Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Must Read: Media Ripped Over Obama ID Fraud; To Those Masquerading As Media
The Post & Email’s Open Letter
to Those Masquerading as the Media pb
Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
December 2, 2013
To the 39 “media” outlets protesting lack of access to the Obama White House in a hand-delivered letter on November 21, 2013:
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Putative White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was given a letter signed by 39 members of the media protesting lack of access and ability to photograph Obama in his official capacity. |
You wonder why Obama’s handlers will not allow you access to “the President while he is performing his official duties.” You question why only sanitized, poised photos released by the White House are allowed to circulate in the public arena. In order to obtain answers, however, you need to look at yourselves and admit what you, not Obama, did to your profession.
Had you researched Obama’s background in 2007 and 2008, you would have found out that he is a communist. “Communist,” you say? Oh, you believed that communists were a thing of the past, something railed about by that crazy Sen. Joseph McCarthy back in the 1950s while more sophisticated members of the Congress and the “media” laughed behind his back or ridiculed him openly. Yes, ridicule is a thing you “journalists” do quite well when you see something that is simply below your elevated stature to investigate.
An example is the questions about Obama’s constitutional eligibility which arose in 2008.
In late 2007, progressive talking head Chris Matthews said on MSNBC that “Obama was born in Indonesia.” While Matthews failed to cite a source for his statement, a second similar report went to print in a Hawaii publication shortly thereafter. None of you was even the slightest bit curious about Obama’s background and whether or not he was constitutionally eligible to occupy the highest office in the land. You gave no thought to Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the Constitution which mandates that only a “natural born Citizen” be elected to the presidency.
You are now beside yourselves because the Obama regime has imposed “restrictions” which “raise constitutional concerns.” However, you are five years too late. Those of us who had “constitutional concerns” when we saw a foreigner campaigning for the office of President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America were ridiculed, brushed aside, made pariahs, forbidden from speaking our minds on your precious airwaves, and banished to the blogosphere for even suggesting that Obama was not constitutionally eligible or possessed other impediments to serving in that capacity.
Now, you are indignant that this foreign-born domestic enemy, this friend of radical Islam, this charlatan who has usurped the Oval Office each and every day for the last five years, denigrating and spitting on America, has limited what you perceive as your First Amendment rights.
Look in the mirror.
Because you failed to act, because you failed to investigate, because you wanted Obama to win the presidency whether or not he met the eligibility criteria, the United States of America is now held hostage by a group of 1960s radicals who wish to see all of you, and us, destroyed. If you would remove your blinders just a little bit more, you would see, in all of its stark reality, that the enemy from within is not only within the gates, but now rules supreme.
Do you really believe that the takeover of the auto industry was necessary, that dealerships were closed randomly, that so many stockholders lost their investments without recourse in the courts because it was constitutional? And how prodigiously did you report on Obama’s bowing to the Saudi king in 2009? Did you host commentators with opposing views to analyze what Obama intended by that and other of his actions?
Do you really believe that the sequestration cuts affecting the military are not imposed by design after Obama skyrocketed the national debt to over $17 trillion in order to reward his former campaign bundlers and other cronies with Americans’ hard-earned dollars?
What did you do after the Obama regime removed all references to “radical Islam” from FBI and military training manuals? Did you rejoice at how inclusive your black president was, or did you ask why it was done? Did you wonder why Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley‘s career was ruined because Obama’s Joint Chiefs Chairman, Gen. Martin Dempsey, became a shill for his Islamic boss?
Did you ever investigate why Lt. Col. Terry Lakin sat in a cold, hard cell at Ft. Leavenworth for five months for questioning Obama’s eligibility and why no one in Congress could answer the question? Or did you remain in your comfortable offices and lounge chairs living the good life while Obama continued to eviscerate what was left of it?
Do you wonder why Islamic terrorism is on the rise, as admitted by a leading Democrat senator on Sunday? Do you wonder why nearly four times the number of U.S. soldiers’ lives have been lost in Afghanistan under the man you propelled into a position of commanding our military than under his predecessor?
Do you ever wonder about the young men who have been court-martialed unfairly because Obama’s Rules of Engagement have tied their hands while Islamic terrorists shoot at their hearts and their men? Do you even cover those cases? Or are you above that, too?
Did it ever enter your minds that your lack of concern for America, and your intense desire to see a progressive candidate “fundamentally transform America,” have caused your current frustration over Obama’s lack of “transparency” today?
The truth is, you are the ones who have done a disservice to America by refusing to investigate Obama’s background. You never reported that he was a member of the New Party in Chicago, that he used and may still use aliases, that his background and life story make no sense, and that he has associated with Chicago’s underground since before he entered politics. All of that was below you, and you certainly didn’t want to unearth any undesirable information on your chosen man.
On a daily basis, you deny Americans the information they need to make sound decisions about their government while promoting your own pet agendas.
Now, most egregiously, you have not looked into the matter of the forgery of Obama’s long-form birth certificate as reported at two press conferences last year. Instead of launching bona fide investigations of your own after Mike Zullo and Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced their findings of fraud and forgery, you became angry at the messengers because their words did not mesh with your doctrinaire beliefs that your Anointed One, Barack Hussein Obama, would ever engage in obfuscation and secrecy to the extent that his real identity is not even known.
Had you investigated Obama in 2008, America would not be facing the crisis currently visited upon us now. Instead of indignantly protesting the “troubling precedent” which the regime has imposed on you by limiting your access to photograph its figurehead, why don’t you question why they would do such a thing? Why don’t you ask why Obama is the most un-American person to have ever stepped foot in the White House outside of his Muslim Brotherhood friends, whose visits occur under the cloak of secrecy? Why don’t you question what he is doing to all of us by depriving people of their right to choose whether or not to buy health insurance?
Where are your tough questions for the regime as cancer patients lose their coverage and, after speaking out, receive audit notices from the IRS?
Why can’t you admit that you were wrong?
Did you ever read George Orwell’s 1984? If not, you need to.
Do you not wonder why the EPA is destroying jobs, why there is no economic recovery, and the reason that there are so many Muslims working at the Department of Homeland Security?
How many questions have you asked about the deaths of four Americans and the injuries of several others in Beghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012? Or were you too scared to speak up for fear that you might lose access to the faux administration?
It didn’t matter what you did; you have lost that access anyway, as evidenced by your letter.
Instead of hoping to fulfill your own political desires for America, you should have upheld your duty to perform your First Amendment function before Obama cheated his way in to the people’s house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue by doing old-fashioned investigative journalism instead of the whitewash so typical of big media companies today.
If you are concerned about your constitutional rights being trampled, why are you not concerned about Americans’ right to have a constitutionally-eligible individual without foreign allegiances in our White House? Has it occurred to you that the man you call “the President” has absolutely no right to even pretend to hold the office?
You decry Obama’s absconding of your First Amendment rights, but I decry your wanton destruction of the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights by failing to vet this man who continues to wreak his havoc on a nation now reeling from the effects of his evil intent.
One of you on the list of media companies protesting Obama’s “limits” on the press has been identified as a criminal co-conspirator in two affidavits presented to a U.S. District Court and now the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. One of your reporters is specifically named as having purposely provided false information to the public to convince them that Obama was born in Hawaii when there is no evidence to prove that that is the case. Oh, but yes, you never investigated that and ridiculed those who did, so you wouldn’t know…those “Birthers” are crazy, now, aren’t they?
If the allegations against NBC News are true, what does that say about the whole sorry lot of you for going along with the “born in Hawaii” charade?
What it says is that your day is past. You sold out America for 30 pieces of silver, or whatever your price was to continue to preen yourselves and draw your six-figure salaries from your corrupt news bureaus. You are part of the problem, and in fact, you are the problem, as evidenced by your complete disregard for the truth.
Do some reading on Germany in the 1930s, and you will have your answer as to why your “constitutional concerns” will not be addressed. This time, Carney and his ilk will be ridiculing you, wondering which one of you he will take to the woodshed, or worse, for daring to sign on to such a bold letter.
Those who propelled Hugo Chavez to power in Venezuela had their property and businesses seized by the very man they had supported.
Those who catapulted Obama into the White House without proper vetting to protect the constitutional rights of all Americans are now being silenced.
Now look in the mirror.
Therein lies your answer.
Instead of wringing your hands and worrying if you will be next to receive a nasty phone call from one of Obama’s handlers, pick up the phone and call Mike Zullo. Call Sheriff Arpaio. Call Rep. Steve Stockman. Call someone who can show you the proof that Obama is a fraud.
Then, take a deep breath and do what needs to be done. Tell the American people the truth if you really care about constitutional rights. Throw them a lifeline.
You have all the tools you need, but do you have the courage?
Sharon Rondeau, Editor
The Post & Email
P.O. Box 195
Stafford Springs, CT 06076
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Go TIME: Sen. Cornyn; Obama Taken Lying To New Level; Fox Vs Obama Propagandist
Senator John Cornyn: Obama
Admin Has Taken Lying To A New Level
U.S. Senator John Cornyn stated the obvious during a Google Hangout session:
"I think the current administration has taken lying to a new level... To me, that's the one thing I find most aggravating about what's happening in Washington these days particularly about this administration. Which is a lack of accountability and the willingness to mislead people or provide them just demonstrably false information and expect to be able to move on. We've seen that most recently in the health care debate over 'if you like what you have you can keep it,' something that we can go back to 2010 and demonstrate that the Department of Health and Human Services knew was false."
Fox News' Megyn Kelly went head-to-head with one of Obama's top propagandists over the comments:
CNN also reports:
Cornyn said Republicans are trying to get to the bottom of Benghazi and the health law promises but are struggling to do so “when the administration decides to cover this up and mislead and to change the subject as they seem to be very good at doing.” [...] - CNN.
Team Obama Does TIME!
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- TIME Magazine Cover December 2, 2013 - |
They'd Sell More Copies If It Looked Like This:
New Birther conspiracy theory just in time for Christmas, apparently the Kenyan Muslim's two daughters are aliens, or something like that.
This from the totally not insane website Fellowship of the Minds:
I got an email this morning from FOTM reader Dave McMullen, asking why there aren’t baby pictures of Obama’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha.
Wikipedia says “Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia Ann, born on July 4, 1998, and Natasha (known as Sasha), born on June 10, 2001.“
So I did a Google Image search for Obama’s daughters. I couldn’t find any baby pics of Malia or Sasha; neither could Dave.
Holy crap on a cracker! There are NO baby pictures of Sasha and Malia on the interwebs? How is such a thing even possible?
Hmm, well not so fast because the soiree defecator over at Freakout Nation did his own Google search, and it turns out he actually knows how to use Google.
Bummer! And they had such a good conspiracy going there for a few minutes.
Two political science majors have decided that the conventional wisdom which says that Sarah Palin damaged John McCain's 2008 chances is wrong. Oh and they think she has a shot at the presidency in 2016. I know, right?
Courtesy of the Washington Examiner:
It's been debated for five years, and the conventional wisdom has generally concluded that Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, hurt Sen. John McCain's chances to beat then-Sen. Barack Obama for the presidency with her outsized and controversial personality.
But now a comprehensive new analysis of the so-called “Palin Effect” finds that in the final analysis, the former Alaska governor helped McCain by attracting more voters to the ticket, crushing a mainstream media view.
What’s more, while she attracted wider press attention than most prior veep candidates, her actual impact for a No. 2 was about average.
“Palin had a positive effect on McCain,” according to the new Palin analysis in the authoritative Political Research Quarterly.
Digesting mountains of data, two political science professors from Bradley University in Peoria, Ill., said their findings showed that the conventional wisdom that independent voters ran from the McCain-Palin ticket was wrong. They found that independent voters had the same reaction to Palin as Republicans, who largely liked her.
Both findings could provide a basis for a 2016 run for the presidency by the Tea Party favorite.
“Palin did not have a negative effect on McCain's voter share overall, nor did she result in eroded support for McCain among critical swing voters such as independents and moderates,” the duo wrote.
Their analysis picked apart a recent report that Palin drove off voters and was uniquely divisive, claiming it was flawed.
Okay well let me first admit that I DO NOT have a degree in political science, however what I DO have is memory of what happened in 2008. After all I blogged about it daily.
And what I remember was there was a HUGE amount of interest in Sarah Palin when she was announced as McCain's running mate, and that they kept her away from the press as long as they could before people started asking what was wrong with her. So they relented on September 11, 2008 and let her be interviewed by Charlie Gibson.
That is when everybody learned what was wrong with her.
That was then followed up by those Katie Couric interviews, during which Palin, blaming Nicolle Wallace for her problems with the Gibson interview, refused any help with preparation. That was essentially the beginning of the end for Palin's help in the John McCain campaign.
She was mocked by EVERYBODY, including being hoaxed by a Canadian comedy duo on radio, and becoming a staple for late night comedians, and even helping to turn Tina Fey into a household name.
By the end everybody on the McCain campaign, and virtually every political expert in the country, knew that Palin was an albatross around McCain's neck.
So I don't know what kind of data these two idiots were looking at, or how far up their ass they had to mine for it, but any political scientist who thinks that Palin was anything but a disaster, or has ANY future in politics, needs to choose a different profession immediately.
Because Spanky, this is NOT your thing!
P.S. I know this article is a few days old, but I literally just ran into it today.
Why the Religious Right is excited about 2014, and YOU should be encouraging everybody you know to get out and vote.
Courtesy of Salon:
Last week, the Senate voted 52-48 to eliminate the ability of the minority party in the Senate to filibuster executive branch nominees and any judgeship below the Supreme Court by changing the requirements for passage to a simple majority vote. It was a historic move made because there was no other alternative, given the GOP’s unprecedented abuse of the filibuster. In the history of the United States, 168 presidential nominees have been filibustered. Half occurred under all presidents from Washington through to Bush. Remarkably, the other half has taken place under just one president: Obama.
Why such aggressive judicial obstructionism by the GOP?
Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. writes, “This era’s conservatives will use any means at their disposal to win control of the courts. Their goal is to do all they can to limit Congress’s ability to enact social reforms.”
The Christian Right, which is the GOP’s most reliable and agitated voting bloc, is obsessed with the courts, and the Court of Appeals for the D.C. circuit is the nation’s second most important judicial body, which is why Republicans “gave the game away when all but a few of them opposed Obama’s three most recent appointments.”
Now that Democrats were forced into limiting the filibuster, the Christian Right has its incentive to mobilize for 2014. A simple majority control of the Senate gives it an opportunity to pack the courts with judges straight out of the Justice Scalia mold, who once said that separation of church and state would come under scrutiny under a Supreme Court with a Scalia majority. If the Christian Right sweeps Republicans to control the Senate in next year’s midterms, the anti-secularists will take a big step forward toward their stated ideological goals.
So is it possible that the Right Wing lured Harry Reid and the Democrats into a trap?
Well if they did it is only a trap that works if the progressives turn out in the low numbers that are traditional for us in non-Presidential election cycles.
They are essentially counting on the fact that due to the Edward Snowden revelations, the Healthcare.gov glitches, and the usual mid-term election malaise that we will be uninspired, unmotivated, and uninterested in going to the polls.
Well I say screw them! I think we WILL turn out in big numbers and fight to hold onto we have, and even push to gain more.
We know we can do it, the demographic numbers are on our side, the energy is on our side, and the ideas are on our side, so let's get fired up, and ready to go!
Mitch McConnell braces his jowls for a fight with the tea Party.
Courtesy of Washington Examiner:
For Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, enough was enough.
The Senate's top Republican had watched a Tea Party-driven government shutdown sink the GOP's already-weak brand and jeopardize McConnell's own chances of ever becoming majority leader. The solution, he concluded, was that the party's so-called Establishment had to start fighting back against its most conservative wing.
McConnell, an ardent Obamacare opponent, and other Republican pragmatists in Congress, supported the conservatives' mission to defund Obamacare during budget negotiations, which led to the 16-day shutdown. But the pragmatists also accepted that their odds of success were virtually nil. Democrats ruled the Senate and White House, those lawmakers argued, and Obama was never going to allow his signature legislative achievement to be scrapped just because the political opposition demanded it.
Yet, Republicans who wanted to avoid a shutdown watched it happen anyway. Tea Party-aligned Republicans, backed by outside groups that threatened any GOP lawmakers who didn't go along, had prevailed despite the widespread concern that such a shutdown would be politically disastrous for the party.
Dismayed Establishment Republicans, frustrated again by an increasingly influential community of conservative insurgents, reasserted themselves in the wake of the shutdown and demonstrated a new resolve to fight back -- something they were once reluctant to do.
“There were people who were basically afraid of [conservatives], frankly,” McConnell told the Washington Examiner. “It’s time for people to stand up to this sort of thing.”
McConnell worries that the Senate Conservatives Fund and other insurgent groups are pursuing a confrontational, uncompromising strategy that makes it impossible for conservatives to govern.
“The Senate Conservatives Fund is giving conservatism a bad name. They’re participating in ruining the [Republican] brand,” McConnell said. “What they do is mislead their donors into believing the reason that we can’t get as good an outcome as we’d like to get is not because of a Democratic Senate and a Democratic president, but because Republicans are insufficiently committed to the cause — which is utter nonsense.”
"Utter nonsense." That is essentially a slap in the face of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Sarah Palin, who believe that REAL conservatives, ie conservatives who refuse to work with the Democrats, could kill Obamacare and repair the reputation of the Republican party if only the establishment Republicans would get out of the damn way.
The truth of course is that while Mitch McConell is one of the sleaziest opportunists in the Senate, he is a sleazy opportunist who understands how politics works, and that the politician who compromises today lives to fight again, while the ideologues may burn much brighter but eventually flame out in the end. (Joe McCarthy anyone?)
The only question remaining is will the fall of the Teabagger movement happen before, or after, they oust Mitch McConnell from his position as the perennial GOP candidate from Kentucky, and allow his seat to be taken by the Democrats?
Well regardless of what happens all I know is that it will be a hell of a lot of fun to watch the establishment Republicans fighting it out with the Tea Party Libertarians/Republicans.
The Guardian offers the condensed version of Sarah Palin's new book. Seems accurate to me.
Courtesy of The Guardian:
I've never had to imagine a White Christmas. Living in Alaska, just 300 miles from the north pole where Santa Claus lives, I experience the True Meaning of Christmas every year. But too many of my fellow Americans have had their heads turned away from the Path by the Forces of Satanic Political Correctness.
Let me tell you about my Perfect Christmas. Christmas is a time for giving and being with the Family. So every Christmas Eve, Todd and I fly our helicopter low over the forests outside our home in Wasilla and mow down five grizzlies with a machine gun. As my Papa always said: "A family that sprays together, stays together." We then skin the critters to make stockings for the kids. There's nothing like seeing the joy in Track, Bristol and Trig's faces as they open their collection of knives and semi-automatic weapons.
For many Americans, Christmas is a time of Darkness when they are prevented from remembering that Jesus was an American. Since when has it been a crime to watch Mary and Joseph's favourite movie, Miracle on 34th Street? Since the Commy sonsofbitches took over Christmas and made us all say happy holidays, that's when. Well, yippee ki-yay, motherfuckers. Here's one broad with a great rack – as Todd always says – that's started the fight back.
Imagine state trooper Joe McScrooge patrolling the neighbourhood looking to stamp out any nativity scenes that might give offence to our Muslim and Afro-Caribbean brethren. What are we going to do to Joe McScrooge? We're going to crucify him. It's time to remind everyone that Charles Darwin was wrong, and it was God who made America 6,000 years ago. If we want the civilised society that God and his only son, George W Bush, have promised us, we've got to be prepared to gun down anyone in our way.
There's more, but I am literally laughing too hard to post any more.
Oh yeah, Palin is such a viable candidate for 2016 that British newspapers openly mock her and lampoon her ghostwritten books.
Which as of this posting is now at 704 on the "best seller" list over at Amazon.
Some actual facts about Christmas that will NOT show up in Sarah Palin's crappy book.
So essentially the entire holiday was stolen from the pagans. And the story of Jesus is filled with inaccuracies and contradictions.
I can almost hear the Religious Right's heads exploding all around the country. But fear not, these are facts, and as we know facts are not something that fundamentalists pay much attention to.
You know there should be a new movement started demanding that we change the holiday back to Saturnalia, and then WE can celebrate it without having to hear all that bitching about the "reason for the season."
I think somebody needs to send this flowchart to Fox News.
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By the way Christians if you want to experience actual modern day persecution, try being an Atheist.