Friday, September 27, 2013
Explained: Obama's Fake Twitter Followers; America's First Fake President
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- Image Credit: Now The End Begins - |
Obama's 'Fake' Twitter
Followers Explained
By Daren Jonescu
American Thinker
Barack Obama has 36.9 million Twitter followers, 19.5 million of whom, it turns out, are fake. This is a very disturbing sign for Obama's opponents, as it demonstrates just how much appeal the president still has with his key support base, namely those who identify most closely with him on a personal level -- fake people.
The Daily Mail Online has analyzed the numbers and discovered that among U.S. political figures, the four Twitter accounts with the most fake followers -- that is, followers who don't really exist -- are those of Barack Obama (by a landslide), Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, and the White House communications department. Those who would laugh this off as evidence of a pathetic progressive attempt to manipulate public perceptions are perhaps missing the point. Americans who care about the downfall of their country ought to be most concerned about the trend indicated here. A hitherto negligible segment of the population, nonexistent humans, has found in the present U.S. administration a powerful reason to emerge from the shadows at last and become fully engaged participants in the political process. There is no clearer indication of the dangers facing America than this surge in political activity among people who do not exist, especially when one considers that this group vastly outnumbers the existent.
But why all this political enthusiasm among the unreal, all of a sudden? The answer is all too clear. In 2008, America elected its historic first fake president, thus giving hope and a lifeline to fakers everywhere: "Maybe I can participate on equal terms with real people, too."
Consider the president -- or rather, don't. As a matter of fact, you can't. For all intents and purposes, he doesn't exist. The "first black president" was born of a white mother, and raised by white grandparents. Wonder what courses he took in college? Don't -- you're not allowed to know. How did this self-described drug-addled loafer get into so many top shelf universities, seemingly transferring from one to another in mid-program effortlessly? Don't ask -- his applications and letters of acceptance are apparently national security secrets.
He was president of the Harvard Law Review, but never wrote an article for the journal. He was described even in those days as being well-liked and trusted by conservatives, in spite of being ideologically dedicated to destroying everything they believed in. His trajectory-setting first autobiography was a fake, romanticizing a spiritual kinship with a man he barely met, in language he probably couldn't have written himself. His literary agency publicized him as Kenyan-born for sixteen years, using a short author's bio he presumably wrote or approved himself -- until the moment (in 2007) when that biographical detail ceased to function as instant credibility, and instead became grounds for instant disqualification.
His friend and colleague, Bill Ayers, was hustled off to the Sesame Street haze of "the neighborhood" when his prominence in Obama's life became uncomfortable. The same goes for the minister who married him, but whom he cast aside easily when the views he learned from that minister became politically embarrassing. And don't bother examining his voting record prior to becoming president. He almost never voted for or against anything. He voted "present" -- that is, he checked his name on the attendance sheet and then slept through class. He ran for president not even knowing how many states are in the Union, although he himself was (presumably) born and raised in the fiftieth and final state.
But all of this was merely the preamble to his more impressive incarnation as the historic fake president. There were traces of a man -- a man in hiding from adult reality -- in all the fakery of his life prior to 2008. Not so after that point. For as president he became perfectly immersed in the machinery of the world's first successful fake political philosophy, namely progressivism, which is what tyranny began calling itself when tyrants finally got over the primordial vanity of needing everyone to know the identity of their oppressor and to fear him, and realized that bloodthirsty power lust is served more effectively by a simple mask of lies. [...] Continued @ American Thinker.
FLASHBACK: Drudge: SHOCK: Obama has 19.5 MILLION fake TWITTER followers? -DETAILS HERE.
FLASHBACK: New York Times: 70% Of Obama's Twitter Followers Are Fake - DETAILS HERE.
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