to attend and graduate from the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs with a degree in Economics. He then earned a Ph.D. in Policy Analysis. At church, he met his wife Emily and today they raise and homeschool their four children, Kaiden, Miette, Ellis, and Elinor. As Colorado's next U.S. Senator, Owen will continue his conservative and innovative leadership to solve the national problems that our incumbent U.S. Senator helped to create. - Owen Hill For Senate.
CMA Awards 2013: Country singers rip ObamaCare website, 'Duck Dynasty' stars surprise with ‘Blurred Lines’ cover
Viewers who tuned in to watch the 47th Annual Country Music Association Awards, held Wednesday night in Nashville, might have confused the show with a roast of ObamaCare. Country music’s hottest stars had a bone to pick with the faulty website.
CMA Awards host Brad Paisley jokingly told his co-host Carrie Underwood that his back hurt and he needed to see a doctor. Underwood asked the singer if he had signed up for ObamaCare.
“ObamaCare, what’s that?” Paisley asked Underwood.
“Oh, it’s great!” Underwood quipped. “I started signing up last Thursday and I’m almost done!” The “Blown Away” singer proceeded to help her co-host sign up for ObamaCare and “join the six other people” who have reportedly signed up successfully for the healthcare service.
The routine had the Nashville audience clapping their hands to the tune of newly crowned entertainer of the year George Strait’s “Amarillo by Morning,” but with the words changed to “ObamaCare by morning/ Why’s this taking so long?/ I’m going to end up with hemorrhoids/If I sit here ’til dawn.”
The super star hosts also tried to settle the feud between Luke Bryan and Zac Brown who called Bryan’s new single “That’s My Kind of Night” the “worst song I’ve ever heard.” The two hugged it out while Carrie told them they had nothing to fight about. “You both made great records and you're both millionaires,” she sang to the tune of “Why Can’t We Be Friends.”
The CMA Award hosts did not stop there. Paisley thanked Swift not acting like her fellow pop star Miley Cyrus. He praised her for “not once humping a teddy bear or gyrating with beetle juice.” Underwood joked, “If someone in music today was going to be caught naked licking a hammer I think we'd all thought it'd be Blake Shelton.” The camera zoomed in on Shelton who nodded his head in agreement.
Next up was a surprise appearance by Willie and Jase Robertson of Duck Dynasty who were joined by their wives Missy and Korie to perform a redneckified version of Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines.”
While the Robertson clan twerked on stage, Underwood and Paisley switched up the words of Thicke’s song. “I'm going to grow a beard and go out hunting… 'Duck Dynasty' guys dance to Robin Thicke/We tried to get nasty talking 'Duck Dynasty.'”
Read Full Article Source here
Author: By Sasha Bogursky
Wendy Davis, currently under attack as "Abortion Barbie," says "I am Pro-Life." Wait, what?
The fear from of Texas gubernatorial hopeful Wendy Davis coming form the Right Wing has reached almost hysteric proportions.
She is under constant attack from Rush Limbaugh and Red State's Eric Erickson has taken to referring to her as "Abortion Barbie."
There is even a Right Wing website dedicated to attacking her.
Oh yeah there is definitely some panic taking place over on the conservative side of the aisle.
So the other day Wendy Davis visited the University of Texas at Brownsville, and had this to say:
“The battle over reproductive rights and women’s health care that was waged on June 25 was not a battle I chose,” she said. “When I believe women’s health is in danger, I’m going to stand and fight to protect that.”
Davis said that battle had beginnings in 2011, when the reduction of funding for women’s health care led to a decrease in women’s health care access for more than 160,000 women – services that included family planning and sexual education along with abortions in some instances.
“This isn’t about protecting abortion. It’s about protecting women,” she said. “It’s about trusting women to make good decisions for themselves and empowering them with the tools to do that.”
Davis does not want to portray herself as a one-issue candidate, noting that her job on the campaign trail is to allow voters to see who she really is.
“(I’m) a woman who wants desperately for others who are coming up in poverty to receive the same kind of partnership from the state that I once received so that they too can become a part of the success of Texas,” she said.
Davis suggested that her views on abortion access do not mean she does not care about life.
“I am pro-life,” she said, borrowing from the label anti-abortion activists assign themselves. “I care about the life of every child: every child that goes to bed hungry, every child that goes to bed without a proper education, every child that goes to bed without being able to be a part of the Texas dream, every woman and man who worry about their children’s future and their ability to provide for that future. I care about life and I have a record of fighting for people above all else.”
That is very well put. And it is put in a way that is especially effective coming from a female candidate.
Calling herself "pro-life" and laying out what that means to her, is a VERY powerful, and aggressive stance to take that reminds me of Hillary's 2009 statement more than just a little bit.
The Right can go after Wendy Davis all day every day if they want to, and attack her on everything from her looks, to her mental health, to her stance on abortion. But if she stands up to that kind of bullying, and states her case as clearly as she did above, then she will still be standing long after they have slunk off to lick their wounds in response to having their asses handed to them after the 2014 election.
And the Right better get very comfortable with wound licking, because I think they will need plenty of tongue baths after 2016. (Okay that came out kind of icky, but you know what I mean.)
Disgraced due to charges of plagiarism, and with no credibility remaining, where could Rand Paul possibly get a job writing a column? Go ahead, take a guess.
"I'm back!" |
Breitbart News Network is pleased to announce that it will be the new home of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's editorial column.
Did you guess?
Of COURSE Breitbart is willing to take Rand Paul! After all where else are journalistic ethics and the use of facts as frowned upon as much as over at Andrew Breitbart's stillborn hate child?
I swear I don't know how sites like the Onion can stay in business with reality being so much like parody these days.
Update: This could be Paul's header for his pieces in Breitbart.
Seems fitting.
Another Obamacare horror story debunked.
Courtesy of The Cagle Post |
What happened to the president's promise, "You can keep your health plan"? Or to the promise that "You can keep your doctor"? Thanks to the law, I have been forced to give up a world-class health plan. The exchange would force me to give up a world-class physician.
For a cancer patient, medical coverage is a matter of life and death. Take away people's ability to control their medical-coverage choices and they may die. I guess that's a highly effective way to control medical costs. Perhaps that's the point.
Journalist Bob Cesca decided enough was enough and wrote this:
As you probably recall from the days before the ACA was passed, scores of customers were stripped of their insurance policies, many while suffering from life-threatening illnesses. The difference back then was once they’d lose their insurance, they were unable to qualify for a new policy due to rules against pre-existing conditions. That’s thankfully not the case with Sundby — not after the passage of the ACA, not any more. While she might be forced to switch emergency care facilities or to a new team of oncologists, she will absolutely be able to sign up for a new policy with better benefits thanks to the ACA. Conversely, four years ago, when UnitedHealthcare and others were pulling these exact same kinds of profit-making stunts, she would’ve faced bankruptcy or death or both, unable to sign up for a replacement policy.
These are details not mentioned in context of the “Obama lied” story.
Indeed, going back to 2009, the president continuously reassured individual policy holders that if they liked their current insurance, they could keep it. On Monday’s edition of Morning Joe, they aired a series of clips of the president saying in various forms, “If you like your plan you can keep it.” This promise hasn’t actually panned out exactly as originally conceived, forcing Mika Brzezinski to literally smack herself in the face with a stack of paper. Brzezinski continued by shouting at panelist Chris Matthews, “Why would you let your president go out and say that?!” During the ensuing melee, Scarborough held up Sundby’s WSJ op/ed, “There’s this story in the Wall Street Journal about a lady with stage-4 cancer that’s been kicked off her plan!”
Once again, no. The ACA didn’t force Sundby off her plan. UnitedHealthcare’s profit margin was the culprit here. But regarding this alleged lie, the president was actually correct given the language of the law.
The Affordable Care Act, as signed by the president in 2010, states quite clearly that if your individual health insurance plan was in effect prior to March 23, 2010, your plan would be grandfathered as-is, despite new rules that expand mandatory benefits and ban practices such as lifetime limits. In other words, if you signed up for an insurance policy before March of 2010, and if you like that policy, you could ostensibly keep it. It’s in the law.
However, an implementation rule was added later by Health & Human Services which narrowed the grandfathering parameters. If the benefits of a policy were altered after that date, those policies would lose grandfathered status. Meanwhile, HHS determined that up to 67 percent of customers would lose their plans, but only as a reflection of normal trends in the system — not as the result of a sudden drop off due to the ACA.
So when the president said, “If you like your insurance you can keep it,” he meant that the law itself wouldn’t force you to call up your insurance provider and cancel your policy if you liked it. Nor was he suggesting that an insurance company would be compelled by the law to keep you as a customer for life, irrespective of circumstances. While the law in fact prohibits the cancellation of a plan if you’re suddenly sick or injured, or if you make a mistake on your application — two common occurrences before the ACA — you can still lose your plan if you fail to pay your premium or if you lie on your paperwork.
Here’s the kicker. The law absolutely prohibits arbitrary cancellations — except for grandfathered plans like Sundby’s UnitedHealthcare plan. Frankly, switching to a Cover California plan might be the best thing for Sundby because her grandfathered plan likely included lifetime and annual limits on coverage (bad news for cancer patients); it wasn’t required to comply with government audits to prevent excessive premium hikes; and it could’ve randomly forced her to change doctors anyway.
Did you catch that last part? Obamacare absolutely forbids insurance companies from kicking you off of newer plans, so before somebody ruins all of their fun they are working overtime to frighten their customers into signing up for newer more expensive policies now while they still can.
I feel that this is going to continue on for some time. Bad reporting, with misleading information, gets published and spread far and wide by Fox News and Right Wing radio and then more honest reporters are left trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube.
In order to drum up interest in her Christmas book, Sarah Palin chases controversy and fans the flames of religious strife.
Courtesy of Wausau Daily Herald:
Former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be in the Wausau area next week to promote her new Christmas book, exactly one month after she took to Facebook to weigh in on the Wausau School District’s religious music controversy.
Palin will be at Walmart, 4300 Rib Mountain Drive, from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 14 to sign copies of “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas.”
Rib Mountain will be Palin’s fourth stop on her national book tour, she announced Wednesday on her Facebook page, and her first visit to the Wausau area.
In the book, Palin calls for people to publicly celebrate Jesus Christ during Christmas and say “Merry Christmas” to one another.
In October, Wausau School District administrators placed new limits on religious music performances by school groups, including an elite choral group at Wausau West High School called the Master Singers. Many in the community said the school district’s religious-music restrictions were akin to an attack on Christianity.
Last month, Palin posted the following to her Facebook page: “Thank you to all the Wausau, Wisconsin, residents who showed up to protest a wrongheaded school directive against Christmas carols. Wausau showed that there is power in unity as we battle against Scrooges who want Christ out of Christmas. My new book tackles issues like this one. It explains the steps we can take to combat the Scrooges so that we may forever protect the heart of Christmas from those who seek to diminish its true meaning.”
More than 41,600 people have “liked” that post since Oct. 14. (Many of them bots paid for by money from SarahPAC no doubt.)
Of course Palin has recently posted about a number of incidences which she has classified as attacks on Christmas, Christianity, and family values in preparation for this book tour. Including the textbook "controversy" in Florida, the cemetery grave marker "controversy" in Colorado, the military "controversy" concerning Evangelicals, and so on.
Many of these places are near book stop tours, and I have little doubt that Palin will use them to help attract interest in her newest ghostwritten toilet paper dispenser.
Essentially if seems that Palin has structured her book tour to take her to places which she believes she can identify as ground zero for the "War on Christmas," and thereby a "War on Christians."
It seems obvious to me that she is openly courting religious zealotry and hoping to anger Christians to the point that they will buy her book as some kind of statement against what she identifies as an attack on their faith and "their" holiday.
Much like Palin it is ugly, it is ignorant, and it will more than likely be a failure.
Later in the Wausau article they suggest that the local Wal-Mart is prepared for large crowds, but I have a feeling that will not be necessary. There will be a few looky-loos but for the most part nobody really cares.
Teen athlete refuses to compete due to receiving 666 as her bib number.
This kind of thing just makes me sick to my stomach.
The idea that this young woman would throw away her dreams simply due to superstitious nonsense is ridiculous.
Not only that the number 666 is not even the real number of the beast.
Remind me someday to relate the story of the born again Christian girl in my self defense class who quit because I talked about focusing Chi. That was a real eye opener.
Turning to Hollywood to get the message out about Obamacare.
Courtesy of Los Angeles Daily News:
The health care overhaul will be getting a Hollywood rewrite.
The California Endowment, a private foundation spending millions to promote President Barack Obama’s signature law, recently provided a $500,000 grant to ensure TV writers and producers have information about the Affordable Care Act that can be stitched into plot lines watched by millions.
The aim is to produce compelling prime-time narratives that encourage Americans to enroll — especially the young and healthy, Hispanics and other key demographic groups needed to make the overhaul a success.
“We know from research that when people watch entertainment television, even if they know it’s fiction, they tend to believe that the factual stuff is actually factual,” said Martin Kaplan of USC’s Norman Lear Center, which received the grant.
The public typically gets as much, if not more, information about current events from favorite TV programs as mainstream news outlets, Kaplan said, so “people learn from these shows.”
Could this help? Well Republican strategists don;t think so, which probably means yes.
One thing for sure, it certainly cannot hurt. And SOMETHING needs to be done to out maneuver the GOP message that the ACA is a train wreck and should be repealed.
Besides if Hollywood knows anything at all, it is how to educate and entertain all at the same time.
Hawaii Native Responds To NBC Report On Obama Finding Birth Certificate
Hawaii Native Miki Booth Responds To NBC Report On Obama Finding His Birth Certificate...
Miki Booth Comments on
NBC’s Altered Obama Life Story
NBC’s Altered Obama Life Story
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 5, 2013) — Constitutional activist Miki Booth was the second guest on the WheresObamasBirthCertificate radio show on Tuesday evening hosted by Mike Volin, discussing a book soon to be released by two NBC “reporters” claiming that Obama “found” his long-form birth certificate at his home in Chicago two weeks before it was posted on the White House website.
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Miki Booth was raised in Hawaii and had a child at Kapiolani Medical Center, where Obama says he was born. No hospital official will confirm Obama’s claim. |
The long-form birth certificate was declared a forgery by many document experts and the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse on March 1, 2012.
Some are now asking why Obama’s personal attorney, Judith Corley, needed to travel to Honolulu, HI on April 22, 2011 to obtain two certified copies of Obama’s original birth certificate if Obama had found the original in Chicago almost two weeks prior.
Booth said that the physician identified on Obama’s purported long-form birth certificate image is the same doctor who delivered her son in 1981 at Kapiolani, Dr. David Sinclair.
The NBC writers claim that Obama “beat the birthers in 2012,” referring to Obama’s second presidential campaign and the many remaining questions about his birthplace, documentation and background.
Douglas Vogt, who filed two affidavits with the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington with evidence of fraud, forgery and conspiracy regarding the Obama long-form birth certificate, named NBC executives and journalist Savannah Guthrie as involved in perpetuating the falsehood that the image released on April 27, 2011 is authentic.
Vogt provided the following response to the NBC writers’ claims:
Executives at GE, NBC and Savannah Guthrie are named in my Affidavits filed in the Seattle Federal Court. They know what they did and it is they who are doubling down on their lie. So, April 14th, 2011, Obama found his actual hospital birth documentation with his actual footprints on it yet on April 22nd, 2011, he had his attorney send a letter to Hawaii requesting two copies of his legal birth certificate. He then publishes a manipulated pdf of a purported birth certificate on the Internet. Then why order/create one when you purportedly have the one with PRINTS on it? Read GE’s and NBCs insolvent on my web site and learn why they are so nervous. Ask yourself: Why is NBC bringing this subject up again when it was suppose to have been a dead issue for the media? I guess its not so dead—is it?
The Post & Email read the “beat-the-birthers” excerpt and believes it was written as satire, propaganda, or a mixture of both.
Dr. Garrow rejoined the conversation and said that the “fraud” because of the birth certificate must be stopped. He complimented Booth on her research into Hawaiian birth certificates and her book, “Memoirs of a Community Organizer.”
Booth said that she became concerned when Obama’s account of his birth in Hawaii did not mesh with her knowledge of Kapiolani and other facts about Hawaii, where Booth spent most of her life before moving to Oklahoma some years ago.
Booth said she wrote the book so that there would be “a record” of “everything that has happened.” “I have a lot of Doug Vogt’s information in it,” she said, referring to the evidence of fraud and forgery confirmed by the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse.
In closing the program, Garrow said that more people “like us” are needed to elucidate the public about Obama’s fraud. He said that every time Obama speaks, he is lying.
Volin reminded the listeners of the trip to Washington, DC planned for November 18 and 19 to deliver sheriff’s kits to members of Congress. - Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Judge Issues Order For Document Experts Obama Fraud and Treason Notice
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- Judge Robart - |
United States District Judge James Robart has issued an order regarding Doug Vogt's Obama ID fraud notice requiring Vogt to show cause why his complaint should not be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.
Douglas Vogt v. Barack Obama
Before the court is Plaintiff Douglas Vogt’s complaint in which he alleges that the certificates of live birth from the State of Hawaii that President Barack Obama has publicly released are forgeries. (See Compl. (Dkt. # 1) at 1-2.) He also alleges that President Obama “was not born in Hawaii and [i]s not a US citizen,” and that a treasonous conspiracy exists among the various defendants “to take over a political party and install a Communist agent in [sic] as President of the United States so as to destroy the nation from within.” (Id. at 5.) Accordingly, he asks the court “to bring to the attention of the grand jury the evidence of criminal behavior sworn to herein.” (Id. at 9 (internal quotation marks omitted).) Having reviewed the complaint, the court ORDERS. Mr. Vogt to show cause why his complaint should not be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, as delineated below. [...]
FULL ORDER BELOW OR HERE: - Hat tip Jim Youngblood.
CDR Kerchner comments: I read what the judge wrote and my answer to him would be that Mr. Vogt is not the one who would bring the criminal charges, the grand jury would. Mr. Vogt is simply reporting crimes per the law to a federal judge and it is he, the judge who has the STANDING to refer it to a federal grand jury. The judge is setting up a strawman as to what Vogt asked for in his filing to the judge. He is reporting felonies and treason to a federal judge as outlined in the USC and the judge has the standing and duty to take action and refer it to a grand jury for review of the evidence, given the very grave nature of the crimes. CDR Kerchner (Ret)
Doug Vogt Identitfies Obama Birth Certificate Forger - Misprision of Felony Notice - 10/18/2013 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Born In Kenya; Obama's Forged Birth Certificate
Ex-CIA Operative Dr. Jim Garrow Gives Inside Info About Obama's Forged Birth Certificate...
Breaking: Dr. Jim Garrow: Obama Born in Kenya
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 5, 2013) — At 8:00 p.m. EST, Dr. Jim Garrow is a guest on the WheresObamasBirthCertificate radio show speaking about his “Pink Pagoda Girls” organization which saves infant girls from death in China.
Couples are allowed only one child in the communist country with the world’s highest population, and some decide to allow their female child to die in the hope of having a boy.
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Obama’s long-form birth certificate was determined to be a forgery by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse in March 2012 |
“It’s been “out” there ever since the 2nd of October when I was outed by the president,” Garrow said.
Host Mike Volin announced that Manning will be a guest in Washington, DC when WOBC takes information to Congress about Obama’s fraudulent long-form birth certificate.
Garrow said that there are certain things he cannot divulge because of the “Secrets Act” and the oath he took when he went into government service.
He likened Obama’s long-form birth certificate to Obamacare, about which Obama lied regarding whether or not people could keep their current insurance. He said it was “rather unbelievable” that Obama would try to pass off a fraudulent image for the authentic document.
He said he knows that it is “a fake, a fraud.” “We know that there’s no record there at Kapiolani Hospital,” Garrow said.
Volin stated that Mike Zullo, lead investigator of the Cold Case Posse which concluded the birth certificate was a forgery, had traveled to Kapiolani and not been able to verify that Obama was born there. An argument presented in opposition was that there is no “plaque” outside of Yale-New Haven Hospital indicating that George W. Bush was born there.
Garrow said he has spoken with Zullo and Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He said that “so many federal dollars” have been expended protecting Obama’s documentation. “There are so many twists and turns in his background that are not straight…the fact that monies have come to him as a result of an effort on the part of Valerie Jarrett’s father…” he said.
He reported that the Arabs gave money to “young black men” to obtain an education and that Obama benefited from the program. “Always follow the money,” Garrow said. “It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to find out what’s going on,” he said.
Volin responded that the public has been told that Obama was born in Hawaii and is therefore eligible to be president, but that the problem is that his documentation is fraudulent, including his Social Security number. Volin recounted Obama’s public life story, including his years in Indonesia and time spent with communist Frank Marshall Davis.
Garrow said that Obama traveled on a British passport to Pakistan and Afghanistan because he was “born in Kenya.” “I’m saying it,” Garrow said, regarding Obama’s birthplace. Many have believed that Obama was born in Kenya based on reports in African newspapers and other evidence.
The U.S. Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief be a “natural born Citizen,” which most Americans understand means “born in the U.S.”
He said that Obama “double-dipped and triple-dipped” by receiving a Fulbright Scholarship and spending money for college.
Garrow said that Obama was brought up a Muslim in Indonesia and that he has “played many different roles.” He suggested that Obama does not “know who he really is” because of a “damaged psyche.”
Garrow said that “there is so much more” to Obama’s background, including “traitorous things” and strange associations. He said that “hack attacks” carried out in “America” are sometimes carried out by Obama’s half-brother, who lives in China.
Obama’s various aliases were raised, then the eligibility issue. Garrow asked Volin if he believed that Obama was eligible if he were born in Kenya, to which Volin responded after a pause, “No.” However, Volin asked Garrow if Obama would be eligible if he had been born on a military base to two U.S.-citizen parents, to which Garrow answered, “Yes, he would.” Garrow said that that example applies to Sen. John McCain, who was born in Panama to two U.S.-citizen parents. McCain’s father was a Navy admiral in service to the country at the time of his son’s birth.
Volin said that “we don’t know” Obama’s background and where he grew up.
After taking a call from a listener, Garrow stated that no one else from the “intelligence community” has said anything about Obama’s background. When the caller brought up the military generals who “lost their jobs” as a result of the attack in Benghazi, Garrow responded that Valerie Jarrett actually gave the “stand-down” order without authority, since she was not elected.
Another caller asked Garrow in which field of study he obtained his Ph.D. Garrow said that his dissertation was “seized” by university officials because of its subject matter and that he cannot discuss it.
A third caller complimented Garrow on the show he recently did on which he stated that he believes that novelist Tom Clancy, journalist Michael Hastings, and Andrew Breitbart of were murdered by the U.S. government.
Having asked Garrow about Obama’s apparently Connecticut Social Security number, Garrow said that Obama is “breaking the law” by using a stolen Social Security number, referencing the alleged owner of the number, Harrison J. Bounel.
Private Investigator Susan Daniels does not believe the SSN belonged to Bounel.
Another caller asked Garrow if he has been contacted with anyone in law enforcement about Obama’s background, to which Garrow answered, “Yes, I have,” indicating that the contact stopped when Garrow’s employment with the government ended on October 2.
A caller from Iowa said that he has been active distributing flyers and sheriff’s kits to his neighbors to raise awareness of Obama’s fraudulent documentation. Garrow said that there is always something that people can do to “stand firm for truth.”
Volin commented that Obama has been “acting strange” recently.
Neil Turner from California then called in, stating that he has been active in the “eligibility” movement since 2008. Turner asked Garrow why members of the CIA and other agencies do not “speak out on the treason” regarding Obama’s usurpation of the presidency. Garrow said, “I believe that Mr. Obama is a traitor.”
Turner said that “every member of the military” knows that the “stand-down order” in Benghazi could come only from the commander-in-chief. He accused Rep. Darrell Issa of ignoring that fact by launching a lengthy investigation. “The only one who did this thing was the commander-in-chief or the person acting like him,” Turner said. “Why can’t you call him a traitor?” to which Garrow said, “I just did.” Garrow said that stating such is an “obligation.” He also confirmed that the stand-down order was given by Valerie Jarrett.
Volin said that Obama is not capable of making a decision.
Turner said Issa is his congressman, “unfortunately.” Issa sponsored a bill in 2008 to amend the “natural born Citizen” requirement. Turner has written to Issa on many occasions as well as visited him in his district office about the Obama forgery issue.
Volin said that “about 50 congressmen” have received his Sheriff’s Kit to date. He stated that members of Congress now “realize that there is a problem with the birth certificate.”
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
FLASHBACK: Ex-CIA: Marxist Obama Had Breitbart & Clancy Killed - DETAILS HERE.
23-year-old wins World Series of Poker, $8.4 million
Ryan Riess and his fans react as the river card is turned eliminating Amir Lehavot and advancing him to the final two players during the World Series of Poker Final Table, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013, in Las Vegas.
23-year-old Michigan native Ryan Riess defeated Jay Farber for the $8.4 million payout in the World Series of Poker Final Table in Las Vegas on Nov. 5.
LAS VEGAS — A 23-year-old poker pro from Michigan won the World Series of Poker main event late Tuesday, claiming the $8.4 million title after pushing past his last opponent in a brief, dramatic match.
Ryan Riess started out behind on Tuesday, but used cleverly varied play to seize and maintain a lead amid the unpredictability of no-limit Texas Hold 'em.
On the last hand, 29-year-old Las Vegas club promoter Jay Farber went all-in with a Queen-Five. Riess, dealt an Ace-King, rightly suspected his opponent wasn't holding much and called instantly.
Riess backed into the stands to watch the cards turn, and won the championship with the arms of his girlfriend around his shoulders.
Moments later, he kissed the diamond-encrusted championship bracelet he's been chasing since he was 14 years old. After tearfully thanking his friends and family, he told reporters, "I just think I'm the best player in the world."
Riess came out sparring as the night began at the 1,600-seat theater at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino off the Las Vegas Strip. Rubber-banded stacks of hundred dollar bills representing the grand prize sat on the table like a third player.
Farber started 19 million chips ahead with 105 million, but Riess soon brought the score virtually even. The tide turned definitively about two hours in, when Riess took a $58.5 million pot with pocket Jacks.
Read Full Article Source here
By Hannah Dreier of Associated Press
Texas Republicans choose Ted Cruz as the Republican candidate they would most like to see crushed by Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Courtesy of the Texas Tribune:
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz remains the star of the Texas Republican Party, leading the pack in the GOP’s 2016 presidential sweepstakes in Texas and maintaining high rankings from conservative voters even after the federal government shutdown, according to the new University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll.
Cruz’s unfavorable rankings increased by 6 percentage points since June, and his favorable rankings fell by 2; 38 percent of Texas registered voters had a favorable opinion of him, while 37 percent gave him unfavorable marks.
But the real story is in the underlying numbers: Democrats don’t seem to like Cruz, Republicans like him a lot and those who identify themselves as Tea Party voters love him.
“He is far and away the center of gravity among Republican Party officials in Texas right now,” said Jim Henson, co-director of the UT/TT Poll and head of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin. “He is very secure in the Republican Party right now, in terms of both favorability and name recognition. He is where it’s at.”
"He is where it's at."
If "where it's at" happens to be on a journey toward a humiliating defeat at the hands America's first female President, than he just might be.
At this point I don't really care who on that list the Republicans nominate because I give none of them a chance in hell. However if the Republicans actually put Ted Cruz up against Hillary Clinton this may turn out to be the most entertaining presidential election in Americans history.
Could a political blogger really get so lucky?