Sunday, December 22, 2013
Video: Klayman Fires Back: Obama Media Worried About Obama ID Fraud Cases
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- CNN Sucks - |
Video: Attorney Larry Klayman Fires Back;
Heads should roll!
CNN leftist hacks' hit piece
Reclaim America Now Coalition Email
By Larry Klayman
December 20, 2013
Under the guise of journalism, the Obama administration’s low-class mouthpieces over at CNN invited me for a “discussion” about my recent victory over the NSA’s secret and illegal spy program. In typical leftist-ese, it was a hit piece designed to attack my character and reputation, an outrageous attempt to try to cut me down to size because I have opposed President Barack Hussein Obama and his administration and now clearly am a huge threat to his continuation in office.

After a federal judge’s scathing ruling against the NSA, I accepted an interview proposal from Don Lemon on CNN. My appearance Tuesday night was preceded by a profile of me that included disparaging remarks from Bradley Blakeman, the lead-in to Lemon’s hit piece and someone I was forced to sue for improperly using Freedom Watch’s name and forming another group not coincidentally named “Freedom’s Watch” – a front public interest group set up for Sheldon Adelson to run interference for George W. Bush and David Petraeus during the Iraq war to try and sell the “surge.” Not surprisingly, the group shut down after Bush left office, and Blakeman, while a self-proclaimed strategist for MSNBC and CNN, now works with Al Jazeera, the network born out of love and respect for Shariah Law, which obtained and aired tapes from terrorists, including Osama bin Laden, while protecting their whereabouts.
After the misleading introduction, I naturally fired back at my antagonists, saying, “I think it is important to note that you’re a big supporter of Obama. … You have favored him in every respect. You have to try to do a hit piece to diminish a very important decision.” Don Lemon, while interjecting throughout the interview claiming that only he knows his political affiliation, shot his racist mouth off in October 2013: “I say the [Republican] party dominated by aging white Americans and some very vocal bigots, the Republican Party no longer represents the changing demographics in this country. … Republican Party, wake up before it is too late. … Stop drinking the hater-aid,” Lemon concluded. “It is leaving a bad taste in your mouths and the majority of America is recoiling from your bad breath.”
Lemon threatened to turn my microphone off and get me removed from the television screen (and then did) when I responded to his insults. Characteristically, legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin chimed in, calling me a “lunatic,” belittled my intelligence and then disrespected the federal judge’s ruling by alleging that the “case is based on [my] tinfoil hat paranoia about the NSA.” Interestingly, Toobin’s wife for several years held an executive position at Verizon, the company that was just enjoined by the court and successfully sued by me. In fact, on June 10, 2013, Toobin wrote for the New Yorker: “These were legally authorized programs; in the case of Verizon’s Business’ phone records, Snowden certainly knew this, because he leaked the very court order that approved the continuation of the project. So he wasn’t blowing the whistle on anything illegal; he was exposing something that failed to meet his own standards of propriety.” Naturally, Toobin’s wife must have been pleased by his “loyalty.” Perhaps here Toobin attempted to make up for his disgrace after it was discovered he had an ongoing extra-marital affair with a colleague’s daughter. And from a journalistic ethics point of view, Toobin should have disclosed his wife’s association with Verizon, particularly since she probably has a Verizon pension or holds stock or options.
I am disappointed in CNN, which treated me with respect in the past. Don Lemon is a leftist hack. Not only has he attacked Republicans and conservatives, but he has also played the race card on a number of occasions. He and his ultra-leftist colleague, Jeffrey Toobin, who had the high class to impregnate the daughter of CBS’ Jeff Greenfield while he was married, should also not be throwing stones. And his fellow proponent, Blakeman, is clearly nothing more than a two-faced sell-out who aids the Islamists at Al Jazeera. Their lack of journalistic ethics should be rewarded by CNN with their firing, just as Martin Bashir was recently fired by MSNBC.
I find it outrageous that instead of celebrating a victory for the U.S. Constitution and the American people, Lemon and his hoodrats spent almost 10 minutes trying to assassinate me personally, denied me freedom of speech by cutting my mic and removing me from the television screen, and then, instead of arguing the case, claimed I made it all about me when the hit piece was indeed named “Who is Larry Klayman?” It is classic leftist deceit and dishonesty. CNN must now restore its image. It too, along with the public, was disgraced by Lemon and Toobin.
For more information, contact or (424) 274-2579.
See also
RELATED: Attack: Court Sides With "Birther" Attorney; Grants Preliminary Injunction - DETAILS HERE.
RELATED: Fireworks: Obama ID Fraud Attorney Nukes CNN Hosts; Live With It! - DETAILS HERE.
RELATED: Klayman To ABC: Obama Birth Certificate A Fraud; Lacks Citizen Parents - DETAILS HERE.
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- Image: Retrochcop - |
Fmr. Black Panther: Sinister Obama Fraudulent; Bamboozler and Hoodwinker
Former Black Panther Larry Pinkney: Sinister Obama Fraudulent; Doesn't Know What Truth Means...
New study confirms that stricter ID laws are nothing more than a Republican attempt keep Democrats from voting. Tell me something I DIDN'T know.
Rick Perry, Governor of the state with many of the most egregious voter ID laws. |
According to new research by University of Massachusetts Boston sociologist Keith Bentele and political scientist Erin O’Brien, the states that have enacted tougher voter ID laws in the past few years are also the same states where both minority and lower-income voter turnout had increased in recent years.
Focusing further analysis on just 2011, when the vast majority of voter ID regulations were passed, the researchers found that states which passed the legislation were highly likely to have:
- Republicans in control of both houses of the state legislature and the governorship
- Strong probabilities of being swing states in the 2012 elections
- Minority turnout which was higher in the 2008 election and with high proportions of African-American voters
- Larger numbers of allegations of fraud in 2004, though these had a “much smaller substantive impact relative to partisan and racial factors”
The authors note that the study’s results carry ominous implications and demonstrate voter ID laws have “an uncomfortable relationship to the political activism of blacks and the poor.” Their paper further situates voter ID within a realm of policies that “collectively reduce electoral access among the socially marginalized.”
That's the Republican mindset for you, pretend to protect the citizens from voter fraud, while all along working to take away the right to vote from anybody who might not vote the way you want them to.
Cracker Barrel pulls some Duck Dynasty merchandise off shelves over concerns it "might offend guests." Isn't Cracker Barrel one of those places where conservatives really like to shop? Why yes it is.
Courtesy of Fox News:
Cracker Barrel said it pulled some Duck Dynasty merchandise from its stores over concerns it might offend guests, a move that infuriated thousands of customers and confused many others.
"We removed selected products which we were concerned might offend some of our guests while we evaluate the situation," Cracker Barrel said in a statement posted on its Facebook page.
The full statement read:
“Cracker Barrel’s mission is Pleasing People. We operate within the ideals of fairness, mutual respect and equal treatment of all people. These ideals are the core of our corporate culture. We continue to offer Duck Commander products in our stores. We removed selected products which we were concerned might offend some of our guests while we evaluate the situation. We continually evaluate the products we offer and will continue to do so.”
Cracker Barrel's statement led to confusion among some customers who wondered if the restaurant was removing Duck Dynasty products owned by A&E or products owned by the Robertson family's Duck Commander business.
Cracker Barrel did not return phone calls seeking clarification or comment.
By the way Cracker Barrel is a member of ALEC:
Cracker Barrel is a member of right-wing front group the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), according to the website ALEC Exposed. ALEC has been facing an exodus of corporate members in recent months, with at least thirty groups -- including food companies Kraft, Wendy's, McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and PepsiCo -- having renounced their membership amid criticism over ALEC’s involvement in the proliferation of “stand your ground” laws, voter ID legislation, and other problematic bills. Cracker Barrel is reportedly a member of ALEC’s Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force, which, according to the website PR Watch, "is the primary source of anti-worker and anti-consumer legislation such as the ‘ Paycheck Protection’ and ‘ Right to Work’ Acts and other ‘model’ bills that limit workers' rights and drain labor unions of resources for protecting employees, undermine consumer protections, favor the Wall Street financial agenda, and limit the ability to cap exorbitant interest rates on credit cards and big bank fees."
So you know this is going to cause all kinds of friction within the Right Wing fringe.
Boy this Duck Dynasty thing is causing me to run very low on popcorn.
Man you know you have royally screwed up when even Charlie Sheen takes a dump on you.
hey Mallard brained Phil Robertso! you have offended and hurt so many dear friends of mine, who DO NOT have …
— Charlie Sheen (@charliesheen) December 21, 2013
Please do yourself a favor and click the link embedded in the tweet for the most epic take down ever, by a man who has certainly had more than his fair share of screw ups.There are few men on the planet who have suffered more self destructive choices in his life than Charlie Sheen, but you cannot fault his ability to lay the smack down.
Mikey Weinstein of the MRFF to Bill O'Reilly: "You are an aggressive bully and an arrogant idiot."
Courtesy of Newshounds:
WEINSTEIN: When you’re in the military, it’s not like working at Fox or at Costco. It is an incredibly tribal, adversarial, communal and ritualistic place. There are Department of Defense directives, instructions and regulations in place that absolutely make this clear that this was wrong.
O’REILLY: It was a cowardly decision by the base commander… because this is a depiction of a secular holiday that was signed into law. That’s what it was. And if somebody’s offended by it, I want to know why. And your guys don’t have the courage to stand up and tell me. That’s the fact.
WEINSTEIN: Bill, please don’t call our members of the military cowards. The majority of them were Christians. Because if you want to start getting ad hominem, at least they joined the military and they’re prepared to fight. …They understand what their rights are. And your Christian personal rights will always be trumped by the civil rights of your fellow Americans.
O’REILLY: You know what? Mr. Weinstein, you just - and with all due respect to your parents – are just a bloviator. You don’t answer the questions and I’ll tell you what: I covered four wars with the pen! (He defiantly held up his pen)
WEINSTEIN: You’re an aggressive bully and an arrogant idiot!
O’REILLY: …Cut him off, he’s a jerk. I covered four wars with a pen, OK, Mr. Weinstein? So don’t impugn my courage ever again. You’re a weasel.
Did O'Reilly just compare his bravery in writing about war to the soldiers actually fighting the war?
Kind of makes Mikey's point for him, doesn't he?
Surge in Obamacare signups and the Democratic plans to run on its successes.
Courtesy of ABC News:
States running their own Obamacare insurance exchanges are reporting a significant surge in sign-ups just four days (This article is a few days old, so now it is is only two days.) before the first major enrollment deadline.
The increase has ranged from 30 percent to 40 percent in the past few weeks, according to state officials who briefed reporters Wednesday. Monday is the last day to sign up for a plan that will guarantee health coverage effective Jan. 1.
California, which has one of the most successful programs, averaged 15,000 enrollments a day last week, up from an average 7,000 a day the week before, state officials said. In all of November, 80,000 Californians picked a plan; in the first week of December, 50,000 signed up.
“We are all still in the first inning of a nine-inning game,” Covered California executive director Peter Lee said. “Friends are telling friends; family are telling family. … We are quite confident that as we go into the next half of enrollment that we will build momentum.”
In Kentucky, enrollments are up 40 percent since Thanksgiving, straining the state’s exchange and forcing administrators to hire dozens of extra call-center workers and application processors. “We are seeing about 3,000 people a day approved for Medicaid or a [qualified health plan],” Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange executive director Carrie Banahan said. “We started out a few weeks ago at about a thousand per day.”
More than 92,000 people have gotten coverage so far.
In New York, phones at marketplace call centers are ringing off the hook, averaging between 1,200 to 1,500 calls per hour, officials say. Roughly 4,500 people are enrolling in coverage each day, state Department of Health counsel Lisa Sbrana said.
In the past week alone, they’ve seen a 34 percent increase in people signing up.
That success has inspired the Democrats to change tactics, and rather than focus on their concerns about the program they have decided to go all in to run on its successes as well as the Democrats concerted effort to keep making it better.
This from the Daily Beast:
Top Democratic strategists said the coming counteroffensive isn’t so much a full-on embrace of the warts-and-all Affordable Care Act rollout, but rather a reminder that Republicans’ call for repeal means the well-liked aspects of the law, such as the end of the lifetime cap on health spending and the end of pre-existing-condition discrimination, would wither as well. They plan also to tie Republicans’ continued efforts to a larger framework of obstruction, linking their unwillingness to improve the law to intransigence about budgetary issues that led to a government shutdown this year.
“They are so committed to their plan—which is repeal—that they shut down the government trying to implement their plan,” said Michael Czin, press secretary for the Democratic National Committee. He pointed out that while many are seeing benefits of the health-care law despite its frail website, Republicans like Sen. John Cornyn of Texas are facing primary challengers just for declining to keep the government shutdown over the law.
“Democrats are making to work it better. Republicans are trying to take it away.”
Right now it seems that the GOP strategy is to simply bitch about every little bump along the Obamacare road to better, cheaper insurance, and to focus attention on anyone who had a bad experience, whether real or made up.
Personally I think that the Republicans are rapidly running out ammunition and that the final stages of the 2014 race will look like Custer's last stand.
I also just realized that I only have about two days to sign up for the Affordable Care Act in order to count myself among the first wave. Wish me luck.
For those a little slow on the uptake.
Should be sent to all of your knee jerk Teabagger relatives and friends immediately.
Or you could just hang onto until that special moment during Christmas dinner when Uncle Cletus starts in on the liberal takeover the country and how poor ole God fearing Phil Robertson was the victim of the gay agenda.
Up to you.
By the way apparently A&E warned Robertson to keep his big homophobic mouth shut.
Federal judge strikes down same sex marriage ban in Utah. That's right, Utah!
Gay married in Utah! Photo courtesy of Reddit. |
A federal judge in Utah on Friday struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, saying the U.S. Constitution offers the same equal protection and due process rights to same-sex individuals to marry the person of their choice that it gives heterosexual individuals.
"The state’s current laws deny its gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry and, in so doing, demean the dignity of these same-sex couples for no rational reason," wrote U.S. District Judge Robert J. Shelby in the 53-page decision. "Accordingly, the court finds that these laws are unconstitutional."
In the ruling, Shelby enjoined the state from enforcing two different statutes that ban same-sex marriage as well as Amendment 3 to the state’s constitution, approved by Utah voters in 2004.
As news of the ruling broke, hundreds of people descended on county clerk offices around the state to request marriage licenses. At the Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office, a First Baptist pastor was on hand to conduct wedding ceremonies. Michael Ferguson, 32, and Seth Anderson, 31 were the first same-sex couple to receive a license there and be married.
I was amazed to learn the other day that same sex marriage is now legal in 17 states. Seventeen!
I had apparently lost track of how much progress was being made on this issue, but now that I know I am very excited about the future.
Let's face it, if this can happen in Utah it can, and will, happen everywhere.
So good to be on the right side of history, don't you think?
AandE beefs up security in response to death threats over the firing of the Duck Dynasty homophobe.
Courtesy of Business Insider:
A&E Network has had to beef up security at its New York headquarters after receiving death threats and suspicious packages from people enraged about the network’s decision to suspend Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson.
Apparently GLAAD, the organization that officially contacted A&E to protest Robertson's remarks, has also received quite a lot of blowback:
In the fallout over Wednesday’s suspension of “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson by A&E for anti-gay and racist remarks, GLAAD is experiencing record levels of backlash.
“In the five-and-a-half years I’ve worked at GLAAD, I’ve never received so many violently angry phone calls and social media posts attacking GLAAD for us speaking out against these comments,” the media watchdog organization’s vice president of communications Rich Ferraro told TheWrap.
He said those reactions range from those who simply believe as Robertson believes to those who feel that GLAAD and A&E’s actions limit the reality star’s free speech.
Gotta love those Christians!
Whatever happened to taking the high road and letting God punish the sinners?
President Obama's speech from yesterday, plus a Q and A on all kinds of things.
Here are some of the highlights from the transcript.
The health care website problems were a source of great frustration. I think in the last press conference I adequately discussed my frustrations on those. On the other hand, since that time I now have a couple million people, maybe more, who are going to have health care on January 1st. And that is a big deal.
On the NSA:
As you know, the independent panel that I put together came back with a series of recommendations, 46 in total. I had an extensive meeting with them down in the Situation Room to review all the recommendations that they've made. I want to thank them publicly because I think they did an excellent job and took my charge very seriously, which is I told them, I want you to look from top to bottom at what we're doing and evaluate whether or not the current structures that we have and the current programs that we have are properly addressing both our continuing need to keep ourselves secure and to prevent terrorist attacks or proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or other threats to the homeland, and are we also making sure that we're taking seriously rule of law and our concerns about privacy and civil liberties.
So what we're doing now is evaluating all the recommendations that have been made. Over the next several weeks I'm going to assess, based on conversations not just with the intelligence community but others in government and outside of government, how we might apply and incorporate their recommendations. And I'm going to make a pretty definitive statement about all of this in January, where I'll be able to say, here are the recommendations that we think make sense, here are ones that we think as promising but still need to be refined further, here's how it relates to the work we're doing not just -- not just internally but also in partnership with other countries.
On struggles this last year and hope for the next:
And when I look at the landscape for next year, what I say to myself is: We're poised to do really good things. The economy is stronger than it has been in a very long time. Our next challenge then is to make sure that everybody benefits from that and not just a few folks. And there's still too many people who haven't seen a raise and are still feeling financially insecure. We can get immigration reform done. We've got a concept that has bipartisan support. Let's see if we can break through the politics on this.
You know, I think that hopefully folks have learned their lesson in terms of brinksmanship coming out of the -- coming out of the government shutdown. You know there have been times where I've thought about, were there other ways that I could have prevented that -- those three, four weeks that hampered the economy and hurt individuals families who were not getting a paycheck during that time? Absolutely, but I also think that in some ways, given the pattern that we have been going through with House Republicans for a while, we might have needed just a little bit of a bracing sort of recognition that this is not what the American people think is acceptable.
They want us to try to solve problems and be practical, even if we can't get everything done.
So, you know, the end of the year is always a good time to reflect and see what can you do better next year. That's how I intend to approach it. I am sure that I will have even better ideas after a couple days of sleep and sun.
On the delegation that he is sending to he Olympics and the message that sends:
I think the delegation speaks for itself. You've got outstanding Americans, outstanding athletes, people who will represent us extraordinarily well. And, you know, the fact that we've got folks like Billie Jean King or Brian Boitano, who themselves have been world-class athletes that everybody acknowledges for their excellence but also for their character, who also happen to be members of the LGBT community, you should take that for what it's worth, that when it comes to the Olympics and athletic performance we don't make distinctions on the basis of sexual orientation. We judge people on how they perform, both on the court and off the court, on the field and off the field. And that's a value that I think is at the heart of not just America but American sports.
In other words "Screw you and your homophobic bullshit Putin!"
I though the President addressed some very tricky questions about Obamacare, the NSA, Edward Snowden, his poll numbers, and Iran. There were certainly some questions that he did not elaborate on in any great deal, but there were also plenty that he did. And some of them were the tougher ones.
Oh and he also said "Merry Christmas" quite a few times.
Just thought I should mention that.
Two men attempt to light "Keep Saturn in Saturnalia" sign on fire. Well so much for religious diversity in this country.
Courtesy of South Jersey Times:
Someone tried to torch the “Saturnalia” billboard on the edge of town Tuesday night.
An off-duty police officer from another municipality was in Carolina Blue with a number of friends when they looked across the intersection of Lambs Road and Holly Avenue at about 11:45 p.m. and spotted two men underneath the billboard, which proclaims “Keep Saturn in Saturnalia.”
The billboard was erected by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, the organization’s way of countering the “Keep Christ in Christmas” banner that hangs across Broadway, Pitman’s main thoroughfare. The Christmas banner is erected by the Knights of Columbus.
The FFRF has been objecting to the Christmas banner since at least 2011, insisting it is illegally hung, without receipt of proper permits.
Despite the fact that the billboard features a depiction of the ringed planet Saturn, Saturnalia was an ancient Roman holiday named after Saturn, a Roman deity. The holiday took place near the Winter Solstice — which occurs on Dec. 21 this year — and featured public feasting and gift-giving.
That was not the first attempt to destroy or deface the sign either by the way: Also on Sunday, a man accompanied by a woman and child put an extension ladder against the billboard and prepared to climb up and paste a poster with a picture of a manger on it over top of the Saturnalia sign. Police intervened and the protesters left.
Sure the religious people are always talking about freedom of speech and diversity, but put up one billboard celebrating the TRUE reason for the season and what them lose their shit.
I gotta tell you this stuff is cracking me up this year.
Bristol Palin wades into the Duck Dynasty debate. Well of course she did!
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Bristol wearing camo just like Uncle Phil. |
Everyone needs to leave Phil Robertson alone for expressing his beliefs. I think it’s so hypocritical how the LGBT community expects every single flippen person to agree with their life style. This flies in the face of what makes America great – people can have their own beliefs and own opinions and their own ways of life.
Everyone needs to treat others like God would, with love. (Is this where I point out that the God of the bible is the greatest mass murderer of all time? Floods, famine, demanding sacrifice, murdering first born children, and all for the crime of refusing to honor him or buckle to his will. So much for love.)
It goes both ways.
I hate how the LGBT community says it’s all about “love” and “equality.” However, if you don’t agree with their lifestyle, they spread the most hate. It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn. (Might be pregnant again.) They need to learn how to respect others’ opinions and not just jump to the conclusion that everyone who doesn’t support homosexuality and gay marriage is homophobic.
They take the easy way out every time anyone speaks out about their beliefs on the Bible.
If I were Duck Dynasty, I would take my show to another channel.
So much disrespect.
Bristol then links to a writer at time Magazine who kind of thinks that people are overreacting. Of course Bristol makes a pint of identifying his as a "gasp" homosexual in order to provide more cover for Robertson.
Okay now it is official. EVERY conservative moron in the country has now sided with this guy.
Republican Congressional candidate compares Duck Dynasty patriarch to Rosa Parks. Did that really just happen?
Photo courtesy of Ian Bayne's campaign website |
Today, Ian Bayne called Phil Robertson, star of the A&E series “Duck Dynasty,” the ‘Rosa Parks’ of our generation.
“In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians,” said Bayne.
“What Parks did was courageous,” said Bayne. “What Mr. Robertson did was courageous too.”
Bayne believes that the Duck Dynasty star knew that going on GQ would result in the current controversy going on surrounding his suspension, as well as his suspension.
Bayne added that this exposure of Robertson’s situation is an eye opener for many who may have been previously in disbelief that the bible is fast becoming considered “hate speech” by the media and society.
Look he is even bragging about this on his website. Where non-crazy Teabaggers can see it and everything.
Okay you know this was all fun and games up until now, and sort of a revelation as to how far the two sides are now split in this country, (My daughter tells me dropped a lot of Facebook friends over it.) However this has just dropped down the freaking rabbit hole.
Does this idiot REALLY believe there is ANY comparison between Robertson making some truly offensive remarks about a group of people who are just now being granted the same civil rights as everybody else in the country, to a woman who stood up for African American civil rights in the 50's?
Perhaps now would be a good place to revisit what this great champion of free speech had to say about black folks back when Rosa Parks was risking her freedom for the great cause of that time:
I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field. ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' -- not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.
Yes this humanitarian was so in tune with the struggles of the American people that he could work side by side with an oppressed minority and not recognize how much they were suffering, and that they were not allowed access to the same opportunities enjoyed by white folks such as himself.
Rosa Parks was a hero.
Phil Robertson is hillbilly with a reality show based on his ability to make fucking duck calls.
They should never be mentioned in the same breath by ANYBODY!
Pope Francis compares arrogant Christians to pagans. "It is an ugly thing."
Courtesy of Raw Story:
At his weekly General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis urged Christians to imitate Jesus Christ by being humble and “small among the small.”
“It is an ugly thing,” he said, according to Vatican Radio, “when you see a Christian who doesn’t want to humble himself, who doesn’t want to serve, a Christian who struts about everywhere: it’s ugly, eh? That is not a Christian: that’s a pagan!”
He warned Christians against placing themselves above others and called on the faithful to be in solidarity with the poor.
“Jesus Himself reminds us: He who has fed, welcomed, visited, loved one of the smallest and poorest of people, has done it for the Son of God,” the pope said.
Still holding out on my final verdict on this Pope, but damn I certainly like it when he knocks the legs out from under so-called "Christians" like Sarah Palin, Pat Robertson, and Franklin Graham.
However I take great umbrage over the comparison of arrogant Christians to pagans, because helping others and being humble is NOT specifically a Christian trait, and to say otherwise is also arrogant.
Homophobia and ignorance converge on the Sean Hannity Show, featuring Sarah Palin resplendent in camouflage clothing and hypocrisy soaked hair piece. Update!
Hannity does the set up which includes a whitewashing of Duck Dynasty patriarch, Phil Robertson's remarks. Once the raw meat is deemed sufficiently bloodied, they release the Palin!
Hannity: "That looks like a Duck Dynasty camo shirt. Is that it?"
Palin: "Uh we wear camo up here everyday and it's funny that, ironically, I was wearing camo this morning when your producer called to ask if I'd be on the show. And I'm like 'Sure, and I'll keep my same clothes on if you don't mind.'" (So those are Palin's camouflage PJ's? Ewww!)
Hannity then asks for Palin's thought on the controversy. (I bet she starts with it being all about "freedom.")
Palin: "Well it's all about freedom. Free speech, ya know so many American families have spilt blood and treasure to guarantee Phil Robertson's, and everybody else's right to voice their personal opinions (Except YOU Martin Bashir!), and once that freedom is lost Sean, everything is lost in our country. Now, A&E they were absolute quacks on this one, the marketing department there, here they had just recently rolled out their new slogan from their marketing department. And it's 'Be original.' Well that translates, with A&E's marketing department today into, 'Be stupid.'
"To get rid of the most popular patriarch on television today...uh I tell ya there are other networks that would just nab these guys up in a heartbeat. A&E really screwed up on this one."
Hannity then goes on to claim to be a fan of the show and that the reason it is popular is because they talk about religion. (And here I thought it had something to do with ducks.) Finally asking "Doesn't this have a lot to do with religion?"
Palin: "Well you know, they're not in your face though which I think is so refreshing. (Yeah, for instance THEY are not trying to sell a book attacking atheists and suggesting that only Christians can enjoy Christmas.) You know they talk about tradition, they live out traditional Judeo-Christian ethics, that our nation is founded upon. And I think that is, not only refreshing, but it''s ...uh..inspiring and empowering for the rest of America to be emboldened and to say "Hey, if they can do it, and be so popular, and not as mocked and criticized perhaps, until now, as others have been then maybe the rest of us can do it too.' And that's got to strengthen our country. And it's going to strengthen those who are elected to protect our freedoms. (Wait, the Duck Dynasty guy was protecting America's freedoms? By appearing on a reality show?) Hopefully it will make them acknowledge how important our foundation of freedom is and they'll do something about it."
(So to be clear what the crazy person is saying is that Robertson's homophobic rant should be ignored because his appearances on Duck Dynasty serve as a model to politicians that THEY can also push their religious beliefs down the throats of the American people? WTF?)
Hannity then does his job of turning the attention back to Palin, and what a poor victim SHE has been of attacks from the Left. And pointing out that she did not call for boycotts against Bill Maher or Martin Bashir for their comments. (No she just fired up the paint chip eaters and let THEM do her dirty work.)
Palin: "No, because I am a freedom of speech kind of gal." (At this point I ironically look over at my letter from Thomas Van Flein threatening to sue me if I did not retract everything from my Splitsville post back in August of 2009. All of which turned out to be true by the way.) "I'll tell ya I got a lot of e-mails this morning on this one with A&E, where a friend, in fact a friend of mine that happens to be gay, she e-mailed me to say she is outraged at A&E for the hypocrisy here for the things they air on their program that she finds offensive, yet A&E doesn't fire a star or somebody involved in their programming based on what they've said, but they would when it comes to Phil on Duck Dynasty. And this friend, she said that she would boycott A&E, and that network, (DO you hear that A&E? Sarah Palin's only gay friend is no longer going to be watching your shows. That'll learn ya!)and um she's not the only one, I've received many many e-mails from people saying 'You know why give them our money, our eyes, ears, our resources?' There are other channels out there to be watching?"
(So to be clear, Sarah Palin's VAST group of gay supporters are going to stop watching A&E over this situation. I cannot almost hear the executives tremble from here.)
Hannity brings the subject back to the fact that Robertson was simply defending his right as a Christian to call out the sinners, and asks Palin if she agrees that many Christians share his views on homosexuality.
Palin: "Well what Phil was saying was reciting a part of the Gospel. The liberal Left must feel that the Gospel then is insulting and offensive. Because Phil was just repeating what is in the Bible. And what Phil went on to say was that all sins are equal, and we all sin (Some more than others, right Sarah?), so we all need a savior. And I say that at this time, this Christmas season, now is the time where, like the three wise men, we can seek that savior, we can find that savior ,and then our problems will be solved. That's what Phil was saying." (Well as a member of the Liberal Left I found almost all of that offensive, as well as historically, rationally, and even Biblically inaccurate.)
Hannity then asks if Palin thinks that Americans, whom he seems to believe think like both he and Palin do, will rise up in support of Duck Dynasty the way they did for the owner of Chick-fil-A?
PALIN: "Absolutely! You're going to see people wearing their camo. You're going to see people wearing their red, white and blue bandanas and be out there with their duck calls and everything else, as this manifestation of support for a family that is traditional and strong and they circle the wagons when times are tough and -- and -- that is so Americana. And it's patriotic. It's beautiful. (Camo and duck calls are beautiful? Maybe in Wasilla!) It's part of the heart of America. And we all need to be out there promoting and protecting the heart of America. We can do that by showing support for Duck Dynasty." (So to be clear kids, protecting the reality show Duck Dynasty is JUST like putting on a uniform and fighting for your country.)
Hannity then asks about some of the other A&E programs, and suggests that though conservatives might find them offensive they do not demand that they be removed. (Apparently Hannity is unaware of the activities of the American Family Association, and other religious groups that regularly demand that programming be changed and threaten boycotts.)
PALIN: "Yes, my reaction to A&E, again, is their new slogan, "Be original," does translate into "Be stupid" because if they have such a hypocritical view of what is acceptable and not acceptable, well, that is going to offend the majority of Americans."
"Bottom line, Sean, is A&E has chosen to marginalize and tried to stifle the freedom of someone who is filled with faith in the Gospel, that being Phil from "Duck Dynasty." And Americans -- we're smart enough to understand what's going on here. We're also smart enough to understand that we do not have to promote and give business to a network like that, if we, you know, don't believe in the action that they just took. And A&E is going to feel it."
Damn that is a lot of hypocrisy for this early on a Friday morning!
Somewhere I have to believe that Martin Bashir is shaking his head in disbelief and muttering, "She really is insane isn't she?"
Yes Martin, she is!
Update: In reference to Palin's love for free speech and her contention that she would never respond as GLAAD did in response to Phil Roberston's words, let me present the SarahPAC letter calling for Martin Bashir to be fired.
Update 2: Here is another Phil Robertson anti-gay rant in case we were not convinced by the first one:
The most inflammatory section of his attack on the lives of gay people is when he quotes the full passage of Romans 1:26-32 which is often used as an example for Christian opposition to homosexuality.
Verse 29 begins, 'They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents and they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.'
Oh yeah, gotta love that free speech.
President Obama's new White House counsel compares the Tea Party to Jonestown. Surprisingly that does not go over very well.
So John Podesta, Obama's new White House Counsel gave an interview, some time ago it seems, to Politico, during which he said the following about the Obama administration:
“They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress,” he told me.
Though to be fair the similarities between the group that followed Jim Jones into a cyanide Kool-aid mass extinction, and the group currently sacrificing the country on the pyre of obstructionism for obstructionism's sake, are hard to miss.
Podesta realized that this might result in some additional heat coming at the White House and issued this tweet:
In an old interview, my snark got in front of my judgment. I apologize to Speaker Boehner, whom I have always respected.
— John Podesta (@johnpodesta) December 18, 2013
However if he thought that was going to be enough to satisfy the Teabagger, well he has another think coming. Courtesy of USA Today:
Brendan Buck, a spokesman for Republican House Speaker John Boehner, took offense with the Podesta comment.
"If this is the attitude of the new White House, it's hard to see how the president gets anything done again," Buck said.
Jenny Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, called Podesta's comments "despicable."
"Any man who is so historically ignorant as to compare millions of Americans who cherish freedom with the macabre and mass suicide at Jonestown is unqualified to hold any position of authority," she said. "We recommend Mr. Podesta read a book on basic American history."
"Historically ignorant" my ass, Podesta is simply pointing out what can happen when a group of people start to follow a crazed madman (Ted Cruz), or mad woman (Palin), into the abyss.
You know what I say? Fuck em if they don't like the comparison!
If these lunatics don't like being compared to other lunatics in history, perhaps they should start acting less like lunatics.