Thursday, December 5, 2013
Audio: Private Investigator Rips Obot Over Obama ID Fraud; Expert Exposes Forgery
Over Obama ID Fraud; Expert Exposes Forgery
Private Investigator Doug Hagmann tore into the Obot
Douglas Vogt
exposes Obama forgery
Hagmann & Hagmann
Who is in the White House? Who has their hand on the nuclear button? Listen tonight as Douglas Vogt explains how we have been victims of the worst crime in American History. A conspiracy of Marxists and Islamists conspired to put one of their own in a President of the United States to destroy the country from within and convert our Republic into a socialist police state.
The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news.
[...] - Hagmann & Hagmann Report.
RELATED: Doc Expert Claims Identity Of Forger Given To Team Arpaio; Forger Left Her Name - CLICK HERE.
Federal study warns of sudden climate change woes
A curious adult polar bear (Ursus maritimus) approaches the National Geographic Explorer in the Barents Sea off the eastern coast of Edgeya (Edge Island) in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway July 21, 2009. The IUCN now lists global warming as the most significant threat to the polar bear, primarily because the melting of its sea ice habitat reduces its ability to find sufficient food.
The panel said Tuesday that melting ice in the Arctic Ocean and mass species extinction are already here and worse than predicted.
WASHINGTON — A panel of scientists advising the federal government says the world needs to worry more about hard-to-predict sudden changes from global warming than it does about the bigger but more gradual impacts.
The National Academy of Sciences looked at warming problems that can occur in years instead of centuries. The panel said Tuesday that melting ice in the Arctic Ocean and mass species extinction are already here and worse than predicted. It says the melting ice could be more of a wild card than originally thought.
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By Seth Borenstein of Associated Press
Lawson admits cocaine use; says Saatchi threatened her
Nigella Lawson arrives at Isleworth Crown Court in London on Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013. Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson testified at the fraud trial of her former personal assistants.
Nigella Lawson testified in court that her ex-husband, Charles Saatchi, threatened to destroy her if she didn't clear his name after he was photographed holding her throat outside a restaurant.
LONDON — Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson has admitted in a U.K. court that she has taken cocaine a handful of times. But she denied habitually using illegal drugs and accused her ex-husband of spreading that allegation to savage her reputation.
Lawson said Wednesday that ex-husband Charles Saatchi threatened to destroy her if she did not clear his name after he was photographed holding her throat outside a restaurant.
Lawson, 53, was appearing as a prosecution witness at the fraud trial of her former assistants Elisabetta and Francesca Grillo, a case that has exposed details of the TV star's tempestuous domestic life.
She said she had been reluctant to take the stand because she had already been subjected to a campaign of "bullying and abuse" from Saatchi, whom she divorced in July.
"He said to me at the start that if I didn't go back to him and clear his name he would destroy me," Lawson said.
And she accused Saatchi of spreading "false allegations of drug use" against her.
"I have been put on trial here ... and in the world's press," she said,
The Grillos — who are sisters from Italy — are accused of using credit cards loaned to them by Lawson and Saatchi for household expenses. The cards were then allegedly used to buy hundreds of thousands of pounds' worth of luxury clothes, accessories and stays at high-end hotels.
Earlier, Lawson told a jury at Isleworth Crown Court in London that one of the accused employees was "a rock" who helped her overcome the trauma of her first husband's death — but left the family feeling betrayed by her misbehavior.
Lawson, famous for her sensuous manner and "domestic goddess" image, said Elisabetta Grillo — known to the family as Lisa — had been "a stalwart and helped me through a really difficult time" after the death from cancer of her first husband, John Diamond.
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Author: By Jill Lawless Lawson admits cocaine use; says Saatchi threatened herof Associated Press
Woman fights ticket for driving with Google Glass
Cecilia Abadie wears her Google Glass as she talks with her attorney outside of traffic court Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013, in San Diego.
Her case touches several hot-button issues, including distracted driving and how laws often lag technological developments.
LOS ANGELES — A California woman pleaded not guilty Tuesday to what is believed to be the first traffic citation alleging a motorist was using Google's computer-in-an-eyeglass.
The device, known as Google Glass, features a thumbnail-size transparent display above the right eye.
The technology is not yet widely available to the public, but defendant Cecilia Abadie was one of about 10,000 "explorers" who received the glasses earlier this year as part of a tryout.
Her case touches several hot-button issues, including distracted driving, wearable technology that will one day become mainstream, and how laws often lag technological developments.
Abadie was pulled over in October on suspicion of going 80 mph in a 65 mph zone on a San Diego freeway. The California Highway Patrol officer saw she was wearing Google Glass and tacked on a citation usually given to people driving while a video or TV screen is on in the front of their vehicle.
Abadie pleaded not guilty to both charges in San Diego traffic court.
Cecilia Abadie, right, leaves the courtroom followed by her attorney William M. Concidine after an appearance at traffic court Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013, in San Diego.
Her attorney William Concidine told The Associated Press that she will testify at a trial scheduled for January that the glasses were not on when she was driving but activated when she looked up at the officer.
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By Justin Pritchard of Associated Press
Grand Canyon cloud inversion photos thrill web
Two back-to-back total cloud inversions at the Grand Canyon fascinated the web over the weekend as the National Park Service posted a string of thrilling photos. The rare cloud inversions, caused by cold and warm air masses interacting, left the Grand Canyon peaking above a sea of clouds on Friday and Sunday. The weekend fog also iced branches and rocks. The National Park Service racked up thousands of shares and likes for the string of photos, with online media picking up the images and reposting them.
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Author: ERIC BETZ Sun staff reporter
Report: NSA tracks billions of cellphones daily
A man looks at his phone in downtown Madrid.
The NSA inadvertently gathers the location records of "tens of millions of Americans who travel abroad" annually, along with the billions of other records it collects by tapping into worldwide mobile network cables.
WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency tracks the locations of nearly 5 billion cellphones every day overseas, including those belonging to Americans abroad, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.
The NSA inadvertently gathers the location records of "tens of millions of Americans who travel abroad" annually, along with the billions of other records it collects by tapping into worldwide mobile network cables, the newspaper said in a report on its website.
Such data means the NSA can track the movements of almost any cellphone around the world, and map the relationships of the cellphone user. The Post said a powerful analytic computer program called CO-TRAVELER crunches the data of billions of unsuspecting people, building patterns of relationships between them by where their phones go. That can reveal a previously unknown terrorist suspect, in guilt by cellphone-location association, for instance.
The program is detailed in documents given to the newspaper by former NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden. The Post also quotes anonymous NSA officials explaining the program, saying they spoke with the permission of their agency.
Shawn Turner, a spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, declined to comment on the report.
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By Kimberly Dozier of Associated Press
Sarah Palin ads another scalp to her belt as Martin Bashir resigns.
Courtesy of the Hollywood Reporter:
Martin Bashir is leaving MSNBC, effective immediately. After his Nov. 15 remarks about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin sparked lingering criticism from the media and conservatives alike, he announced Wednesday that he's stepping away from his job of the last three years.
"After making an on-air apology, I asked for permission to take some additional time out around the Thanksgiving holiday," said Bashir in a statement released to The Hollywood Reporter. "Upon further reflection, and after meeting with the president of MSNBC, I have tendered my resignation. It is my sincere hope that all of my colleagues, at this special network, will be allowed to focus on the issues that matter without the distraction of myself or my ill-judged comments. I deeply regret what was said, will endeavor to work hard at making constructive contributions in the future and will always have a deep appreciation for our viewers - who are the smartest, most compassionate and discerning of all television audiences. I would also wish to express deepest gratitude to my immediate colleagues, and our contributors, all of whom have given so much of themselves to our broadcast."
His departure leaves a hole in the cable news network's 4 p.m. hour. A MSNBC rep could not immediately confirm what the network would be doing with the vacancy in the long term, but Joy-Ann Reid will continuing pinch-hitting since Bashir departed for the Thanksgiving holiday. A permanent replacement is expected to be announced in the coming weeks.
As for MSNBC topper Phil Griffin, the network president released his own statement crediting Bashir with the decision. "Martin Bashir resigned today, effective immediately," he said. "I understand his decision and I thank him for three great years with MSNBC. Martin is a good man and respected colleague - we wish him only the best." (Baldwin's departure came with a joint statement calling it a "mutual parting.")
Goddammit! I hate it when that bitch wins!
You know it took me awhile to warm up to Bashir, but I really started to like him. He was witty, had a great accent, and never seemed hesitant about really taking it to the obstructionists in Washington.
Usually Palin's flying monkeys fail to take down their target, as demonstrated by their ineffectiveness against me, David Letterman, Andrew Sullivan, Bill Maher, Katie Couric, etc,. etc. etc.
However it only takes one perceived win like this to get her tribe of paint chip eating dipshits to think that she has real power to destroy those who speak out against her. Which in my mind means that those of us who are left need to really ratchet up the criticisms.
Let's do it for Martin!
2 million passwords to global Web accounts stolen
The Facebook logo is pictured at the Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.
The credentials were discovered during an investigation of a server in the Netherlands that cyber criminals use to control a massive network of compromised computers.
BOSTON - Security experts have uncovered a trove of some 2 million stolen passwords to websites including Facebook, Google, Twitter and Yahoo from Internet users across the globe.
Researchers with Trustwave's SpiderLabs said they discovered the credentials while investigating a server in the Netherlands that cyber criminals use to control a massive network of compromised computers known as the "Pony botnet."
The company told Reuters on Wednesday that it has reported its findings to the largest of more than 90,000 websites and Internet service providers whose customers' credentials it had found on the server.
The data includes more than 326,000 Facebook Inc accounts, some 60,000 Google Inc accounts, more than 59,000 Yahoo Inc accounts and nearly 22,000 Twitter Inc accounts, according to SpiderLabs. Victims' were from the United States, Germany, Singapore and Thailand, among other countries.
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By Reuters
Newtown shooting 911 calls released.
Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune:
Newtown school shooting 911 calls reveal a mixture of calm and anguish from the callers, and gunshots from the assailant are heard in the background, audio recordings released today reveal.
The shooting spree at the Connecticut school a year ago killed 20 children and six educators.
Officials in Newtown, Connecticut, released recordings of 911 emergency phone calls from the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School this afternoon.
Gunman Adam Lanza, 20, shot dead his mother at home and then entered the school on Dec. 14, 2012, killing 26 people and then himself.
"They're shooting at the front door, something's going on ... The front glass is all shot out, it kept going on. It's still happening," a man calling himself Richard, sounding agitated and confused, tells a 911 emergency operator in one of the seven phone recordings posted on the Connecticut Post.
The operator calmly tells him to take cover.
Town officials initially tried to prevent release of the recordings. The state Freedom of Information Commission ordered the release of seven calls placed from inside the elementary school.
Here is the audio. (Warning! Very graphic and may cause a severe emotional response.)
I am not sure that I think releasing was necessary, or in good taste.
However I will say that, considering that there are many on the Right who feel this whole thing was a made up tragedy in order to attack the 2nd Amendment, perhaps there simply was not choice.
What I heard on those calls chilled me to the bone and made my stomach clench up tight.
I am still stunned that this tragedy did not result in significant gun control legislation. If this was not enough to bring people to their senses then perhaps there is nothing that ever will.
Ancient DNA from human relative sets age record
This artist's rendering provided by Madrid Scientific Films in December 2013 shows Sima de los Huesos hominins who are estimated to have lived approximately 400,000 years ago during the Middle Pleistocene.
Experts said the work shows that new techniques for working with ancient DNA may lead to more discoveries about human origins.
NEW YORK — Scientists have reached farther back than ever into the ancestry of humans to recover and analyze DNA, using a bone found in Spain that's estimated to be 400,000 years old. So far, the achievement has provided more questions than answers about our ancient forerunners.
The feat surpasses the previous age record of about 100,000 years for genetic material recovered from members of the human evolutionary line. Older DNA has been mapped from animals.
Experts said the work shows that new techniques for working with ancient DNA may lead to more discoveries about human origins.
Results were presented online Wednesday in the journal Nature by Matthias Meyer and colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, with co-authors in Spain and China.
They retrieved the DNA from a thighbone found in a cave in northern Spain. It is among thousands of fossils from at least 28 individuals to be recovered from a chamber called the "Pit of the Bones." The remains are typically classified as Homo heidelbergensis, but not everybody agrees.
The age of the bones has been hard to determine. A rough estimate from analyzing the DNA is around 400,000 years, which supports what Meyer said is the current view of the anthropologists excavating the site. Todd Disotell, an anthropology professor at New York University, said geological techniques suggest the remains are older than 300,000 years but it's not clear by how much. By comparison, modern humans arose only about 200,000 years ago.
The researchers mapped almost the complete collection of so-called mitochondrial DNA. While the DNA most people know about is found in the nucleus of a cell, mitochondrial DNA lies outside the nucleus. It is passed only from mother to child.
Researchers used the DNA to construct possible evolutionary family trees that include the Spanish individuals and two groups that showed up much later: Neanderthals and an evolutionary cousin of Neanderthals called Denisovans. They assumed the DNA would show similarities to Neanderthal DNA, since the Spanish fossils have anatomical features reminiscent of Neanderthals.
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By Malcolm Ritter of Associated Press
Rachel Maddow discusses in depth the influence of ALEC in this country and how they are trying to recreate themselves in response to blowback after the Trayvon Martin case.
Click image to play video |
The fact that this group has had such a significant, and negative impact on our politics, is deeply troubling, and should inspire us to keep an eye on them moving forward.
Scott Walker fires campaign worker over tweets demeaning Hispanics.
Courtesy of Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel:
For the second time in less than four months, Gov. Scott Walker has fired an aide for making demeaning comments about Hispanics on social media.
Walker — who has been calling on fellow Republicans to do more to reach out to minority voters — ousted Taylor Palmisano as his campaign's deputy finance director on Tuesday. The first-term governor made the move after No Quarter contacted his campaign regarding the inflammatory tweets.
In one, Palmisano, 23, complained about an individual who was doing custodial work in a library in which she was working.
"I will choke that illegal mex cleaning in the library. Stop banging (expletive) chairs around and turn off your Walkman," she posted on March 9, 2011.
Two months earlier, she went to Twitter to write about her bus trip from Pasadena, Calif., to Las Vegas after watching the Wisconsin Badgers play in the Rose Bowl: "This bus is my worst (expletive) nightmare Nobody speaks English & these ppl dont know how 2 control their kids #only3morehours #illegalaliens."
Palmisano's ouster comes even as she was lampooned by a variety media outlets for her bizarre fundraising appeal in which she encouraged parents to give to Walker's campaign fund instead of buying Christmas toys for their children.
Hey Republicans, how is that minority outreach thing going?
I understand that next Walker is planning to reach out to women by asking them why they aren't barefoot and pregnant.
Billboard in Sacramento.
Courtesy of the Hollywood Reporter:
Just in time for the holidays, a non-profit group is planning on erecting dozens of atheist billboards to let fellow non-believers know they're "not alone."
The Greater Sacramento Chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has paid for 55 different billboards this year to go up in Sacramento, Calif.
"It's because atheists are starting to speak up and they're beginning to identify each other," chapter president Judy Saint told a local TV station.
"There are a lot of non-believers and this time of year, they feel like they're alone. This isn't directed to people who enjoy their church, who enjoy their religion."
"That's fine. But we're talking to people who don't know that atheism is okay."
The billboards, all featuring area residents, share non-religious messages such as, "I worship nothing and question everything," or "Science. It works."
Somehow I don't think this is going to convince the Religious Right that there is no war on Christianity.
But should they care? After all there are billboards all over the country that encourage people to find God, accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, and attend church. Actually these are in response to those.
And besides if your faith is shaken by something that you read on a billboard, then did you have much faith in the first place.
As an Atheist I am just glad that we finally feel confident enough to come out of the shadows, show our faces in public, and speak out against the thousands of years of oppression, persecution, and isolation that we have suffered at the hands of those who consider themselves our moral superiors.
Sarah Palin at Liberty University. Update: Palin responds to Bashir resignation.
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Look! It's the ghost of false pregnancies past! |
Sarah Palin at Liberty University. Update: Palin responds to Bashir resignation.
Courtesy of Liberty University:In a sit-down, conversational interview on stage with President Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Vice President for Communications Johnnie Moore, Palin talked about her motivation to keep standing for “time-tested truths” — the same truths Liberty upholds — when she is attacked by the mainstream media for her conservative views. (Really? Liberty University stands up for the fake pregnancy stories and misrepresentation of our country's values that Sarah Palin stands up for?)
“This is what inspires me — you,” she told the arena of more than 10,000 students. “ … What inspires me and allows me to keep going and standing strong is being in a place like this.”
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Courtesy of Facebook |
Coming off a 15-city tour for her new best-seller, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas,” (Is it really still a "best seller" when it is at number 664 on the Amazon best seller list?) she talked about the larger message that the Christmas story brings today.
“My book is about protecting the heart of Christmas, which is really about protecting the heart of America,” (That's right kids the pagan holiday Saturnalia, today mostly represented by the Turkish St. Nicholas, and celebrated by plunging ourselves into debt in order to buy the newest, most expensive factory assembled soon to be obsolete electronics, equals America.) she said. “Because the message of Christmas is the message of hope and change, not the stuff you hear coming out of Washington. (Wait, what?) … It’s the Judeo-Christian faith that provided all the foundation in our charters of liberty, our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence. It was a faith–filled people who understood how blessed our land was and the opportunities we have, our wonderful work ethic, all the things that have made America so exceptional.” (Such as killing off its original aboriginal inhabitants, raping the land for its precious minerals and resources, and polluting its air so that our children are born with allergies and birth defects.)
She said the tour is about more than a book; it is about restoring our nation’s principles. (Of greed and commercialism.)
“That’s why I appreciate Liberty University,” she said. “You will be a force for good, understanding the importance of Christian faith and a Christian education. You are the future leaders of this country.” (Let us all hope that's not true.)
Students submitted their own questions for Palin, which ranged from who her biggest inspiration is (her youngest son, Trig, who has Down syndrome and has taught her “the world’s standards of perfection are not God’s standards of perfection”) to her family’s favorite Christmas memories (eating moose chili and traveling “over the river and through the woods” by snow machines). ("Over the river and through the woods?" Hmm I wonder if they are off to "Grandfather's house?" And I certainly hope that the snowmachine knows the way through the "white and drifted snow." I swear there is not one original thought in this imbecile's head.)
She left students with a lesson she’s learned as a leader:
“Fear not. Again, it’s that message of Christmas; remember the angel came to Mary in a situation with less than ideal circumstances (Yeah she was knocked up and needed to explain it to her husband.) … and that message needs to be received by each one of you here today as you get out there in a pretty rough and tumble world. You’re going to be inundated in the workplace with cultural and societal pressures trying to beat you down (That's Palin speak for "educate you.")… remember that message from that angel. … The greater message was that everybody is made so uniquely, with certain gifts and talents and passions and interests for a reason, to get out there and do good for the world. … When it comes to families, when it comes to jobs, please remember that you do have purpose and you do have destiny — God don’t make no junk. ... Success is letting Him shine through you so that others will be attracted to that light — the eternal destiny is really what matters.”
Looking back at where God has taken her, Palin still calls her rise to a position of leadership “bizarre,” (Well there's something we can agree on.) but credits it as God’s work. (And here he thought the platypus was the worst of his screw ups.)
“Put your life in God’s hands — you never know where you’re going to end up.”
Yeah you could end up promoting a poorly conceived ghostwritten book on a book tour that is falling apart faster than that space station in the movie "Gravity."
If there were actually 10,000 students there you KNOW they were compelled to attend. No way do 10,000 young people, even Liberty University brain washed young people, voluntarily turn out to have their IQ's lowered by this simpleton.
I wonder where she will go next? Perhaps there is a local prison who could lock there inmates into a room to hear her demonstrate her lack of knowledge about America and Christmas?
Or better yet an institute for the insane. THAT would make her feel right at home.
Update: Here is the video of Palin discussing Bashir from Fox and Friends.
And here is a synopsis provided by Mediaite:
“In this world, you are going to be hurt and attacks will come your way,” Palin said. “I just hope attacks like that doesn’t make people hesitate.”
“One of the things about his attack is it was scripted,” Steve Doocy observed. “The people at NBC had a chance to review it and said – they obviously, or apparently, all agreed.”
“It was refreshing to see, though, that many in the media did come out and say, ‘Look, our standards have to be higher than this,” Palin observed.
Brian Kilmeade asked if the Sarah Palin of 2008 would have reacted then to this manner of attack as she did. “At this point I’m used to it,” Palin replied. “That’s kind of a sad state of affairs to have to admit that, at this point, I am used to it.”
“Six years ago, I probably would have been personally hurt by such an attack,” she revealed.
Asked if anyone representative from a women’s advocacy group had reached out to her, Palin noted that she never “heard from one feminist.”
“I’m sure they’re getting to it,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck suggested sarcastically.
Palin concluded by disclosing that she feels “callused” and is no longer surprised by these types of attacks on her character.
Okay I just threw up n my mouth a little.
ANYBODY who believes that Palin is the victim of ANYTHING is a moron. The woman has been playing this victim card since she was a child, and the fact that there are still so many who cannot see through it pisses me off.
Betty Bowers identifies history's biggest freeloader.
Wow, it looks like Betty is not pulling any punches these days.
First the Pope turns against them, and now Betty Bowers, the world's best Christian. Oh who will the Republicans turn to next to find like minded folks?
Well yeah, there's ALWAYS her I guess.
This is essentially why I don't watch the local news anymore.
I cannot tell you the number of times that I have yelled at my television, "That news is 3 days old. It's not 'news' anymore. It's ancient goddamn history!"
Shadowy conservative lobbying network which works behind the scenes to impact policies, ALEC, has fallen on hard times following the furor over the Trayvon Martin shootings.
Courtesy of The Guardian:
An influential US lobbying network of Republican politicians and big businesses is seeking to avert a looming funding crisis by appealing to major donors that have abandoned it over the past two years following criticism of its policy on gun laws.
The Guardian has learned that the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec), which shapes and promotes legislation at state level across the US, has identified more than 40 lapsed corporate members it wants to attract back into the fold under a scheme referred to in its documents as the "Prodigal Son Project".
The target firms include commercial giants such as Amazon, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Kraft, McDonald's and Walmart, all of which cut ties with the group following the furore over the killing of the unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida in February 2012.
Alec was embroiled in the controversy surrounding Florida's 2005 "stand-your-ground" law under which George Zimmerman, the neighbourhood watch volunteer who shot and killed the 17-year-old Martin, initially claimed self-defence. The Florida law was picked up by Alec, and, working in partnership with the National Rifle Association, used as a template for one of its "model bills", which was then taken up by other states across the country.
The Guardian has learned that by Alec's own reckoning the network has lost almost 400 state legislators from its membership over the past two years, as well as more than 60 corporations that form the core of its funding. In the first six months of this year it suffered a hole in its budget of more than a third of its projected income.
I find it interesting that such a powerful group found themselves so terribly damaged by an association with Trayvon Martin's shooting and the Stand Your Ground law. It almost makes it seem that Americans really are ready for tighter gun control laws, and that ALEC and the NRA are losing their influence over lawmakers they have put in place to stop them.
But fear not their influence is by no means completely dried up.
Alec reconvenes for its next nationwide meeting, described as a "states and nation policy summit", on Wednesday in Washington. The three-day event will be attended by hundreds of state legislators and corporate representatives.
In a sign of the influence the network holds with Republicans, it will be addressed by rising stars of the party including US senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who led the push for the recent government shutdown, and the party's budget guru, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.
The network also counts among its former members the two highest ranking Republicans in the House of Representatives, John Boehner and Eric Cantor, as well as prominent Republican governors such as Scott Walker of Wisconsin and John Kasich of Ohio.
Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz, well isn't that interesting?
So the organization loses support from the establishment conservatives and simply lures in the new kids on the block to replace them. Everything old is new again.
Breaking: Birther Set To Interview Indonesian-Born Obama; Will Seotoro Man Up?
Breaking: Birther Chris Matthews Set To Interview
Indonesian-Born Obama; Will Real Seotoro Man Up?
Birther Chris Matthews is set to interview Resident Barack Obama a.k.a. Resident Barry Soetoro on Thursday night. Birther Matthews opened his low-rated show last night plugging the interview and taking a swipe at his fellow Birthers. Birther Matthews is now seeking questions from folks for Obama a.k.a. Soetoro.
Play Hardball with Chris
Matthews and President Obama!
Hardball Staff
Got a question for President Obama? Now is your chance to ask him.
Hardball host Chris Matthews will sit down for a Q&A with the commander-in-chief on Thursday at American University in Washington, D.C. During the town hall-style interview, Obama will also answer students’ questions, in addition to some of yours, via the official “Let’s Play Hardball” group on
Obama’s interview with Matthews comes following the rocky rollout of, an interim nuclear deal with Iran, renewed calls for immigration reform, and with new budget negotiations on the horizon.
Matthews will discuss a number of topics with Obama, including voter suppression, healthcare, political gridlock in D.C., growing dissatisfaction with the government and more. The interview will air on Thursday evening’s Hardball at 7 p.m. ET.
What do you want to ask the president? Here’s how to join the conversation. [...] - Continued @ MSNBC.
Will The Real Barry Soetoro Man Up To Chris Matthews?
Bet Tingles will mention the Birther issue. But of course it'll be pre-scripted. It'll be a softball lovefest!
Phony Journalist! Phony pResident!
P.S., Haven't gotta clue where at Obama a.k.a. Soetoro was hatched... Apparently Matthews does...
PandE Editor: Media Criminally Complicit In Obama ID Fraud; Obama Will Resign
P&E Editor: Media Criminally Complicit
In Obama ID Fraud; Obama Will Resign
Sharon Rondeau of the Post & Email says the media outlets are criminally complicit for allowing an ineligible usurper to occupy the White House. Rondeau says the tide is turning and she believes Obama will be forced out.
WOBC: A Lot More Obama Fraud Information Coming That Will Make Eyes Spin
WOBC: A Lot More Obama Fraud
Information Coming That Will Make Eyes Spin
WOBC: Updates About Our Sheriff's Kits Go To Washington D.C. Trip; Important update about our presentation of the Sheriff's kits in Washington D.C. Miki Booth special guest has an update.
Audio: Document Expert Says Identity Of Forger Given To Team Arpaio; Forger Left Her Name
If I understood correctly Doug Vogt says the forger left part of her name in Obama's forged birth certificate... Vogt said multiple forgeries were created around the sequence numbering of the certificates.
Andrea Shea King Show
Blog Talk Radio
Two and a half years of part-time research for both Paul Irey and Doug Vogt have resulted in their discovery of over 20 points of forgery on the Barack Obama II Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) and the birth certificate's short form.
How did the forger do it? Well, options in Adobe Photoshop called “unsharp mask” and “select color” are a couple of examples. What they've learned about the forgery could fill a book.
Funny thing that. Tonight, the book - seventeen chapters that cover technical evidence -- everything from the type, line spacing, the letters, the registrar’s stamp and seals, as well as the persons of interest. Who did the forgery and how SHE knew Barack Obama in Hawaii.
The book also includes information about the Sunahara lawsuit, the media, who is Barack Obama and the Communist plot to get him into office.
Audio: Document Expert Says Identity Of Forger Given To Team Arpaio; Forger Left Her Name