Friday, September 27, 2013
Speaking of Sarah Palin.
This photo showed up yesterday on the Saturday Night Live Facebook page.
Underneath it said: Excited? You betcha!
This is the clearest indication yet that Palin has successfully inserted herself back into the nation's consciousness. Her infrequent appearances on Fox only garnered an occasional ridiculing from blogs and a bored MSNBC host, but lately she has been impossible to ignore.
At first I thought that having Tina Fey mock her on television would irritate her, but of course that is the opposite of the truth. She will love it!
After all the worst thing that can happen to Snowdrift Snooki is for nobody to pay any attention to her, and this last week that certainly has not been the case.
My only hope is that SNL has figured out WHY Palin is back with such a vengeance and will make the connection that she is now nothing more than a sock puppet for Jim DeMint's Heritage Foundation.
I think seeing Tina Fey play a Sarah Palin with puppet strings controlling her mouth and movements would not only be quite humorous, it would also be quite accurate. As well as having the added benefit of actually pissing Palin off.
Hmm, perhaps I ought to submit a script?
Sarah Palin laments fact that media responded more positively to the Wendy Davis filibuster than to Rafael Cruz's phony one. Go figure!
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"Not fair, not fair, not fair!" |
Sarah Palin laments fact that media responded more positively to the Wendy Davis filibuster than to Rafael Cruz's phony one. Go figure!
Yesterday Palin had her ghostwriter link to a Heritage Foundation attack on President Obama's UN speech, which most people seemed to think was quite good. However this was the portion that caught my eye:
Instead of calling out the President's deceptive comments, his reliable lapdogs in the media turn their attention and ire on Ted Cruz for daring to stand up for the American people. Maybe if Ted had worn pretty pink running shoes he'd have gotten more respect from the same leftwing media that gushed over the Texan state senator who filibustered in the Texas legislature for the right to late term abortions of babies (a position at odds with the sentiment of the majority of Texans and Americans).
The next Governor of Texas. |
Okay first off the Wendy Davis filibuster was NOT just about maintaining the right to an abortion for a woman who finds that her pregnancy is putting her life at risk or that her baby has a serious and possibly fatal birth defect. It was also about keeping family planning centers open, since the proposed bill would, and did, cause many of them to close their doors.
However the reason that the media is treating the Davis filibuster differently than the Cruz fake filibuster, is that she was actually filibustering a bill. Not only that she won! (Well temporarily at least.)
Here is what Think Progress said about the comparison:
Davis successfully delayed an anti-abortion bill that didn’t come up for a vote during Texas’ regular session, but that was brought up for consideration during a special legislation session that was specifically convened to give lawmakers more time to enact abortion restrictions. Davis’ 11-hour filibuster — during which she wasn’t allowed to sit down, take a sip of water, cede the floor, or stray off topic — ran out the clock on that special session. The Senate was not able to vote on the abortion bill in time. Davis’ efforts were backed by hundreds of grassroots protesters who rallied against the abortion restrictions for weeks.
Cruz, on the other hand, decided to launch a “speaking filibuster” against a continuing resolution that must be passed in order to keep the federal government operating. He’s standing in opposition to the funding bill because, after House Republicans added a provision to defund Obamacare, the Democratic-controlled Senate will surely strip that out of the final legislation. Cruz wants to stall the bill — and ultimately force the government to shut down next week — unless Democrats agree to defund Obamacare. But it’s not actually a real filibuster. The Senate will vote on the legislation on Wednesday afternoon regardless of how long Cruz speaks. And the effort doesn’t actually have that much support. Republican leadership has split with Cruz over this strategy, and recent polling has found that just seven percent of GOP voters actually favor defunding Obamacare in this way.
And ultimately, Cruz’s filibuster doesn’t have the same policy implications as Davis’ did. Davis was attempting to block a piece of legislation from imposing new restrictions on Texas’ abortion clinics and enacting a new ban on abortion procedures after 20 weeks.
Comparing the heroic actions of Wendy Davis to the Ted Cruz sham is insulting, and actually helps illustrate the fact that the Republicans don't have anybody on their side of the aisle that is her equal.
And it is also important to remember that Wendy Davis was chosen by her fellow Texas Democrats to represent them, and had the support of hundreds of grassroots supporters.
The next paid Fox News contributor |
You know, like Sarah Palin.
Explained: Obama's Fake Twitter Followers; America's First Fake President
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- Image Credit: Now The End Begins - |
Obama's 'Fake' Twitter
Followers Explained
By Daren Jonescu
American Thinker
Barack Obama has 36.9 million Twitter followers, 19.5 million of whom, it turns out, are fake. This is a very disturbing sign for Obama's opponents, as it demonstrates just how much appeal the president still has with his key support base, namely those who identify most closely with him on a personal level -- fake people.
The Daily Mail Online has analyzed the numbers and discovered that among U.S. political figures, the four Twitter accounts with the most fake followers -- that is, followers who don't really exist -- are those of Barack Obama (by a landslide), Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, and the White House communications department. Those who would laugh this off as evidence of a pathetic progressive attempt to manipulate public perceptions are perhaps missing the point. Americans who care about the downfall of their country ought to be most concerned about the trend indicated here. A hitherto negligible segment of the population, nonexistent humans, has found in the present U.S. administration a powerful reason to emerge from the shadows at last and become fully engaged participants in the political process. There is no clearer indication of the dangers facing America than this surge in political activity among people who do not exist, especially when one considers that this group vastly outnumbers the existent.
But why all this political enthusiasm among the unreal, all of a sudden? The answer is all too clear. In 2008, America elected its historic first fake president, thus giving hope and a lifeline to fakers everywhere: "Maybe I can participate on equal terms with real people, too."
Consider the president -- or rather, don't. As a matter of fact, you can't. For all intents and purposes, he doesn't exist. The "first black president" was born of a white mother, and raised by white grandparents. Wonder what courses he took in college? Don't -- you're not allowed to know. How did this self-described drug-addled loafer get into so many top shelf universities, seemingly transferring from one to another in mid-program effortlessly? Don't ask -- his applications and letters of acceptance are apparently national security secrets.
He was president of the Harvard Law Review, but never wrote an article for the journal. He was described even in those days as being well-liked and trusted by conservatives, in spite of being ideologically dedicated to destroying everything they believed in. His trajectory-setting first autobiography was a fake, romanticizing a spiritual kinship with a man he barely met, in language he probably couldn't have written himself. His literary agency publicized him as Kenyan-born for sixteen years, using a short author's bio he presumably wrote or approved himself -- until the moment (in 2007) when that biographical detail ceased to function as instant credibility, and instead became grounds for instant disqualification.
His friend and colleague, Bill Ayers, was hustled off to the Sesame Street haze of "the neighborhood" when his prominence in Obama's life became uncomfortable. The same goes for the minister who married him, but whom he cast aside easily when the views he learned from that minister became politically embarrassing. And don't bother examining his voting record prior to becoming president. He almost never voted for or against anything. He voted "present" -- that is, he checked his name on the attendance sheet and then slept through class. He ran for president not even knowing how many states are in the Union, although he himself was (presumably) born and raised in the fiftieth and final state.
But all of this was merely the preamble to his more impressive incarnation as the historic fake president. There were traces of a man -- a man in hiding from adult reality -- in all the fakery of his life prior to 2008. Not so after that point. For as president he became perfectly immersed in the machinery of the world's first successful fake political philosophy, namely progressivism, which is what tyranny began calling itself when tyrants finally got over the primordial vanity of needing everyone to know the identity of their oppressor and to fear him, and realized that bloodthirsty power lust is served more effectively by a simple mask of lies. [...] Continued @ American Thinker.
FLASHBACK: Drudge: SHOCK: Obama has 19.5 MILLION fake TWITTER followers? -DETAILS HERE.
FLASHBACK: New York Times: 70% Of Obama's Twitter Followers Are Fake - DETAILS HERE.
Video: Jay Carney; Birther Bill Only Thing Not In Debt Ceiling Wish List
Obama mouthpiece Jay Carney strikes again. Says the only thing not in the debt ceiling list is a birther bill...
Carney says GOP debt
ceiling wish list like 'birther bill'
By Reid Epstein
White House press secretary Jay Carney mocked Republican demands that their agenda be considered as part of talks to raise the debt ceiling, saying the GOP proposals were missing only legislation questioning the president's birthplace.
Carney dismissed suggestion that the White House discuss the Keystone XL pipeline or other items on the GOP wish list that have been floated as concessions Republicans would seek from White House would make in exchange for a debt ceiling increase.
“The only thing I didn’t see on it was a birther bill attached to it,” Carney said. [...] Continued @ Politico.
Previous Carney remarks:
Corsi: Obama Al-Qaeda Head; CIA Chief Sanitized Obama Passport Records
Dr. Jerome Corsi returned to Info Wars to discuss Youtube's blocking of his previous interview where he revealed Obama and his brother Malik's ties to Al-Qaeda and the Kenyan Mall Massacre. In his latest interview he ties in Obama's CIA Chief John Brennan and his Firm's sanitizing of Obama's passport records.
( Video via Alex Jones. )
RELATED: Warning: Obama's Links To Al-Qaeda And Kenyan Mall Massacre Revealed - DETAILS HERE.
Learn all about John Brennan here:
Corsi: Obama Al-Qaeda Head; CIA Chief Sanitized Obama Passport Records
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- Image Credit: Big Hairy News - |
Dunce: Scarborough Admits Obama Wasn't Ready; Sold Like Bag Of Chips
Only took the dunce at MSNBC five years to figure out the emperor has no clothes...
Scarborough admits Obama wasn't ready to
be president; sold to us like bag of chips
By Michael Dorstewitz @ Biz Pac Review
MSNBC's “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough is waking up to the fact that despite all the hype that accompanied President Barack Obama when he made his 2008 presidential run, he wasn't ready for primetime.
“Barack Obama has proven over the past five years that he wasn't ready to be president of the United States,” Scarborough said on his show Tuesday, according to Newsmax. “And he proves it still today.”
Scarborough said Obama “came out of nowhere” as a freshman senator, and “a couple years later, people elected him president of the United States.”
Obama served less than a decade in the Illinois Senate with a less-than-stellar record that included numerous instances of voting “present.”
He followed that distinguished service with less than a full term in the U.S. Senate, also unimpressive. Most of his time there seemed to be spent running for the presidency.
Yet, solely on the basis that “Barack Obama was against the [Iraq] war,” the Democratic Party “went out and sold him like he was a bag of potato chips, they marketed him [and] he becomes president of the United States,” Scarborough said.
To illustrate his point, the TV host challenged guest Donny Deutsch to “name me a major piece of legislation that Barack Obama passed in the United States Senate, that would suggest that he knew how to work in the United States Senate and would be an effective president of the United States.”
Neither Deutsch nor any of Scarborough’s other guests could. [...] Continued @ Biz Pac Review.
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American Thinker: Obama's Kenyan Citizenship; Obama A Civic Bigamist?
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Natural Born Irony
By Cindy Simpson
American Thinker
Is the Canadian-born Senator Ted Cruz eligible for the presidency as a natural born citizen? If not, chalk it up as one of the reasons why the junior senator, in the opinion of some, has no business working to defund ObamaCare. As noted by blogger William Jacobson, such thinking appeared to be part of the anti-Cruz argument by pundits Charles Krauthammer and Tucker Carlson last Monday night on Fox News's Special Report. In the midst of "excoriating" Cruz over his defunding strategy, Carlson remarked that the senator might not be eligible. Krauthammer quipped that Cruz could always run instead for prime minister of Canada.
That wasn't the first time Special Report mentioned the Cruz eligibility issue. In August, while guest panelist Charles Lane was arguing that Cruz's Canadian citizenship was no big deal, host Brett Baier interrupted to assert that "if you're running for president, you can't be a dual citizen." Krauthammer followed up by stating that Cruz should "of course" renounce his Canadian citizenship: "it's allegiance to another country," and "if you're head of the United States, you aren't the subject of another state."
Earlier that week, Cruz, after releasing his birth certificate showing his birth in Canada to an American citizen mother and Cuban father, had come under fire when Canadian legal experts attested that he was born with Canadian citizenship. Cruz stated said he wasn't aware of his Canadian citizenship and would formally renounce it.
Do you hear it yet -- the familiar buzz of "birtherism" in the background? For it was the similar argument against Barack Obama's candidacy that many so-called "birthers" had been proclaiming since 2008 -- that Obama's dual citizenship precluded his eligibility.
Obama's own 2008 campaign website, "Fight the Smears," admitted his dual citizenship. While FactCheck assured readers that Obama's Kenyan citizenship (inherited from his father) automatically expired when he was 23, others assert that Obama may still hold British citizenship to this day. In addition, TheBlaze's Charles Johnson reported that Obama may have Indonesian citizenship as well.
The mainstream media, however, narrowly defined the "birther" label as a conspiratorial belief in a Kenyan birth, and the finer points of the issue were lost on most.
Many who looked into it, however, found "very persuasive" the legal arguments that "born a citizen" means the same thing as the Constitution's "natural born" requirement. In other words, as long as the current citizenship law granted the child U.S. citizenship at birth, that child is a "natural born citizen." Academia, although they may not have taken the time to seriously consider the issue for Obama, now openly address it as an interesting question for Cruz; however, the focus is still primarily on the "born a citizen" theme. Those who did note the dual citizenship aspect, such as Professor Peter Spiro, called such talk (about Obama, anyway) a "bizarre sideshow."
In Prof. Jacobson's recent lengthy analysis on the natural born question, dual citizenship was addressed in a very small paragraph titled "There is Nothing Forbidding Dual Citizens." Earlier on, he noted that the framers did not include any wording regarding dual citizenship in the eligibility requirements, and that "such wording could have been inserted, and the lack of such limitations is significant." [...] Continued @ American Thinker.
RELATED: Fox News' Carl Cameron Reports Sen. Ted Cruz Ineligible To Be President - VIDEO HERE.
FLASHBACK: American Thinker Pushes Myth Citizen Is Same As Natural Born Citizen - DETAILS HERE.
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- Image Credit: Protect Our Liberty - |
Kanye West tweets angrily at Jimmy Kimmel
Kanye West launched a Twitter tirade against Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday after the late-night funnyman spoofed West in a video segment on Tuesday'sJimmy Kimmel Live.
Unless it's all an elaborate prank, West was apparently angered by this video, which makes fun of the rapper's recent interview with BBC Radio 1's Zane Lowe in which West describes himself as the "biggest" rock star ever.
Most of West's profanity-laced, all-caps tweets can't be reproduced on the website of a family newspaper. (Kimmel stayed pretty calm throughout the exchange.) The Hollywood Reporter has a run-down of the blow-up, which includes doctored photos posted by West of SpongeBob SquarePants with profane captions.
And here's a Storify of it all, too.
Elsewhere on Twitter, reaction to the "feud" wasn't serious.
Article Source here
Author: Trey Barrineau, USA TODAY
Chuck Lorre Releases Would-Be 'Big Bang Theory' Emmys Acceptance Speech
The prolific producer came prepared for last Sunday's ceremony, where the CBS series was up for best comedy.
Prolific producer Chuck Lorre was prepared for the best possible outcome at last Sunday's Primetime Emmy Awards.
The co-creator/executive producer behind The Big Bang Theory used the show's season seven premiere to release the acceptance speech he would have given had the series about a group of lovable nerds won its first best comedy Emmy.
Rather than his typical vanity card -- of which there have been more than 400 -- Lorre instead posted a photo of what he called "The Emmy Speech That Stayed in My Pocket."
In it, he reminds himself to breathe and thanks the TV Academy, the cast, the crew, new showrunner Steve Molaro, and guest star Bob Newhart, whose season six role as Professor Proton earned him his first ever Emmy win.
Big Bang Theory became TV's top scripted comedy in the key adults 18-49 demographic during its sixth season, thanks in part to syndicated repeats airing on TBS. The series has been nominated for best comedy three times, but has yet to win. ABC's Modern Familytook home the prize in the category this year.
Big Bang did not go home empty-handed Sunday. Star Jim Parsons won for lead actor in a comedy, collecting his third Emmy in the category. All told, Big Bang was up for three Emmys on Sunday, with co-star Mayim Bialik losing in the supporting actress comedy category to Nurse Jackie's Merritt Wever.
Check out the would-be Emmy speech vanity card, below.
Article Source here
Author: by Lesley Goldberg
The Crazy Ones Review: Robin Williams Is Back and Better Than Ever!
CBS's new comedy The Crazy Ones is one of the few shining stars in a dull sky of fall television premieres. When you combine Buffy Freakin' Summers, more commonly known as Sarah Michelle Gellar, with Academy Award winner Robin Williams, aka one of the greatest comedic icons of all time, it's a recipe for success.
Phew! Glad we got that off our chest, now please excuse us while we gush over the many, many reasons that you need to tune into this outrageous new comedy tonight at 9 p.m.
The Crazy Ones (CBS)
Premieres: Thursday, Sept. 26, 9 p.m.
Time-Slot Competition: Grey's Anatomy (ABC), Glee (Fox), Sean Saves the World (new, NBC) and Reign (new, The CW)
Cast: Robin Williams, Sarah Michelle Gellar, James Wolk, Hamish Linklater andAmanda Setton.
Status: We've seen the pilot episode
Premieres: Thursday, Sept. 26, 9 p.m.
Time-Slot Competition: Grey's Anatomy (ABC), Glee (Fox), Sean Saves the World (new, NBC) and Reign (new, The CW)
Cast: Robin Williams, Sarah Michelle Gellar, James Wolk, Hamish Linklater andAmanda Setton.
Status: We've seen the pilot episode
Father Daughter Dynamic: By the end of the first episode, we guarantee you're going to wish that your father was as kooky and off-the-wall crazy as Williams. Set in the wacky world of advertising, Simon Roberts (Williams) is the eccentric head of a high-powered agency along with his type-A personality daughter Sydney (Gellar). Despite having a brilliantly creative mind for marketing, Simon's over-the-top personality can be difficult for Sydney to rein in, and she is often left feeling less like the child and more like the parent.
The Return of a Legend: It's been over three decades since Williams has graced our TV screens, and believe it or not, he was nervous to return! Geller exclusively tells us about her first day on set with Williams saying, "We sat down for the table read and it was like kind of the first time and Robin is so normal. He bikes to work and he comes in and sits down. I'm petrified and the first thing he said to me was, 'I haven't done this in a while. I'm really nervous.'"
Williams explains, "I was scared. I literally was. And then I had to realize it's like a movie. It's OK, don't worry about this. And then Sarah's great, Jimmy's great. It was like, 'Ah you're OK, you're among peers.'" Despite his nerves, the Good Will Hunting actor reveals that filming the pilot for The Crazy Ones was an "amazing experience."
Wolk Is Wonderful: It must be intimidating trying to act opposite of one of the best comedic improvisers in the entertainment world. However, James Wolk not only holds his own, he proves to be just as funny as Williams! Playing the incredibly charming and talented Zach, Wolk will make you fall in love and then laugh until you cry all in the same scene. Plus, his chemistry with special guest star Kelly Clarkson in the pilot is absolutely amazing!
Article Source here
Author: by Leanne Aguilera
‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Recap: Death Strikes The Hospital On Season Premiere
‘Grey’s Anatomy’ practically invented the emotional roller coaster — and the season 10 premiere was that and much, much more. Tears were shed, sparks flew (literally) and Grey Sloan Memorial lost another one of its own.
Grey’s Anatomy’s two-hour tenth season premiered on Sept. 26, and it was a premiere of epic proportions. There were make-ups, break-ups, and classic Grey’sgoodness. Let’s dig in!‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Recap: Death Strikes The Hospital On Season Premiere
The Most Intense First 20 Minutes Of Any Show, Ever
The episode starts on a light note. Everyone is fawning over Meredith (Ellen Pompeo), Derek (Patrick Dempsey), and new baby Bailey, who is the cutest baby in the history of forever. Derek asks about Webber (James Pickens, Jr.), who was last seen on the floor of the generator closet looking a little toasty, but Derek is too preoccupied with the baby and the massive storm hitting Seattle.
Callie (Sara Ramirez) lets everyone know that Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) cheated on her. Even though she was a blubbering mess in the last episode, Arizona’s revelation shocked Callie to her core. Now, she’s understandably pissed. More on them later.
Bailey (Chandra Wilson) is the only one concerned about Webber and sends Shane (Gaius Charles) on a mission to find him. Shane finds Heather (Tina Majorino) and gives her the Operation Find Webber task. Heather discovers a semi-conscious Webber, but is electrocuted on the spot. BOOM. ROASTED.
Grey Sloan Memorial must be buried on a cemetery because these doctors can’t catch a break.
Shane ends up finding Heather and Webber, finally! Creator Shonda Rhimes likes to play with my emotions so I know these two are in hot water.
Flatlines & Family
Bailey and Cristina (Sandra Oh) worked on Webber and Cristina managed to get his heartbeat steady. All hail Cristina! Webber still needed surgery, but is really weak. Since he is childless and his wife Adele (RIP) is dead, they have to find his next-of-kin. In no surprise, it’s Meredith.
Meredith chose to go through with the surgery but she struggled with whether she made the right decision. Cristina, her person, assured her that she did.
During the surgery, Katherine Avery, Webber’s new boo, stormed in and demanded that Bailey close him up. She told them they made the wrong call; that Webber wasn’t fit to handle a surgery.
Geez, can’t a girl just get confirmation that her favorite Chief is OK? I’m dying here.
Meanwhile, Derek was in another OR working on Heather. Her injuries proved too much to take and she flatlined. Rest in peace, Mousey. The interns were given the rest of the night off and ordered to come up with nice stories to tell her mother. Initially, they couldn’t come up with any. They didn’t think they were that close. Guilt weighed heavily on Shane since he sent Heather to find Webber in the first place.
Alex (Justin Chambers) gave the interns advice about how to remember Heather. Cristina and Meredith, the only two left from the original Grey’s intern class, are his family and he basically tells the interns that’s what they are to each other.
In the ongoing Webber saga, Bailey was still adamant that Webber needed surgery. Katherine told Bailey the reason she is so determined because the last thing she told him was that he was a “drunk.” In the end, it was left to Meredith to decide and she gives it the go. Webber survived and every Grey’s fan everywhere cried happy tears, including myself.
To Webber, it’s always been Meredith. She’s the daughter he never had.
Couples Therapy: Doctors Edition
Complicated relationships are part of the Grey’s Anatomy DNA, so it’s only fair to dedicate some time to our fave couples.
Owen & Cristina: Yes, they broke up in the season finale, but these two are far from over. They get freaky (oh yeah) multiple times as a way to redo their last time together. Cristina said the break-up isn’t easy for her but I just think she’s not ready to say goodbye to Owen (Kevin McKidd).
Jackson & April: Aside from Meredith and Derek, these two are my favorite couple on the show. There were many charged moments between these two after April (Sarah Drew) proclaimed her love for Jackson (Jesse Williams) in the season finale. Jackson’s had enough of all this back and forth and officially breaks it off. So, April accepts Matthews proposal. I’m not giving up on Jackson and April. I never will.
Arizona & Callie: Oh, boy. These two are wading through some rough waters. Arizona really wanted to talk to Callie about the betrayal but Callie is not having it. Callie moved out and took Sofia to Derek and Meredith’s house. Callie took things a little too far when she told Arizona she couldn’t see Sofia. Cristina, being the voice of reason, convinced Callie that her actions are only hurting Sofia. Calzona has a long road ahead but I have faith in this couple.
Other ‘Grey’s’ Gems
1. When Webber woke up and saw Meredith at his side, my heart melted. I love this father-daughter relationship.
2. Every time there is a George O’Malley reference on the show, an angel gets its wings. Tonight, there were two and they were glorious.
3. Alex and baby Bailey together were just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Alex needs a child — STAT!
4. “Hug me back. I know you’re not a hugger but you need to hug me back.” Bailey and Cristina’s interactions were priceless tonight. These two need to work together more often. They compliment each other so well.
HollywoodLifers, what did you think of the Grey’s Anatomy season premiere? How happy are you that Webber survived? Will you miss Heather? Do you think Callie and Arizona can reconcile? Drop a comment with your thoughts below!
Article Source here
Author: Avery Thompson
Flesh-rotting 'krokodil' drug emerges in USA
A powerful heroin-like drug that rots flesh and bone has made its first reported appearance in the United States, an Arizona health official says.
Known on the street as "krokodil," the caustic homemade opiate is made from over-the-counter codeine-based headache pills mixed with iodine, gasoline, paint thinner or alcohol. When it's injected, the concoction destroys a user's tissue, turning the skin scaly and green like a crocodile. Festering sores, abscesses and blood poisoning are common.
Frank LoVecchio, the co-medical director at the Banner Good Samaritan Poison & Drug Information Center, told KPHO-TV that Arizona health officials have seen two cases during the past week.
"As far as I know, these are the first cases in the United States that are reported," he said. "So we're extremely frightened."
LoVecchio did not say where in the state the patients were located or provide details about their conditions.
The drug — chemically called desomorphine — emerged around 2002 in Siberia and the Russian Far East but has swept across the country in just the past three years, according to a Time magazine investigation.
Krokodil became popular in Russia because heroin can be difficult to obtain and is expensive. Krokodil costs three times less, and the high is similar to heroin though much shorter, usually 90 minutes.
The average life expectancy among krokodil addicts in Russia is two to three years, according to Time, which called the narcotic "the most horrible drug in the world." Gangrene and amputations are common, and the toxic mix dissolves jawbones and teeth, much like the methamphetamine that Walter White cooks in Breaking Bad.
As with all intravenous drug addicts, krokodil users are susceptible to HIV, hepatitis C and other blood-borne diseases, and have compromised immune systems.
One recovering Russian krokodil addict, Irina Pavlova, told Time in 2011 that she injected the drug almost daily for six years. She has a speech impediment and impaired motor skills because of the resulting brain damage.
Her brother was among the dozen or so addicts she shot up with. "Practically all of them are dead now," she said. "For some, it led to pneumonia, some got blood poisoning, some had an artery burst in their heart, some got meningitis, others simply rot."
A Russian woman using krokodil in June 2011 told The Independent that a fellow junkie refused to go to the hospital.
"Her flesh is falling off and she can hardly move anymore," she said.
Article Source here
Author: Michael Winter, USA TODAY
Bill Hader’s Alec Baldwin Impression On ‘South Park’ Was The Best Thing On Television Last Night
South Park’s 17th season premiered last night and took on the NSA as advertised. Trey Parker and Matt Stone were — as always — equal opportunity lampooners, giving it both to how the NSA operates and the self-important blowhards delusional enough to turn the debate to the notion that they are personally being spied on by the government. All was well deserved.
But the most important and entertaining part of the episode was new South Park contributor, Bill Hader’s, running Alec Baldwin voice work and the “Sh*tter” thought-based social media jokes. Brilliance all around. Here’s the intro of the running gag that deserves its own supercut stat. NSFW audio.
Bill Hader’s Alec Baldwin Impression On ‘South Park’ Was The Best Thing On Television Last Night
Every time I’ve been around Alec Baldwin he wouldn’t stop talking about pu**y sandwiches. So I guess what I’m trying to say is ACCURATE.
Article Source here
Claim: Twitter is 2,000 years old
A Vatican cardinal makes the case that Jesus, not Jack, sent the world's first tweets.
There's Twitter, the 140-character bound communications service. There's Twitter, the multi-million-membered social network. There's Twitter, the soon-to-go-public company. But there's also Twitter, the idea-distributor. Twitter, the community-builder. Twitter, the platform.
In those broader senses, Twitter is much older than its official seven years of life would suggest. Twitter may be, in fact, nearly 2,000 years old.
In a conference with Italian newspaper editors, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi — who, as president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, acts as a kind of culture minister for the Vatican — discussed social media and the Church's use of it. And he claimed, during the discussion, that Jesus was the earliest of Twitter's early adopters: the first person ever to use Twitter. Well, to "use" it.
Jesus's pronouncements, Ravasi noted, tended to be "brief" — made up of fewer than 45 characters — and "full of meaning." The first Christian also relied on elementary and thus easily sharable phrases like "love one another." He also delivered many of his messages via stories and symbols, Ravasi said, "a bit like in television today."
Ravasi is, of course, speaking figuratively, in loose (and, here, translated-from-the-Italian) metaphors and analogies. But he's also making an important point about the fundamental continuity of communications technologies over decades and centuries. We may tend, sure, to associate religion more with a lack of tech prowess than an embrace of it. But while many of the traditions of the Catholic Mass, for its part, involve words and rituals — incense, organs, the occasional phrase in Latin — that are centuries old, their ceremony doesn't offer the full picture. At the macro level of a social system and a religious institution, the Church is nothing if not an agent of communication: It's medium and message at the same time.
And it has, like its fellow denominations and its fellow religions, embraced new technologies to spread its word. From Father Coughlin and his radio to Reverend Schullerand his television to Pope Francis and his Twitter feed, religious leaders have often been relatively quick to embrace the latest communications capabilities. Ravasi's claim of Jesus as word-made-tweet may be specific to his own belief and true only in the broadest sense. But his larger point holds: If religious leaders aren't "interested in communication,"as Ravasi put it, in some sense "they are defying their duty."
Article Source here
By Megan Garber of The Atlantic