Sunday, June 22, 2014
Judge Jeannine goes full retard in over the top rant at President Obama.
It just so happened that I caught most of this as I sat down to enjoy the burger I bought for my one day a week fast food splurge.
I was literally only about two bites in when Pirro started screaming at me like an under medicated psychotic, and I stopped with my mouth full of burger and just watched wondering if her head might explode.
Not only was she completely losing her shit, but the folks over at Americans Against the Tea Party also point out that she got just about every fact wrong:
She accuses the Obama administration of working with the terrorists, citing a WorldNewsDaily piece:
“There have been reports saying ISIS was trained by US instructors at a secret base in Jordan.”
What she wants to do is attack the president, and go for the jugular. What she does, however, is prove that she can’t read, and won’t fact check, making this just another day at FOX.
She goes on to say that the president “didn’t have the balls” to try every prisoner at Gitmo. She lies about the Obama administration releasing Al-Baghdadi, and she suggests that there’s something suspicious about it taking the US two years to capture Khattala while implying that Khattala was lying about the cause for the Benghazi attack, because dreams die hard.
Her solution to the problem in the Middle East? Bomb them, and bomb them hard. She wants the bombs crashing down, just like FOX’s ratings. She closes by condemning Obama for “cutting deals with Iran,”accusing the president of “danc[ing] around with your political correctness while they sharpen their knives,” and admonishes him for playing a “very dangerous game, for which you are ill-prepared.”
She says that Americans don’t trust him “for good reason,” because they’re “not even convinced [he] know[s] who the enemy is!”
I have watched a few of Pirro's rants in the past, as they are often good for a laugh.
But it seems to me that her mental health seems to be deteriorating as time goes on.
In fact this one, especially with her talking right at the President as if he had time to listen to the rantings of a lunatic, reminded very much of somebody else we all know and loathe.
It kind of makes me wonder if pretty soon there will be a new category added to the DSM-5 labeled the Obama Derangement Syndrome?
I have to imagine that if it happened there would be plenty of people at Fox News, and in Congress, who would qualify for some spanking new medications.
I was literally only about two bites in when Pirro started screaming at me like an under medicated psychotic, and I stopped with my mouth full of burger and just watched wondering if her head might explode.
Not only was she completely losing her shit, but the folks over at Americans Against the Tea Party also point out that she got just about every fact wrong:
She accuses the Obama administration of working with the terrorists, citing a WorldNewsDaily piece:
“There have been reports saying ISIS was trained by US instructors at a secret base in Jordan.”
What she wants to do is attack the president, and go for the jugular. What she does, however, is prove that she can’t read, and won’t fact check, making this just another day at FOX.
She goes on to say that the president “didn’t have the balls” to try every prisoner at Gitmo. She lies about the Obama administration releasing Al-Baghdadi, and she suggests that there’s something suspicious about it taking the US two years to capture Khattala while implying that Khattala was lying about the cause for the Benghazi attack, because dreams die hard.
Her solution to the problem in the Middle East? Bomb them, and bomb them hard. She wants the bombs crashing down, just like FOX’s ratings. She closes by condemning Obama for “cutting deals with Iran,”accusing the president of “danc[ing] around with your political correctness while they sharpen their knives,” and admonishes him for playing a “very dangerous game, for which you are ill-prepared.”
She says that Americans don’t trust him “for good reason,” because they’re “not even convinced [he] know[s] who the enemy is!”
I have watched a few of Pirro's rants in the past, as they are often good for a laugh.
But it seems to me that her mental health seems to be deteriorating as time goes on.
In fact this one, especially with her talking right at the President as if he had time to listen to the rantings of a lunatic, reminded very much of somebody else we all know and loathe.
It kind of makes me wonder if pretty soon there will be a new category added to the DSM-5 labeled the Obama Derangement Syndrome?
I have to imagine that if it happened there would be plenty of people at Fox News, and in Congress, who would qualify for some spanking new medications.
Man writes openly on Facebook about wanting to kill his wife, while also praising the gun show loophole. Now under arrest. Apparently no "I was only joking on Facebook" loophole.
Courtesy of Freakout Nation:
Just before his arrest, Kevin Colgan’s Facebook page was inundated with references to hiring a hitman in order to have his estranged wife killed. On June 12th, the Roanoke, Virginia resident wrote, “I know it is illegal to say “I’m going to kill you”. (Hard to convict even with perjured testimony. Question: is it it also illegal to ask someone to kill? Or to say you woul like to eventually?”
Various threats were left. In May, Colgan wrote, “Gotta love the “gun show loophole”. I found a Glock. Cost me $400 but I’m no longer defenseless. I just need to learn how to use it. Thankfully I can take classes without using mine.”
One of his last Facebook posts describes his wife and references a picture of her home. He adds, “Usually works either 8-4:30 0r 9-:30. Takes about an hour for her to get to work and return so she is usually there from 6:30pm to 7:30am Need anything else just let me know the usual way. Oh and don’t forget she is armed. It is front bedroom on right of house second floor.”
One of the man's friends tries to talk some sense into him, but Colgan keeps asserting that posting about the possibility to somebody killing his wife, while also openly talking about finding a hitman, is not illegal.
And remember, thanks to that gun show loophole he could have actually killed his wife anytime he wanted to.
Colgan also posted this on June 15:
Yippee. Found someone to take care of my problem. And with the money I have reserved,. Should be done within 30 days.
That was enough for the police to Roanoke police to respond and now Mr. Colgan can spend his days fantasizing about not getting stabbed in the shower instead of having his wife killed.
Just before his arrest, Kevin Colgan’s Facebook page was inundated with references to hiring a hitman in order to have his estranged wife killed. On June 12th, the Roanoke, Virginia resident wrote, “I know it is illegal to say “I’m going to kill you”. (Hard to convict even with perjured testimony. Question: is it it also illegal to ask someone to kill? Or to say you woul like to eventually?”
Various threats were left. In May, Colgan wrote, “Gotta love the “gun show loophole”. I found a Glock. Cost me $400 but I’m no longer defenseless. I just need to learn how to use it. Thankfully I can take classes without using mine.”
One of his last Facebook posts describes his wife and references a picture of her home. He adds, “Usually works either 8-4:30 0r 9-:30. Takes about an hour for her to get to work and return so she is usually there from 6:30pm to 7:30am Need anything else just let me know the usual way. Oh and don’t forget she is armed. It is front bedroom on right of house second floor.”
One of the man's friends tries to talk some sense into him, but Colgan keeps asserting that posting about the possibility to somebody killing his wife, while also openly talking about finding a hitman, is not illegal.
And remember, thanks to that gun show loophole he could have actually killed his wife anytime he wanted to.
Colgan also posted this on June 15:
Yippee. Found someone to take care of my problem. And with the money I have reserved,. Should be done within 30 days.
That was enough for the police to Roanoke police to respond and now Mr. Colgan can spend his days fantasizing about not getting stabbed in the shower instead of having his wife killed.
New book exploring the 2nd Amendment will NOT make the Ammosexuals very happy.
Click here to purchase. |
As America grapples with a relentless tide of gun violence, pro-gun activists have come to rely on the Second Amendment as their trusty shield when faced with mass-shooting-induced criticism. In their interpretation, the amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms—a reading that was upheld by the Supreme Court in its 2008 ruling in District of Columbia. v. Heller. Yet most judges and scholars who debated the clause's awkwardly worded and oddly punctuated 27 words in the decades before Heller almost always arrived at the opposite conclusion, finding that the amendment protects gun ownership for purposes of military duty and collective security. It was drafted, after all, in the first years of post-colonial America, an era of scrappy citizen militias where the idea of a standing army—like that of the just-expelled British—evoked deep mistrust.
In his new book, The Second Amendment: A Biography, Michael Waldman, president of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University, digs into this discrepancy. What does the Second Amendment mean today, and what has it meant over time? He traces the history of the contentious clause and the legal reasoning behind it, from the Constitutional Convention to modern courtrooms.
So what exactly did Mr. Waldman discover about the history of the 2nd Amendment?
MJ: What preconceived notions about the Second Amendment did the history that you uncovered confirm or debunk?
MW: There are surprises in this book for people who support gun control, and people who are for gun rights. When the Supreme Court ruled in Heller, Justice Scalia said he was following his doctrine of originalism. But when you actually go back and look at the debate that went into drafting of the amendment, you can squint and look really hard, but there's simply no evidence of it being about individual gun ownership for self-protection or for hunting. Emphatically, the focus was on the militias. To the framers, that phrase "a well-regulated militia" was really critical. In the debates, in James Madison's notes of the Constitutional Convention, on the floor of the House of Representatives as they wrote the Second Amendment, all the focus was about the militias. Now at the same time, those militias are not the National Guard. Every adult man, and eventually every adult white man, was required to be in the militias and was required to own a gun, and to bring it from home. So it was an individual right to fulfill the duty to serve in the militias.
You know I have a friend, some of you may actually know of him, who is always going on about the fact that we really cannot make any truly effective long term gun laws until somebody in the government finds the balls to revisit the 2nd Amendment and rewrite it so that it makes sense in our modern world.
I usually get pissed at him and tell him that suggesting that is a cop out for not wanting to do anything, since there is NO way that in this political climate we could ever attempt to modernize the 2nd Amendment.
However just between you and I, he is not exactly wrong.
As long as the Amendment remains so poorly written, and open to interpretation, it will continue to interfere with our efforts to protect our citizens from senseless gun violence.
But hey, perhaps we will in the near future finally get a Supreme Court that understands the Amendment and reinterprets it to help Congress pass mandatory laws gun registration laws, ban military style weapons, and make mental health background checks a must before giving every Tom, Dick, and Dirty Harry a weapon for killing other human beings.
Justice Antony Scalia 78 years old.
Justice Anthony Kennedy 77 years old.
Justice Clarence Thomas 65 years old.
Justice Samuel Alito 64 years old
If the Democrats manage to hold on to the White House for two more terms it COULD happen!
President and Mrs; Obama want their daughters to work minimum pay jobs. What, no reality show?
President and Mrs; Obama want their daughters to work minimum pay jobs. What, no reality show?
Courtesy of MSNBC: President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama want their children to experience the virtues of hard work at minimum-wage pay.
“I think every kid needs to get a taste of what it’s like to do that real hard work,” Michelle Obama said in an interview with Parade magazine published Friday.
“We are looking for opportunities for them to feel as if going to work and getting a paycheck is not always fun, not always stimulating, not always fair,” President Obama added. “But that’s what most folks go through every single day.”
I 100% agree with this sentiment, and applaud the first family for teaching their two girls the importance of hard work and the joy of independence.
I mean with their connections they could easily put their girls on the path to easy street, with book deals, reality shows, buy them a beauty shop to work in, or simply pay them to stay out of trouble and not embarrass them.
But really what kind of crappy parent would do that?
Christian radio host arrested for sexual assault involving a minor. I believe I have written some variation of this same headline multiple times now.
Courtesy of M Live:
John Balyo, the WCSG radio personality arrested Friday on a sex assault allegation involving a young boy, was taken into custody at the Big Ticket Festival, one of the nation's largest Christian music events, police confirmed.
Balyo, 35, of Caledonia, was arrested about 11:30 a.m. June 20 without incident, Battle Creek police Sgt. Jim Martens said.
Martens said Balyo was identified through investigations following the arrest of another man, Ronald Moser, of Battle Creek. Moser was arrested after police searched his residence on June 5.
The charge against Balyo involves a single incident in May, Martens said. Homeland Security Investigation agents allege he paid a man, identified as Moser, to arrange a sexual encounter with a minor. Martens declined to discuss specific details of the case against Balyo.
Earlier it was reported that Balyo had been placed on paid leave, but now the radio station is saying that he is no longer affiliated with them.
Gee, ya think?
You know just the other day I was asked by the parent of a young boy that I am working with whether or not I am gay. Of course the subtext being that people believe that gay men are more likely to also be pedophiles.
That of course is incorrect, but part of the reason that such prejudice continues is that some churches either actively push that meme, or subtly suggest it from the pulpit.
In fact you may remember that even Vladimir Putin used that argument in order to oppress homosexuals in Russia.
However from my perspective it really seems that if one were to try and link pedophilia to one demographic it would overwhelmingly be that of Christians. And more appropriately, Evangelical or Fundamentalist Christians.
I'm just saying.
John Balyo, the WCSG radio personality arrested Friday on a sex assault allegation involving a young boy, was taken into custody at the Big Ticket Festival, one of the nation's largest Christian music events, police confirmed.
Balyo, 35, of Caledonia, was arrested about 11:30 a.m. June 20 without incident, Battle Creek police Sgt. Jim Martens said.
Martens said Balyo was identified through investigations following the arrest of another man, Ronald Moser, of Battle Creek. Moser was arrested after police searched his residence on June 5.
The charge against Balyo involves a single incident in May, Martens said. Homeland Security Investigation agents allege he paid a man, identified as Moser, to arrange a sexual encounter with a minor. Martens declined to discuss specific details of the case against Balyo.
Earlier it was reported that Balyo had been placed on paid leave, but now the radio station is saying that he is no longer affiliated with them.
Gee, ya think?
You know just the other day I was asked by the parent of a young boy that I am working with whether or not I am gay. Of course the subtext being that people believe that gay men are more likely to also be pedophiles.
That of course is incorrect, but part of the reason that such prejudice continues is that some churches either actively push that meme, or subtly suggest it from the pulpit.
In fact you may remember that even Vladimir Putin used that argument in order to oppress homosexuals in Russia.
However from my perspective it really seems that if one were to try and link pedophilia to one demographic it would overwhelmingly be that of Christians. And more appropriately, Evangelical or Fundamentalist Christians.
I'm just saying.
Former New York Times reporter Judith Miller upset that the media keeps wanting to "beat up on who was responsible for the Iraq War." Yes, how unreasonable of them.
Courtesy of Media Matters:
ON SCOTT: There has been Iraq fatigue among the public in this country for a long time. What about the media?
JUDITH MILLER: Not the media. Not so, because the media still loves to beat up on who was responsible for the Iraq War, and who is to blame for the current controversy, the current crisis, and that is not helpful, Jon. What we should be doing, what the media should be doing, is encouraging everyone who has a view of what to do now in Iraq to come forward and to discuss it rationally. But they're doing the opposite. They're trying to shut down people like Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, all of the, quote, "neo-conservatives," who brought us this war. It's not helpful.
You know usually I would be shocked that a so-called reporter would say something like this out loud. But this is Judith "They're using aluminum tubes to make atomic weapons in Iraq" Miller.
She was one of the "journalists" who helped the Bush Administration sell the war to America, and she has almost as muhc blood on her hands as Dick Cheney and George Bush.
Here is what Salon wrote about her in 2005:
Miller was a consistent critic of Saddam’s regime, but before 1998 she was capable of making nuanced judgments about the problem it posed for the United States. At some point after that, she apparently began to believe that she, with her prescient expertise about WMD and radical Islam, and her hawkish and neocon sources were right. This was when her fateful decline began. A minor scientist and sometime college teacher such as Khidhir Hamza became “the highest ranking scientist” to defect from Iraq. She relayed complaints from Gucci revolutionaries like Chalabi that they had been left out of the loop by the Clinton administration, and retailed Iraq National Congress tall tales to her unsuspecting audience. By the late 1990s, she had laid the ground for her subsequent path, of becoming stenographer to a motley crew of neoconservative hawks and Iraqi expatriate wheelers and dealers. The aluminum tubes story, in particular, which she co-wrote and which helped pave the way to war, will likely be taught in journalism classes for years as a textbook study of flawed reporting. In the end, Miller’s decline seems due more to professional ambition than ideological conviction — although her own beliefs clearly grew closer to the neocons’.
“While Miller might not have intended to march in lockstep with these hawks, she was caught up in an almost irresistible cycle,” Foer writes. “Because she kept printing the neocon party line, the neocons kept coming to her with huge stories and great quotes, constantly expanding her access.”
In the end, it seems that Miller will go down in history not so much as a true believer as a useful idiot.
I think "useful idiot" might be the kindest thing that can be said about Judith Miller.
In fact her reporting was so bad, that the New York Times had to officially apologize for it in 2004.
And of course she could not be more wrong about what a reporter's job is concerning Iraq, and what happens going forward.
ON SCOTT: There has been Iraq fatigue among the public in this country for a long time. What about the media?
JUDITH MILLER: Not the media. Not so, because the media still loves to beat up on who was responsible for the Iraq War, and who is to blame for the current controversy, the current crisis, and that is not helpful, Jon. What we should be doing, what the media should be doing, is encouraging everyone who has a view of what to do now in Iraq to come forward and to discuss it rationally. But they're doing the opposite. They're trying to shut down people like Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, all of the, quote, "neo-conservatives," who brought us this war. It's not helpful.
You know usually I would be shocked that a so-called reporter would say something like this out loud. But this is Judith "They're using aluminum tubes to make atomic weapons in Iraq" Miller.
She was one of the "journalists" who helped the Bush Administration sell the war to America, and she has almost as muhc blood on her hands as Dick Cheney and George Bush.
Here is what Salon wrote about her in 2005:
Miller was a consistent critic of Saddam’s regime, but before 1998 she was capable of making nuanced judgments about the problem it posed for the United States. At some point after that, she apparently began to believe that she, with her prescient expertise about WMD and radical Islam, and her hawkish and neocon sources were right. This was when her fateful decline began. A minor scientist and sometime college teacher such as Khidhir Hamza became “the highest ranking scientist” to defect from Iraq. She relayed complaints from Gucci revolutionaries like Chalabi that they had been left out of the loop by the Clinton administration, and retailed Iraq National Congress tall tales to her unsuspecting audience. By the late 1990s, she had laid the ground for her subsequent path, of becoming stenographer to a motley crew of neoconservative hawks and Iraqi expatriate wheelers and dealers. The aluminum tubes story, in particular, which she co-wrote and which helped pave the way to war, will likely be taught in journalism classes for years as a textbook study of flawed reporting. In the end, Miller’s decline seems due more to professional ambition than ideological conviction — although her own beliefs clearly grew closer to the neocons’.
“While Miller might not have intended to march in lockstep with these hawks, she was caught up in an almost irresistible cycle,” Foer writes. “Because she kept printing the neocon party line, the neocons kept coming to her with huge stories and great quotes, constantly expanding her access.”
In the end, it seems that Miller will go down in history not so much as a true believer as a useful idiot.
I think "useful idiot" might be the kindest thing that can be said about Judith Miller.
In fact her reporting was so bad, that the New York Times had to officially apologize for it in 2004.
And of course she could not be more wrong about what a reporter's job is concerning Iraq, and what happens going forward.
Leaders of the Presbyterian church reread the Bible and decide, you know what, gay marriage IS Christian.
Courtesy of NBC News:
The top legislative body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted by large margins Thursday to recognize same-sex marriage as Christian in the church constitution, adding language that marriage can be the union of "two people," not just "a man and a woman."
The amendment approved by the Presbyterian General Assembly requires approval from a majority of the 172 regional presbyteries, which will vote on the change over the next year. But in a separate policy change that takes effect at the end of this week's meeting, delegates voted to allow ministers to preside at gay weddings in states where the unions are legal and local congregational leaders approve. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia recognize same-sex marriage.
The votes, during a national meeting in Detroit, were a sweeping victory for Presbyterian gay-rights advocates. The denomination in 2011 eliminated barriers to ordaining clergy with same-sex partners, but ministers were still barred from celebrating gay marriages and risked church penalties for doing so. Alex McNeill, executive director of More Light Presbyterians, a gay advocacy group, said the decisions Thursday were "an answer to many prayers."
Oh man, this is going to make conservative's heads explode.
I swear it's almost a shame NOT to be gay in this day and age.
The top legislative body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted by large margins Thursday to recognize same-sex marriage as Christian in the church constitution, adding language that marriage can be the union of "two people," not just "a man and a woman."
The amendment approved by the Presbyterian General Assembly requires approval from a majority of the 172 regional presbyteries, which will vote on the change over the next year. But in a separate policy change that takes effect at the end of this week's meeting, delegates voted to allow ministers to preside at gay weddings in states where the unions are legal and local congregational leaders approve. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia recognize same-sex marriage.
The votes, during a national meeting in Detroit, were a sweeping victory for Presbyterian gay-rights advocates. The denomination in 2011 eliminated barriers to ordaining clergy with same-sex partners, but ministers were still barred from celebrating gay marriages and risked church penalties for doing so. Alex McNeill, executive director of More Light Presbyterians, a gay advocacy group, said the decisions Thursday were "an answer to many prayers."
Oh man, this is going to make conservative's heads explode.
I swear it's almost a shame NOT to be gay in this day and age.
Bill Maher's New Rules from last night's show.
I thought the episode was very funny, and I liked how Maher closed it out on the issue of Iraq.
Maher compared America's fixation with trying to bring democracy to rogue nations to a woman who always believes she can "fix" a man by smothering him with love.
I was really tired last night for some reason, so I may not have been thinking clearly, which might explain why during the conversations I kept finding myself agreeing with Glenn Greenwald on most of the issues.
I don't really like him, but he really did have a valid point more times than not last night.
And Maher's point that in order for America to do anything about what is going on in Iraq right now we essentially have to choose sides in a religious conflict, is also dead on.
Maher compared America's fixation with trying to bring democracy to rogue nations to a woman who always believes she can "fix" a man by smothering him with love.
I was really tired last night for some reason, so I may not have been thinking clearly, which might explain why during the conversations I kept finding myself agreeing with Glenn Greenwald on most of the issues.
I don't really like him, but he really did have a valid point more times than not last night.
And Maher's point that in order for America to do anything about what is going on in Iraq right now we essentially have to choose sides in a religious conflict, is also dead on.
Smith and Wesson gun sales down dramatically. Finally some good news about guns.
Courtesy of Business Insider:
Gunmaker Smith & Wesson is down big after last night saying its sales in the upcoming year will decline.
In morning trade, shares are down nearly 10%.
For its fiscal year 2015, the company said sales are expected to be between $585 million and $600 million. Analysts were expecting sales of more than $620 million.
At first I thought perhaps this was because Smith and Wesson did not make military style weapons, because you know I don't really know much about gun manufacturing.
But as it turns out they do, so that cannot be the reason.
So hey maybe people are starting to recognize that owning guns rarely keeps people safe, but instead significantly contributes to accidental deaths and suicides?
That would seem to the be case laid out by a CNN report from 2012, where it was determined that there are fewer gun owners, yet they tend to own numerous guns:
A decreasing number of American gun owners own two-thirds of the nation's guns and as many as one-third of the guns on the planet -- even though they account for less than 1% of the world's population, according to a CNN analysis of gun ownership data.
Which kind of makes me wonder if these recent Open Carry protests are contributing to the diminishing number of Americans interested in owning weapons since gun owners are increasingly seen as frightened, insecure, man children walking around with visible penile substitutes in a desperate attempt to seem masculine?
Gunmaker Smith & Wesson is down big after last night saying its sales in the upcoming year will decline.
In morning trade, shares are down nearly 10%.
For its fiscal year 2015, the company said sales are expected to be between $585 million and $600 million. Analysts were expecting sales of more than $620 million.
At first I thought perhaps this was because Smith and Wesson did not make military style weapons, because you know I don't really know much about gun manufacturing.
Smith and Wesson's M&P 10 |
But as it turns out they do, so that cannot be the reason.
So hey maybe people are starting to recognize that owning guns rarely keeps people safe, but instead significantly contributes to accidental deaths and suicides?
That would seem to the be case laid out by a CNN report from 2012, where it was determined that there are fewer gun owners, yet they tend to own numerous guns:
A decreasing number of American gun owners own two-thirds of the nation's guns and as many as one-third of the guns on the planet -- even though they account for less than 1% of the world's population, according to a CNN analysis of gun ownership data.
Which kind of makes me wonder if these recent Open Carry protests are contributing to the diminishing number of Americans interested in owning weapons since gun owners are increasingly seen as frightened, insecure, man children walking around with visible penile substitutes in a desperate attempt to seem masculine?
Smith and Wesson gun sales down dramatically. Finally some good news about guns.
Well that's my theory at least.Source
If the whole country were gay President Obama would probably get elected President for Life.
Just a reminder to the trolls that this is not supposed to be taken literally. |
A year after the Supreme Court struck down a law barring federal recognition of gay marriages, the Obama administration granted an array of new benefits Friday to same-sex couples, including those who live in states where gay marriage is against the law.
The new measures range from Social Security and veterans benefits to work leave for caring for sick spouses. They are part of President Barack Obama's efforts to expand whatever protections he can offer to gays and lesbians even though more than half of the states don't recognize gay marriage. That effort has been confounded by laws that say some benefits should be conferred only to couples whose marriages are recognized by the states where they live, rather than the states where they were married.
Aiming to circumvent that issue, the Veterans Affairs Department will start letting gay people who tell the government they are married to a veteran to be buried alongside them in a national cemetery, drawing on the VA's authority to waive the usual marriage requirement.
In a similar move, the Social Security Administration will start processing some survivor and death benefits for those in same-sex relationships who live in states that don't recognize gay marriage. Nineteen states plus the District of Columbia currently recognize gay marriage, although court challenges to gay marriage bans are pending in many states.
My daughter says that some of her friends are disappointed in the President over the NSA spying and sending troops back into Iraq, but her gay friends think that he is the best thing since sliced bread.