Thursday, October 24, 2013

Frustrated that not enough people are paying attention to her Sarah Palin projects her worst personality traits onto the President while trolling for conspiracy theorists.

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Frustrated that not enough people are paying attention to her Sarah Palin projects her worst personality traits onto the President while trolling for conspiracy theorists.
Okay so just a few hours ago Palin apparently decided go all in with conspiracy theorists who now seem to make up the base of the Tea Party movement, and posted this on her Facebook page:

Whether accurate or not, for some reason I found this hilarious! Am I out of bounds for cracking up when I saw this take on a nauseated Obama fan, her absentminded pal, and our President's heroics this week? If so, penance paying I'll accept. (Palin puts a Smiley Face here, but I don't allow that kind of crap on this blog.) With the Obama White House’s total lack of transparency, it’s no wonder that some will ask whether they staged even a fainting lady in the Rose Garden. What was once a major leap in logic has become a single step because President Obama has lied so often and so blatantly ("If you like your health care plan, you can keep your plan" comes to mind!).

She then links to this batshit crazy article over at the Weekly Standard, that scrutinizes the moment that Karmel Allison almost fainted behind the President while he was giving his speech about the Affordable Care website problems.

I read through the post, by woman calling herself "Patriot Lady," and found that virtually ALL of her "discoveries of fraud" were easily explained if one applied logic. In fact upon repeated viewings it seems even more farfetched to jump to the conclusion that it is fake. (You can also see an interview with the young woman here and judge for yourself.)

But THAT doesn't stop Palin from suggesting that since the President is SO untrustworthy that it is not out of the realm of possibilities that the staged this. (Yes, HE'S the untrustworthy one.)

However I could not help notice that this comes right after many of the people visiting here bought into that Daily Currant parody that suggested that Palin believed that Jesus Christ had celebrated Easter. Part of the explanation for why reasonable people might believe such a crazy thing about Sarah Palin is that she has a history of making incredibly stupid remarks, and is famous for getting facts wrong about historical events (Think Paul Revere's ride.)

Let's face it this is clearly an example of blatant projection on Palin's part. Obviously there are conspiracies about her that are based on nothing more than very active imaginations and a deep seated disdain for the nasty bitch.

However there are also numerous examples of bizarre things that were proven to be true, such as she faked supporting letters to the editor, that she hijacked polls to make herself seem more popular, that she faked a pregnancy, that she constantly tells lies about her past and her family, and on and on and on. (Feel free to add your own to this list.)

However the conspiracy theories about the President, he was not born in this country, he is a homosexual, he is a secret Muslim, he is killing journalists, he is the Antichrist trying to destroy the country, are all based almost solely on absolutely nothing. And some of them are so crazy that they speak to a derangement that I am not sure we have every seen in this country before. (MSNBC just did a story about where these conspiracy theorists get their "facts" that is definitely worth a read.)

And the same is true of the fainting lady conspiracy.

That being said I do find it more than a little telling that Palin is now working the Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and World Net Daily side of the fence. You know the place where the truly unhinged go to get their news.

But hey, I guess you go where your audience is, don't you?



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