Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Bikers pull over, beat SUV driver in NYC: Police
The attack by about 30 bikers followed a accident and a two-mile chase through Manhattan, according to police. All but one of the suspects is still at large.
NEW YORK — A man driving with his family along a New York City highway was attacked and beaten by a large group of motorcyclists who first surrounded his sport utility vehicle and stopped it on the road, then chased him for miles after he plowed through the blockade of bikes in an attempt to escape.
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One biker suffered two broken legs and other severe injuries when the SUV ran over him, police said. A second biker suffered a leg injury. The driver, who was traveling with his wife and toddler, was taken to a hospital where he required stitches to his face.
On Tuesday, police arrested the biker who was involved in the initial accident. Christopher Cruz, 28, of New Jersey, was charged with reckless endangerment, reckless driving, endangering the welfare of a child and menacing. He was not injured. Cruz was in custody awaiting arraignment Tuesday and hadn't yet been assigned a lawyer. A woman who answered a phone number listed in some records as being connected with the address where Cruz lives said she didn't speak English and hung up the phone.
The frightening assault on the 33-year-old man began around 1:30 p.m. local time Sunday on Manhattan's West Side Highway and was partially captured on a helmet-mounted video camera worn by one of the riders involved in the chase.
A portion of the video posted on the Internet by an unidentified user shows a large group of bikers swarming around the Range Rover as it heads north on the highway. One of the bikers then moves into the SUV's lane and rides briefly alongside the vehicle, peering in through the driver's side window. It isn't clear from the video what the driver might have done to anger the motorcyclist.
The biker then cuts in front of the Range Rover and, still staring at the driver, suddenly slows down. It isn't captured on the video, but the motorcycle and SUV bumped, police said.
The motorcyclists, 20 to 30 in all, then come to a complete halt on the highway, blocking the SUV's path. Some dismount and approach the vehicle. Police said some of the bikers then began damaging the Range Rover, which isn't clear from the video.
The video shows the SUV suddenly accelerating, bouncing over at least one of the motorcycles and its rider as others scramble to get out of the way. The cyclists give chase, pursuing the driver for about 2.5 miles. At one point, the bikers succeed in getting the SUV to stop. One ripped open the driver's door, but he sped away.
The chase ended when the SUV exited the highway and got stuck in traffic on a city street. The video shows one biker using his helmet to smash the driver's window. Police said the group then pulled the man from the SUV and beat him, although that part isn't shown on the recording posted online. The police department confirmed that the video circulating online is authentic.
Police didn't identify the driver, who was not charged. His wife and child were not injured.
Police distributed images of two bikers they said were involved in the chase and said they were wanted for assault.
Police believe some of the bikers belong to a gang known as Hollywood Stuntz. They said the motorcyclists were part of a planned but unauthorized event in which hundreds of riders gathered outside of Manhattan, with the intent of driving into Times Square en masse.
Article Source here
By Associated Press
Final thought for the day.
Apparently having used up her contractually agreed upon time on Fox News this week, Sarah Palin fires up the ghostwriter and heads on over to Facebook.
Courtesy of Wasilla's very own black hole of despair:
I don’t believe America has ever seen such a thing. The leader of the free world just followed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s honest, visionary, and serious U.N. speech (Does she mean the one where Netanyahu said that Iran is a bunch of liars and that Israel doesn't need the United States to blow their asses to hell if they even suspect that the Iranians are working on nuclear weapons? That speech?) with a speech of his own in the Rose Garden. More like it, President Obama just recorded essentially an infomercial on the disastrous Obamacare rollout. In a speech full of unserious claims and low-level false accusations against those who disagree with his liberal, unworkable policies, this president engaged in doublespeak without even blinking. It was unreal. (Of course all things perfectly real are unreal to those that do not understand reality. Did I lose anybody there?
Obama just proclaimed all our predictions about Obamacare were wrong. The economy is doing great, he claimed, though he dare not direct that to the millions of people who are being kicked to part-time employment, to bankrupt cities, to shuttered Main Street businesses, and to conscientious taxpayers suffocating under a $17 trillion debt. (NONE of that is even remotely true!)
Obama just claimed for the umpteenth time there will be no health care rationing (aka “death panels”), but apparently Howard Dean, Paul Krugman, and Obama’s own former director of Medicare and Medicaid (and anyone who read the IPAB section of the monstrous bill) didn’t get the memo on that one. (Seriously? Death panels again? Does this crazy bitch not know ANY other tunes? Just in case there are any of you who "did not get the memo" this might straighten things out for you.)
Obama just claimed that the last government “shutdown” in 1996 hurt the economy, when in fact he knows the stock market boomed. (That is propaganda from the Daily Caller.)I guess he thinks he can furlough reality too. He’s also claiming that he cut deficits in half. In what alternate universe? And if that’s the case, then why does he insist on yet another enormous debt ceiling increase?
The White House is now condescendingly comparing Obamacare’s numerous “glitches” to Apple software updates. The difference is we can CHOOSE to buy Apple products; no one forces us. (Who is this "us" she keeps referring to? Her entire family gets free healthcare from ANMC. Which is single payer, government funded health care by the way.) And Obviously the comparison is ridiculously unserious as we find out the harsh, life-changing punishments this new arm of the IRS will hit us with if we don’t buy Obama’s forced product. (Life changing punishments? The penalty is $95.00, whose life is changed due to ninety five dollars? And then imagine the possible life changing benefits with access to affordable health care.)
Among so many other distorted things, Obama just declared that “Obamacare is open for business” – well, aside from all the “glitches” I guess. His infomercial sent people to broken websites and a hotline that seems permanently on hold. (Which is due to the incredible number of people trying to call in all at once, on this its first day of operation. Does not seem like a long term "glitch" to me.) And this same bureaucracy will now be in charge of our health care, which is 1/6th of our economy. Nah, surely nothing could go wrong with that. (Actually things are going better than expected.)
The majority of Americans are against Obamacare despite all of the rhetoric fed into Obama’s teleprompter. (Ah, a teleprompter shot. She really is bringing out the oldies isn't she?) And amazingly, of course, Obama blamed fiscal conservatives and tea party patriots for the problems and even for this partial government shut down that he and Harry Reid drove. (I always wonder what would happen if Palin had to speak something that was true. Do you think she would melt away like the witch in the Wizard of Oz or would her head explode like that guy from Scanners?) He declared he would NOT negotiate a solution with them, but then in the next breath he said he’s open to hearing from anyone with a better idea. Doublespeak.
Bottom line, sadly our president passes the buck and cries that he has no responsibility in all of this. He acted as if he, the leader, didn’t have any responsibility to pass a budget either – even during his first two years in office when he enjoyed total Democrat control of Congress and the White House. (That last part is a common lie told by Conservatives. The President only had control of both houses twice, and those were both quite short. Of course those are nothing more than facts and we KNOW how Palin feels about those.)
What a difference in leadership style and substance we witnessed today on U.S. soil. The two speeches said it all. A Warrior unifying his nation and their allies, and a Community Organizer un-organizing and dividing his own. (Or more accurately the difference between a warmonger and a man desperately trying to keep America out of another conflict and keep our military home with their families.)
- Sarah Palin
You ever hear an annoying sound over and over until you think you might go insane? Well if you spent any time on this blog today you certainly have now.
I cannot help but notice the aroma of desperation that seems to waft off of these articles, interviews, and Facebook posts. Almost as if with every one she sees the sand running though the hourglass of her relevance, and realizes that after Obamacare is widely accepted that she will forever be the face of "death panels" and Affordable Care Act misinformation.
And it could not happen to a more deserving puppet.
New poll should put quite a scare into the Republicans currently holding the country hostage.
Courtesy of Business Insider:
Six hours after the federal government shut down for the first time in 17 years, a new Quinnipiac poll delivered the first warning sign for a Republican Party that stands to take the brunt of the blame.
According to the poll, American voters oppose shutting down the federal government to block implementation of the Affordable Care Act by a significant, 72-22 margin. And on another upcoming fight — raising the debt ceiling — Americans oppose using it to stop the health-care law's implementation by a 64-27 margin.
And in general, 58% of Americans oppose cutting off funding for Obamacare to tinker with its implementation.
All of these should be significant red flags for the Republican Party, which polls have shown will take the bulk of the public's blame for the shutdown.
According to the Quinnipiac poll, Democrats now hold a 9-point advantage in the general Congressional ballot — that is, Americans said they would vote for the Democratic candidate in their district over the Republican candidate by a 43-34 margin. That's the highest it's been all year.
And of course the so-called establishment Republicans KNOW this is a loser for them.
This according to Politico:
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has privately warned House Republicans that they could lose their majority in 2014 as a result of shutting down the government.
Gee no wonder Boehner drinks!
Let's face it despite conservative rhetoric to the contrary this does NOTHING to help the Republicans in any way. At least not long term,
And really bizarre fact is that essentially they have already won a HUGE concession from the last stupid fight over the CR.
Courtesy of Mother Jones:
Democrats have already agreed to fund the government at Republican levels. In other words, they've already caved in. It wasn't even a compromise. They've just flatly given in to Republican demands to continue funding at sequester levels.
This is the CR that Republicans now refuse to pass.
So even though they got what they wanted in the last battle, they are so greedy that they simply cannot be happy with it, and instead always want more.
And they DARE question why Obama is more willing to negotiate with Iran than he is to negotiate with the Congressional Republicans?
Yeah, that's REAL confusing.
Rep. JoaquĆn Castro: Sen. Ted Cruz Can't Be President; Nor Can Obama!
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- Rep. Castro sitting far right of Manchelle - |
Sibley Update: Motion Set For U.S. Supreme Court Conference Oct. 11
Sibley Update: Motion Set For U.S. Supreme Court Conference Oct. 11
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Update: The Clerk of the United States Supreme Court has set for Conference my Motion to Direct the Clerk to File my Petition for Certiorari and Motion to Expedite on Friday, October 11, 2013. During the Conference, the Nine Justices will decide whether to grant or deny my Motion. Typically, the Clerk releases the results of the Friday Conferences the following Tuesday. - Montgomery Blair Sibley. Previous reports here.
Questions Presented For Review ( Petition for Writ of Certiorari )
On May 11, 1988, Defendant Elizabeth Duke was indicted for acts of violence against the United States, including the bombing of the United States Capitol on November 7, 1983. When she failed to appear for her arraignment on June 2, 1988, a bench warrant was issued for Defendant Elizabeth Duke.
Twenty-one years later, on June 17, 2009, the government made an oral motion to dismiss the Indictment and quash the arrest warrant against the still-fugitive Defendant Elizabeth Duke without stating any reasons for the motion. Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson granted the oral motion to dismiss and quash the same day falsely stating in her order that the dismissal was: “for the reasons set forth in the government’s motion and for good cause shown” when in fact there were no “reasons set forth” nor “good cause” shown.
Accordingly, presented for review are the following questions: [...] Petition continued here.
Excerpt: Petitioner’s Motions to Expedite Consideration of Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, Leave to File Ex Parte and Under Seal and to Set Expedited Schedule for Briefing and Oral Argument;
Petitioner, Montgomery Blair Sibley (“Sibley”), respectfully requests that this Court: (i) expedite its consideration of the petition for a writ of certiorari in this case, (ii) permit Sibley to file ex parte and under seal information in support of this Motion to Expedite and (iii) pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 25.5 expedite the schedule for briefing and oral argument.
As more fully detailed in the accompanying Petition:
- On November 7, 1983, in the District of Columbia, a bomb was detonated inside the United States Capitol.
- On May 24, 1985, Defendant Elizabeth Duke (“Duke”) was arraigned upon an Indictment charging her with involvement in the aforementioned bombing.
- On July 24, 1985, Duke was released on bail. After failing to appear back in Court as ordered, on October 15, 1985, Duke’s bail was revoked and a bench warrant for her arrest as a fugitive was issued the same day.
- On May 11, 1988, Duke – along with her co-conspirators Laura Whitehorn, Linda Evans, Marilyn Buck, Susan Rosenberg, Timothy Blunk, and Alan Berkman1 – was
The Black Liberation Army and May 19th Communist Movement had organized the October 20, 1981, Brinks robbery in Nanuet, New York, in which $1.6 million was taken from a Brink's armored car. In a shootout shortly after the heist, two police officers were killed. A witness told a grand jury that Berkman had treated one of the holdup group's members for a gunshot wound. Indicted as an accessory after the fact, Berkman jumped bail and went underground. On the run, Berkman and Elizabeth Ann Duke were arrested on May 23, 1985, near Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Their car was found to have a pistol and shotgun, as well as the key to a storage site that held 100 pounds of dynamite. During his years on the run in the 1980s, court papers alleged, he was involved with groups that had staged seven bombings of military and other government facilities, though charges related to the bombings were later dismissed. Berkman was convicted for his participation in the supermarket robbery, the proceeds of which, prosecutors alleged, had been used to buy the dynamite. Berkman served eight years of a 10-year sentence.
Whitehorn, Evans and Buck plead guilty to conspiracy and destruction of Government property. Whitehorn also agreed to plead guilty to fraud in the possession of false identification documents. Whitehorn was sentenced to 20 years in prison and Evans to an additional five years after completing a 35-year sentence being served for illegally buying guns. Buck was already serving 17 years on other convictions, and was later sentenced to a 50-year term for the Brinks holdup and other re-indicted for the aforementioned bombing of the United States Capitol and several other government buildings in Washington, D.C.
- On June 2, 1988, Judge Harold H. Greene issued a bench warrant for Defendant Duke when she again failed to appear.
- Some twenty-one (21) years later, on June 17, 2009, Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson held a hearing at which Assistant United States Attorney M. Jeffrey Beatrice made an oral motion to dismiss the Indictment and quash the arrest warrant as to Duke stating in toto: “Thank you, Your Honor. We would orally move to dismiss this case at this time, dismiss the indictment and also to quash the warrant, and we will submit a proposed order today, Your Honor.” Magistrate Judge Robinson responded in toto: “Very well. Thank you, Mr. Beatrice.” See: Exhibit “A” attached hereto, (“Transcript”).
- The same day, Magistrate Judge Robinson – representing herself as a United States District Court Judge – entered an order (“Order”) dismissing the Indictment claiming she was authorized to dismiss the Indictment: “for the reasons set forth in the government's motion and for good cause shown” – a knowing misrepresentation of the record. See: Exhibit “B” attached hereto.
- On July 26, 2013, Sibley made a motion to Magistrate Judge Robinson for reconsideration of her Order dismissing the Indictment and seeking to intervene or appear as amicus curiae to bring to an Article III Judge’s attention Magistrate Judge Robinson's misfeasance.
- Also on July 26, 2013, Sibley wrote a letter to each sitting Article III Judge of the District Court for the District of Columbia regarding Magistrate Judge Robinson’s extraordinary and improper behavior in this matter. See: Exhibit “C” attached hereto. To date, not a single Article III Judge has responded to Sibley's July 26, 2013, letter.
- On July 30, 2013, Magistrate Judge Robinson entered a sealed order denying Sibley's motion. See: Exhibit “D” attached hereto. Notably, that sealed order was not served upon Sibley or the government.
armed robberies during which two police officers were killed.
Susan Rosenberg and Timothy Blunk, plead guilty to eight counts each of possessing explosives, weapons and fake identification cards. Rosenberg’s was pardoned by President Clinton in 2001 and Blunk was paroled in 1997.
[...] Motion continued here.
Excerpt: Petitioner’s Motion to Direct Clerk to File Petitioner’s (i) Petition for Writ of Certiorari and (ii) Motions to Expedite Consideration of Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, Leave to File Ex Parte and Under Seal and to Set Expedited Schedule for Briefing and Oral Argument;
Petitioner, Montgomery Blair Sibley (“Sibley”), respectfully requests that this Court: (i) expedite its consideration of the petition for a writ of certiorari in this case, (ii) permit Sibley to file ex parte and under seal information in support of this Motion to Expedite and (iii) pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 25.5 expedite the schedule for briefing and oral argument. [...] Motion continued here. Hat tip Martha Trowbridge.
George Will Joins Fox News, Leaves ABC After 3 Decades
Conservative columnist and pundit George Will is leaving his decades-long perch at ABC News and joining Fox News, the network announced on Tuesday. Will is set to contribute to programs across the channel.
The Daily Caller was the first to report the news.
Will has been a mainstay at ABC since the early 1980s, where he has been a panelist on "This Week" since the program began.
“We are delighted to have someone of George’s stature join Fox News," Michael Clemente, the network's senior vice president for news, said in a statement. "His wisdom is enduring and his achievements are far too long to list."
An ABC news spokesperson told HuffPost's Michael Calderone that the shift of "This Week" from Washington to New York—something done to accommodate host George Stephanopoulos, who also anchors "Good Morning America" from Manhattan—played a major role in Will's decision, since he was having to travel most weeks to New York to film the show.
Stephanopoulos provided a statement to Calderone as well: "As all his readers know, George is brilliant. Those of us lucky enough to work with him also know that he's a consummate gentleman. I learned from him every week, and wish him all good things."
Will joins fellow Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer in the Fox News stable.
Article Source here
Author: By Jack Mirkinson
Hotels Go Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, many hotels across the country are joining the cause with pink-themed promotions and fundraising events. Here are a handful of rosy delights and destinations to consider.
At the Four Seasons Hotel in Seattle, customers can dine on sweet, conscientious confections, such as the pink lemon roulade cake filled with strawberry-lemon mousse. Ten percent of the price each dessert sold will go to Susan G. Komen Puget Sound, the Puget Sound area affiliate of Susan Komen for the Cure.
Across the country at Four Seasons Hotel New York, the Fruitful Cause cocktail benefitting Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is made with Moƫt & Chandon rosƩ, fresh lime and grapefruit juices, Bootlegger vodka and locally distilled Greenhook Ginsmiths Beach Plum Liqueur.
Guests can also raise a glass down in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., at the il Lugano all-suite luxury property. Bartenders at the in-house restaurant da Campo Osteria have combined watermelon liqueur with blueberry vodka, fresh squeezed lemon and a strawberry to create the Pink Lugano, with $2 of each libation sold benefitting Susan G. Komen.
The Pink Apple Spice Manicure and Pedicure at the Seagate Hotel and Spa in Delray Beach is calorie-free but just as indulgent, featuring a lower-leg apple spice rub and hot stone massage with essential oils. Ten percent of proceeds are donated toward the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign.
Over at the Omni Bedford Springs resort in Bedford Springs, Pa., hotel employees have been putting their heels to the pavement at the local Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk, where last year the Omni Army group raised more than $16,300.
The 3.1-mile walk concludes at the resort, where visitors can also learn about an in-house raffle to benefit breast cancer awareness and a "Pink on the Links" golf outing.
Article Source here
Battlefield 4 beta live on PC and Xbox 360, PS3 later today
The Battlefield 4 beta is now live on Xbox 360 and PC for players eligible for early access, EA has announced.
PlayStation 3 owners will be able to download the beta later today, with approximate launch times of 15:00 PDT in North America and 15:00 BST on the European PlayStation Network.
The beta will become available to all on October 4, starting from 01:00 PDT for PC, 02:00 PDT for Xbox 360, and on PlayStation 3 at 11:00 PDT in the US and 15:00 BST in Europe.
Players who download the beta will be able to play the game's new Siege of Shanghai map on Conquest and Domination game modes. The full game will ship with seven modes and ten maps.
More information about the Battlefield 4 beta rollout times can be found on Battlelog.
Battlefield 4 will be released on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on October 29 in North America and November 1 in Europe. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions will be available later in November.
Article Source here
Author: By Martin Gaston,