Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Report: Look Who Is An Obamacare Navigator; Obama ID Fraud Defender
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- Image Credit: Hack Wilson - |
Look Who is Working as an Obamacare Navigator
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Oct. 7, 2013) — Before enrollment for individuals began on October 1 for the health care law known as “Obamacare,” the Department of Health & Human Services announced that it would be performing minimal background checks without fingerprinting on “navigators” hired to assist applicants through the process.
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William L. Bryan, aka “PJ Foggy,” wearing hat with sickle and hammer on it, the symbol of the former communist Soviet Union |
A “data hub” has been established to verify Obamacare applicants’ personal information with various government departments including the Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service, Planned Parenthood, and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which many fear could lead to identity theft, as deadlines for security testing had been consistently missed during the preparation period.
According to John Fund of National Review, navigators will have “access to reams of personal information compiled by federal agencies ranging from the IRS to the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration.” Quoting from an article in USA Today, Fund reported that “The federal government is planning to quietly enact what could be the largest consolidation of personal data in the history of the republic.”
Lifesite News reported that “HHS will not require background checks or fingerprinting of employees, and a previous criminal conviction – including one for identity theft – does not necessarily disqualify an employee from becoming a navigator.”
Investigative journalist Ben Swann reported that navigators will “have access to just about every piece of personal information on millions of Americans…they are not even required to pass a background check.” He described navigators’ training as “just an online course” consisting of “20-30 hours.”
Swann had hosted a prime-time television show on WXIX in Cincinnati, OH entitled “Reality Check” and worked in mainstream news media for 14 years. “There’s more to the role of the navigators than just signing Americans up for the health care exchange. Navigators will also be responsible for registering Americans to vote,” Swann reported. He raised the question of whether or not the data hub could be breached by “those inside the departments” with a corrupt agenda.
After the 20 hours of training, navigators are expected to “provide fair, impartial and accurate information that assists consumers with submitting the eligibility application, clarifying distinctions among [qualified health plans] and helping qualified individuals make informed decisions during the health plan selection process.”
On October 1, “RC” of the Reality Check Online radio show announced that William L. Bryan, aka “PJ Foggy,” has been hired to work as an Obamacare navigator (5:39). The show attempts to discredit, disparage, insult, defame and disseminate false information about anyone researching the background, identity and birthplace of Barack Hussein Obama using the label “birthers.”
Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief be a “natural born Citizen.” Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the presidency was first questioned in 2008 when African newspapers were found to have reported that Obama had been born in Kenya, while at least one American media outlet reported that he was born in Indonesia. Obama’s claim of a British-citizen father raised additional questions, as historically, citizenship was passed from father to son. Obama himself claimed dual citizenship at birth on his now-defunct “Fight the Smears” website.
Progressive commentator and once-ardent Obama supporter Chris Matthews has stated on his show in late 2007 that Obama was born in Indonesia.
In 1991, Obama’s own literary agent had published a biography of Obama stating that he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii and Indonesia. In April 2007, the bio was changed to read that Obama was born in Hawaii only two months after Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency and attributed to a “fact-checking error.”
Bryan (Foggy) is a former California attorney who resigned “with charges pending” from the State Bar of California in 2001 after two suspensions and a notation of “manic depressive illness.” Early in Obama’s first term, Foggy launched a website called “Politijab” which eventually melded into “The Fogbow,” whose purpose is to “debunk birthers.” In its forum, The Fogbow boasts a “Birther Gallery” with “mugshots” and claims that anyone opposing Obama is a “racist xenophobe.”
At 5:53 in the October 1 broadcast, RC states that he “agrees with Foggy” that “birthers” are “terrorists because they want to destroy the United States…”
RC referred to a September 24 broadcast which Bryan hosted during which he announced that he had been hired as a navigator for Obamacare (10:29). “My wife and I are going to be enrolling people in Obamacare and it’s been a struggle trying to get ready for that. In fact, I spent most of the day studying to be certified so that I could use the federal marketplace that they established here in North Carolina,” Bryan told the audience. Bryan said that as navigators, “We’re going to be extremely aggressive in marketing (Obamacare)” and that he was “looking forward to it.”
Federal marketplaces have been established in the majority of states which declined to operate their own health care exchanges under Obamacare.
In recent months “RC” and his cohorts have particularly targeted the ongoing investigation of the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, which announced in March 2012 that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.” Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo has been seeking a congressional investigation into the conclusions which is reported by radio show host Carl Gallups to be under consideration. Gallups also said that several “Obots” had become persons of interest in the ongoing criminal investigation into the forgery of Obama’s documents.
Lord Moncton of Brenchley has written that all members of Congress are aware that the long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website since April 27, 2011 is a forgery.
An acquaintance of RC’s, retired Capt. Charles Tuttle, reportedly runs a Facebook page entitled “The Many Lies of Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups” in an attempt to discredit their work. However, Gallups accompanied Zullo to the CPAC conference in March, where the two met with congressmen and others to reveal the posse’s evidence of the forgery of Obama’s documents. Since that time, many more such meetings have taken place.
Several minutes into a June 18, 2013 broadcast at America’s Web Radio, Bryan identifies himself to the host as “a retired attorney.” The interview, hosted by Immigration attorney Charles Kuck, focused on the “natural born Citizen” clause of the U.S. Constitution, although it shifted to “statutes in force at the time” which determined “citizenship” and “citizenship at birth” rather than the higher standard of “natural born Citizen.” However, Atty. Kuck properly identified the topic of the show as “citizenship at birth.”
Bryan claimed to Kuck that those who have expressed doubt about the constitutional eligibility of Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Bobby Jindal are motivated by racial bias because the potential candidates’ “skin” is darker than his. On its website, members of The Fogbow decries “affluent white males.”
According to an acquaintance identified by RC as “Dr. Conspiracy,” Bryan sent a fake birth certificate image bearing Obama’s name to private investigator Neil Sankey and Atty. Orly Taitz “as a prank,” hoping that they would believe it to be authentic. As Dr. Conspiracy appears to affirm that “Obots” cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
RC claims to have replicated many of the anomalies identified by the Cold Case Posse in the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website, but he reportedly will not send his personal identification to Zullo along with his research. Zullo has said that RC’s research is “irrelevant” to the Cold Case Posse’s investigation and conclusions.
Bryan claimed responsibility for summoning between 100 and 200 law enforcement officers from the local, county state and federal levels prior to an April 20, 2010 court hearing for CDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III in Madisonville, TN. Members of The Fogbow, perhaps including Bryan, admitted in their “forum” to planting false reports that Fitzpatrick and another man, Darren Huff, had planned to “take over the courthouse” that day. Fitzpatrick has reported Bryan to the FBI and other “law enforcers,” but no report of an arrest has ever been issued.
As a result of a false FBI affidavit which claimed that Huff had intended violence against the Madisonville courthouse that day, Huff is serving a four-year prison sentence for a crime he did not commit. The local prosecutor in the case, R. Steven Bebb, has recently had several ethics complaints filed against him by members of the Tennessee General Assembly, and a joint panel is seeking his removal from office.
Long before the Obama IRS, NSA, DOJ and EPA corruption scandals were exposed, Fitzpatrick, who had filed a complaint for treason against Obama on March 17, 2009, had contended that the effort to frame Huff and him “goes right into the White House.” An RC radio broadcast from September 10, 2010 boasts a “White House attorney” as its guest host that evening.
A member of the The Fogbow is an attorney working for the IRS. In February 2012, Fitzpatrick discovered that his military pension had been reduced by two-thirds without an explanation. When he contacted his financial institution, he was told verbally that the IRS had ordered a levy of that amount for the next two years. Fitzpatrick received no letter, notification that taxes might be due, or a hearing before his pay was garnished.
The IRS has targeted dozens and possibly hundreds of applicants for tax-exempt status based on their perceived political positions or opposition to Barack Obama.
Bryan also took credit for quashing an investigation begun by Officer Ronald Dischler in Beaumont, TX into Obama’s background and eligibility in 2009.
It is unknown how many Obots are working as navigators or behind the scenes for the Obama regime.
During the 2012 presidential campaign, chief Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett had promised that, “…the ones who helped us will be rewarded…” and that their opponents would be objects of “payback time.”
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Sarah Palin pimps a 60 Minutes "expose" on the Social Security Disability Insurance program. Well you know what THAT means!
One time Palin supporter, who may be having second thoughts. |
Sarah Palin pimps a 60 Minutes "expose" on the Social Security Disability Insurance program. Well you know what THAT means!
Courtesy of the Heartless Harridan's Facebook page:In case you missed it, "60 Minutes" did an excellent segment on the waste and fraud in the Federal Disability Insurance Program. Kudos to Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and his staff for leading the investigation into this. And thank you, CBS, for covering it!
She then links to this story on 60 Minutes in which Steve Kroft, with the help of Senator Coburn and some shady attorneys, supposedly lays bare the overwhelming fraud within the Social Security disability programs.
Now in my job I actually do some work with this program so I was surprised at how aggressively and unfairly 60 Minutes seemed to go after them. And apparently I was not alone, as indicated in the comments section of their own website.
Here is a sampling:
I am a Social Security Disability Attorney in New York City. I watched the website recording of a 60 Minutes spot that aired last night and was disheartened by the sophistry I witnessed. Anytime I hear words like "It's been called a Secret Welfare System," which has been ravaged by waste and fraud, I cringe. First of all, I would like to know who has called it a secret welfare system --incendiary remarks like that must be backed up with facts. Secondly, who says it has been ravaged by waste and fraud -- this uncorroborated remark was left hanging out there as if it accurately reflected the System as a whole.
I also find it troubling and unacceptable that the only attorneys discussed in the program were Binder and Binder and Eric C. Conn. There were so many others you could have contacted about their experiences with the System.
Mr. Kroft, this irresponsible and short-sighted report should never have aired. I am surprised and disappointed in 60 Minutes, a program I have long admired, Please go back to the drawing board and deliver a revised program worthy of the name 60 Minutes.
Here is another:
Agree with all that this is a shameful 60 Minutes segment. Not that I doubt some lawyers are making money or that some of our fellow citizens are marginal disability recipients. Rather that 60 Minutes has what I hope is sheer ignorance (and not something else) wrapping the sheep's clothing of revealing fraud around the wolf of Tom Coburn who is a fervent advocate of Republican efforts to destroy America's safety net. Coburn's fundamental mission is not to reform Social Security Disability, but to destroy it by privatization. Too bad 60 Minutes is an enabler in his efforts.
And another:
I am one of the allegedly evil attorneys on TV .It might help for people to learn the day I heard of this story the two clients I signed up are typical of our business. The first was a fellow with very bad sarcoidosis affecting many aspects of his ability to work including hands , feet, breathing ,stamina. He was trying for many years to learn what was wrong with him but could not get access to treatment or meds. He is a very religious , humble man who would love to work and has been unable for years ; his church may not be able to help any longer.
The second was a family whose mother described an adult daughter unable to work for many years now with debilitating psych issues since age 8 including a horrific set of symptoms associated with obsessive compulsive disorder along with severe depression . Ridicule and stigmatize her associated panic attacks after you have spoken with her and her family. The mom called because she reported she never wanted to bother with a claim before , but recognizes she can no longer support this adult daughter whom she had home schooled .
The truth , as I tell interviewees each day, is that contrary to the harsh stereotypes now circulating with the help of 60 Minutes and other media is that it is very hard to get Social Security disability ;they're gonna think and treat you with cynicism and sometimes almost like a fraudster . Scapegoating those on the receiving end of " hard things happen to good people " is not fair reporting and does great damage. Tom
Then I did a quick Google search to find out if any other news outlets had addressed this obviously biased report.
I quickly found this over at Media Matters:
Sarah Palin pimps a 60 Minutes "expose" on the Social Security Disability Insurance program. Well you know what THAT means!
National disability organizations have criticized a misleading CBS News 60 Minutes report on Social Security disability which relied on anecdotal evidence to deceptively portray the vital program as wasteful and unsustainable, despite the fact that award rates fell during the recession and that fraud is less than one percent of the program.
On October 6, 60 Minutes stoked fears that the Social Security Disability Insurance program is "ravaged by waste and fraud," relying on Senator Tom Coburn's (R-OK) partisan investigation and anecdotal evidence to hype growth in the program while misleadingly claiming that it "could become the first government benefits program to run out of money."
Lisa Ekman, Director of Federal Policy at Health & Disability Advocates, said the organization was "extremely disappointed that 60 Minutes chose to air such a one-sided story based on anecdote and supposition ... Misleading media reports like the one on 60 Minutes distract from focusing on the real issue of helping American workers with and without disabilities achieve economic security."
The myths pushed by 60 Minutes have been repeatedly debunked by experts. The report admitted that the vast majority of people applying for benefits are denied, but ignored the fact that the majority of appeals are also denied, and that award rates have actually fallen during the economic recession. In April, the Wall Street Journal called the claim that federal disability benefits were to blame for people leaving the labor force "exaggerated," explaining that disability was in fact the least common reason individuals left the workforce.
As the Center for Economic and Policy Research's Dean Baker noted, the report also "completely ignored all the comments from experts in the field ... pointing out that fraud is in fact not rampant in the disability program." Indeed, the Government Accountability Office has repeatedly found that fraud accounts for approximately one percent of all disability payments.
In other words Palin is endorsing an episode that seems to have been a hatchet job and which completely misrepresents the truth about this very necessary program.
I know, shocking right?
But then a thought occurred to me that is the result of my own interactions with the Social Security Disability program. They also serve children born with disabilities, including Down Syndrome.
In fact in my experience gaining to access Social Security Disability insurance is a godsend for some of the kids with physical, cognitive, or behavioral disabilities which make them fall behind their peers and suffer from low self esteem and hopelessness.
The insurance can get them extra support in the home, tutoring in schools, help out in the community, and therapies that can really open doors for them and dramatically improve their lives.
I have little doubt that Trig qualifies for this insurance, even if his mother is well off, and it will last his entire life, so even as an adult he will have services and supports that he will likely always need.
If Palin has NOT taken advantage of this, she is a terrible mother.
And if she HAS, and has then turned around and attacked them along with Senator Coburn and the 60 Minutes crew using trumped up and false information, than she is simply a terrible person.
Or does that latter statement now go without saying?
3,000+ Truckers Descend On D.C To Demand Arrest and Impeachment
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- Image: Ride For The Constitution - |
3,000 Outraged Truckers To Descend
On D.C., Demand Obama Impeachment
3,000 truckers plan to descend on Washington, D.C.
Despite the near mainstream media blackout of the truckers' plan, it could shut down the entire city. - Rise TV.
'Truckers for the Constitution' Plan
to Slow D.C. Beltway, Arrest Congressmen
Police must detain 'accessories' to 'treason' or truckers will, organizer says
By Steven Nelson | US News & World Report
Tractor-trailer drivers will intentionally clog the inner loop of the Washington, D.C., beltway beginning on the morning of Oct. 11, according to a coordinator of the upcoming "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" rally.
Organizers of the three-day ride want to call attention to a litany of trucker frustrations and express their disapproval of national political leaders.
Earl Conlon, a Georgia trucker who is handling logistics for the protest, told U.S. News tractor-trailer drivers will circle the beltway "three lanes deep" as he rides with other participants to Congress to seek the arrest of congressmen for allegedly disregarding the Constitution.
[EARLIER: Truckers Say Their D.C. Shutdown Is Full-Speed Ahead]
The truckers circling I-495 will keep the left lane open for emergency vehicles, Conlon said, but "everybody that doesn't have a supporter sticker on their window, good luck: Nobody in, nobody out." The trucks will be going the 55 mile-per-hour speed limit.
D.C. commuters who wish to be allowed past the convoy must have "T2SDA" – an acronym for the event's original name, "Truckers to Shut Down America" – written on their vehicle, he said.
"It's going to be real fun for anyone who is not a supporter," Conlon said, "[and] if cops decide to give us a hard time, we're going to lock the brakes up, we're going to stop right there, we're going to be a three lane roadblock."
Zeeda Andrews, a former country music singer helping promote the protest, said last week participants would present demands to congressmen – including the impeachment of President Barack Obama – and give the congressmen an opportunity to agree to the demands in exchange for canceling the ride. [...] More @ U.S. News.
Presidents Cup Streaker: Nearly Naked Female Invaded Course, Was Rooting For U.S. (SFW VIDEO, NSFW PHOTOS)
A female streaker showed off her rooting interest and just about everything else during the final round of the Presidents Cup.
As the U.S. was putting the finishing touches on its fifth consecutive win over the Internationals on Sunday at Muirfield Village Country Club, a woman with an American flag caused a brief distraction at the 18th hole. Wearing only a thong and red-white-and-blue pasties on her nipples, she was nearly nude.
Getty photographer David Cannon was on the scene to chronicle the daring dash and the bemused expression of U.S. Team Captain Fred Couples, for posterity's sake.
Article Source here
Author: http://www.huffingtonpost.com
Team Arpaio: Felony On White House Website; Columbia Altered Computer Program
Mike Zullo: Obama ID Fraud Not Conspiracy Theory It's A Conspiracy; Intent To Deceive;
Mike Zullo of Sheriff Joe Arapaio's Cold Case Posse has been investigating the birth certificate of Barack Obama for 25 months. In part 1 of this interview with Floyd Brown of Western Center for Journalism, Investigator Zullo talks about the events that lead up to the Posse beginning their investigation.
MIke Zullo continues his interview with Floyd Brown about investigating Obama's birth certificate. The PDF released by the White House was created by fraudulent means intent on deceiving the public.
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- Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie - |
Jack Wilshere vows never to smoke again after the Arsenal midfielder admits he made a mistake
Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere has admitted he made a mistake by smoking a cigarette but has insisted he will never be drawn in to it again in future.
The 21-year-old was photographed smoking outside a London nightclub in the early hours of Thursday morning as players wound down following Arsenal's 2-0 win over Napoli, with Gunners boss Arsene Wenger later criticising the England international.
Despite the incident Wilshere was recalled to Wenger's starting line-up for Sunday's 1-1 draw at West Brom, scoring the equalising goal which took Arsenal back to the top of the Premier League table.
Wilshere's 63rd-minute strike was his first league goal in almost three years (and led to chants from Arsenal supporters, who sang "He smokes when he wants...") and he feels he vindicated Wenger's faith in his ability after a week in which he was asked to explain his actions to the Frenchman.
"Players make mistakes," he said. "I am not a smoker. I spoke with the boss and he asked me what happened, I explained to him and we sorted it out.
"He put me in the team and hopefully I repaid him. I am not a smoker so I think that will be my last [cigarette]."
Wenger had said ahead of the weekend's meeting at the Hawthorns that he "disagreed completely" with Wilshere's behaviour but was pleased with how the player answered his critics.
"He is an honest guy and when he is wrong he knows it," Wenger said of his midfielder. "I think today the players don't get away with anything. We got away with it a bit more but they know that's the rules of the modern game.
"They have to deal with it and I think he learns very quickly. What is more interesting for him and for Arsenal is that he shows the right response on the pitch."
England manager Roy Hodgson has said he will not talk to Wilshere about the smoking incident and has also backed the player to star for his country if he is selected for the crucial World Cup qualifying double-header against Poland and Montenegro in the next week.
"I trust Arsene to deal with that situation," he said. "He will make it clear, I'm sure, to Jack what his responsibilities are. I've had no problems of that nature with Jack, so I don't need to involve myself in it.
"Jack's an Arsenal player who also plays for England. If Arsene thinks it's also good for me to have a word with Jack I'll be more than happy to do so but, as far as I'm concerned, it's Arsenal's responsibility.
"I believe in him, I think he's a very good player, and I'm hoping that he'll turn up on Monday fully fit to play and then it'll be up to me to decide whether I want to put him in the starting line-up."
Edited by Oliver Pickup
Article Source here
Author: By Telegraph Sport, and agencies
Halloween attractions up their game, incorporate guests
One haunted house tour allows guests to walk through wearing only underwear. "The lack of clothes heightens the vulnerability of the guests," says a haunted attraction official.
NEW YORK — Ghost tours and haunted houses are hallmarks of the weeks leading up to Halloween. But this year, some attractions are upping their game with an interactive component.
Now, visitors aren't just shrieking at the sight of zombies — they're shooting them with paintball guns at Saint Lucifer's Haunted Asylum in Flint, Mich.
They're not just listening to ghost stories. They're learning how to do their own paranormal investigations on ghost-hunting overnight stays at Buffalo Gap Historic Village near Abilene, Texas.
And they're not just snaking through a haunted house on a long line, screaming as a bloody monster climbs out of a coffin. Instead, they're paying extra to be stuck in a room where they must complete tasks and puzzle out challenges in order to escape, as in the "Trapped" attraction at Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, Calif.
Busch Gardens in Tampa, Fla., just launched "The Experiment," where visitors are asked to participate in experiences so intense that they sometimes decline.
"If you refuse three times, the experiment is terminated," said spokesman Travis Claytor. The experiments "may or may not involve live animals or creepy crawlies," he added. "There may or may not be something in there for germaphobes. Psychologically this is one of the most invasive experiences you'll ever have. I was there Friday on opening night and there were several people who could not make it through."
Pat Konopelski, president of the Haunted Attraction Association, says the new intensity and increased interaction is simply the maturing of an industry that started out 25 years ago "scaring people with rubber masks and plastic knives. Every year people came back and wanted more."
So now, he said, "not only are zombies jumping out and scaring you, but you have to turn it into a challenge, an interactive game." Konopelski's Shocktoberfest attraction in Reading, Pa., includes a component called "Prison of the Dead Escape" where visitors can choose to be humans or zombies in a game similar to flag football. Humans receive belts with three flags representing the human brain, heart and entrails, and zombies try to get those organs.
Konopelski also planned a haunted house tour where guests could walk through in the nude. Local officials put the kibosh on the concept, but you can still go through wearing underwear. The lack of clothes, he says, "heightens the vulnerability of the guests."
The Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, an abandoned prison and historic landmark that hosts an annual "Terror Behind the Walls" Halloween event, this year is offering visitors a glow-in-the-dark necklace that marks their willingness to be more than passive observers. Necklace-wearing guests can be grabbed by actors, sent into hidden passageways, and separated from their group.
In case you can't manage to take a selfie while you're scared out of your wits, the Erebus Haunted Attraction in Pontiac, Mich., is taking a page from theme parks that sell pictures of roller coaster riders. Erebus has mounted 48 cameras in a single room where visitors typically scream their heads off, and they can now purchase 180-degree images of themselves in the throes of terror.
Here are some other Halloween-themed destinations, events and attractions around the country.
Because of power outages and other issues from Superstorm Sandy, organizers were forced to cancel last year's Village Halloween Parade, which typically attracts 2 million spectators and 50,000 costumed marchers. The parade now faces a funding shortfall; as of early October, more than half the needed $50,000 had been raised on Kickstarter. If the balance can be secured, the parade is scheduled for Oct. 31, kicking off at 7 p.m., Sixth Avenue between Spring and 16th streets.
New Orleans' annual Voodoo Music Experience festival often coincides with Halloween but this year takes place immediately after, Nov. 1-3, in City Park. Coming from a range of musical genres, headliners include Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Afrojack, Nine Inch Nails, The Cure and Kid Rock.
Other Halloween events in the Big Easy include a Vampire Ball thrown by the official Anne Rice Vampire Lestat Fan Club. A link from the author's home page states that she will be attending the ball this year.
A brand-new Halloween parade in the French Quarter, Krewe of Boo, kicks off Oct. 26, at 6 p.m. followed by a Spook Fest party for costumed attendees inside the Mardi Gras World attraction.
Where do leftover pumpkins go to die? They are hurled across the fields of Delaware by man and machine at The Chunk, also known as the World Championship Punkin Chunkin, this year Nov. 1-3, in Bridgeville.
In New Hampshire, the annual Pumpkin Festival in Keene is scheduled for Oct. 19, noon-8:30 p.m., with parades, performances and thousands of carved pumpkins lining the town.
At Coney Island in Brooklyn, N.Y., Luna Park hosts Halloween Harvest weekends in October and on Columbus Day. Guess the weight of a giant pumpkin to win $1,000. The pumpkin will be carved into a masterpiece Oct. 26 by Food Network's Marc Maniac, and the public can carve pumpkins in a contest that day too.
In Florida, the streets of Universal Orlando are being taken over by zombies inspired by AMC's popular show, "The Walking Dead," for Halloween Horror Nights, held select evenings through Nov. 2. One of the park's eight haunted houses is also themed on the show. Other haunted houses take inspiration from horror video game series Resident Evil and horror films "Evil Dead," ''The Cabin in the Woods" and "An American Werewolf in London."
In California, Universal Hollywood debuted a new maze this season inspired by the heavy metal band Black Sabbath's "13" album. The park also offers a "scare zone" populated by actors dressed as the nasty Chucky doll from the direct-to-DVD sequel "Curse of Chucky," and a maze incorporating elements from the "Insidious" films. Details at
Cedar Point's HalloWeekends in Sandusky, Ohio, include scare zones with themes like Blood on the Bayou, Carnevil, Cornstalkers and Fear Faire. Busch Gardens, in addition to "The Experiment," has its annual Howl-O-Scream attractions, including a haunted house called Death Water Bayou that was created with input from fans on Facebook: http://seaworldparks.com/en/howloscream-tampa/Attractions/Haunted-Houses.
For the younger crowd, Disney offers Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Florida, and Mickey's Halloween Party at Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif.
Unlike the in-your-face scare zones and trapped-in-a-room experiences popping up at theme parks, ghost tours — whether in inns, historic sites or neighborhoods — tend to be more fun than fright. Expect a good ghost story and readings of alleged paranormal activity on hand-held meters.
A list of 30 B&Bs and inns with ghost-themed stays can be found at Better Way to Stay. Or take a look at haunted hotel packages offered by Historic Hotels of America.
Article Source here
By Beth J. Harpaz of Associated Press
DA: Motorcyclist had key role in NYC SUV brawl
Reginald Chance, a motorcyclist accused of starting a bloody encounter between a group of bikers and an SUV driver, was arraigned on charges in New York.
NEW YORK — A motorcyclist accused of smashing a window and catalyzing a bloody encounter between a group of bikers and an SUV driver was arraigned Sunday on gang assault and other major charges, which his lawyer said were overblown.
The fourth person arrested so far in a case held up as a highway nightmare, Reginald Chance, 37, was being held on $75,000 cash bail. Prosecutors said he played a key role in the SUV driver's beating, which came after the driver ran over a biker in what the motorist's family said was fear for his life.
While Chance didn't hit or kick the driver, by shattering the SUV's driver's-side window, he "set into motion a chain of events that resulted in the driver being dragged out of his vehicle and beaten" by others, Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Samantha Turino said.
Chance's lawyer, Gregory Watts, acknowledged his client broke the window in a burst of anger. The SUV's door had knocked him down earlier in the encounter that went from a Manhattan highway to a neighborhood street, Watts said. Video that captured part of the encounter shows Chance got on his motorcycle after breaking the window and left without hitting SUV driver Alexian Lien or encouraging anyone else to do so, Watts said.
"This is not a man riding around assaulting people with a quote-unquote 'gang,'" Watts said. "We will hotly contest those allegations."
Chance made an obscene gesture toward news cameras during his court appearance. Watts said his client is a married father of six who has been unemployed since a 2011 layoff from a food-service company.
In the Sept. 29 confrontation, a group of motorcyclists crossed paths with Lien, who was out for a drive to celebrate his wedding anniversary with his wife and their toddler. One biker, Christopher Cruz, 28, cut off Lien's Range Rover SUV and slowed down before it bumped his motorcycle's rear tire, police and prosecutors said. Cruz is fighting misdemeanor charges including unlawful imprisonment.
Cruz and other bikers stopped and approached Lien, 33; who drove off, running over biker Edwin "Jay" Mieses Jr. and breaking his spine and both his legs. The motorcyclists pursued Lien off the highway and onto a street, then attacked him when he got stuck in traffic, authorities said. Chance's bike was knocked down along the way when another biker tried to open the SUV's door and it drove on, Watts said.
After the SUV's window was broken, Lien was dragged out, beaten and stomped, needing stitches in his face, authorities said.
Another rider accused of participating in the beating, Robert Sims, 35, of Brooklyn, was arraigned Saturday on charges including gang assault. His lawyer, Luther Williams, said Sims denies the charges.
Prosecutors have declined to charge a fourth man who was arrested, at least for now.
Lien has not been charged with any crime. His family's lawyers declined to comment on Chance's arrest.
Police are investigating whether an undercover police officer at the motorcycle rally witnessed the violent confrontation and didn't immediately report it, a law enforcement official said Saturday, speaking on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly about the investigation. Police also are looking into whether any off-duty officers were there.
Meanwhile, a bystander hailed as a hero in the episode gave a public account Sunday of stopping the attack.
Lien was on the ground when bystander Sergio Consuegra stepped in between him and the bikers, Consuegra recalled at a news conference with local officials.
Feeling "intense danger," Consuegra told himself, "Let me not show these people that I'm here to engage in any kind of confrontation but that I'm here to protect the man and the family, so I'm going to keep it cool," he recalled. Consuegra, who's in his 50s, was on his way to church when he saw the encounter.
He spread his arms to shield the driver and told the bikers: "That's it, guys. Let it go. That's it. Let it go," he said. The bikers backed off, and Consuegra called police.
He said he felt he'd done the right thing. But "I do not call myself a hero," he said, "because I wish I could have done more."
Associated Press writer Tom McElroy contributed to this report.
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By Jennifer Peltz of Associated Press
Do you live in the most dangerous state in America?
While violent crime in America has been trending downward for the past 20 years, there are still pockets in our nation that can't seem to rehabilitate. And, due in part to the high rates of crime in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee was named the most dangerous state in the union, followed by Nevada, Alaska and New Mexico. In terms of murders and robberies, Tennessee was ranked in the top 10 worst; however, the state was No. 1 for aggravated assaults, with a staggering 479.6 per 100,000 residents. Experts are still researching the reasons for the country's overall decline in crime, with some pointing to factors such as better policing, community outreach and a drop in crack cocaine use. [Source]
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Author: now.msn.com
Awe-inspiring optical illusions
Exercising on the edge
From street art to the wonders of nature, a selection of the best optical illusion images from around the world.
The old saying goes, "You have to see it to believe it," but that's not the case when it comes to some of the world's greatest optical illusions, which make your eyes play tricks on you. An optical illusion is when your eyes and brain perceive something that is different from the physical reality. These visual illusions will make you question what you're seeing.
In this photo: These fitness buffs appear to be exercising on the edge of a large canyon, complete with a waterfall, right in the middle of a city street. But in fact, they are actors posing with gym equipment on what the Guinness World Records billed as the world's largest 3D painting at Canary Wharf in London on Nov. 17, 2011. British artist Joe Hill's creation measured in excess of 12,000 square feet, breaking records for the longest and largest surface area 3D painting, according to Guinness. Some of Hill's 3D illusions can be completed in one day, according to his website, but large-scale projects take longer to create.
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Author: Reuters: Paul Hackett