Saturday, March 22, 2014
Purity balls, where young girls "gift" their virginity to their fathers until marriage. Just as creepy as it sounds.
Courtesy of the Daily Mail:
Purity balls, in which a girl pledges to remain ‘pure’ until her wedding day, symbolically ‘marries’ God, and promises her father that she will remain a virgin until she's a wife, have become a phenomenon in America, now taking place in 48 out of the 50 states.
The balls resemble giant wedding ceremonies, with the girls - all around the age of 12 - wearing white gowns and dancing with their fathers who promise to ‘protect’ their daughter’s chastity.
During the ceremony, fathers present their daughters with purity rings, which they wear to symbolise their commitment to virginity.
In the movement purity means no sexual contact of any kind, including kisses, until after marriage.
One of the largest father-faughter purity balls - which is the subject of a Nightline Prime investigation - has been held for 14 consecutive years in Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. The event sees upwards of 60 fathers pledging to ‘protect their daughter’s choices for purity'.
Fathers taking part are expected to sign a ‘purity covenant’ in which they, as ‘High Priest of their home and family’ pledge ‘before God to cover my daughter as her authority and protection in the area of purity.’
The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.
"You're married to the Lord, and your father is your boyfriend." Holy crap that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up.
This idea of virginity being some sacred entity which must be protected at all cost, and that the loss of it stains a woman's virtue beyond repair, is based on primitive concepts and has no real value in this day and age.
As a father we should be prepared to defend our daughters against ne'er do wells, give them good advice about sex, and comfort when their hearts get broken, but we should NOT be constantly involved in their sex life of dictating when and with whom that can begin.
So creepy!
Purity balls, in which a girl pledges to remain ‘pure’ until her wedding day, symbolically ‘marries’ God, and promises her father that she will remain a virgin until she's a wife, have become a phenomenon in America, now taking place in 48 out of the 50 states.
The balls resemble giant wedding ceremonies, with the girls - all around the age of 12 - wearing white gowns and dancing with their fathers who promise to ‘protect’ their daughter’s chastity.
During the ceremony, fathers present their daughters with purity rings, which they wear to symbolise their commitment to virginity.
In the movement purity means no sexual contact of any kind, including kisses, until after marriage.
One of the largest father-faughter purity balls - which is the subject of a Nightline Prime investigation - has been held for 14 consecutive years in Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. The event sees upwards of 60 fathers pledging to ‘protect their daughter’s choices for purity'.
Fathers taking part are expected to sign a ‘purity covenant’ in which they, as ‘High Priest of their home and family’ pledge ‘before God to cover my daughter as her authority and protection in the area of purity.’
The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.
"You're married to the Lord, and your father is your boyfriend." Holy crap that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up.
This idea of virginity being some sacred entity which must be protected at all cost, and that the loss of it stains a woman's virtue beyond repair, is based on primitive concepts and has no real value in this day and age.
As a father we should be prepared to defend our daughters against ne'er do wells, give them good advice about sex, and comfort when their hearts get broken, but we should NOT be constantly involved in their sex life of dictating when and with whom that can begin.
So creepy!
Creationists demand equal airtime to refute Neil deGrasse Tyson's Cosmos.
"Science is not there for you to cherry pick." |
Creationists demand equal airtime to refute Neil deGrasse Tyson's Cosmos.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
Creationists held a pity party for themselves Thursday because “Cosmos” isn’t being fair and balanced to their beliefs.
“Creationists aren’t even on the radar screen for them, they wouldn’t even consider us plausible at all,” said Danny Falkner, of Answers In Genesis, which has previously complained about the show.
Falkner appeared Thursday on “The Janet Mefford Show” to complain the Fox television series and its host, Neil deGrasse Tyson, had marginalized those with dissenting views on accepted scientific truths, reported Right Wing Watch.
“I don’t recall seeing any interviews with people – that may yet come – but it’s based upon the narration from the host and then various types of little video clips of various things, cartoons and things like that,” Falkner said.
Mefferd said the show should at least offer viewers a false compromise.
“Boy, but when you have so many scientists who simply do not accept Darwinian evolution, it seems to me that that might be something to throw in there, you know, the old, ‘some scientists say this, others disagree and think this,’ but that’s not even allowed,” she said.
I do not personally represent Cosmos, nor Professor Tyson, but I would like to answer this request on behalf of all critically thinking science lovers.
Oh HELL no!
There is not one scintilla of true scientific knowledge contained in the "research" of Creationism.
The entire movement is based on misunderstanding, misrepresenting, and misappropriating scientific terms in order to cobble together a presentation that fools small children and addle brained adults.
If every ounce of scientific discovery made by a so-called Creationist were suddenly transformed into dynamite it would not add up to enough explosive force to equal an ant fart.
These people are charlatans and should be tar and feathered, and run out of town to protect our children from their brain cell murdering nonsense.
And I am pretty sure Professor Tyson agrees with that.
“You don’t talk about the spherical Earth with NASA, and then say let’s give equal time to the flat Earthers,” Tyson told CNN. “Plus, science is not there for you to cherry pick.”
It is time for these superstitions dipshits to read the writing on the wall. Their time is rapidly coming to a close, and the new religion is science. Which, by the way, does NOT require a suspension of critical thinking skills either.
In fact, it requires just the opposite.
Somebody decides to interview Todd Palin about the table scrap his wife threw his way, narrating the Sportsman Channel's Iditarod coverage.
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Look this is the job I got for you, so stop bitching and just do it! |
I will provide all of Todd's girly voiced quotes here:
Palin is usually a behind-the-scenes guy. The supportive spouse. But he felt compelled to get the word out about the Iditarod. "I'll do whatever I can to promote this great race," Palin told Breitbart Sports. "I know some of the mushers and I know how much work it is to take part in it." (There are mushers living in Wasilla, and it is conceivable that Todd knows some of them, but I seriously doubt he knows muhc about the work that goes into their races.)
While not a camera hog by any stretch of the imagination, Palin enjoyed filming the special programming. "I don't like to watch myself on TV," said Palin. (We don't either.) "But this was a lot of fun."
The Palin family is no stranger to the iconic Iditarod. "They used to have the restart in Wasilla before they moved it to Willow for the more consistent snow," Palin said. "We watched for many years with the kids on snowmachines. It's a big event for all Alaskans."
While Palin is not a musher, he is a champion Iron Dog racer. His success in Alaska's other big race gives him a special appreciation for those who take part in the Iditarod. "Both are the ultimate," Palin said. "In certain stretches, you can actually go faster than a snowmachine when mushing with a dog team. They're so powerful, sometimes you're just hanging on." (Yes except for most consider the Iron Dog the race run by those without the cojones to run the much more challenging Iditarod.)
"The people involved in this are just like the Iron Dog family," Palin said. "A tight knit group that will help anyone, anyway they can."
Todd and Sarah Palin attended the Iditarod Mushers Banquet in Anchorage this year to show their support for the big race and all those who participate in it. (And by "Show their support" they mean receive a paycheck for making an appearance and talking about a sport that they know nothing about.)
"I'm just thankful that Sportsman Channel was excited to show the Iditarod and to come up here to share these ultimate races with the rest of the nation," said Palin.
The Iditarod is now over, and most people who wanted to watch the race, were able to do so either on news programs here in Alaska, where it was heavily covered. (Unlike the Iron Dog.) Or by purchasing Insider subscriptions which provided unfiltered access to the race. (And no high pitched voice clumsily describing things to them either.)
I have not yet heard how the Iditarod folks feel about a Palin being connected to their race, but I cannot imagine they are very happy about it.
After all virtually NOBODY wants to associate with the Palins anymore.
I think it is pretty clear that this gig is part of Palin's negotiation with the Sportsman Channel to employ her layabout family in some way along with her.
I imagine that Willow has been put in charge of her wig, and when Sarah flies down to Arizona to film her segments, Bristol will be standing by with her newly minted "skin school" diploma and a shovel full of spackling paste to fill in her craters.
After all the family that grifts together begrudgingly stays together.
In order to illustrate Bill Kristol, of the Weekly Standard's, lack of credibility, Rachel Maddow uses his biggest screw up, Sarah Palin.
Click gut to play video |
Rachel describes the famous cruise to Juneau in which the staff of the Weekly Standard were first exposed to Sarah Palin's political pole dance, and how they swooned in response, and then did everything they could to pimp her to their conservative audiences.
She goes on to point out many other fumbles and poor predictions that followed, but all pale in comparison to the biggest mistake of all.
Baptist pastor steals $170,000 from elderly member of church. Parishioner claims “He’s the best pastor this town and state has ever had.”
Courtesy of Raw Story:
A Baptist pastor in Connecticut was arrested this week after being accused of stealing more than $170,000 from an elderly woman who was a member of his church.
According to Attorney Joseph Mager, who is currently serving as conservator for the victim, a probate judge first noticed inconsistencies in the woman’s bank account while 67-year-old Stratford Baptist Church Pastor Robert Genevicz was the acting conservator in 2013.
After more than $170,000 went missing from the account, police launched an investigation. Genevicz turned himself in to authorities on Wednesday.
A judge had previously ordered Genevicz to pay the woman $170,000 within 30 days. Mager filed a lawsuit when the pastor failed to come up with the money.
“It’s just awful for this poor woman,” Mager explained. “Right now, she’s in an assisted living facility and her money is dwindling very quickly.”
WVIT spoke to members of the church who were standing behind Genevicz.
“A hundred percent,” one parishioner said. “He’s the best pastor this town and state has ever had.”
Must be more of that faith inspired morality I keep hearing about.
A Baptist pastor in Connecticut was arrested this week after being accused of stealing more than $170,000 from an elderly woman who was a member of his church.
According to Attorney Joseph Mager, who is currently serving as conservator for the victim, a probate judge first noticed inconsistencies in the woman’s bank account while 67-year-old Stratford Baptist Church Pastor Robert Genevicz was the acting conservator in 2013.
After more than $170,000 went missing from the account, police launched an investigation. Genevicz turned himself in to authorities on Wednesday.
A judge had previously ordered Genevicz to pay the woman $170,000 within 30 days. Mager filed a lawsuit when the pastor failed to come up with the money.
“It’s just awful for this poor woman,” Mager explained. “Right now, she’s in an assisted living facility and her money is dwindling very quickly.”
WVIT spoke to members of the church who were standing behind Genevicz.
“A hundred percent,” one parishioner said. “He’s the best pastor this town and state has ever had.”
Must be more of that faith inspired morality I keep hearing about.
Sarah Palin angry that pro-choice group uses jewelry to remind women of the tragic days before Roe vs Wade.
Courtesy of Anti-Choice Barbie's Facebook page:
The only feminists who are truly 100% pro-women are those who believe in the worth and positive potential of every woman – even our littlest sisters in the womb! Which political party has the plank in its platform protecting the most vulnerable? Who fights for the basic sacred right to life of every woman or girl – no matter how small? So, D.C. "feminists" who would wear this symbol of death around their neck, who are the real women liberators? It's the pro-life sisterhood fighting to protect children.
The Palin links to Brancy's blog, which contains this tasteless comment:
I honestly can’t believe that someone would celebrate the destruction of babies (boys, and YES millions of girls) as a fashion statement for feminists.
You know the phrase “they wear their heart of their sleeves?” Well, I guess DC feminists love to wear death on their necks.
Of course the point is NOT to celebrate abortion, but to remind people of the fate that many young pregnant women escaped with the passage of Roe vs Wade.
But perhaps the President of the DC Abortion Fund can say it more eloquently:
It’s said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Lately, it seems there’s been a lot of forgetfulness about the history of women’s reproductive freedom. The coat hanger has long been a symbol of the reproductive justice movement. The DC Abortion Fund – contrary to recent conservative media reports – has for many years given away a silver coat hanger pendant to our monthly supporters.
The pendant is nothing new or even particularly newsworthy. Anyone who wants a pendant today can sign up below to become a monthly donor for as little as $10 a month. If you do, please consider this my personal thanks. Welcome to a wonderful community of dedicated, compassionate abortion access supporters – we’re glad to have you!
The coat hanger is a symbol of the reproductive justice movement because lack of access to abortion causes women to go to desperate lengths to terminate a pregnancy, similar to those undertaken in the pre-Roe vs Wade era. At that time, consuming Lysol and household poisons was not uncommon to instigate abortion. Nor was inserting knitting needles, Coke bottles, and – yes – wire coat hangers into their cervices.
It might make you cringe to imagine just how desperate one must be to go to these lengths. But we don’t have to imagine. We hear from women every day who are that desperate, with no one else to turn to. With our help, they access quality, safe abortion care – no wire coat hangers needed.
The coat hanger is a reminder of women’s suffering when abortion is placed out of reach. It is a promise from reproductive justice advocates to never go back to the grotesque world our anti-choice opponents are striving for: a world WITHOUT safe access to abortion, where women might have to resort to horrific alternatives like a coat hanger. That’s why our supporters love the pendants and wear them as a point of pride.
While we were surprised by the conservative media’s ignorance of the history of the coat hanger’s symbolism, we certainly welcome the spotlight on our efforts to help women.
So thank you Sarah and Bristol Palin for focusing on this symbol, that you clearly do not understand, and providing the opportunity for the undereducated to learn more about the history of the American woman's ongoing struggle for control over their bodies.
The only feminists who are truly 100% pro-women are those who believe in the worth and positive potential of every woman – even our littlest sisters in the womb! Which political party has the plank in its platform protecting the most vulnerable? Who fights for the basic sacred right to life of every woman or girl – no matter how small? So, D.C. "feminists" who would wear this symbol of death around their neck, who are the real women liberators? It's the pro-life sisterhood fighting to protect children.
The Palin links to Brancy's blog, which contains this tasteless comment:
I honestly can’t believe that someone would celebrate the destruction of babies (boys, and YES millions of girls) as a fashion statement for feminists.
You know the phrase “they wear their heart of their sleeves?” Well, I guess DC feminists love to wear death on their necks.
Of course the point is NOT to celebrate abortion, but to remind people of the fate that many young pregnant women escaped with the passage of Roe vs Wade.
But perhaps the President of the DC Abortion Fund can say it more eloquently:
It’s said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Lately, it seems there’s been a lot of forgetfulness about the history of women’s reproductive freedom. The coat hanger has long been a symbol of the reproductive justice movement. The DC Abortion Fund – contrary to recent conservative media reports – has for many years given away a silver coat hanger pendant to our monthly supporters.
The pendant is nothing new or even particularly newsworthy. Anyone who wants a pendant today can sign up below to become a monthly donor for as little as $10 a month. If you do, please consider this my personal thanks. Welcome to a wonderful community of dedicated, compassionate abortion access supporters – we’re glad to have you!
The coat hanger is a symbol of the reproductive justice movement because lack of access to abortion causes women to go to desperate lengths to terminate a pregnancy, similar to those undertaken in the pre-Roe vs Wade era. At that time, consuming Lysol and household poisons was not uncommon to instigate abortion. Nor was inserting knitting needles, Coke bottles, and – yes – wire coat hangers into their cervices.
It might make you cringe to imagine just how desperate one must be to go to these lengths. But we don’t have to imagine. We hear from women every day who are that desperate, with no one else to turn to. With our help, they access quality, safe abortion care – no wire coat hangers needed.
The coat hanger is a reminder of women’s suffering when abortion is placed out of reach. It is a promise from reproductive justice advocates to never go back to the grotesque world our anti-choice opponents are striving for: a world WITHOUT safe access to abortion, where women might have to resort to horrific alternatives like a coat hanger. That’s why our supporters love the pendants and wear them as a point of pride.
While we were surprised by the conservative media’s ignorance of the history of the coat hanger’s symbolism, we certainly welcome the spotlight on our efforts to help women.
So thank you Sarah and Bristol Palin for focusing on this symbol, that you clearly do not understand, and providing the opportunity for the undereducated to learn more about the history of the American woman's ongoing struggle for control over their bodies.