Saturday, December 21, 2013
Another Gryphen's daughter contribution to IM. This one is pretty fascinating.
Courtesy of Elephant Journal:
“Empathy is the opposite of Utopia. There is no empathy in heaven, I can tell you before you get there. There isn’t any empathy in heaven because there’s no mortality. There’s no empathy in utopia because there’s no suffering. Empathy is grounded in the acknowledgement of death and the celebration of life and rooting for each other to flourish and be. It’s based on our frailty and imperfections. So when we are talking about building an empathetic civilization we are not talking about utopia, we are talking about the ability of humanity to show solidarity not only with each other but with our fellow creatures who have a one and only life on this planet. We are homo-empathicus.”
In other words the idea that what makes us law abiding, compassionate individuals, with morals, comes from God, or the idea of a god, is pure crap.
What makes us loving, giving, empathetic creatures is our sense of connection to those around us. It is our humanity.
And what can strip that away are the artificial differences created by geographic distance, politics, and religion.
And in the case of religion the belief that this life is only a probationary life before the eternal one that we will enjoy as Christians, also removes the sense of the temporary which activates our empathy.
So when somebody calls us secular humanists, they are not insulting us. They are recognizing how truly wonderful, and loving, and giving we human beings can be.
Oh, and we raise great kids too.
Judge Allows Attorney Re-File Case On Obama's CT Social Security Number
Conservative Angle reports: BREAKING: Judge Ruling Means Obama Social Security Card Fraud Questions May Finally Have To Be Answered
Attorney Orly Taitz has been fighting to shine a light on the document fraud that is B. Hussein Obama for as long as anyone. She was there in the beginning when it was only her, Phil Berg and a few others pointing out the inconsistencies that we have now become all too familiar with. Other inconsistencies and falsified documents have arisen since those early days and others have joined the fight.
She has just won a victory in the attempt to get an explanation as to how B. Hussein Obama ended up with the social security number that he is using. Like every other form of documentation that is connected to the White House occupant, it is dirty, it is clouded, and it is likely not genuine. [...] - More @ Conservative Angle. H/T Rockee.
Dr. Orly Taitz reports:
Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander in a case of Obama using a stolen CT Social Security number of Harry Bounel rules without prejudice and gives me an opportunity to file a second amended complaint and add allegations of SSA not doing a proper search and withholding records . Thank God!!!
Press release
Law offices of Orly Taitz
Judge Hollander in Maryland gives Attorney Orly Taitz 21 days to file a second amended complaint and add allegations in regards to an improper withholding by the Social Security Administration of records of Harry Bounel, whose Social security number is being illegally used by Barack Obama. When Taitz filed the complaint, SSA did not respond at all. After the law suit was filed, SSA responded by fraudulently claiming that the records were not found. Taitz responded that this is a fraudulent assertion, since the records were found before and denied to another petitioner due to privacy concerns, however Social Security has no right to claim privacy as according to their own 120 year rule they have a duty to release the records. The judge stated that the plaintiff Taitz might be correct, however at this time she cannot rule in her favor as her original complaint was filed before SSA responded, so the judge gave Taitz an opportunity to refile a second amended complaint and add new allegations, stating the SSA responded but improperly hidden the records . This is a great development. This all but assures that the judge will order the SSA to release the SS-5, Social Security application of resident of CT, Harrison (Harry) Bounel, whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 was stolen by Obama and used in Obama’s 2009 tax returns, which initially were posted on without proper redaction, without flattening of the file . Taitz will be very careful not to be Breitbarted or Fuddied in the next 21 days. [...] - More @ OrlyTaitzEsq.
Mr. Conservative reports: Is Barack Obama Using a Fake Soc. Sec. Number? Gov’t May Be Forced to Answer
Get ready birthers, Orly Taitz has won a small victory for those of you who think Obama is not a U.S. citizen. It seems that the US government may have to answer to why it seems that the Social Security number the President is using doesn’t quite seem legitimate.
Birther queen Orly Taitz has been filing one lawsuit after another to try to “learn the truth,” she says, of Obama’s true background. Is he a U.S. citizen? Taitz says no and has been trying for years to find the smoking gun that proves it.
But this time she has a small opening toward that end. Taitz contends that Barack Obama is using the Social Security number of a man named Harry Bounel. Taitz has filed with the Social Security Administration to get these records but the SSA has stonewalled Taitz when she has filed for Freedom of Information Act requests saying there is “no information” in their records to send to her. [...] - More @ Mr. Conservative.
Obama's Reported Alias:
Obama's CT SSN:
Klayman To ABC News: Obama Birth Certificate A Fraud; Lacks Citizen Parents
Klayman To ABC News: Obama Birth
Certificate A Fraud; Lacks Citizen Parents
ABC News interviewed Larry Klayman on the recent ruling declaring NSA's data collection unconstitutional...
Excerpts via ABC News: Meet Larry Klayman: Man Behind the NSA Lawsuit
Name: Larry Klayman
Age: 62
Occupation: Founder of Freedom Watch and Judicial Watch as well as a World New Daily columnist
Claim to fame: As the former head of Judicial Watch, Klayman may be best known for filing numerous lawsuits against the Clinton Administration during the 1990s – especially while the Monica Lewinsky scandal was unfolding. In 1998, Newsweek wrote an article that claimed Klayman had once sued his mother - information that he says was given to the magazine by the Clinton administration. Klayman, a big proponent of the Tea Party and its ideals, has in the past questioned President Obama's assertions that he was born in the United States. Now, however, Klayman is back in the public eye as the man who challenged in court the legality of the NSA's authority to keep and store the metadata of American citizens – and won. [...]
ABC News: Do you still believe President Obama is not by birth an American citizen?
Klayman: "His birth certificate that he put forward is a fraud. We've had experts look at it. He did not have two American citizen parents by his own admission. Just for the same reason that Rubio is out and Cruz is out and John McCain – people thought that he didn't qualify for that reason either. See that's why the Republicans don't want to challenge it…and no judge wants to touch it so far." [...] - More @ ABC News. Hat tip Saska Mare.
RELATED: Fireworks: Obama ID Fraud Attorney Nukes CNN Hosts; Live With It! - DETAILS HERE.
RELATED: Attack: Court Sides With "Birther" Attorney; Grants Preliminary Injunction - DETAILS HERE.
Do your job!
Report the truth!
AP Interviews Obama Brother: A Lot Of Stuff Obama Wrote Is Wrong; Composites
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AP Interviews Obama Brother: A Lot Of
The Stuff Obama Wrote Is Wrong; Composites
Yahoo News reports: AP Interview: Obama's brother writes about abuse
HONG KONG (AP) — President Barack Obama's half brother is publishing an autobiography that details the domestic abuse that served as the theme for his earlier semiautobiographical novel, which featured an abusive parent patterned on their late father. [...]
When asked how he would describe his relationship with his brother, he said, "Right now it's cold and I think part of the reason is because of my writing. My writing has alienated some people in my family." [...]
His parents met when Obama Sr. was a graduate student at Harvard University and moved in 1964 to Kenya, where Mark and his brother David were born. David later died in a motorcycle accident.
Obama Sr. had earlier divorced President Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, after Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
Mark Ndesandjo's mother later divorced the senior Obama and married another man, whose surname both mother and son also took. [...]
The 500-page book includes an appendix listing a number of alleged factual errors in Obama's 1995 memoir, "Dreams from my Father," such as quotes incorrectly attributed to Ndesandjo's mother.
"It's a correction. A lot of the stuff that Barack wrote is wrong in that book and I can understand that because to me for him the book was a tool for fashioning an identity and he was using composites," Ndesandjo said.[...]
- Continued @ Yahoo News.
There you have it! Obama's brother confirms Obama's book is BS. Jack Cashill vindicated once again...
Pittsburgh Press: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate and CT Social Security Number
Barack Obama’s past
as murky as his word
Jack Kelly | The Pittsburgh Press
Onyango “Omar” Obama, 69, half-brother of Barack Obama Sr., came to the United States on a student visa in 1963, remained here illegally after it expired, was ordered to leave the U.S. in 1986, 1989 and 1992, but ignored the deportation orders.
After Onyango Obama was arrested for drunken driving in 2011, President Barack Obama said he’d never met “Uncle Omar.”
At a deportation hearing this month, Onyango Obama told the judge young Barack Obama lived with him for a few weeks while he was attending Harvard Law School. His landlord recalled seeing the future president in the Cambridge apartment.
Compared to Mr. Obama’s frequent assertion that his mother, dying of cancer, had been denied health insurance, or his oft-repeated promise that “if you like your health insurance, you can keep it, period” — this was just an itty bitty lie.
But it reminds us how little we really know about Barack Obama, and how much of what we think we know depends on what he’s told us.
“Many of the details that Obama has related about his parents, his former girlfriends, his life in college, and his legal and legislative career are not just inexact but cannot be true,” said the military historian Victor Davis Hanson.
Genuine documents confirm Mr. Obama was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, said document expert Nick Chase. But the “long form” birth certificate the White House posted on the Internet April 27, 2011, is an obvious forgery, he said. Other document experts agree. [...]
There could be an innocent reason for Mr. Obama’s reluctance to make public his college records. That it was an employee of a top adviser who fished around in his passport files may be a coincidence. But what innocent explanations might there be for the forged birth certificate and the Connecticut Social Security number?
There’s nothing to see here, the president says. So far, the “mainstream” media have taken him at his word. But now that it’s clear what Mr. Obama’s word is worth, perhaps some will do the vetting they should have done long ago. [...] Continued @ Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Glen S. asks, "Who the hell is Nick Chase, and what genuine documents is he referring to?"
Nick Chase writes over at American Thinker. Not sure what documents he's referring to. Great question!
Cracks: Federal Judge Orders Obama Admin Release Secret Foreign Aid Document
Admin Release Secret Foreign Aid Document
U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle: "the government appears to adopt the cavalier attitude that the President should be permitted to convey orders throughout the Executive Branch without public oversight – to engage in what is in effect governance by "secret law."" [...] - December 17, 2013 - Full Opinion.
CNN reports: Judge orders release of secret U.S. foreign aid memo
(CNN) – In a defeat for the Obama administration over executive privilege, a federal judge has ordered the release of a secret government document dealing with foreign aid that President Barack Obama has refused to make public. ...
The ruling stemmed from a court challenge, citing FOIA, filed by the non-profit Center for Effective Government.
[...] - More @ CNN.
Judge Andrew Napolitano tells Fox, "It is the first time in the modern era that a federal judge has directly slapped down the president of the United States. ..." And, says the ruling is a devastating blow to Obama.
Megyn Kelly notes this is the first time a federal judge has reversed an order of the president himself when it comes to sealing a document and first time a president tried to claim executive privilege on such a broad basis.
On the heels of a decision ruling a key provision of the Obama administration's secret domestic surveillance program unconstitutional, another judge has hit the president for secrecy and ordered the administration to open the books. U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle, a Clinton appointee, blasted the administration for trying keep secret a memo on foreign aid, writing: “The government appears to adopt the cavalier attitude that the President should be permitted to convey orders throughout the Executive Branch without public engage in what is in effect governance by ‘secret law.’” [...] - More @ Fox News.
ANOTHER JUDGE: Court Sides With "Birther" Attorney; Grants Preliminary Injunction - DETAILS HERE.
- Cartoon Credit: Net Right Daily -
According to a British Medical Journal study virgin births happen all of the time. So much for being special Jesus!
"Just admit it mom, you were a slut." |
Roughly 1 percent of moms may be virgins -- or so they claim in a new survey.
Virgin birth, or parthenogenesis, typically occurs in non-humans that reproduce asexually, including sharks, Komodo dragons, pit vipers and boa constrictors. The British Medical Journal, which published the study in its latest Christmas issue, points out many retell the birth of Jesus to the Virgin Mary this time of year.
A team of American researchers wanted to find out the frequency this occurred in humans.
“We examined the incidence of virgin pregnancy and birth based on self report of pregnancy and sexual debut, hypothesizing that individual and contextual factors may influence reporting,” wrote the researchers, led by Amy H. Herring, a biostatiscian at UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health.
Indeed, that appeared to be the case for some women. The researchers found 0.8 percent of responders gave birth despite being virgins, without the use of any assisted reproductive technology like IVF.
These women were more likely to have signed chastity pledges (31 percent of them) than the non-virgins who reported pregnancies (15 percent).
For the study, researchers surveyed data on almost 7,900 women multiple times over a 14-year period between their adolescent and adult years, each time asking about their sexual and pregnancy histories. They were also asked about their age, religion and knowledge of different birth control methods.
In total, 45 women gave birth while consistently claiming they were virgins.
Wow, so many virgin births. Just imagine if each one wanted to start their own religion.
The majority of Biblical scholars agree that the immaculate conception part of the Jesus story was added much later, however it is still such an important part of the mythology that Christians are willing to go to war with the non-religious over it every holiday season.
However as this study demonstrates virgin births are a dime a dozen these days.
Unless of course the Christians think that a young woman claiming to be carrying a child without ever having KNOWN a man would be lying about that?
Surely they don't think that, do they?