Saturday, November 23, 2013
Lt. Zullo Interview: Universe Shattering Evidence In Obama ID Fraud Investigation
Full Lt. Mike Zullo Interview: Universe
Shattering Evidence In Obama ID Fraud Investigation
Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lead investigator Mike Zullo called into Carl Gallups' show and provided this update...
RELATED: Team Arpaio: Document Evidence Piling Up; Sheriff's Office More Involved - DETAILS HERE.
Team Arpaio: Hard Document Evidence Piling Up; Sheriff's Office More Involved
Radio Host: Hard Document Evidence Piling Up In Obama ID Fraud Investigation...
Carl Gallups reports that hard document evidence is piling up in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama ID fraud investigation. Sheriff Arpaio's lead investigator Mike Zullo called into the show to update the investigation...
UPDATE: Lt. Zullo Interview: Universe Shattering Evidence In Obama Fraud Investigation - CLICK HERE.
Hard-Hitting Video: John Stossel; I Think This Is Fake
Hard-Hitting Video:
John Stossel; I Think This Is Fake
Just about every Journalist and Talking-Head in America needs to interview this guy: Starting with Bill O'Reilly!
You can watch the full Stossel clip, and more background on the classic beatdown, here.
Obama ID Fraud: Rep. Steve Stockman Update; DC Put On Obama ID Fraud Notice
Obama ID Fraud: Rep. Steve Stockman Update; Capital Hill Put On Obama ID Fraud Notice...
RELATED: On Air Live: WOBC DC Update; Obama ID Fraud Evidence; Over 300 Distributed - DETAILS HERE.
RELATED: Audio: Rep. Wittman Working On Obama ID Fraud Issue; Democrats On Notice - DETAILS HERE.
More Threats Directed At Sheriff Arpaio Over Obama ID Fraud Investigation
The Post & Email Receives Threats
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 22, 2013) — On Friday morning, The Post & Email received the following unsolicited email:
From: Redacted
Subject: Please stop what you’re doing.
Message Body: I’m an IT professional that became involved in the Obama presidential campaign, first as a staffer, then as a personal assistant in 2007-2008. I was personally requested to help with the Obama campaign’s web design and editing of documents related to that. I was on the team that converted the presidents birth certificate into digital formats. The reason I’m writing is that I’ve been getting a lot of harassing messages from so-called “birthers” regarding my involvement with Obama ..I’m not sure whether you’re the person who released my contact info but I’m sure you probably know who did it. I’m going to ask one time and one time only: Take my information down. You have no right to do what you’re doing. You can tell the people accusing me of “forging birth certificates” that the law is on MY SIDE. I don’t think you realize just who you’re messing with and the vast amount of trouble you can get into. I’ve heard serious talk of federal charges being brought on Arpaio and a few others who are messing around outside their jurisdiction regarding this matter. You’re biting off way more than you can chew and I’d seriously reconsider the path you’re on, because it’s not going to end well for anyone who proclaims to be a “birther” … We will bankrupt each and every one of you in court if you keep doing what you’re doing. You need to cease and desist. NOW. If you don’t take heed to my warning, you will certainly be compelled to do so by some very powerful judges soon. I recommend for your financial security that you back off — I highly doubt you can afford lawyers as good as we have. –
This mail is sent via contact form on The Post & Email
To which we responded:
Sharon Rondeau (
Sent: Fri 11/22/13 7:29 AM
To: Redacted
Bcc: Redacted
I have no idea who you are and have never heard your name. You will not see anyone’s personal information released at The Post & Email in accordance with our written pledge never to release same:
Can you point to anything that connects The Post & Email with you? When you say, “Take my information down,” you first have to be able to show me where it is posted here, which it is not. I’ve checked, just to make sure. You have never been the topic of any article here. Moreover, we never write about private citizens, as any reader would know.
I will be referring your note to our attorney, as I do not appreciate warrantless threats.
Sharon Rondeau, Editor
The Post & Email
Just after sending our reply, a second message was received from the same sender:
Subject: One last word.
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:33:20 +0000
From: Redacted
Subject: One last word.
Message Body:
If Arpaio and his sidekick Mr. Zullo show up in Hawaii again; I happen to know the Governor and several police precincts here are looking forward to welcoming them with an all-expense vacation in one of the jail cells here. There are laws on the books here that they violated last time they roamed around flashing their badges outside of their jurisdiction. The locals here DO NOT like outsiders from the mainland acting “under colour of authority of law” trying to stir up trouble for our president. We support our president 100% and will do anything we have to to protect him. (and I mean ANYTHING)
You’re not getting anywhere with your phony investigations. All you’re going to end up getting is a criminal record if you keep up what you’re doing. If you don’t think we can do this, look what happened to Darren Huff, Walt Fitzpatrick, Terry Lakin and several other people we’ve had imprisoned.
Mr. Arpaio seems to be addicted to publicity (he’s what you call a publicity whore) — I’m sure he’ll get a lot of publicity when he ends up in Jail in Hawaii. Perhaps that’s just the thing you birthers want — airtime on national news regarding your issue. Good luck with that :) So far, the nation thinks you’re a bunch of kooks and you’ve done an excellent job reinforcing that stereotype. More publicity will certainly be on my sides favor. Not yours. We own the media and the courts. It’s impossible for you to fight this.
> –
> This mail is sent via contact form on The Post & Email
The emails were referred to the FBI.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
FLASHBACK: Obot Arrested For Threatening To Kill Sheriff Arpaio And His Family - DETAILS HERE.
More Threats Directed At Sheriff Arpaio Over Obama ID Fraud Investigation
Audio: Rep. Wittman Working On Obama ID Fraud Issue; Democrats On Notice
Audio: Rep. Rob Wittman Working On Obama ID Fraud Issue; Democrat Staffers Put On Notice...
Christian parents freak out after learning that Bible featuring stories illustrated with Legos, tells a few TOO MANY Biblical stories.
Okay so "The Brick Bible" was published in 2011 by Brendan Powell Smith as a fun method for telling Biblical stories in a new and interesting manner.
Here is how it is described over at Amazon:
Brendan Powell Smith has spent the last decade creating nearly 5,000 scenes from the bible--with Legos. His wonderfully original sets are featured on his website, but for the first time 1,400 photographs of these creative designs--depicting the Old Testament from Earth's creation to the Books of Kings--are brought together in book format. The Holy Bible is complex; sometimes dark, and other times joyous, and Smith's masterful work is a far cry from what a small child might build. The beauty of The Brick Bible is that everyone, from the devout to nonbelievers, will find something breathtaking, fascinating, or entertaining within this collection. Smith's subtle touch brings out the nuances of each scene and makes you reconsider the way you look at Legos--it's something that needs to be seen to be believed.
And here are some of the illustrations.
Nice right? Wrong!
At least wrong according to certain Christian parents who have gone to Amazon in order to complain that the book is not censored to their liking.
Christian parents freak out after learning that Bible featuring stories illustrated with Legos, tells a few TOO MANY Biblical stories.
Such as this one:
Is this being advertised as a children's book? I flipped through this in a local bookstore, found very adult themed lego pictures> such as sex and violence.
shameful book this is - no warning label or nothing.
And this one:
I bought this book in the store thinking that it would be a cute way to introduce the bible to my kids until I got it home. I started looking through the book and they the pictures were very inapproiate for children. They were very graphic with blood and violence that a child should not see done with toys. While the pictures in this book were created by legos this book is diffently not for children.
And this one:
I bought both the old and new testament versions of these books because my kids are big lego fans. I understand all topics covered in the Bible aren't G rated, but I'm not ready to discuss rape and similar topics with my children.
Or this one, who claims to be somewhat of an expert:
I bought these books for my Lego-fanatic son for Christmas, thinking this was a perfect marriage of Bible exposure and his beloved Legos. When I picked it up to read it however, it was quickly apparent that it was not Biblically sound, and many of the images (and implied narrative) were inappropriate for children or plain incorrect.
I understand the Bible is bloody, and there is more gore and murder in the Bible than most books ever printed, which is not my quarrel with the Brick Bibles. I do not shield my older children from those aspects, so that characteristic of the books did not bother me too much (with the exception that I do not think rape should be depicted in Lego bricks). What did bother me is the use of Legos images to imply large amounts of information that dissuade the reader from the actual lessons within the Bible--if I were unfamiliar with the Bible, I know I would not follow such a whacked-out perpetually angry, tantrum of a God portrayed here. Who would? There was little to no forgiveness, very little love, and a distinct lack of explanation of the gravity of sin (or what the sins entailed) as the reason for the carnage in some of the stories.
The text is spare, so the images tell the story. Unfortunately, the pictures--commonly held to be worth a thousand words--do not tell of a greater truth, nor do they tell the story correctly because there is no context. And there are some images that just do not need to be there, like the waist-down naked Lego girl having her legs spread for a virginity check, or the aforementioned rape.
I do not know the author or his religious bent, but I do know inaccuracies (and deception) when I see them. I am trained to recognize and engage in the psychology of marketing and images, and study how they help us to create and order our world. I recognize that this book lacks the integral thread of God's story throughout its disjointed telling, and I recognize the subtle insults to the stories themselves and consequently, to those that believe as a whole.
Parents, before you hand this book over to your child, at least look it over in detail. If you have not purchased it, pass it by--it is not for kids.
And this one:
I was so excited when I saw this book at Sam's club then sadly disappointed in the content when I got it home and actually read it. Glad I did before I gave it to my kids. As other viewers have mentioned, the author is NOT a person with a high regard for the truth of scripture. His main focus is on truthful "parts" of the Old Testament with his primary focus on all that is violence and judgement and depicts God as an angry frowning God. Anyone who values the Bible in its entirety and sees scripture as the story of a holy and loving God who works his perfect will for the redemption of mankind, should bypass this cynical and lopsided viewpoint. It is definitely not presented in a child- appropriate manner.
At this point one has to wonder if these people have actually ever READ the Bible. Or if they simply assumed that because it was done in Legos that it would be sanitized for their enjoyment. It is worth noting that the author Brendan Powell Smith does not misrepresent the stories in the Bible, in fact he represents them quite graphically.
He also offers a series aimed directly at children, with much less rape and torture.
But hey a true Christian should be able to accept the Bible in its entirety, AND have the patience and faith to explain it to their children. Right?
On Air Live: WOBC DC Update; Obama ID Fraud Evidence; Over 300 Distributed
Washington Trip on Thursday Evening
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 21, 2013) — Mike Volin, founder of, will be recounting his trip to Washington, DC to distribute his Sheriff’s Kit to members of Congress this evening on BlogTalkRadio at 8:00 p.m. EST.
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Michael Volin began in 2008 when questions arose about Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to serve as president of the United States |
A two-year investigation carried out by the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse revealed that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries,” and Volin took the posse’s findings to produce the Kits on a DVD.
On Thursday morning, Volin told this writer that “the final count” of Sheriff’s Kits distributed was 300, which consisted of “200 to Congress the 100 remaining to the attendees of the Klayman rally and some DC contacts we made including Mr. Lucas, White House correspondent for The Blaze.”
Volin was referring to the protest organized by Atty. Larry Klayman which encompassed numerous individuals and groups of citizens concerned about government overreach, Obama’s legitimacy, Obamacare, and other perceived government abuses.
The Post & Email interviewed Volin twice on Tuesday while he and others from around the nation were visiting members of Congress. Several meetings took place with congressmen in person, while others occurred staffers and chiefs of staff.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Mike Volin: The Sheriff's Kits went to Washington D.C., Kits were presented to Congress, both Representatives and Senators. Full live report tonight. (8:00 PM EST)
UPDATE: WOBC: Rep. Steve Stockman Update; DC Put On Obama ID Fraud Notice - CLICK HERE.
BACKGROUND: Congressional Staffers On Obama Forgeries: We’re Working On It - DETAILS HERE.
New York attorney challenges Mark Begich in Democratic primary, but refuses to move to Alaska unless he wins.
Seriously? |
New York attorney challenges Mark Begich in Democratic primary, but refuses to move to Alaska unless he wins.
Courtesy of KTUU: A New York attorney plans to run against Alaska Sen. Mark Begich in next year's Democratic primary, without leaving home.
William "Bill" Bryk tells the Anchorage Daily News he wants Begich to have some competition. The state Democratic party has endorsed Begich, and no other Democrats have filed to run.
Bryk says if he won the primary, he would have to be an Alaska resident on Election Day, which he said is how the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the U.S. constitution on the issue of residency.
The constitution requires that to be a senator, a person must be at least 30 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least nine years and "when elected," an inhabitant of the state for which he was chosen.
I don't think this guy really needs to worry about packing his things and moving up north, there is NO WAY Alaskans are going to vote for some slick Eastern lawyer who is too much of a pussy to live in our great state.
I have said it once, but I will say it again, if you do not shovel the same snow that we do to get out of our driveways, or drive on the same icy roads that we do to get to our jobs, or pay three times the cost of those in the lower forty eight for goods and services like we do, then you aren't going to get elected hall monitor up here.
And speaking of that, I recently saw the Vaguely Bearded One on Fox talking about how HE was going to run against Begich and how he hoped to get Sarah Palin's endorsement.
So that makes two challengers to Senator Begich who don't stand a snowball's chance in hell.
Army General: Entire Government Needs To Be Cleansed; Obama Needs To Resign
Army General: Entire Government Needs
To Be Cleansed; Obama Needs To Resign
Retired Major General Paul Vallely appeared on the Steve Malzberg Show to discuss his latest call to action...
Rather than pay their employees a living wage McDonald's suggests employees trying to stay out of debt pack a sack lunch and sell unwanted possessions on eBay. McPerfect!
Courtesy of NBC News:
McDonald’s is once again getting grilled over its employee advice, this time suggesting ways to get out of holiday debt that include returning unopened purchases and bringing a sack lunch.
The criticism comes months after it took heat over an employee budget guide that included no money for heat and $20 a month for health care.
The labor advocacy group Low Pay Is Not OK is lambasting McDonald’s for articles on an employee website that suggest workers visit thrift stores instead of the mall, use stale bread and bruised apples rather than throwing them out, and “quit complaining” as a way to reduce stress. And to pay off holiday debt, it suggested returning purchases.
“On a short term basis, do whatever it takes to dig out from your holiday debt,” said one article on the McResource Line website, a screen grab of which was provided by Low Pay Is Not OK.
“You may want to consider returning some of your unopened purchases that may not seem as appealing as they did. Selling some of your unwanted possessions on eBay or Craigslist could bring in some quick cash," it continued. “Consider bringing a brown bag lunch and skipping the takeout …. You might also consider a temporary part time job to dig out of debt quickly.”
The article appeared to have been removed from the site by midday Thursday.
McDonald’s did not return multiple calls for comment. A company spokeswoman, in a statement emailed to CNBC, said Low Pay Is Not OK’s video about the website took the advice out of context and characterized the campaign as “an attempt by an outside organization to undermine a well-intended employee assistance resource website.”
Yes they are only trying to McHelp without having to McPay more.
After all how do you post profits of over five billion dollars annually if you are paying your workers enough to live on?
By the way I completely stopped going to McDonald's several months ago and have no intention of ever going back. Not only is their McFood poisonous, but they are also cheap bastards more interested in turning a profit than in paying their employees,
Kind of reminds me of Wal-Mart who held a food drive asking their employees to donate food to help feed their fellow employees who are not paid enough to feed themselves.
Yet another place that I refuse to shop at any more.
Sarah Palin has her very own nuclear meltdown over the Democrat's decision to return to simple majority votes to confirm judges and approve executive office appointments.
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Courtesy of Facebook. |
May this day honor the late President John F. Kennedy. In his honor, and to protect our republic, Americans implore today's elected leaders to exercise virtuous truth and integrity in office. (Not to put too find of a point on it, but does ANYBODY really believe that Sarah Palin has ANY respect for John F. Kennedy? No, her hero is Ronald Reagan was the very antithesis to JFK.)
Shockingly to some, the White House and Senate Democrats, desperate for a winning political talking point before Congress’s Thanksgiving vacation, just did the opposite.
Liberals just changed 230 years of enduring Senate rules by enacting the “Nuclear Option” that will now let just 51 votes approve the President’s nominees, and thus prevent dissenting Senators from filibustering controversial appointees who’ll be charged with decision making that affects our lives. (And they were forced to do so by who exactly?)
This is significant as further proof that our government is so broken. (And the Teabaggers you supported broke it.) When politicians can’t get anything to work, they change rules and hope we’ll just get distracted. The hugely divisive, dysfunctional “Nuclear Option” sets a terrible precedent. (It might make Palin feel better if she realizes that many refer to his rule change as the "constitutional option." After all she so LOVES the Constitution. But then again probably not.) Mark Levin appropriately calls it “the latest act of leftist tyranny.” It’s also leftist hypocrisy. Back under Republican control of the Senate, Democrats blocked President Bush’s judicial appointees. You should have heard Harry Reid and then-Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden freak out in railing against the “danger... arrogance... poison” of the Republican majority even considering enacting such a rule change. To ensure cooperation and unity in balancing power for We the People, Republicans wisely did not change the rules. (Yes but that was before this happened.)
But that was then. Now this makes for a nice Thanksgiving distraction for the left, but Americans are awake today – we’re not easily distracted with turkeys like this. (Turkeys, oh that reminds me, I have a video to put up next Thursday morning.)
Do these far leftists realize Americans will not be chatting cheerfully around our Thanksgiving tables about how Obama and Reid nuked Senate rules? No, if political speak befalls dinner, we’ll no doubt vent about losing health insurance, seeing premiums skyrocket, not being able to afford unworkable Obamacare plans, and still wanting socialized healthcare scrapped altogether. We'll discuss disappointment in the President and his Party for lying to us. (Don't worry we liberals are ready for that.)
But don’t let this distraction ruin your Thanksgiving, America! Be thankful for at least one thing revealed in this latest radical act of the far left: more Americans are now stirred from slumber! (Yes we are, and the majority of us are liberals.) Only a Butterball’s serotonin-induced sleepiness after dinner will lull us back in; Senate power grabbing distractions won’t do it. (Update: I think she meant Tryptophan-induced sleepiness, NOT serotonin.)
- Sarah Palin
This was not a power grab, this was simply a repair of a broken system that the Republicans had taken advantage of in order to nullify the election of Barack Obama. They do not consider him a legitimate President so they have refused to treat him like a legitimate President.
Harry Reid is on record for not wanting to change this rule, and in fact has resisted incredible pressure from the liberals to do something to fix this broken system for quite a long time. He did not change his mind, the Republicans changed it for him.
Sarah Palin and her conservative buddies were counting on the Democrats to continue playing by the rules forever even as the Republicans tied their shoelaces together, peed in their Gatorade, and hid home plate repeatedly in order to win by any means possible, what they could not win fairly.
Well, if I may be so blunt, fuck them!
They have NOBODY to blame except themselves. And as Rachel Maddow pointed out last night, all the Republicans had to do to avoid this outcome, was to simply allow the President to appoint three more judges to the federal court. The Republicans refused to let that happen, and the Democrats had had enough.
And as for this biting the Democrats in the butt the next time there is a Republican President and Republican majority in the Senate, not really. Number one, considering how the GOP is viewed these days, we may all be dead before that happens. And number two as a rule the Democrats don't pull this filibuster crap nearly as often as the Republicans, and not having the option will have very little effect on how we govern.
After all Democrats are actually interested in governing, NOT breaking the government so that it no longer functions.
In biggest news of the day Harry Reid and Democrats trigger "nuclear option" in order to stop Republican obstructionism.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
The partisan battles that have paralyzed Washington in recent years took a historic turn Thursday, as Senate Democrats eliminated filibusters for most presidential nominations, severely curtailing the political leverage of the Republican minority in the Senate and assuring an escalation of partisan warfare.
Saying that “enough is enough,” President Obama welcomed the end of what he called the abuse of the Senate’s advise and consent function, which he said had turned into “a reckless and relentless tool” to grind the gears of government to a halt.
While “neither party has been blameless for these tactics,” Obama said in a statement to reporters at the White House, “today’s pattern of obstruction . . . just isn’t normal; it’s not what our founders envisioned.” He cited filibusters against executive branch appointments and judicial nominees on grounds that he said were based simply on opposition to “the policies that the American people voted for in the last election.”
“This isn’t obstruction on substance, on qualifications,” he said. “It’s just to gum up the works.”
The rule change means that federal judge nominees and executive-office appointments can advance to confirmation votes by a simple majority of senators, rather than the 60-vote supermajority that has long been required to end debate and proceed to an up-or-down majority vote to confirm or reject the nomination.
The change does not apply to Supreme Court nominations. But the vote, mostly along party lines, dramatically alters the landscape for both Democratic and Republican presidents, especially if their own political party holds a majority of, but fewer than 60, Senate seats.
As much as this rule change bothers me, I have to say that I don't think the Democrats had much choice.
The Republicans have been blocking just about everything this President has tried to do simply because they can, and have been unwilling to compromise on anything.
So as much and I dislike this, and worry what it means going forward when the Dems are no longer in control, I don't see what other options were left.
Any other opinions?
Robyn O'Brien on kids and food allergies from GMO's. This is one of those videos that you must see, no excuses.
I apologize ahead of time for how much this information is going to bother you today, but not for providing the information to help educate you on the fact that American food suppliers are literally poisoning us, and our children, in the name of higher profits.
My daughter only occasionally insists that I post something on this blog, but she was so adamant about this one that she badgered me for hours to make sure I watched it and then that I shared it with all of you.
I can tell you unequivocally from my experiences working with children for the last thirty years that Robyn O'Brien's observations are dead on concerning the explosion of nut allergies that have been identified in young children. I assume that most of us grew up in this country and can remember only a handful of children with severe allergies and perhaps NONE who were deathly allergic to nuts. (At least I can remember none, but my daughter numbers among those who I know today.)
In the bigger picture this also speaks to the fact that the Republican talking point that businesses do NOT need consistent and comprehensive regulations is false. Rather than being self regulating, and keeping the best interests of their customers in the forefront of their decision making, they instead treat the consumer as collateral damage on their way to higher profits.
Koch brother funded ad attacks Senator Mark Begich using fake Alaskan played by Maryland actress. Oh no you didn't!
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Americans for Prosperity, the conservative advocacy group backed by the Koch brothers, released an attack ad on Wednesday criticizing Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) for his support of the Affordable Care Act.
The commercial features an unidentified Alaskan voter, who is actually an actress living in Maryland, according to The New York Times. In the ad, the actress blames Begich for breaking his promise to Alaskans.
“I trusted the president and Senator Begich … Now millions are losing their health care … costs are going way up,” the woman says. “Senator Begich didn’t listen. How can I ever trust him again? It just isn’t fair. Alaska deserves better.”
The actress is a Maryland native named Connie Bowman who does commercials, voice-overs and print ads.
“I’m just an actress,” she told the Times on Wednesday.
Political advertisements often use professional actors. But pretending to be an Alaska resident to offer criticism crosses a line, according to Begich’s campaign, which called the commercial an unfounded attack from a non-Alaskan.
Oh you done fucked up now!
Let me assure you that Alaskans HATE people from out of state trying to influence our votes, ESPECIALLY by using this kind of trickery.
I can guarantee that this does nothing but help Mark in seeking reelection.
The thing is that I am sure that Americans for Prosperity could have found a local Alaskan willing to appear in their ad, there are plenty of stalwart Republicans up here, but they simply outsourced the job to , using a favorite Alaskan epithet, a "fucking out of stater."
Just in time for Thanksgiving, the Huffington Post provides everything you will need to debate that Right Wing relative who is just itching to pick a fight over Obamacare.
Here is my favorite one courtesy of HuffPo:
Hank (He represents the generic Right Wing relative in this scenario.)The website screwup means Obamacare is dead.
Talking point: The website’s frustrating and time-consuming glitches are deterring healthier young people who are not in dire need of health insurance from signing up, leaving the most desperate and sick as the majority of successful enrollees.
Talking point: Even Democrats are abandoning this sinking ship!
Emily (She represents you.): GOP Governors are largely responsible for the struggling health care rollout in the first place. And Democrats are wimps, so that's not a surprise to anybody.
First off: Remind Hank of the Republican governors who refused to implement state-run marketplaces and forced the Obama administration to set up a single federal marketplace, compounding the federal website’s tech burden with managing exchanges for 36 states.
Republicans then refused to appropriate funding for the additional website burdens on the federal government, which left the Obama administration scrambling to secure additional funding for Healthcare.Gov.
Talking point: Republicans even forced the guy hired to fix the website, Todd Park, who wasn't involved in the rollout, to take nearly a week off to testify before a House committee. The GOP is clearly trying to sabotage this.
State-run online health care marketplaces, notably the ones for California and Kentucky, have fared significantly better than the federal website.
Talking point: Red states have refused to participate in any education initiative to inform the public about the law, and have actively thwarted those who have tried to help -- requiring navigators to jump through government hoops and trying to scare people away with baseless allegations of fraud. All of a sudden, the GOP loves government oversight and regulation.
Lastly: Enrollment goes until March 31. During the first year of Romneycare, younger Americans waited until the last minute to sign up for insurance. That could happen this time, too.
This of course is only one example but the rest of the responses are very useful as well. I don't know about you but I am going to have this baby locked and loaded onto my I-Pad for the first idiot dumb enough to challenge me on the facts. (I usually do not require any back up, but this website thing has provided my opponents with a whole new arsenal to choose from. Could get ugly.)
By the way here is a look at the REAL victims of the Republican obstructionism.
Sarah Palin sells little over 20,000 books in first week of highly promoted book tour. Update!
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Photo courtesy of Facebook |
BOOK SALES RACE, WEEK 11/17/13: RUSH LIMBAUGH 'BRAVE' REMAINS #1 WITH 52,463 SOLD [300,400 SINCE RELEASE]... O'REILLY 'JESUS' IN SECOND AFTER SCANNING 49,069 [645,976]... MORE... KRAUTHAMMER 'MATTER' TAKES SHOW WITH 40,598 [131,713]... DUCK DYNASTY 'SI-COLOGY' 26,934 [347,811]... DORIS GOODWIN 'THEODORE' 22,268 [47,571]... PALIN 'GREAT' OPENS WITH 20,157 (Note that the other authors listed are on their second, third, and sometimes fourth week of publication. Not their first.)
Gee even after subjecting herself to interviews on the Today Show, CNN, and USA Today she still cannot convince anyone outside of her rapidly shrinking group of supporters. (For context it should be noted that "Going Rogue" sold in excess of 2 million books, most of which were sold in the first few weeks.)
Also keep in mind that the sales for these conservative books are artificially padded through the use of bulk sales to conservative groups who then give them away with donations or subscription to their periodicals or websites. So the question to ask is, are they still doing that for Palin? Or are they doing it in a far less aggressive fashion due to her fading popularity?
By the by, I think that THIS, and not the Bashir controversy, is the main reason why Palin is taking back her invitation to have Matt Lauer fly up to Alaska to interview her.
Or perhaps it was HE who determined that it was a waste of his time, and NBC resources, to fly all the way to Alaska to interview a has been who is no longer relevant to anything or anybody.
Update: As if to illustrate Palin's diminished popularity, here is Bill O'Reilly telling Howard Kurtz that Palin is too afraid to come on his program:
BILL O'REILLY: Let's just be frank here. You want to be frank, Howard? You want to be honest? Sarah Palin won't do this program. She won't come on the program because she doesn't want to mix it up. She doesn't. She wants to give a speech, and nobody gives speeches here. Okay? So she doesn't come on. We invited her on tonight. You're here instead. But I don't begrudge Sarah Palin that. She can come on. She doesn't come on, she does come on, whatever she wants to do. Okay? Fine.
You know when the top rated host of the Right Wing cable news station/Republican propaganda machine that once employed you, feels he can slam you like this, you are essentially finished.
“Well, I appreciate you’re trying to lecture me in the morning." Ted Cruz cornered by CNN reporter during interview about the responsibilities of his job.
Click idiot to play video |
An interview involving Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday turned testy when the subject shifted to the Affordable Care Act.
During an appearance on CNN's "New Day," Cruz repeated his call to "start over" on health care reform, arguing that the law simply "isn't working." Host Chris Cuomo pushed back on that contention.
"How can we say it's not working when it isn't implemented yet?" Cuomo asked. "How can you say premiums are skyrocketing when they haven't put the plans into effect yet? You’re being a little dangerous with how much political spin you put on something that’s so central to the wellbeing of so many families?"
"Well, I appreciate the adjective you tossed my way," Cruz shot back.
When Cruz said he's heard from "men and women across Texas" who have lost their health insurance as a result of Obamacare, Cuomo pressed the senator on what solutions he would offer to those people.
“You don’t think that you have a responsibility as a U.S. Senator to do better than that in terms of offering a solution on what to do next?” the host asked.
“Well, I appreciate you’re trying to lecture me in the morning," Cruz said. "Thank you for that.”
Seriously how many men and women do we REALLY think put their hands on the shoulders of Ted Cruz to tell him they that had lost their health insurance? Yeah, none.
Cruz of course does not volunteer the fact that those "five million" people losing their health insurance are actually being offered alternate plans by their companies and now have the opportunity to find more comprehensive and less expensive insurance plans thanks to Obamacare.
Of course Cruz offers NOTHING of any value to solve the health care crisis in this country, except more demagoguery and attacks on the President for trying to do something to help. (You will notice that Cruz mentions nothing about the five million Americans who will not get insurance coverage because of Republican governor's refusal to expand medicaid in their states,)
Cruz is a sleazy, slippery, reptilian piece of shit, and I have no trouble believing that he is as widely disliked by his fellow Republicans as has been reported in the past.
Bottom line this guy cares about nobody except Ted Cruz, and believes he is above reproach, which is well illustrated by his snippy response to these questions posed by Chris Cuomo.
For the majority of Americans the Tea Party and the Republican party are now synonymous.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
Views of the Republican Party’s ideological leaning are essentially the same as the tea party.
Forty percent say the tea party is too conservative — about the same number as say the Republican Party is too conservative (43 percent). While 36 percent of Americans say the views of the GOP are “about right,” 35 percent say the same of the tea party.
Views of the GOP and the tea party are virtually the same across all demographics. Fifty-five percent of moderates say the GOP is too conservative, versus 52 percent who say the same of the tea party.
In other words, if the tea party has moved the GOP to the right — and it has — it has done so to such an extent they are now viewed as ideologically very similar.
So while the establishment Republicans are locked in a pitched battle for control of their party with the Teabaggers, the rest of the country sees them as one and the same.
What was it the comic strip character Pogo once said?
This is pretty good news for the progressives moving toward 2014. Now if only we can get that damn website up and running, and manage not to shoot ourselves in the foot, we might have a real shot at gaining some seats and getting this country back on track.
The future of car manufacturing is just around the corner.
Courtesy of BBC News:
Japanese carmaker Toyota has said it is looking to start commercial sales of fuel cell-powered cars by 2015.
Toyota set the target as it unveiled a concept fuel cell powered car, called the FCV, at the Tokyo Motor Show.
Its cells can be recharged within minutes and it can cover about 500km (300 miles) on a single charge, according to the firm.
Earlier this week, rival Hyundai said it plans to start mass production of such cars as early as next year.
The South Korean company has announced plans to start commercial sales of a fuel cell-powered version of its sports utility vehicle, the Tucson, in the US market.
Honda Motor is also expected to unveil its latest concept version of a fuel cell-powered vehicle later this week.
Many carmakers have been looking to develop the fuel cell technology further and bring it to mass production.
One of the main reasons is that it is emission-free.
The technology uses hydrogen to generate electricity to power the engine and the waste products are heat and harmless water.
At the same time, fuel cells charge much faster and travel a longer distance after being charged, compared with battery-operated electric cars.
I have to admit that I have been waiting for some real movement on this front for quite some time now. As a matter of fact I have been keeping my Durango tuned up and in good repair hoping that it will last long enough for me to move to a non-fossil fuel powered car with my next purchase.
I had some hopes of going electric, but this actually sounds much more promising. IF they can work out the issue of getting enough hydrogen filling stations built to meet demand.
Oh well, here's hoping that the oil companies don't do everything in their power to destroy our chances of moving to this new technology like they once did in response to the electric car.
By the way this is one of the few topics these days on which my daughter and I are in complete agreement.
Yay, for Albuquerque!
Courtesy of Aljazeera America:
In a closely watched, first-of-its-kind municipal election, voters in New Mexico's largest city have defeated a proposed ban on late-term abortions.
Voters in Albuquerque on Tuesday rejected the measure 55 to 45 percent, following an emotional and graphic campaign that brought in national groups and hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising. The campaign included protests that compared abortion to the Holocaust and displayed pictures of aborted fetuses.
A coalition of groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico and Planned Parenthood, called the results a huge victory for Albuquerque women and families.
"Albuquerque families sent a powerful message today — they do not want the government interfering in their private medical decisions," Micaela Cadena, of the Respect ABQ Women campaign, said in a statement.
"Dangerous, unconstitutional laws like the one we rejected today have no place in Albuquerque, no place in New Mexico, no place anywhere in our nation," she added.
This is great news!
I have to admit that I was worried that this law was going to pass and that it would set a precedent for a number of southern cities to follow suit.
But damn if logic, common sense, and rational thinking didn't save the day again.
Philippine Catholic Bishops are sending Bibles and rosary beads to communities devastated by typhoon Yolanda. Yeah who needs food and shelter when you have Jesus?
Courtesy of Inquirer News:
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is sending several copies of the Bible and rosaries to Tacloban and nearby provinces to fill the spiritual necessities of those affected by supertyphoon “Yolanda” (international name Haiyan).
According to the CBCP, the Episcopal Commission for the Biblical Apostolate (ECBA) will be sending 1,000 copies of the Bible to help strengthen the faith of the typhoon victims.
On the other hand, the prayer support network of the pro-life movement Rosary for Life donated to the CBCP an initial 3,000 rosaries for Tacloban to help uplift the spiritual morale of the devastated people in the city.
“We know that through prayers somehow we will survive as a people and persevere in life. The primacy of the spiritual dimension in our lives must be emphasized to our people. We, of course know that the physical necessities of life are important but also important is the spiritual side of the people in this recent calamity. We are making these rosaries available to people to help them pray in this time of trial and tragedy,” said William Lorenzo, the communication officer of Rosaries for Life, in a statement.
Lorenzo said they would visit the affected areas to help rehabilitate the Catholic spirituality of the people of Tacloban.
He added that rosaries would also be sent to Samar, another province badly affected by the supertyphoon.
Meanwhile, Dr. Natividad Pagadut, ECBA’s executive secretary, believes that the distribution of the Bible should be coupled with formation and counseling of the people in order to guide them on how to use it.
“We hope that the Bible would help the victims recover from the tragedy, strengthen their faith, and improve as persons,” she said.
“It is best to couple it with formation, counseling and to guide them on what to read in the Bible during this time. With this, they will be consoled, challenged, they will gain hope to move on, and get up from this terrible experience,” Pagadut said.
The biblical apostolate also gave 100 copies of children’s Bible for kids to read to help them get up from the devastating experience.
WTF? These people have lost EVERYTHING and with all of the money at their disposal the Catholic church sends them Bibles and beads?
They don't care about the well being of these people, they are just worried that they will lose members of the flock who might be questioning the wisdom of worshiping a God who either sent this typhoon on purpose who was unable or unwilling to prevent it.
These people need physical help, not more proselytizing.
I may be nothing more than a heathen but I have sent two different donations already.
Cash donations.
And I did it not to earn my way into heaven, or to buy my way out of hell, but simply because it is the right, the human, thing to do.
Sarah Palin kicking it with one of the few people even crazier than she is, Rafael Cruz, Ted Cruz's father.
Courtesy of
A big Texas thanks to Rafael Cruz, Senator Ted Cruz’s father, for hosting us last night with other SarahPAC supporters. It’s inspiring to hear Rafael’s full-throated defense of American exceptionalism. As an American of Cuban descent, Rafael has witnessed first hand what it means to live without freedom, and that has made him an eloquent and motivated American patriot. God bless him and all the SarahPAC supporters we met yesterday. Together we're working to restore our exceptional nation!
Holy crap! Can you just imagine how much crazy would be packed into that room with Sarah Palin, her Palin-bots, AND Rafael Cruz? I swear it boggles the mind.
You may remember the elder Cruz as the the man who wants to send President Obama back to Kenya, who says black people are uninformed, and that his son Ted Cruz is the "Anointed one."
So clearly he is one of Palin's kind of people. Perhaps even crazier than the usual suspects even.
Speaking of crazy, you should see how crazy the Palin-bots got over this tweet from Cher:
Go to dictionary,& look up The “C"Word, 2 the’ll see a Pic of Sarah PALIN ! NO...WAIT ...SHES UNDER DUMB C WORD👻
— Cher (@cher) November 15, 2013
It was tweeted back on November 15, but apparently it took almost three days for the Right Wing to get sufficiently pissed off about it.Anyhow apparently it really hurt widdle Sarah's feelings so she sicced her big brother on her:
Dear Cher,
I was sorry to hear that you tweeted out such vile comments about my little sister yesterday. It's sad because Sarah has never had a harsh word to say about you. In fact, our grandmother was one of your biggest fans.
Have a good night,
Oh God can you just imagine how torn up Cher is to learn that the Palin's no longer want to be besties with her?
Personally I don't think Cher owes them anything, after all she did already write a song all about them. What more do they want?
And if that were not enough outrage for one day it is now being reported that Palin has just cancelled her sit down with Matt Lauer over the remarks by Martin Bashir.
This courtesy of Fox News:
The former Alaska governor and Fox News contributor was scheduled to sit down with Matt Lauer for a Christmas season interview. That's now toast.
Palin has now canceled Lauer's scheduled trip to Wasilla, a source close to her tells me. It's not because Palin is upset with Lauer or the "Today" show, but as a protest against NBC for not taking action against Bashir. In fact, Palin once sat in as a "Today"co-host.
Uh huh. Okay does anybody else think that this might just be a convenient excuse to get out of an interview that she is now dreading because her book sales have dropped off so precipitously? (Which are now down to 275 at the time of this post.)
Because I kind of do.
This was posted on Levi Johnston's Facebook page late last night.
Rachel Maddow debunks the newest Right Wing outrage over the "fact" that President Obama omitted God from the Gettysburg Address. He didn't.
This courtesy of Raw Story:
According to Media Matters, Burns specifically asked the president to read from the “Nicolay Version,” which was written before the phrase “under God” was added:
“It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
The phrase, however, was changed slightly by the time the speech was delivered by Lincoln: “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”
By Tuesday morning, the news had become one of the top stories on conservative websites like the Drudge Report, The Daily Caller, the National Review Online and WMAL. The Daily Caller did eventually correct their report to note that Burns had requested the “Nicolay Version” of the speech.
This story was ALL OVER the Right Wing blogosphere yesterday. I knew when I first heard it that it was nothing.
I swear that these idiots spend all day, every day simply waiting for something that they can feel outraged over.