Wednesday, July 2, 2014
In Alabama they don't hide their racism. They put it on a freaking billboard for everybody to see.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
The mayor of an Alabama town has denounced a billboard with a racial message that appeared recently near Birmingham.
“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” the billboard alongside I-20 reads.
“While this billboard is actually in Birmingham, the impression to passersby is that it is within our city limits,” Leeds Mayor David Miller said in a statement obtained by The Birmingham News. “The City of Leeds is a community with a long history of racial harmony, and wants to make it clear to all that it has no connection with this sign and categorically and unequivocally denounces the racist message portrayed on this billboard.”
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the message originated in a 221-word Mantra written by white supremacist Robert Whitaker. The Mantra has inspired racial killings, including the 2011 deaths of 77 people in Norway.
The Mantra’s message — and the Alabama billboard — have been heavily promoted by Timothy Gallaher Murdock, who runs an online community for racists called White Rabbit Radio.
“The point of the message is when white people are called racist to give them something to say, something to say to defend themselves so they don’t just sit silently keep getting beaten over the head over and over again,” Murdock told WBRC on Monday. “You know everyone has come to the conclusion that racism is only in white countries, only in white people’s churches, houses and businesses, and white people are generally the only ones who face this charge generally on behalf of white anti-whites as well.”
The KKK threatening to "take back this land," protesters blocking roads to keep undocumented immigrants from entering their towns, and now racist slogans openly displayed on billboards as if they were ads for Burma Shave.
Is it just me or is there a particularly nasty pattern forming here?
The mayor of an Alabama town has denounced a billboard with a racial message that appeared recently near Birmingham.
“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” the billboard alongside I-20 reads.
“While this billboard is actually in Birmingham, the impression to passersby is that it is within our city limits,” Leeds Mayor David Miller said in a statement obtained by The Birmingham News. “The City of Leeds is a community with a long history of racial harmony, and wants to make it clear to all that it has no connection with this sign and categorically and unequivocally denounces the racist message portrayed on this billboard.”
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the message originated in a 221-word Mantra written by white supremacist Robert Whitaker. The Mantra has inspired racial killings, including the 2011 deaths of 77 people in Norway.
The Mantra’s message — and the Alabama billboard — have been heavily promoted by Timothy Gallaher Murdock, who runs an online community for racists called White Rabbit Radio.
“The point of the message is when white people are called racist to give them something to say, something to say to defend themselves so they don’t just sit silently keep getting beaten over the head over and over again,” Murdock told WBRC on Monday. “You know everyone has come to the conclusion that racism is only in white countries, only in white people’s churches, houses and businesses, and white people are generally the only ones who face this charge generally on behalf of white anti-whites as well.”
The KKK threatening to "take back this land," protesters blocking roads to keep undocumented immigrants from entering their towns, and now racist slogans openly displayed on billboards as if they were ads for Burma Shave.
Is it just me or is there a particularly nasty pattern forming here?
Protesters block road, forcing buses filled with undocumented immigrant parents with their children to turn back.
Courtesy of NBC Los Angeles:
A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.
The first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.
When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.
The three buses turned around and headed south on the 15 Freeway to an undisclosed location.
The plan was for the immigrants will be given background checks before being reunited with family members across the country while their cases are processed. Authorities said most of the immigrants are families, and the move is designed to ease overcrowding at border facilities strained by an influx of unaccompanied children that have flooded the system.
City leaders in Murrieta oppose the transfers, saying it’s a burden on their town and raises safety concerns.
That is just incredibly shameful.
I'm embarrassed for our country.
A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.
The first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.
When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.
The three buses turned around and headed south on the 15 Freeway to an undisclosed location.
The plan was for the immigrants will be given background checks before being reunited with family members across the country while their cases are processed. Authorities said most of the immigrants are families, and the move is designed to ease overcrowding at border facilities strained by an influx of unaccompanied children that have flooded the system.
City leaders in Murrieta oppose the transfers, saying it’s a burden on their town and raises safety concerns.
That is just incredibly shameful.
I'm embarrassed for our country.
Target issues statement respectfully requesting that Ammosexuals leave their weapons at home.
Courtesy of A Bullseye View:
The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to be sure everyone understands our thoughts and ultimate decision.
As you’ve likely seen in the media, there has been a debate about whether guests in communities that permit “open carry” should be allowed to bring firearms into Target stores. Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so. But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.
We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved. In return, we are asking for help in fulfilling our goal to create an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for our guests and team members.
This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.
So now following in the footsteps of the Sonic and Chipotle restaurants Target is forced to make a request that they should never have had to formerly make.
Reasonable Americans would never have put any of these businesses in the position of having to ask them to do something that seems perfectly obvious to the majority of us.
I cannot quite wrap my mind around what the Open Carry protesters hoped to accomplish, but there is very little doubt that what they have accomplished is not helping their cause in the slightest.
The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to be sure everyone understands our thoughts and ultimate decision.
As you’ve likely seen in the media, there has been a debate about whether guests in communities that permit “open carry” should be allowed to bring firearms into Target stores. Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so. But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.
We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved. In return, we are asking for help in fulfilling our goal to create an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for our guests and team members.
This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.
So now following in the footsteps of the Sonic and Chipotle restaurants Target is forced to make a request that they should never have had to formerly make.
Reasonable Americans would never have put any of these businesses in the position of having to ask them to do something that seems perfectly obvious to the majority of us.
I cannot quite wrap my mind around what the Open Carry protesters hoped to accomplish, but there is very little doubt that what they have accomplished is not helping their cause in the slightest.
Today's Sarah Palin rant against the President brought to you by the good folks at Facebook. (You know because nobody else will print it.)
Courtesy of the Histrionic Harpie's Facebook page:
One cannot dispute President Obama's claim of having "the most transparent administration in America's history." So true. It's so transparent you can see right through it to his Imperial Presidency that will destroy the nation from within. (Quick everybody, raise your hands if you've seen the "Manchurian Candidate.") Unless voters tip the balance of power back to the people very soon, the left's disregard for Constitutional restraints and our rule of law will fundamentally transform America into a nation unrecognizable to the men and women who paid the price to see America rise as the world's shining city on a hill (Obligatory Reagan reference.)– shining because we've reflected the beauty of freedom. We now get the government we asked for in 2008, and then four years later asked for more. (Well at least she admits that this is the President the American people wanted.) As in the days of old, as history records in the book of Samuel in the Old Testament (Hang on folks we're going Old Testament.), in shortsightedness the people wanted someone to take care of them, to "do it for them," so they cried out for a king. Though it wasn't in their nation's divine destiny, nonetheless they were given a king. Tragically, the people realized too late that their demand for a king was not in the people's best interest. (Okay is she saying that this President is NOT the one that God wanted us to have, yet the people ignored His will and chose Obama anyway? And does that suggest that back in 2008 there WAS a divinely chosen leader for this country, whose destiny was robbed from them?) History is the best teacher. As America dethrones independence, self-responsibility, work ethic, and – most significantly – God, we'll realize that elevating fallible men to provide for us and control us will be our downfall. Of course, it's not too late to halt this transformation and begin the restoration of all that is right about America. It's in our hands. With humble acknowledgment of the mistake we've made in demanding the proverbial king to take control, we can move forward with the imperative task of replacing an Imperial Presidency with a government of, by, and for the people again. (Does it sound to anybody else like she is calling for an armed revolution?) Once we restore the proud and free ideals that made America exceptional, soon our allies will respect us as reliable again, and enemies will not trample us as they fear what happens when you mess with the United States Military. (Yes the same United States Military that will put down any poorly planned Tea Party civil war fomented by you crazy lady.) The people will be sparked with optimism and a spirit of ingenuity and generosity again; and being ever vigilant we can get back to the peace that only faith, family, and freedom can provide. It's in our hands. It's at the ballot box.
Excuse me Sarah you have a little rabid flecks of foam on the corner of your mouth there. Might want to wipe that off.
Included at the top of this diatribe was this graphic.
Of course what Palin conveniently omits is that this President DID reach out to Congress multiple times, only to have his attempts rebuffed. Back then the President probably did not realize that on the night of his inauguration the Republican leaders were meeting and deciding on a plan to obstruct EVERY SINGLE THING he attempted to accomplish.
And yet still this President reached out to Republicans when it came time to work on the health care bill:
In the late spring of 2009, Obama started talking health care. He sat down with Republicans over the summer. He invited a group of Republicans into his office and told them he’d put tort reform in the bill if it would get him Republican votes. They stared at him. Other administration officials met with Republicans a number of times to see if anything could be put in the bill to appease them. The answer was always no. Remember here that the Affordable Care Act is basically a Republican plan to begin with, as the individual mandate idea came from the Heritage Foundation. So you might have thought that some Republicans would be OK with that.
But of course they weren't, and instead of helping to craft a solution to the health care crisis that both sides had previously agreed was desperately needed, the Republicans instead started to work to find ways to use Obamacare to defeat the President, and his Democratic allies, in the upcoming election cycle.
George Bush wanted to avoid Congress because he knew they would stop him from doing something wrong, President Obama has to work around Congress because they are desperate to keep him from doing what is right.
I doubt very seriously if the American people have trouble differentiating between the two.
Update: Just a minor point that really irritates me.
Palin uses the phrase "as history records in the book of Samuel." No, the Bible CANNOT be used as a book of history.
Over and over again the stories told in the bible turn out to have either very little or no historical value (Remember the Jews were never Egyptian slaves.), so using it to teach a lesson in history is essentially like using Grimm's Fairy Tales in order to teach about proper child rearing.
One cannot dispute President Obama's claim of having "the most transparent administration in America's history." So true. It's so transparent you can see right through it to his Imperial Presidency that will destroy the nation from within. (Quick everybody, raise your hands if you've seen the "Manchurian Candidate.") Unless voters tip the balance of power back to the people very soon, the left's disregard for Constitutional restraints and our rule of law will fundamentally transform America into a nation unrecognizable to the men and women who paid the price to see America rise as the world's shining city on a hill (Obligatory Reagan reference.)– shining because we've reflected the beauty of freedom. We now get the government we asked for in 2008, and then four years later asked for more. (Well at least she admits that this is the President the American people wanted.) As in the days of old, as history records in the book of Samuel in the Old Testament (Hang on folks we're going Old Testament.), in shortsightedness the people wanted someone to take care of them, to "do it for them," so they cried out for a king. Though it wasn't in their nation's divine destiny, nonetheless they were given a king. Tragically, the people realized too late that their demand for a king was not in the people's best interest. (Okay is she saying that this President is NOT the one that God wanted us to have, yet the people ignored His will and chose Obama anyway? And does that suggest that back in 2008 there WAS a divinely chosen leader for this country, whose destiny was robbed from them?) History is the best teacher. As America dethrones independence, self-responsibility, work ethic, and – most significantly – God, we'll realize that elevating fallible men to provide for us and control us will be our downfall. Of course, it's not too late to halt this transformation and begin the restoration of all that is right about America. It's in our hands. With humble acknowledgment of the mistake we've made in demanding the proverbial king to take control, we can move forward with the imperative task of replacing an Imperial Presidency with a government of, by, and for the people again. (Does it sound to anybody else like she is calling for an armed revolution?) Once we restore the proud and free ideals that made America exceptional, soon our allies will respect us as reliable again, and enemies will not trample us as they fear what happens when you mess with the United States Military. (Yes the same United States Military that will put down any poorly planned Tea Party civil war fomented by you crazy lady.) The people will be sparked with optimism and a spirit of ingenuity and generosity again; and being ever vigilant we can get back to the peace that only faith, family, and freedom can provide. It's in our hands. It's at the ballot box.
Excuse me Sarah you have a little rabid flecks of foam on the corner of your mouth there. Might want to wipe that off.
Included at the top of this diatribe was this graphic.
Of course what Palin conveniently omits is that this President DID reach out to Congress multiple times, only to have his attempts rebuffed. Back then the President probably did not realize that on the night of his inauguration the Republican leaders were meeting and deciding on a plan to obstruct EVERY SINGLE THING he attempted to accomplish.
And yet still this President reached out to Republicans when it came time to work on the health care bill:
In the late spring of 2009, Obama started talking health care. He sat down with Republicans over the summer. He invited a group of Republicans into his office and told them he’d put tort reform in the bill if it would get him Republican votes. They stared at him. Other administration officials met with Republicans a number of times to see if anything could be put in the bill to appease them. The answer was always no. Remember here that the Affordable Care Act is basically a Republican plan to begin with, as the individual mandate idea came from the Heritage Foundation. So you might have thought that some Republicans would be OK with that.
But of course they weren't, and instead of helping to craft a solution to the health care crisis that both sides had previously agreed was desperately needed, the Republicans instead started to work to find ways to use Obamacare to defeat the President, and his Democratic allies, in the upcoming election cycle.
George Bush wanted to avoid Congress because he knew they would stop him from doing something wrong, President Obama has to work around Congress because they are desperate to keep him from doing what is right.
I doubt very seriously if the American people have trouble differentiating between the two.
Update: Just a minor point that really irritates me.
Palin uses the phrase "as history records in the book of Samuel." No, the Bible CANNOT be used as a book of history.
Over and over again the stories told in the bible turn out to have either very little or no historical value (Remember the Jews were never Egyptian slaves.), so using it to teach a lesson in history is essentially like using Grimm's Fairy Tales in order to teach about proper child rearing.
If elected Mitch McConnell promises more restrictions on a woman's right to choose.
Courtesy of Mediaite:
If Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) wins reelection this fall and Republicans take back the Senate from Democrats, he will likely become Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The senator reminded potential voters of this fact over the weekend when he spoke at the National Right to Life Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.
“I’m proud of my record and defense of life. If I was majority leader, we’d already have had a vote on it in the Senate,” McConnell said, referring to legislation on abortion rights. “It’s long past time for us to join the ranks of most other civilized nations to protect children past 20 weeks in the womb.”
McConnell’s Democratic opponent Alison Lundergan Grimes has said she is “pro-choice down the line on abortion” and opposes a ban on abortion after 20 weeks. (This is not strictly accurate in that many of the country's with restrictions on abortion make allowances for a woman's health or the health of the fetus. And others have virtually no restrictions, so long as a doctor or two signs off on the procedure. Of the countries that DO have draconian restrictions in place the main reason behind them seems to be pressure from a large Catholic or Muslim population.)
Earlier this year, she said, “I would never pretend to tell one of my sisters what to do with their body and I don’t want the federal government doing that either… When it comes to choice, I believe, should a woman have to make that decision, it’s between herself, her doctor, and her God.”
As if women needed yet another reason to turn out en masse to kick this human turtle hybrid to the curb.
If Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) wins reelection this fall and Republicans take back the Senate from Democrats, he will likely become Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The senator reminded potential voters of this fact over the weekend when he spoke at the National Right to Life Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.
“I’m proud of my record and defense of life. If I was majority leader, we’d already have had a vote on it in the Senate,” McConnell said, referring to legislation on abortion rights. “It’s long past time for us to join the ranks of most other civilized nations to protect children past 20 weeks in the womb.”
McConnell’s Democratic opponent Alison Lundergan Grimes has said she is “pro-choice down the line on abortion” and opposes a ban on abortion after 20 weeks. (This is not strictly accurate in that many of the country's with restrictions on abortion make allowances for a woman's health or the health of the fetus. And others have virtually no restrictions, so long as a doctor or two signs off on the procedure. Of the countries that DO have draconian restrictions in place the main reason behind them seems to be pressure from a large Catholic or Muslim population.)
Earlier this year, she said, “I would never pretend to tell one of my sisters what to do with their body and I don’t want the federal government doing that either… When it comes to choice, I believe, should a woman have to make that decision, it’s between herself, her doctor, and her God.”
As if women needed yet another reason to turn out en masse to kick this human turtle hybrid to the curb.
Just a reminder that Hobby Lobby may have abandoned women, but they have no problem providing for men. Update!
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.
But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.
Yes that's right ladies, Hobby Lobby is all about helping your man get a boner, but if that throbbing scepter of conception fertilizes one of those slutty eggs of yours they do not want anything to do with the fact that you may be saddled with an eighteen year commitment that will seriously hijack your life.
You know it dawned on me today that the ratio of men to women that come into a Hobby Lobby store must be about one or two for every hundred. I mean I looked through their online store and I quickly realized that this is the kind of store that most men would only enter if their wife was dragging them in by their hair.
And, though I have never been to one, I have to imagine that the number of women working in the store must outnumber the men by similar margins.
No, I'm sure there are SOME men working there. You know in a managerial capacity, because though the ladies look nice and are great at selling fabric they simply don't have the intellect for maintaining inventory or handling the money.
Right Mr. green?
And after considering all that I had only one question.
This is an organization that relies almost one hundred percent on female clientele and yet they went to the Supreme Court in order to be excluded from providing to their female employees the kind of health insurance that virtually every other company in the country MUST provide to them, and yet found nothing objectionable about providing males employees (All six of them) health insurance that helps to pay for a pump which allows them to get an erection anytime they want.
And if that were not enough hypocrisy for you do not forget that Hobby Lobby's retirement plan invests quite heavily in contraception manufacturers.
And yes that includes the emergency contraception medications that they seem so adamantly against providing to their employees.
Update: Just when you thought all of this could not be more galling, it also seems that before Hobby Lobby was against providing access to emergency contraception on their health care plans they were for it.
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.
But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.
Yes that's right ladies, Hobby Lobby is all about helping your man get a boner, but if that throbbing scepter of conception fertilizes one of those slutty eggs of yours they do not want anything to do with the fact that you may be saddled with an eighteen year commitment that will seriously hijack your life.
You know it dawned on me today that the ratio of men to women that come into a Hobby Lobby store must be about one or two for every hundred. I mean I looked through their online store and I quickly realized that this is the kind of store that most men would only enter if their wife was dragging them in by their hair.
And, though I have never been to one, I have to imagine that the number of women working in the store must outnumber the men by similar margins.
No, I'm sure there are SOME men working there. You know in a managerial capacity, because though the ladies look nice and are great at selling fabric they simply don't have the intellect for maintaining inventory or handling the money.
Right Mr. green?
And after considering all that I had only one question.
This is an organization that relies almost one hundred percent on female clientele and yet they went to the Supreme Court in order to be excluded from providing to their female employees the kind of health insurance that virtually every other company in the country MUST provide to them, and yet found nothing objectionable about providing males employees (All six of them) health insurance that helps to pay for a pump which allows them to get an erection anytime they want.
And if that were not enough hypocrisy for you do not forget that Hobby Lobby's retirement plan invests quite heavily in contraception manufacturers.
And yes that includes the emergency contraception medications that they seem so adamantly against providing to their employees.
Update: Just when you thought all of this could not be more galling, it also seems that before Hobby Lobby was against providing access to emergency contraception on their health care plans they were for it.
The chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans gets fed up and decides to become a Democrat. Well good for him!
Courtesy of TPM:
The chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans’ (MFCR) announced on Monday he was resigning and planned to become a Democrat following a brutal U.S. Senate primary.
"The Republican Party has shifted too far to the right in my opinion,” Evan Alvarez wrote in a resignation statement sent out by MFCR, according to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper. “When I ran for Chairman in the spring, I ran to be Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College REPUBLICANS, not the Mississippi Federation of College 'Tea Partiers,'" Alvarez said.
The resignation came after the MFCR board decided to not impeach the organization’s executive director, Kolby Busby, for publicly endorsing state Sen. Chris McDaniel in the GOP primary against U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran. McDaniel eventually lost the race in a runoff.
“I refuse to simply let people break the rules and think they don’t have to answer for their actions, admit they were wrong, or even apologize,” Alvarez wrote in his resignation statement.
He then went on to criticize the Republican Party, saying the platform has allowed “groups of extremist to have too much of a voice.”
You know unless the Teabaggers follow through on their threats of starting their own political party, I think we will see a lot more of this kind of defection in the future.
I mean at some point if you are a Republican you have to take stock of your beliefs and ask yourself if they are in line with those spouted by the folks who claim to be the base of your party.
You know I could see myself feeling I could no longer in good conscience call myself a Democrat.
But there is no way, and I mean NO way, that I would ever defect to the Republican side of the aisle.
The chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans’ (MFCR) announced on Monday he was resigning and planned to become a Democrat following a brutal U.S. Senate primary.
"The Republican Party has shifted too far to the right in my opinion,” Evan Alvarez wrote in a resignation statement sent out by MFCR, according to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper. “When I ran for Chairman in the spring, I ran to be Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College REPUBLICANS, not the Mississippi Federation of College 'Tea Partiers,'" Alvarez said.
The resignation came after the MFCR board decided to not impeach the organization’s executive director, Kolby Busby, for publicly endorsing state Sen. Chris McDaniel in the GOP primary against U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran. McDaniel eventually lost the race in a runoff.
“I refuse to simply let people break the rules and think they don’t have to answer for their actions, admit they were wrong, or even apologize,” Alvarez wrote in his resignation statement.
He then went on to criticize the Republican Party, saying the platform has allowed “groups of extremist to have too much of a voice.”
You know unless the Teabaggers follow through on their threats of starting their own political party, I think we will see a lot more of this kind of defection in the future.
I mean at some point if you are a Republican you have to take stock of your beliefs and ask yourself if they are in line with those spouted by the folks who claim to be the base of your party.
You know I could see myself feeling I could no longer in good conscience call myself a Democrat.
But there is no way, and I mean NO way, that I would ever defect to the Republican side of the aisle.
My new go to guy for explaining Right Wing politics, John Oliver, explains the Hobby Lobby lawsuit. Update!
Yes I realize that this aired the night BEFORE the decision, however it is still the best take on it that I have seen thus far.
Oh, and it's freaking hysterical too.
Update: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have now weighed in on this decision as well. As you can imagine they are very displeased.
Oh, and it's freaking hysterical too.
Update: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have now weighed in on this decision as well. As you can imagine they are very displeased.
Boy Scout at summer camp found dead of gunshot wounds.
Courtesy of NBC San Diego:
The deadly shooting of a Boy Scout at a summer camp in San Diego appeared at first to be self-inflicted but investigators now say they are interviewing witnesses and examining forensic evidence to determine the cause of death.
San Diego police were called to a suicide attempt at the Fiesta Island Youth Camp and Youth Aquatic Center in Mission Bay at 7:35 a.m., Lt. Mike Hastings said.
Inside a tent, officers found a 12-year-old gunshot victim with a handgun nearby.
Paramedics tried to revive the child, but he was pronounced dead at the campsite, according to a spokesperson for San Diego Fire Rescue.
In an afternoon update, investigators would not say where the scout was wounded or how many times he was shot, only that the boy may have been shot more than once in the "upper torso." Earlier, police said the boy had shot himself in the head.
This is a child whose parents had every reason to believe would return safely from a trip to a Boy Scout camp with his fellow Scouts.
But now thanks to America's "gun culture" the next time they see their child he will be laid out on a slab in a morgue instead of bouncing off the bus anxious to tell them of his adventures.
Just another example of the 2nd Amendment keeping our citizens safe.
(H/T to Raw Story.)
The deadly shooting of a Boy Scout at a summer camp in San Diego appeared at first to be self-inflicted but investigators now say they are interviewing witnesses and examining forensic evidence to determine the cause of death.
San Diego police were called to a suicide attempt at the Fiesta Island Youth Camp and Youth Aquatic Center in Mission Bay at 7:35 a.m., Lt. Mike Hastings said.
Inside a tent, officers found a 12-year-old gunshot victim with a handgun nearby.
Paramedics tried to revive the child, but he was pronounced dead at the campsite, according to a spokesperson for San Diego Fire Rescue.
In an afternoon update, investigators would not say where the scout was wounded or how many times he was shot, only that the boy may have been shot more than once in the "upper torso." Earlier, police said the boy had shot himself in the head.
This is a child whose parents had every reason to believe would return safely from a trip to a Boy Scout camp with his fellow Scouts.
But now thanks to America's "gun culture" the next time they see their child he will be laid out on a slab in a morgue instead of bouncing off the bus anxious to tell them of his adventures.
Just another example of the 2nd Amendment keeping our citizens safe.
(H/T to Raw Story.)
Certain wingnutty GOP Congressmen have a theory as to why there are so many immigrant children streaming across the border.
Congressman Steve Stockman |
During the last fiscal year, the U.S. Border Patrol documented 38,833 unaccompanied minors attempting to cross the border into the United States: a 59 percent increase over the previous year. Today, officials and advocacy groups estimate that the agency may apprehend as many as 74,000 of these young unattended migrants by year's end.
U.S. Congressmen Steve Stockman (R-Texas) and Steve King (R-Iowa) recently put forward an interesting theory as to why this crisis is happening now and how we can humanely resolve it. Rational adults can debate these things. As the two lawmakers told World Net Daily, a web-based news portal, they believe that President Barack Obama has consciously tailored his administration's immigration policies to engineer just such a humanitarian crisis, endangering tens of thousands of children for partisan gain.
"Obama follows all the far-left, Leninist, socialist-type stuff," Congressman Stockman explained to the news portal, adding that it's "an open secret Obama is trying to flood Texas with illegals to make it into a blue state."
"If we lose Texas, and it becomes like California, then the Republicans lose the chance of ever getting a Republican elected president."
Yes the President is inviting a flood of young children from other countries to cross the border illegally so that in ten years or so when they are old enough to vote they will be Democratic army that will keep the bad old Republicans out of the White House.
Do you know I think is keeping the Republicans out of the White House?
The Republicans.
You know here's the thing, if the Republicans were really concerned with new immigrants providing an unstoppable voting block for the Democratic party, then why don't they work with the President to solve the crisis?
It seems to me that by insulting these immigrants and blocking every attempt to help them achieve citizenship, they are essentially engaging in a self fulfilling prophecy.
They expect all of these new Americans to vote Democratic, so they make themselves into enemies of the immigrants, and lo and behold when they get the right to vote they do indeed vote for the Democrats who championed their cause, and not the Republicans who treated them as if they were less than human.
I don't like to give them too much credit but Jeb and George W. Bush know better than this, and it might be one of the few times that it would serve the Republicans well to listen to their advice.
Well I think this seems very appropriate this morning.
I don't usually like to wish ill on anybody but it would be awfully great if a couple of our least favorite justice's had some health concerns that forced them out of the Supreme Court either before the need of Obama's term, or during Hillary's eight years in office.
It does not have to be fatal or anything, just severe enough to force them into an early retirement.
It does not have to be fatal or anything, just severe enough to force them into an early retirement.