Thursday, October 24, 2013
Today's senseless school shooting comes to you courtesy of Nevada.
Today's senseless school shooting comes to you courtesy of Nevada.
Photo courtesy of the Guardian |
The 12-year-old boy, whose name has not been released, began by shooting a fellow student in the shoulder, police said Tuesday. Then he turned his gun on math teacher Mike Landsberry before shooting a second student in the abdomen, Washoe County School District Police Chief Mike Mieras said.
After that, he shot himself to death with his pistol, which Sparks Deputy Police Chief Tom Miller identified as a Ruger 9mm semiautomatic.
"We got a guy with a gun. He's down from a head shot wound. Could be our shooter," one of the responding officers is heard telling dispatchers on the 911 calls. "He's out there on the basketball court."
Landsberry walked toward the shooter on a playground basketball court after the first student was hit, saving lives, according to authorities.
"Mr. Landsberry's heroic actions, by stepping toward the shooter, allowed time for other students in the playground area to flee," Mieras said.
Despite previous reports indicating the two wounded students had been shot inside the school building, all the shots were fired outside, police said.
Miller, who said earlier on CNN's "New Day" that it wasn't yet clear if the boy was targeting specific people, declined to identify the boy out of respect for his family.
Mr. Landsberry was a Marine, but he did what just about any educator in the country would do, he protected his kids.
And no it is unlikely that having Mr. Landsberry armed would have changed the number of fatalities, so adding another gun would not have made the school safer. However, subtracting one certainly would have.
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