Saturday, November 23, 2013
New York attorney challenges Mark Begich in Democratic primary, but refuses to move to Alaska unless he wins.
Seriously? |
New York attorney challenges Mark Begich in Democratic primary, but refuses to move to Alaska unless he wins.
Courtesy of KTUU: A New York attorney plans to run against Alaska Sen. Mark Begich in next year's Democratic primary, without leaving home.
William "Bill" Bryk tells the Anchorage Daily News he wants Begich to have some competition. The state Democratic party has endorsed Begich, and no other Democrats have filed to run.
Bryk says if he won the primary, he would have to be an Alaska resident on Election Day, which he said is how the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the U.S. constitution on the issue of residency.
The constitution requires that to be a senator, a person must be at least 30 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least nine years and "when elected," an inhabitant of the state for which he was chosen.
I don't think this guy really needs to worry about packing his things and moving up north, there is NO WAY Alaskans are going to vote for some slick Eastern lawyer who is too much of a pussy to live in our great state.
I have said it once, but I will say it again, if you do not shovel the same snow that we do to get out of our driveways, or drive on the same icy roads that we do to get to our jobs, or pay three times the cost of those in the lower forty eight for goods and services like we do, then you aren't going to get elected hall monitor up here.
And speaking of that, I recently saw the Vaguely Bearded One on Fox talking about how HE was going to run against Begich and how he hoped to get Sarah Palin's endorsement.
So that makes two challengers to Senator Begich who don't stand a snowball's chance in hell.
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