Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Birther conspiracy theory just in time for Christmas, apparently the Kenyan Muslim's two daughters are aliens, or something like that.

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New Birther conspiracy theory just in time for Christmas, apparently the Kenyan Muslim's two daughters are aliens, or something like that.
This from the totally not insane website Fellowship of the Minds:

I got an email this morning from FOTM reader Dave McMullen, asking why there aren’t baby pictures of Obama’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

Wikipedia says “Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia Ann, born on July 4, 1998, and Natasha (known as Sasha), born on June 10, 2001.“

So I did a Google Image search for Obama’s daughters. I couldn’t find any baby pics of Malia or Sasha; neither could Dave.

Holy crap on a cracker! There are NO baby pictures of Sasha and Malia on the interwebs? How is such a thing even possible?

Hmm, well not so fast because the soiree defecator over at Freakout Nation did his own Google search, and it turns out he actually knows how to use Google.

Bummer! And they had such a good conspiracy going there for a few minutes.



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