Sunday, June 29, 2014
Militia members plan to form a human blockade against immigrants coming across the border in Laredo, Texas. Oh yeah, nothing can go wrong here.
Militia members plan to form a human blockade against immigrants coming across the border in Laredo, Texas. Oh yeah, nothing can go wrong here.
Courtesy of Newsmax: Militia members and other concerned U.S. citizens are converging on the border town of Laredo, Texas, on Friday to create a blockade against illegal immigrants crossing into the United States, the organizer of the human chain and protest said on Newsmax TV's "MidPoint."
"This will continue for days and weeks to come" and spread "to other points" along the U.S.-Mexico frontier, Barbie Rogers, founder of the Patriots Information Hotline, said in a telephone interview.
Rogers declined to give an exact head count beyond "more than 50 people" or reveal whether participants are armed, citing worries about their security.
But she said blockaders will follow the same rules of engagement as protesters in an April standoff between federal officials and Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. "Just like at the Bundy ranch, there will be no patriot out there on that line that will fire first," Rogers said.
Just like the Bundy ranch standoff huh? And just when I thought this was going to be a bad idea.
But seriously how can having a bunch of xenophobic, heavily armed Rambo wannabes monitoring the border in camouflaged motorized scooters not work out for the best?
I swear these idiots will not be happy until they have some how managed to start a war with Mexico.
Watch out Canada! You know you're next!
Sarah Palin conflates Nancy Pelosi's desire to treat the thousands of immigrant children that cross the border alone with respect with her own pro-zygote beliefs.
Courtesy of Joan of the Arctic's Facebook page:
Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. (Well according to Darwin more of a very, very, very distant cousin actually.) My sister sent me a clip of Nancy Pelosi either speaking such gibberish, considering her track record, or confessing one heck of a great conversion. (Apparently her sister is Breitbart.) Yesterday, Ms. Pelosi spoke highly of illegal immigrants storming our U.S. border, including the children being used and abused in this crisis, and said America needs to look at this as an “opportunity,” not a crisis. She proclaimed, “every child, every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect” because we are “all God’s children.” Amen, sista'! (Did she really say "sista?") But, really? How sincere is this politician’s concern? Never seen as a pro-child/pro-life advocate with respect for that sacred “spark of divinity” in every innocent human life in the womb, Ms. Pelosi often touts her Catholic faith but overlooks this doctrine her Church has preached for 2000 years. (As do the majority of Catholics these days.) Hopefully she’s changed her tune on the issue of life – in which case, I’m sure she’ll invite those who understand the impact a culture of life can have on America to use her new, refreshing advocacy statement. Her words yesterday are the foundational pro-life message that can educate those in her party who constantly claim to be “for the children" in one breath, but in their next breath advocate snuffing out the life of innocent children soon-to-be-born. Cynics (or those of us living in reality) recognize typical liberal hypocrisy here, but then again we can hope this is revelation of a profound Pelosi political conversion! Though I won’t hold my breath. (Oh yeah, it's Pelosi who's spouting gibberish.)
- Sarah Palin
Okay well first off unlike the "pro-life" movement Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are much better at advocating for the needs of actual living human beings, whether it be educational needs, nutritional needs, or civil rights, than those who seem to only care about fetuses up until they are born and then could really could not care less what happens to them.
And secondly, well I seriously doubt that Nancy Pelosi, or anybody else, really cares what Palin has to say on this or any other matter of real importance.
Speaking of pro-child how is that custody case going in Wasilla?
I think I know, and if I'm right it is good news for everybody involved who's last name is NOT Palin.
Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. (Well according to Darwin more of a very, very, very distant cousin actually.) My sister sent me a clip of Nancy Pelosi either speaking such gibberish, considering her track record, or confessing one heck of a great conversion. (Apparently her sister is Breitbart.) Yesterday, Ms. Pelosi spoke highly of illegal immigrants storming our U.S. border, including the children being used and abused in this crisis, and said America needs to look at this as an “opportunity,” not a crisis. She proclaimed, “every child, every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect” because we are “all God’s children.” Amen, sista'! (Did she really say "sista?") But, really? How sincere is this politician’s concern? Never seen as a pro-child/pro-life advocate with respect for that sacred “spark of divinity” in every innocent human life in the womb, Ms. Pelosi often touts her Catholic faith but overlooks this doctrine her Church has preached for 2000 years. (As do the majority of Catholics these days.) Hopefully she’s changed her tune on the issue of life – in which case, I’m sure she’ll invite those who understand the impact a culture of life can have on America to use her new, refreshing advocacy statement. Her words yesterday are the foundational pro-life message that can educate those in her party who constantly claim to be “for the children" in one breath, but in their next breath advocate snuffing out the life of innocent children soon-to-be-born. Cynics (or those of us living in reality) recognize typical liberal hypocrisy here, but then again we can hope this is revelation of a profound Pelosi political conversion! Though I won’t hold my breath. (Oh yeah, it's Pelosi who's spouting gibberish.)
- Sarah Palin
Okay well first off unlike the "pro-life" movement Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are much better at advocating for the needs of actual living human beings, whether it be educational needs, nutritional needs, or civil rights, than those who seem to only care about fetuses up until they are born and then could really could not care less what happens to them.
And secondly, well I seriously doubt that Nancy Pelosi, or anybody else, really cares what Palin has to say on this or any other matter of real importance.
Speaking of pro-child how is that custody case going in Wasilla?
I think I know, and if I'm right it is good news for everybody involved who's last name is NOT Palin.
Woman accidentally shot by vendor at gun show. Personally I don't like high pressure sale techniques.
Courtesy of WNEP:
A woman was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her leg after police say a vendor at the Eagle Arms Gun Show at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds accidentally shot her on Saturday.
Police in Columbia County said vendor Geoffrey Hawk, the owner of “In Case of Emergency,” shot Krysta Gearhart of Orangeville in the thigh with a semi-automatic .380 while demonstrating a concealed carry holster. Usually, the demonstration is done with a plastic model of a gun.
“Often times that is what is utilized. This time the vendor used a real gun,” said Sergeant Leonard Rogutski of the Bloomsburg Police.
Police say that there was not a magazine attached to the weapon, however there was a round in the chamber.
Reports were that while the customers remained fairly calm that the other vendors were upset because it "makes them look bad."
"Dammit! Did we shoot another one? That makes it so hard to sell these instruments of death when somebody gets shot in here."
A woman was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her leg after police say a vendor at the Eagle Arms Gun Show at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds accidentally shot her on Saturday.
Police in Columbia County said vendor Geoffrey Hawk, the owner of “In Case of Emergency,” shot Krysta Gearhart of Orangeville in the thigh with a semi-automatic .380 while demonstrating a concealed carry holster. Usually, the demonstration is done with a plastic model of a gun.
“Often times that is what is utilized. This time the vendor used a real gun,” said Sergeant Leonard Rogutski of the Bloomsburg Police.
Police say that there was not a magazine attached to the weapon, however there was a round in the chamber.
Reports were that while the customers remained fairly calm that the other vendors were upset because it "makes them look bad."
"Dammit! Did we shoot another one? That makes it so hard to sell these instruments of death when somebody gets shot in here."
Bill Maher's faux commercial for Tea party adult diapers is pretty funny.
"Each Defends diaper comes with the preamble of the Constitution printed right on it."
Considering how these Teabaggers constantly misrepresent the Constitution and essentially wipe their asses on it, I thought this was a particularly appropriate parody.
Considering how these Teabaggers constantly misrepresent the Constitution and essentially wipe their asses on it, I thought this was a particularly appropriate parody.
Snohomish County Sheriff's Office confiscates anti-tank rifle from drug dealer's storage unit. Gotta love America.
Anti-tank rifle at top of picture depicting very troubling cache of weapons. |
Courtesy of KATU:
A very large anti-tank rifle is probably one of the last thing you want in possession of a wanted criminal, but that's exactly what the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office reportedly found inside a storage locker belonging to a suspected drug dealer.
The Snohomish County Regional Drug and Gang Task Force arrested 40-year-old Aaron Knapp outside his storage unit in Everett Wednesday on suspicion of attempted delivery of a controlled substance.
According to the Sheriff's Office, a search warrant served on Knapp's Mercedes and storage unit turned up a pound of meth, half a pound of heroin, 15 firearms and approximately $40,000 in cash.
Of those firearms, 12 were military assault rifles (five of which were confirmed stolen), two were stolen handguns and one was a fully functional 20 mm anti-tank/sniper rifle, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Gee I wonder how the NRA will defend this loser's right to own an arsenal of military assault rifles and a freaking anti-tank rifle?
You know, not that I am an expert on the Constitution or anything, but I have a little difficulty in believing that the Founding Fathers had anything like this in mind when they wrote:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Don't you agree?
Mediaite reminds us who else had missing emails besides former IRS official Lois Lerner.
Sarah Palin at Newsmax dinner. |
Mediaite reminds us who else had missing emails besides former IRS official Lois Lerner.
Post by Sarah Palin.
Well that reminded the folks at Mediaite of a little something:
Perhaps Palin forgot what it was like to be the subject of a similar investigation exactly three years earlier after her office released her emails to the press. On June 13, 2011, the Anchorage Daily News reported that “Nearly a month of former Gov. Sarah Palin’s emails are missing from the documents released to media organizations last week, a gap that raises questions about what other emails might also be missing from what’s being nationally reported as her record as Alaska governor.”
According to the documents Palin’s office provided, she sent no official emails from between December 8, 2006 and December 29, 2006, in other words her first full month in office. As the paper put it, “That means zero emails during a period during which, among other things, Palin put out her proposed state budget, appointed an attorney general, killed the contract for a road out of Juneau and vetoed a bill that sought to block state public employee benefits to same-sex couples.”
The Anchorage Daily News that the gap was due to Palin’s preponderance to use a personal Yahoo email account instead of the official state account, thereby allowing her to hide certain communication from public view. The first email Palin was on record as sending came on January 2, 2007, one month after she took office.
You know I think a couple of you brought that up last week as well.
And Mediaite is right that once again Palin is demonstrating a staggering amount of hypocrisy, especially when you remember that she created that Yahoo account specifically to keep her e-mails from being subpoenaed in case of an investigation, which kind of makes it seem that she was always planning to engage in some unscrupulous behaviors even at the very beginning of her first term.
I am sure that Richard Nixon would beam with pride at her deceptive activities and attempts to outmaneuver those who were supposed to keep her on the straight and narrow.
(More Newsmax photos here.)
Paul Krugman lays out just how wrong the conservatives were concerning Obamacare.
In the article Krugman lays out six predictions made by the naysayers, and then points out that all of them turned out to be wrong:
1. Enrollment will be very low, and
2. Even if people sign up, they won’t pay their premiums.
Reality: Signups exceeded expectations, and the vast majority paid.
3. More people will lose coverage cancelled by Obamacare than gain it.
Reality: Sharp drop in the number of uninsured.
4. Rate shock.
Reality: Like it says, affordable care.
5. Young people not signing up, and death spiral.
Reality: Pretty good demographics.
6. Soaring health costs.
Reality: Health costs are below anyone’s expectations.
But you know none of this matters within the Right Wing bubble, where facts are of no consequence and denying reality is their lifeblood.
Still I find it very gratifying to know that they were all wrong.
Not that I really EVER suspected that they would be right.
1. Enrollment will be very low, and
2. Even if people sign up, they won’t pay their premiums.
Reality: Signups exceeded expectations, and the vast majority paid.
3. More people will lose coverage cancelled by Obamacare than gain it.
Reality: Sharp drop in the number of uninsured.
4. Rate shock.
Reality: Like it says, affordable care.
5. Young people not signing up, and death spiral.
Reality: Pretty good demographics.
6. Soaring health costs.
Reality: Health costs are below anyone’s expectations.
But you know none of this matters within the Right Wing bubble, where facts are of no consequence and denying reality is their lifeblood.
Still I find it very gratifying to know that they were all wrong.
Not that I really EVER suspected that they would be right.
The signs you see in Alaska.
The idea is that if you see a bear you can jump into a nearby car for protection.
However that may not be quite enough.
I had a teacher in high school whose job it was to wrangle bears on the North Slope.
He was not allowed to carry a gun, and had to resort to firecrackers and a broom to chase the inquisitive creatures away.
Once he saw a truck by the side of the road with a bunch of yellow stuff piled beside one broken window.
When he approached and knelt down he realized that was the stuffing from inside the seat cushions.
He said that he had a moment of terrible realization and stood up only to come face to face with a huge black bear that had manged to break the window and squeeze itself into the small opening in order to dig for the sack lunch the owner had stored under his seat.
He said they both panicked and he fell back onto the ground while the bear somehow turned itself around in the cab and smashed through the other previously unbroken window to get away.
I have never left food in my car while camping since.
However that may not be quite enough.
I had a teacher in high school whose job it was to wrangle bears on the North Slope.
He was not allowed to carry a gun, and had to resort to firecrackers and a broom to chase the inquisitive creatures away.
Once he saw a truck by the side of the road with a bunch of yellow stuff piled beside one broken window.
When he approached and knelt down he realized that was the stuffing from inside the seat cushions.
He said that he had a moment of terrible realization and stood up only to come face to face with a huge black bear that had manged to break the window and squeeze itself into the small opening in order to dig for the sack lunch the owner had stored under his seat.
He said they both panicked and he fell back onto the ground while the bear somehow turned itself around in the cab and smashed through the other previously unbroken window to get away.
I have never left food in my car while camping since.