Saturday, September 28, 2013
Judge Me: Obama Best Friend Arrested For Brutal Rape and False Imprisonment
Obama: Judge Me By The People Who Surround Me; Obama Pal Keith Kakugawa Busted For Brutal Rape
After spending most of his early years growing up in Indonesia attending a Muslim Madrasa, Obama’s mother sent Obama to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. Keith Kakugawa was a close friend during his high school years and referred to as “Ray” in Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father”. Recently, Keith Kakugawa was arrested in California on charges of brutally raping and beating a woman.
Moonbattery reminds everyone of the following:
Quoth the Lightworker: “Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.” The caliber of those people has been remarkably consistent throughout his life.
The NYPost reports the following:
President Obama’s best friend in high school has been arrested in California on charges he brutally raped and beat a woman.
Keith Kakugawa, who played the role of an older brother to Obama when they were growing up in Hawaii, allegedly attacked the woman in her apartment after going out to dinner with her on Sept. 13.
Following an investigation by police from Arcata, Calif., Kakugawa, 54, was charged with false imprisonment, sexual penetration by force, oral copulation by force and battery. He is being held on $400,000 bond.
Obama wrote about Kakaguwa, whom he called “Ray,” in his memoir “Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”
Kakugawa, two years older, became friends with Obama when the future president was a 9th grader. Obama praised his “warmth and brash humor.”
In recent years Kakugawa has had a series of run-ins with the law. He was arrested on May 7 for assault, according to the Humboldt County (Calif.) Sheriff’s Office.
The DailyMail has more on Obama and Keith’s history—especially the cocaine use:
And the hits just keep on coming… Independent Journal Review adds this tidbit:
A reminder of the registration record for Obama (a.k.a. ”Barry Soetoro”) from his Indonesian school in Jakarta. The registration lists Obama as an Indonesian citizen (which you have to be to attend the school) and Obama’s religion as “Islam”.
The 54-year-old has been in and out of prison, mainly for possession and dealing of cocaine, and spent some time living on the streets due to alcohol and drug problems.
[...] Kakugawa is being held on $400,000 bond and if convicted, faces a lengthy prison sentence.
A source close to the former Wall Street trader told the Enquirer this may lead him to reveal his stories about the President.
‘Keith knows a lot of secrets that could prove to be embarrassing for the commander-in-chief if they get out,’ he said.
‘They are mostly youthful indiscretions, but he would know more about Obama’s teenage drug-taking than anyone. And now that he’s really desperate and facing a lengthy prison stretch, he could spill the beans.‘
And the hits just keep on coming… Independent Journal Review adds this tidbit:
A year previous, Kakugama claimed in a book he was trying to market, that “Barry” told him he wanted to convert to Islam in High School. [...]
From a cached version of his website, Kakugawa had this to say about Obama:
Barry and I were in the Academy’s large school library one Wednesday afternoon. He picked up a Malcolm X book and said that he’d thought about maybe becoming a Muslim.
I said, “Hold on, man. What you gonna do? You don’t know the first thing about being a Muslim.What are you going to do, change your name?”
He said, “Well, my name is Barack Hussein Obama.”
Hmm … Hussein, huh?
A reminder of the registration record for Obama (a.k.a. ”Barry Soetoro”) from his Indonesian school in Jakarta. The registration lists Obama as an Indonesian citizen (which you have to be to attend the school) and Obama’s religion as “Islam”.
- By Mara Zebest. Also posted @ TheGatewayPundit -
Just for fun. A little video of driving from Anchorage to Fairbanks for your morning's entertainment.
I don't think there is ANYBODY living in Anchorage, Eagle River, Wasilla, or Palmer who has not driven that first portion more time than they can remember. (For some who commute it is a daily occurrence.)
Around the 30 second mark, though you don't really see it, is Peter's Creek whihc is where I lived for about half a year when I was learning how muhc I DIDN'T want to grow up to be my Dad.
At the 45 second mark is when you take the off ramp and get to drive through scenic Wasilla. (Hah!)
The whole drive takes between seven to eight hours depending on the conditions.
Sadly this video was taken on a very gray day so you do not really get a sense of just how beautiful it can be.
According to Billy Graham's grandson when it comes to sexual abuse the Catholics have got NOTHING on the Evangelicals.
Courtesy of Religion News:
The Christian mission field is a “magnet” for sexual abusers, Boz Tchividjian, a Liberty University law professor who investigates abuse said Thursday (Sept. 26) to a room of journalists.
While comparing evangelicals to Catholics on abuse response, ”I think we are worse,” he said at the Religion Newswriters Association conference, saying too many evangelicals had “sacrificed the souls” of young victims.
“Protestants can be very arrogant when pointing to Catholics,” said Tchividjian, a grandson of evangelist Billy Graham and executive director of Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE), which has investigated sex abuse allegations.
“The Protestant culture is defined by independence,” Tchividjian said. Evangelicals often frown upon transparency and accountability, he said, as many Protestants rely on Scripture more than religious leaders, compared to Catholics.
Abusers discourage whistle-blowing by condemning gossip to try to keep people from reporting abuse, he said. Victims are also told to protect the reputation of Jesus.
You know you would think that if church groups were so invested in protecting the "reputation of Jesus" they might prosecute the shit out of somebody who raped one of their own and protect the vulnerable from any further abuse.
After all isn't that what Jesus would do?
I have long thought that all of the attention on Catholic sexual abuse was somewhat hypocritical within the religious community. I have not had a great deal of exposure to Catholics up here (With the exception of my beautiful and talented ex-girlfriend.) however I have had substantially more exposure to religious types of other denominations raping children, sometimes even their own, as well as their wives.
It also needs to be pointed out that the sex abuse that has been visited upon the indigenous people of Alaska has NOT all come from Catholic priests, but has also been linked to other missionaries working in rural communities, though there is barely a whisper about it in the media.
Sadly there are features within certain very religious communities which allow this abuse to continue unabated, especially when the victims are kept away from secular education facilities, or others who might not be so willing to overlook abuse to protect a prominent church member or a minister.
You know the ironic thing is that if these people were REALLY living their lives according to the teachings of their idol, they would never think to harm anybody in this fashion. But the mantle of Christianity can often camouflage a black heart, and for some it is a license to do despicable things with no fear of retribution.
Neither in this world, or the next.
Kenya Hear It: Guide To Obama Family Ties To Radical Muslim Groups For Dummies
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- Image Credit: Death By 1000 Papercuts - |
Kenya Hear It: Guide To Obama Family Ties To Radical Muslim Groups For Dummies
Today on Carl Gallups radio show he discussed Obama's family ties to radial Muslim groups and Kenya's mass murderer Raila Odinga. Much of the information is not new but it is definitely ignored by the MSM.
FLASHBACK: Obama Speaking In Kenya With Mass Murderer Raila Odinga: I'm So Proud To Come Back Home - VIDEO HERE.
Breaking: Florida Supreme Court Denied Obama ID Fraud Case
The case before the Florida Supreme Court Voeltz v Obama was denied today... Hat tip Raymond.
Via the Florida Supreme Court Docket:
Because petitioner has failed to show a clear legal right to the relief requested, he is not entitled to mandamus relief. Accordingly, the petition for writ of mandamus is hereby denied. See Huffman v. State, 813 So. 2d 10, 11 (Fla. 2000).
Background reports here:
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Global warming is 'extremely likely' man-made
A panel sponsored by the United Nations says that man-made warming is "extremely likely."
STOCKHOLM — Scientists can now say with extreme confidence that human activity is the dominant cause of the global warming observed since the 1950s, a new report by an international scientific group said Friday.
Calling man-made warming "extremely likely," the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change used the strongest words yet on the issue as it adopted its assessment on the state of the climate system.
In its previous assessment, in 2007, the U.N.-sponsored panel said it was "very likely" that global warming was man-made.
One of the most controversial subjects in the report was how to deal with a purported slowdown in warming in the past 15 years. Climate skeptics say this "hiatus" casts doubt on the scientific consensus on climate change.
Many governments had objections over how the issue was treated in earlier drafts and some had called for it to be deleted altogether.
In the end, the IPCC made only a brief mention of the issue in the summary for policymakers, stressing that short-term records are sensitive to natural variability and don't in general reflect long-term trends.
"An old rule says that climate-relevant trends should not be calculated for periods less than around 30 years," said Thomas Stocker, co-chair of the group that wrote the report.
Many scientists say the purported slowdown reflects random climate fluctuations and an unusually hot year, 1998, picked as a starting point for charting temperatures. Another leading hypothesis is that heat is settling temporarily in the oceans, but that wasn't included in the summary.
Stocker said there wasn't enough literature on "this emerging question."
The IPCC said the evidence of climate change has grown thanks to more and better observations, a clearer understanding of the climate system and improved models to analyze the impact of rising temperatures.
"Our assessment of the science finds that the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has diminished, the global mean sea level has risen and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased," said Qin Dahe, co-chair of the working group that wrote the report.
The full 2,000-page report isn't going to be released until Monday, but the summary for policymakers with the key findings was published Friday. It contained few surprises as many of the findings had been leaked in advance.
As expected, the IPCC raised its projections of the rise in sea levels to 10-32 inches by the end of the century. The previous report predicted a rise of 7-23 inches.
But it also changed its estimate of how sensitive the climate is to an increase in CO2 concentrations, lowering the lower end of a range given in the previous report. In 2007, the IPCC said that a doubling of CO2 concentrations would likely result in 3.6-8.1 F degrees of warming. This time it restored the lower end of that range to what it was in previous reports, 2.7 F.
The IPCC assessments are important because they form the scientific basis of U.N. negotiations on a new climate deal. Governments are supposed to finish that agreement in 2015, but it's unclear whether they will commit to the emissions cuts that scientists say will be necessary to keep the temperature below a limit at which the worst effects of climate change can be avoided.
Using four scenarios with different emissions controls, the report projected that global average temperatures would rise by 0.5 to 8.6 F by the end of the century.
Only the lowest scenario, which was based on major cuts in CO2 emissions and is considered unlikely, came in below the 3.6 F limit that countries have set as their target in the climate talks to avoid the worst impacts of warming.
"This is yet another wakeup call: Those who deny the science or choose excuses over action are playing with fire," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement. "Once again, the science grows clearer, the case grows more compelling, and the costs of inaction grow beyond anything that anyone with conscience or common sense should be willing to even contemplate."
At this point, emissions keep rising mainly due to rapid growth in China and other emerging economies. They say rich countries should take the lead on emissions cuts because they've pumped carbon into the atmosphere for longer.
Climate activists said the report should spur governments to action.
"There are few surprises in this report but the increase in the confidence around many observations just validates what we are seeing happening around us," said Samantha Smith, of the World Wildlife Fund.
The report adopted Friday deals with the physical science of climate change. Next year, the IPCC will adopt reports on the impacts of global warming, strategies to fight it and a synthesis of all three reports.
Article Source here
By Karl Ritter of Associated Press
Pirate Bay Founder's Hacking, Fraud Sentence Reduced
A Swedish court dismissed some charges against the founder of the file-sharing website.
STOCKHOLM (AP) — A Swedish court has dismissed part of the hacking and fraud charges against the founder of the popular file-sharing website Pirate Bay and reduced his prison sentence from two years to one.
The Svea Court of Appeal on Wednesday dismissed cases against Gottfrid Svartholm Warg relating to the hacking of Nordea Bank AB, saying it could not be ruled out that others may have remotely accessed his computer as he has claimed. It upheld the conviction of hacking into the servers of two other companies, Applicate and Logica, which handle sensitive information for Sweden's police force and tax authority.
The court, which heard two IT experts in the case, noted that Svartholm Warg had not disputed his computer was used in several hacking cases between January 2010 and August 2012.
In 2009, a Swedish court gave him and three Pirate Bay colleagues one-year sentences for copyright violation. They also were ordered to pay 46 million kronor ($6.5 million) in damages to the entertainment industry.
Svartholm Warg appealed that ruling, but left the country. He was arrested in Cambodia in 2012 and deported back to Sweden after an international arrest warrant was issued against him. He has served out his sentence for his first conviction while under detention over his hacking charges.
Known by his Internet alias "Anakata," the 28-year-old Svartholm Warg also is wanted in Denmark, where he is suspected of hacking to access sensitive information.
The Pirate Bay is one of the world's biggest free file-sharing websites, offering millions of users a forum for downloading music, movies and computer games.
Article Source here
Author: The Associated Press
Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf Has "Mixed Emotions" About Sextortion Photos Scandal
Cassidy Wolf has "mixed feelings" about the arrest of former classmate Jared James Abrahams, who confessed to federal investigators on Thursday to blackmailing and extorting the reigning Miss Teen USA. Wolf appeared on NBC's Today on Friday, Sept. 27, where she opened up about how it felt to have someone break into her computer, remotely turn on her webcam and watch her most intimate moments.
"My computer light never came on, so I wasn't aware. This person had been taking pictures of me in my room, changing clothes from putting on outfits, walking back and forth from the shower," Wolf recalled. "I received an anonymous email from an anonymous person [who] basically was extorting me and blackmailing me. I saw that he had attached nude photos of me that he had taken in my bedroom."
Wolf alerted the authorities, who subsequently launched an investigation. Abrahams—a 19-year-old college student studying computer science—was formally charged on Thursday, Sept. 26. Investigators found evidence of hacking software as well of images and videos of the victim. He is out on $50,000 bail and has been placed on house arrest; he can only leave to attend church, school, doctor's appointments and meetings with his lawyer.
"This happened to me when I was a normal girl in high school and it can happen to anybody," said Wolf.
Crowned in August, Wolf said she's not sure how to feel about Abrahams' confession. "It's weird for me to be able to put a face to the person who did this to me, and to know that it was somebody I went to high school with," she said. "That's just weird. It's mixed emotions, honestly."
While she's "relieved" that Abrahams has been identified, she also feels pity for her former classmate. "I just think it's sad that he chose to do this and has now kind of put himself in this big dilemma," the 19-year-old said.
"I don't think he realizes the consequences that he's done and the people that he hurt," she added, noting that she "never had any interactions" with Abrahams in high school. "He terrorized me and many girls for so long." Abraham's attorneys have argued that he has mental health issues; his family has issued an apology.
Wolf hopes that by sharing her experience, it will help give other victims the courage to "tell somebody" about similar incidents. "I know some of the girls who were involved in the case didn't have the opportunity to talk to law enforcement and to get help," she said, "so it makes me feel really good that I was able to help them out, as well as other people who could be going through the same thing."
Article Source here
Author: by Zach Johnson
Jimmy Kimmel laughs at being 'in a rap feud'
Kanye West is furious at Jimmy Kimmel, but the late-night host seems to be loving it.
After airing a spoof of an interview West did recently with the BBC, in which kids re-enact the bit word for word, Kimmel was the target of an ALL-CAPS Twitter rant from the rapper, who really, really loves to rant.
"I don't understand it. I don't know why he's angry again," Kimmel said on his show Thursday. "The bit was pretty, I thought, innocuous, but finally I'm in a rap feud."
An upset West even made a call to Kimmel, demanding an apology. "He said a lot of things, he told me I had two choices: No. 1, apologize publicly, and that was really the only choice," Kimmel said. "The other choice he gave, was that, 'Your life,' he said, 'is going to be much better if you apologize.' Then he started tweeting today, and I don't know if I've even seen some of them because they're happening while we speak."
Kanye on Sept. 7 during fashion week in New York.(Photo: Dario Cantatore, Invision, via AP)
The host, thoroughly enjoying this, laughed through reading West's tweets, which the rapper was deploying in real time.
Kimmel has been on a roll lately, recently fooling pretty much the whole world with his twerking-fire-fail video. But the host swears he's not in on the joke this time.
"I'll tell you the whole story about @kanyewest tonight on the show - this is not a prank, I promise (unless it's being played on me)," he tweeted.
During West's expletive-filled tirade, Kimmel had a request:
"If it's not too much trouble @kanyewest, would you mind using @jimmykimmel ? Thanks," he wrote, asking West to please use common Twitter courtesy when he rants.
Article Source here
Author: Haley Blum, USA TODAY
How can you be against Obamacare when it is presented in such an adorable fashion?
Those painfully cute images are the brainchildren of the folks over at the Adorable Care Act who decided that perhaps the ACA would be less frightening to Americans if presented in the above adorable fashion.
Of course as most of US know the ACA is anything BUT frightening, as demonstrated by the fact that while 46% of Americans oppose Obamacare only 37% oppose the Affordable Care Act.
And for those who are still a little spooked they can always visit Politfact who addresses the Top Sixteen Myths about the Health Care Law. (Including by the way that ridiculous death panel BS. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it Sarah Palin!)
I think it is well past time for everybody to realize that the law is NOT going to be repealed or defunded, it IS going to start for everybody on October 1st, and, want it to be true or not, the only way that it will ever honestly be considered a terrible plan is once it is replaced by a single payer one.
Bill Maher explains how liberalism saved California and that it can do the same for the rest of the country.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
New Rule: Conservatives who love to brag about American exceptionalism must come here to California, and see it in person. And then they should be afraid -- very afraid. Because while the rest of the country is beset by stories of right-wing takeovers in places like North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin, California is going in the opposite direction and creating the kind of modern, liberal nation the country as a whole can only dream about. And not only can't the rest of the country stop us -- we're going to drag you along with us.
It wasn't that long ago that pundits were calling California a failed state and saying it was ungovernable. But in 2010, when other states were busy electing whatever Tea Partier claimed to hate government the most, we elected a guy who actually liked it, Jerry Brown.
Since then, everything Republicans say can't or won't work -- gun control, immigration reform, high-speed rail -- California is making work. And everything conservatives claim will unravel the fabric of our society -- universal healthcare, higher taxes on the rich, gay marriage, medical marijuana -- has only made California stronger. And all we had to do to accomplish that was vote out every single Republican. Without a Republican governor and without a legislature being cock-blocked by Republicans, a $27 billion deficit was turned into a surplus, continuing the proud American tradition of Republicans blowing a huge hole in the budget and then Democrats coming in and cleaning it up.
In lots of areas, California seems to have decided not to wait around for the knuckle-draggers and the selfish libertarian states to get on board. They can mock "European style democracies" all they want, we are building one here, and people like it -- the same way when Americans come back from a vacation in Europe they all say the same thing: "Wow, you can see titties on the beach!" But they also remark on the clean air, the modern, first world infrastructure, the functioning social safety net, and bread that doesn't taste like powdered glue. And they wonder, "Why can't we get that here?" Unless they're Republicans, in which case they wonder, "How can people live like that?"
Well, swallow hard, guys, because California is eventually going to make all Americans live like that. Why? Because we're huge. The 12th largest economy in the world, the fifth largest agricultural exporter in the world, and of course number one in laser vaginal rejuvenation. There's 40 million of us -- so, for example, when California set a high mileage standard for any car sold in this state, Detroit had to make more fuel-efficient cars; we're just too big a slice of the market, and it would be too expensive to make one car for us, and another for shit-kickers who want something that runs on coal.
It's so ironic -- the two things conservatives love the most, the free market and states rights -- are the two things that are going to bend this country into California's image as a socialist fagtopia. Maybe our constipated Congress can't pass gun control laws, but we just did. Lots of 'em. Because we don't give a shit about the NRA. Out here that stands for "Nuts, Racists, and Assholes." So while the rest of America is debating whether it's a good idea to allow guns in bars or a great idea to allow guns in bars, California banned lead bullets. Which is a no-brainer, because bullets don't need lead, and lead kills birds and gets into the food supply of people who hunt their own food. Which explains why Ted Nugent is such a raving lunatic.
This in only a portion of the article which goes on for many more paragraphs and I recommend that you read all of it.
I guarantee it will provide new hope if you are a liberal, and make your head explode if you are a conservative.
I anxiously await Sarah Palin's spittle saturated response.
Photograph of the huge Ted Cruz rally that took place outside of the US Senate today.
Courtesy of HuffPo:HUGE rally outside the Senate for Ted Cruz right now.
— jennifer bendery (@jbendery) September 27, 2013
A rally in support of Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was planned for today outside the U.S. Senate.
Tremble, I say tremble, at the sight of the overwhelming grass roots support that Rafael Ted Cruz has behind him.
Goddammit! Am I out of popcorn again?
Wendy Davis to announce that she will run for Governor of Texas! Yeehaw!
Courtesy of the Guardian:
Wendy Davis is set to run for Texas governor, in a race that could have wide-ranging consequences for Democrats at both national and state level.
The state senator from Fort Worth became an overnight celebrity in June, as a result of her 11-hour filibuster against restrictive new abortion legislation. The bill ultimately passed in a special session of the state legislature, but Davis's stance galvanised people on both sides of the debate and led to large rallies and protests at the Texas state capitol in Austin.
Davis has been mulling over whether to run for several months, but delayed announcing her decision following the death of her father earlier this month. She will formally reveal her decision on 3 October.
"A week today, I'm announcing something big," she wrote today on Twitter. The Associated Press reported that Davis will run, citing two unnamed Democrats with knowledge of her decision. Politico and the Dallas Morning News reported that Davis and her advisors have begun telling influential Democrats that she will stand.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
This is GREAT news for Texas and even better news for her fellow Democrats in Texas. Once she is on the ticket it will attract tons of media attention and any other Democrat running at the same time is guaranteed to get extra attention and extra funding.
Can I ask a favor? Once we turn Texas blue, can we please start on Alaska?
If Texas can do it I see no reason that Alaska cannot follow suit. It is my fervent hope that before I die I get to see the state of my birth finally return to its progressive roots.
Palin adviser, and SarahPAC treasurer, used "dark money" group to fund attack ads against Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown. Color me unsurprised.
Courtesy of The Nation:
Last year, a “mysterious non-profit” called the Government Integrity Fund appeared in the midst of the campaign season and began airing campaign commercials in support of Republican Josh Mandel’s bid to unseat Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH).
Although the Government Integrity Fund does not disclose its donors, a recently released tax form shows that a group run by Tim Crawford—a Republican known for his work as a close adviser to Sarah Palin, who also serves a a spokesman and treasurer of SarahPAC, Palin’s official campaign committee—provided $627,000 to the pro-Mandel mystery fund.
Crawford used an entity called “New Models,” itself another undisclosed political fund that raised over $4.4 million last year, and dispensed that money to Republican polling operations, Super PACs and undisclosed attack-ad organizations like the Government Integrity Fund. Crawford is the only board member of New Models, which he used to provide himself with a $265,000 salary. Where did Crawford find the cash for these undisclosed political endeavors? Crawford did not respond to a request for comment, but a tax form from the Business Roundtable, a trade association for large corporations, shows that the group gave Crawford’s New Models $600,000 the previous year.
The Business Roundtable represents companies including J.P. Morgan Chase, GE, Wal-Mart, Honeywell, MasterCard Worldwide, AT&T, ExxonMobil and General Electric.
This isn’t the first time Crawford has been connected to a mysterious campaign effort. As the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported, New Models was “behind controversial automated calls to Pennsylvania voters made during the 2008 presidential election. The calls told voters that Barack Obama’s aunt was living in America illegally and that he accepted campaign contributions from his ‘illegal alien aunt.’”
So Palin's crappy treasurer has a side job does he?
Can't say I'm surprised that it involves shady monetary dealings and underhanded political attacks. After all what would you expect from somebody associated with Sarah Palin?
According to SarahPAC's recent financial report Crawford was paid $138,000. Since that was for half of the year it is safe to assume that Timmy rakes in a cool $276,000 annually from the paint chip eaters who still throw their hard earned money at Granny Grifter.
The fact that he also pays himself a $265.000 dollar salary from this other group means that he is getting over half a million dollars a year.
And they say crime doesn't pay!
So it seems safe to assume that, like Palin, this "New Models" group is undoubtedly funded by the Heritage Foundation and Koch brothers.
As Alice would say "Curiouser and curiouser."
Even as the Republicans cave to Tea Party pressure the Teabagger's popularity drops to new lows with the American people.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Support for the tea party is nearly as low as it's been since the movement's creation, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday.
Twenty-two percent of those polled consider themselves supporters of the tea party, while 27 percent of respondents say they oppose the movement. The remaining 51 percent say they're neither, or don't have an opinion. Those who say they "strongly oppose" the tea party also outnumber those who "strongly support" it, 17 percent to 11 percent.
Overall support is down 10 points from the 32 percent who supported the tea party in the days after the 2010 midterm election, and nearly tied with the record low support for the movement in late 2011, as measured by Gallup.
While Republicans continue to have the closest ties to the tea party, their level of support is far lower than it was in the movement's heyday. Thirty-eight percent of Republicans support the tea party, while 7 percent of them oppose it and a majority 55 percent is ambivalent. In November 2010, 65 percent of Republicans identified with the Tea Party.
Perhaps just as interesting is that the Teabaggers have the same issues with the Republicans as they have with them:
On the flip side, tea party members are less than unanimously pleased with the GOP; while 55 percent of members view the Republican Party favorably, 43 percent of them view it unfavorably.
"U.S. support for the Tea Party is at a low ebb at a time when key issues of concern for the movement -- funding for the Affordable Care Act and raising the U.S. debt ceiling -- are focal points in Washington, with Tea Party-backed Sen. Ted Cruz prominently fighting both policies," Gallup senior editor Lydia Saad wrote. "The discomfort he has created in the Republican caucus is merely emblematic of the ambivalence national Republicans feel toward the movement. Although few Republicans outright oppose the Tea Party, far more are neutral toward it than support it."
Sarah Palin recently claimed that Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and other Tea Party politicians have essentially become a third party. This is something that I have been hesitantly predicting for a few years now, but have always maintained that it would be an extremely dangerous and politically costly endeavor for the Republicans if it were to occur.
With the polling numbers so low it would seem that it is less likely than before, but so long as the Koch brothers and the Heritage Foundation keeping sending it money it will not go away completely. And who knows it just might prove impossible for the GOP to completely isolate them before their tentacles spread so far into the party that attempts to kill it may cost the life of its host as well.
Sounds like good news for the liberals.
Congratulations to Bristol Palin, for making the number nine spot on Radar Online's list of "Stars Who are Famous for Doing Nothing."
Courtesy of Radar Online:
Bristol Palin: Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol caused a sensation when it was revealed she was a pregnant and unmarried teenager during the 2008 campaign. Bristol and her baby daddy, Levi Johnston, were supposed to wed but never did. After Sarah lost the election, Bristol decided to parlay her fame into a stint on Dancing with the Stars in 2010. Despite questionable dance skills and performing in a monkey suit, she finished 3rd! Later, the Alaska girl released a memoir, Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far. Incredibly, the reality journey continued in 2012, when she starred on Lifetime’s Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp, and returned to DWTS as part of the all-star cast.
Sadly they left off Bristol's most recent foray into "things I can only do because my past name is Palin" with her appearance on "Celebrity Wife Swap" with Joan and Melissa Rivers, which you have to admit what QUITE an achievement since neither Bristol or Melissa are indeed wives.
Have you ever stopped to imagine what it must be like to be Bristol? (Try not to gag.)
You would have been paid to talk about abstinence even though you were unable and unwilling to practice it in your own life. You would be paid to appear on your mother's short lived reality show as a mythologized version of yourself. You would have been able to place third in a dance contest even though everybody who watched could see that you sucked balls. You would have a book ghostwritten for you in which you were able to attack the father of your son for not being an involved parent, even though you tricked him into impregnating you, and were actively keeping him from seeing his son. You would then get your own short lived reality show during which you could show the world just how screwed up your kid was while continuing to blame his father for not being an active parent, while once again actively keeping him away from the boy. Then for some reason you would be invited back onto DWTS to finally be treated as you deserved and get kicked off in week four. (And even that was being charitable.) Then you would have a new blog launched in you name apparently to give you some credibility as an uber Christian political pundit. (This would be ghostwritten for you as well. Of course.) And finally you would be invited to appear on "Celebrity Wife Swap," even though you are unmarried, during which you would act like a spoiled brat and once again show your the world your complete lack of parenting skills.
You know after reading all of what I just wrote all I can ask is, how in the hell is she ONLY number nine on a list of people who are famous for doing nothing?
22 photos of superhero dogs and cats in action
Yeah, you know your pets are pretty amazing — that mild-mannered pup with his disarming thick-rimmed glasses, that kitty with her super-important sounding work at Wayne Enterprises. But have you ever wondered why Fido is always popping into telephone booths? Why Marshmallow is always searching the skies on high alert? That’s because your pets are more than amazing. They’re super. Check out the photos in the gallery above for proof that your superhero pets are living double lives.
Article Source here