Sunday, January 5, 2014
Fmr. U.S Intel Operative: Obama Eligibility Fraud; Breitbart Whacked
Fmr. U.S. Intelligence Operative Jim Garrow:
Obama Eligibility Fraud; Breitbart Whacked
The reported former intel operative says Breitbart's wife reached out to him regarding his assertion that Breitbart was murdered. Garrow also reveals information he believes Breitbart possessed that got him killed.
( Audio via Hagmann and Hagmann Report. )
Jim Garrow on The
Hagmann & Hagmann Report
Blog Talk Radio
Hagmann & Hagmann Report
Blog Talk Radio
Join us as we open 2014 with a bang - an explosive interview with Jim Garrow, a former U.S. Intelligence operative with knowledge about a number of current and coming events in the U.S. and worldwide. Mr. Garrow has agreed to spend the entire show with us to discuss a variety of topics, from the suspicious deaths and deliberate marginalization of journalists, to the truth about Barack Hussein Obama. [...] Blog Talk Radio.
Graphics Expert: Team Obama Whacked Hawaii DOH Director Loretta Fuddy
Video: Graphics Expert; Team Obama
Whacked Hawaii DOH Director Loretta Fuddy
Graphics Expert Doug Vogt claims information from his sealed affidavit was leaked to the Obama administration by the courts in Seattle and in turn Team Obama whacked Loretta Fuddy over Obama forgery scandal. ...
( Video via Manning Report. )
BR/ORYR Note to Doug Vogt: The Fuddy financial disclosure forms were not from an Obot. poster ecinkc first pulled them and then they were further analyzed here at
It also must be noted that Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse disputes some of Vogt's claims...
More Fuddy details:
More Hawaii-DOH details:
It also must be noted that Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse disputes some of Vogt's claims...
More Fuddy details:
More Hawaii-DOH details:
( Video via Manning Report. )
The cost of ignorance, "corrective rape" used in South Africa to turn lesbians into heterosexuals. Instead turns happy women into terrified victims.
Courtesy of the Independent:
Corrective rape is a hate crime wielded to convert lesbians to heterosexuality – an attempt to 'cure' them of being gay. The term was coined in South Africa in the early 2000s when charity workers first noticed an influx of such attacks. But despite recognition and international coverage, corrective rape in the region is escalating in severity, according to Clare Carter, the photographer behind these images. This is amid a backdrop of parts of the country "becoming more homophobic", as one recent victim asserts.
Compared to many of South Africa's victims, Mvuleni was lucky: she survived. At least 31 women in the past 15 years did not. In 2007, to cite one incident, Sizakele Sigasa, a women's and gay rights activist, and her friend Salone Massooa, were outside a bar when a group of men started heckling and calling them tomboys. The women were gang raped, tortured, tied up with their underwear and shot in the head. Executed. No one was ever convicted.
Mvuleni's case was also unusual as, unlike 24 out of 25 rapes that even reach trial in South Africa, two of her attackers were convicted and imprisoned for 25 years. The others remain at large.
Ever since a 1998-2000 report by the United Nations Office on Crime and Drugs ranked South Africa as highest for rapes per capita, it has repeatedly been described as the rape capital of the world: 500,000 rapes a year; one every 17 seconds; one in every two women will be raped in her lifetime. Twenty per cent of men say the victim "asked for it", according to a survey by the anti-violence NGO, CIET. A quarter of men in the Eastern Cape Provinces, when asked anonymously by the Medical Research Council, admitted to raping at least once – three quarters of whom said their victim was under 20, a tenth said under 10. A quarter of schoolboys in Soweto described "jackrolling" – the local term for gang rape – as "fun".
Yes nothing like trying to convert a gay person to heterosexual sex through violence and humiliation.
Cannot imagine why that would not work.
Rape of course is NOT sex, it is violence and the idea that convert a homosexual into desiring sex with a heterosexual is predicated on the religious idea that it is an unnatural sin, and of course the arrogance of the men perpetrating the assault.
Rape is such a universal occurrence that it is found in virtually all animal species in one form or another, and yet you would expect the creatures considering the pinnacle of evolution to be able to exercise control over their more base instincts.
But such is not the case.
Nor can one truly expect religion to have a significant impact.
Especially not this sort of religious teaching.
Uganda is not part of South Africa, but the teachings of the American Evangelicals do not respect borders, and has spread far and wide throughout the country.
Rape cannot be blamed on the Evangelical movement, as it has been a feature of African life for many generations, but the targeted rape of lesbians may in fact have much to do with this fractured form of Christianity.
Melissa Harris-Perry chokes up while delivering on air apology.
As I said before Harris-Perry did NOTHING for which she needs to apologize.
Nor did anything she said deserve the kind of hateful backlash that she received from those on the Right. And am I the only who thinks that.
MHP is of mixed race herself, and an educator, how anybody could accuse her of being insensitive to this child or mean spirited toward the Romney family is beyond me.
Sarah Palin added a new New Year's resolution, alert the media. Oh right, they don't care.
Courtesy of the Wasilla Wendigo's Facebook page:
Happy New Year! We had a glorious few days to ring it in at our remote cabin near the base of Mt. McKinley. No cell service, no TV; 'twas nice! (Twas also mooseshit! She was seen in Wasilla just a day or two ago.) I recommend getting back to some simplicity that includes just chilling with friends and family like that every once in awhile. Now we’re back home in civilization (which ironically many Outside would characterize as merely more simplicity in yet another, albeit larger, "remote cabin" with indoor plumbing and electricity at least!). First sight upon our return? A mama moose in the yard keeping watch while we were away.
Now to tackle a snowy bon fire (Actually in Alaska we eschew the French spelling, and simply spell that "bonfire.") to clean up that wonderful clutter of Christmas and our 20' tree! S'mores for dinner, anyone?! I hope you had great holidays!
I'd publicly announced New Year's Resolutions on Fox the other night, but found out technical difficulties prohibited responses to audio, so the interview didn't jib well. (Actually Hasselbeck and Hemmer were stunned into a slow response by the sheer stupidity of the interview. And what the hell is "jib well?") So resolutions shall be repeated here to hold myself accountable in 2014:
1) Eat more meat.
2) Help others make the Federal Government as irrelevant in our lives as possible.
3) Live out Coach John Wooden's "Pyramid of Success", encouraging everyone to do our individual part to live with industriousness, self-discipline and selflessness so we, collectively as a nation, can restore America to her exceptionalism. Certainly don't wait for politicians or cultural icons to do it – it's imperative we do our own individual part.
Finally, quite glad to hear the new political year kicked off with Sen. Rand Paul suing the President for violating our rights. With that, I'll add another resolution besides the aforementioned that result in encouraging a growing entitlement-leaning populace to value work ethic and independence, thus being able to live life vibrantly.
Here's #4: Be even more aggressive in calling out media for practicing lapdog laziness. (I do, everyday. Take that Fox News! Oh she didn't mean them did she?) Hey reporters, we know that once Barack Obama got elected you bailed on keeping government accountable; you've been abject failures there. Case in point: Nixon's presidency was over once reporters busted him for allowing his people to spy on political opponents. Today, the Obama Presidency's hallmark is spying (in addition to violating economic and Constitutional liberties), for which you celebrate Barack Obama. Transparently hypocritical, much? (Uh pay attention to history much? That NSA program was not started by Obama, but by George W. Bush. Funny how Palin never said boo about it back then.)
Take a stand, America! You deserve better. Resolve to live life vibrantly by looking to family, faith, and freedom in this new year!
Is she ever going to stop talking about her vibrator? I assume that's what the term "living vibrantly" means, right?
By the way perhaps OUR New Year's resolution should be to get our hair done in Wasilla's newest hair boutique, Forget Me Not Hair. Featuring new hair school graduate Willow Palin.
Hmm, I wonder if the rumors are true that Mama Grizzly bought this shop especially for her little cubs, with Bristol soon to join her sister after she finishes up HER hair raising education in Arizona?
Well I guess the only way to prove that would be if Bristol shows up as an employee someday as well. Kind of obvious then don't you think?
You know, my hairs getting a little long. Hmmm.
Bill Nye is dedicated to fighting to improve science standards in this country and fighting asteroids. That's right, asteroids.
Courtesy of Mother Jones:
In recent years, Nye has undergone something of a career and image renaissance. He is the CEO of the Planetary Society, the world's largest nongovernmental space interest group. He has a YouTube series with NASA. He was on Dancing with the Stars this year, his highest profile foray into dance since he finished fourth at a Cornell talent show where he did a jitterbug routine choreographed to "Runaround Sue." He organized the "Save Our Science" campaign, which has pushed Congress and the White House to provide at least $1.5 billion annually for planetary science and exploration.
"He's been instrumental in helping advance some of the president's key initiatives to make sure we can out-educate, out-innovate, and out-compete the world," an Obama administration official tells me. "The president lights up when he sees Bill," another official says. (That's not to say Nye is never at odds with the president; in early December, he issued an open letter on YouTube to Obama asking him ensure more funding for planetary exploration—something that has endured some rough budgetary hits during the Obama years.)
But of his new endeavors, he's likely best known for his politically tinged, no-bullshit talk about science education in America. Over the past few years, he's gained wide attention on social media, the lecture circuit, and television (he's appeared on CNN's Piers Morgan Live and HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, among others) for countering creationist drivel, conservative politicians' claims, and climate change denial.
"I fight this fight out of patriotism," Nye says.
"We have a problem," he continues. "We can't have economic growth without basic investment in science and research. And we can't have irresponsible school board members in Texas teaching that the earth is 10,000 years old. We can't have us embracing scientific illiteracy."
When I ask Nye about what he considers his current top-three political passions, he responds: "Climate change, raise the standard of women around the world through education, asteroids."
Yes, Nye is really into asteroids—specifically, fighting the ones that may imperil human civilization.
"Sooner or later we're going to have to deflect an asteroid," Nye says. "And we're the first generation that can do something about it." As the head of the Planetary Society, Nye and his team published a plan for using solar-paneled-fitted "Laser Bee" spacecraft to evaporate or volatize parts of an asteroid threatening earth. The parts that burn off have momentum, and that momentum is hopefully enough to "nudge" the asteroid. "It's a matter of life or death for people...It's ironic that people are running around worried about Obamacare while this other troubling thing looms."
You know on second thought perhaps this is the perfect man to debate Creationist and intellectual child abuser Ken Ham.
After all he is intelligent, gregarious, dedicated, extremely likeable and the man wants to take on projectiles from space. On the other hand Ken Ham is an intellectual light weight who uses the trust of small children to poison their minds and cripple their cognitive abilities.
If Bill Nye were a different kind of man it would be a slaughter. As it is it just might be yet another opportunity for Nye to teach good science, to those who so desperately need to learn.
If everyone in the U.S. was on Medicare, the savings would move the federal budget from deficit to surplus.
Courtesy of Newsweek:
We don't have a free market for health-care services. If we did, we would see a narrow range of prices for the same service. After all, a Ford F-150 pickup with the same options costs about the same in Washington, West Virginia, or Wyoming. Not so hospital and medical costs, a fact brought home in the 2012 Pricing Report of the International Federation of Health Plans, a trade association for health insurance companies.
While the average U.S. hospital stay is just under $4,300 per day, one in four patients are charged $1,514 or less and one in 20 pay $12,537 or more.
The total cost for an appendectomy ranges from $8,156 for a fourth of these procedures to more than $29,426 for the most expensive 5 percent. The average cost is $13,851.
Economists learn before they get their undergraduate degrees that such huge variations are signs of inefficient markets or even faux markets. Such wide price variations may even indicate collusion among some providers to jack up prices, which is generally illegal.
But even if we ignore these huge price variations, the trade industry report illustrates another problem: American health-care costs are completely out of line with the rest of the modern world.
In France the average daily cost of a hospital stay is $853; in the U.S., it's $4,287.
An MRI costs on average $335 in Britain and $363 in France, but $1,121 in the U.S.
Routine and normal childbirth costs, on average: $2,641 in Britain and $3,541 in France but in the U.S. averages $9,775. Caesarean section delivery runs $4,435 in Britain, $6,441 in France; $15,041 in the U.S.
This pattern holds for all 21 procedures examined in the report.
Excessive health-care costs drain both the public purse and private purses, make manufacturing uncompetitive and force employers to divert attention from running their firms to dealing with health insurers.
Our universal single-payer health-care plan for older Americans, Medicare, has lower costs and lower overhead than the system serving those under age 65. If everyone in the U.S. was on Medicare, the savings would move the federal budget from deficit to surplus.
Of course this is common sense for many of us, but the Republicans have fought against this idea with tooth and nail every time the suggestion is made.
Why? Well that would have much to do with lobbyists and campaign donations.
One of the reasons that the Right Wing has pushed back so hard against the Affordable Care Act, in fact Sarah Palin said this outright, is that they see it as the first step toward universal care.
There are very few times that I hope Sarah Palin is right about something, but this is one of those times.