Sunday, March 16, 2014

Did Tina Fey predict Sarah Palin's future?

9:44 PM By No comments

The Sarah Palin Network from Michael Pastor on Vimeo.
Okay this is just spooky.


Sarah Palin in damage control mode after one of her political endorsees is connected to Obamacare.

9:06 PM By No comments

Sarah Palin in damage control mode after one of her political endorsees is connected to Obamacare.
Courtesy of the freeze dried fool's Facebook page:

Heads up. Please see the article linked below. You're smart enough to know this is the predictable effort of liberals to try to destroy a conservative's campaign to serve America in D.C. Last week we endorsed a good man, Sasse. This week he’s falsely accused of supporting and profiting off Obamacare. And so it begins. In being fed this kind of "oppo research" on our candidates, just beware, be vigilant, and we'll be victorious! Please read this and note the best part is the "comments" section full of candid, sharp, and accurate assessments of the state of journalism today! Awesome comments! I love reading them!

- Sarah Palin

Uh oh, somebody's crusty panties are in a wad!

The post links to a Breitbart article which essentially blames opposition research for finding some old story, which of course they claim is completely false, to smear a guy who the National Review once identified in a cover story as "Obamacare's Nebraska Nemesis."

How embarrassing if it turned out he might have worked for a firm that helped to sell Obamacare in early 2010?

Well according to Politico that is exactly what happened:

Sasse provided early “strategic advice” to former Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt’s health care consulting firm while the firm pitched itself to clients in early 2010 to help implement the Affordable Care Act. Sasse is listed, along with his photograph and biography, as a “senior advisor” under the heading “Leavitt Partners team” in PowerPoint presentations from April and May 2010 in which Leavitt’s firm sold its Obamacare expertise.

Titled “A Framework for Health Reform,” the presentations sought to explain various aspects of the law. One page lists the “funding sources” and “benefits” of the Affordable Care Act. Other pages detail the “10-year implementation process” and describe “structural shifts” in the health care industry as a result of the law.

Of course the Sasse campaign claims he was never paid by this company, has no affiliation with this program, and has no real memory of 2010 at all. (Okay I made up that last part.)

Personally I don't think that this story is going to make much difference one way or the other.

I mean come on! This guy was endorsed by Sarah "Albatross" Palin!

What could be more damaging to the campaign than that?


Fred Phelps, founder of the "God Hates Fags" Westboro Church is reported to be dying.

8:27 PM By No comments

Fred Phelps, founder of the "God Hates Fags" Westboro Church is reported to be dying.
Courtesy of The Friendly Atheist:

I just got off the phone with Nate and he confirmed what he had written. The rumors had been flying for several weeks, he said, but after a conversation with some of his fellow “excommunicated” family members, he found out that the rumors were true. He elaborated on that final line, too, saying that the Phelps family is now blocking anyone who is no longer with the church from seeing him, including Fred’s sons, daughters, nieces, and nephews.

Why was he kicked out of his own church? Did he have a change of heart near the end of his life? There’s no definitive answer to that and Nate has heard different things (so any explanation is pure speculation right now).

In any case, it appears that Fred Phelps doesn’t have much longer to live. While some may rejoice at that, Nate’s tone over the phone was anything but happy. He’s losing his father. A father who dedicated his life to spreading hatred and made the lives of so many others so miserable, but a father nonetheless.

You know I try to have compassion for everybody (Yes, even Sarah Palin), but in this case I am going to fail in that endeavor.

There is literally NOTHING about this man which is redeemable. He spread more hatred and ignorance in his lifetime than almost any other person I can think of.

I am also interested in why he was excommunicated, and the cynical part of me thinks it might have been his plan all along to quit the church, ask for forgiveness, and then receive that great Christian get out of hell free card from Jesus.

Whatever the answer, it is impossible not to believe that this world will be at least a slightly better place without Fred Phelps walking around among us.


And now for a little positive news about women's reproductive rights.

7:51 PM By No comments

And now for a little positive news about women's reproductive rights.
Courtesy of Reuters:

A federal judge on Friday struck down an Arkansas law that would ban most abortions starting at 12 weeks of pregnancy, one of the most restrictive such statutes enacted in the United States, declaring the measure unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright ruled that the law "impermissibly infringes a woman's Fourteenth Amendment right to elect to terminate a pregnancy before viability" of the fetus, as established by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Webber had previously barred enforcement of the measure while she reviewed a legal challenge to it brought by two Arkansas abortion providers.

As enacted, the Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act would have banned most abortions at or after 12 weeks of pregnancy, if a fetal heartbeat could be detected by standard ultrasound.

Doctors who were found to violate the statute risked having their licenses revoked by the state medical board.

No abortions after twelve weeks! That is absolutely punitive and would allow women only a small window of time to 1) Learn for sure that they were pregnant. 2) Determine if they were in a position to keep raise a child. 3) Get the money needed to have the procedure.

Remember some of the women seeking abortions might be quite young and without means to handle something like this in a timely manner.

But hey apparently the law did at least have provisions for rape, incest, and fetal abnormalities.

How thoughtful of them.

And before we hold a parade it should be noted that the judge did leave in place the law's requirement that a woman seeking an abortion first undergo an ultrasound to determine whether a fetal heartbeat is present.

So while these women in Arkansas might still have the ability to terminate a pregnancy, first they must be subjected to a medically unnecessary ultrasound.

And let's face it these people are not finished yet, not by a long shot.

They may not have been successful this time but they will not stop until they find away to repeal Roe vs Wade permanently and turn women back into the breeding stock that good Christian men want them to remain.


This might be my favorite Obamacare advertisement yet.

7:15 PM By No comments

Courtesy of Mediaite:

The mothers of Jonah Hill, Alicia Keys, Adam Levine and Jennifer Lopez appear in the two-minute video, entitled “#YourMomCares,” alongside a conclusion from First Lady Michelle Obama. The moms recall stories about the childhood personalities of their famous kids before explaining the importance of getting insured.

“Trust me: us moms put up with a lot,” said Hill’s mother Sharon Feldstein. “But one thing we should never have to put up with is our kid not having health care. Seriously, do you want your mothers to have a nervous breakdown? You need health insurance. It’s imperative. Taking care of yourself so your mothers can sleep and have a nice life after all they’ve done for you is not too much to ask.”

Michelle Obama ends the video by delivering the age-old motherly adage: “We nag you because we love you.”

You know when I was a teenager nobody could get me to do ANYTHING I did not want to do. You could not bribe me, or trick me, or threaten me into anything.

However my mom had no such problem and she was able to manipulate the snot out of me and get me to do exactly what she wanted.

After all it's your mom, without her you are nothing. Literally.


In this case Sarah Silverman speaks for me as well.

6:25 PM By No comments

In this case Sarah Silverman speaks for me as well.
The planet is dangerously over crowded, our resources are running out, and these so called "pro-life" people insist that every potential life should be carried to term, and yet when there are starving children in their own country they do nothing.


Bill Maher trashes the story of Noah's Ark on Real Time last night.

1:04 AM By No comments

In reference to the Christian backlash against the upcoming movie "Noah":

"But get this, what the Christians who are now protesting this movie are upset about, is that it doesn't take the Biblical story literally enough. They're mad because this made up story does not stay true to their made up story."

It seems to me that I said much the same thing just last week.


Rand Paul just lost the youth vote.

12:27 AM By No comments

Rand Paul just lost the youth vote.
Courtesy of Raw Story:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has thrown his support behind legislation that Republicans could use to force President Barack Obama to crack down on legal marijuana in states like Colorado and Washington.

Speaking to Fox News on Thursday, the libertarian-leaning senator said he supported the Enforce the Law Act, which has been approved by the House. The legislation would allow Congress to sue the president for failing to faithfully execute laws.

Paul said that Obama appeared to be “writing his own laws whenever he feels like it.”

“He also does need to enforce the law. We write laws and he is just deciding willy-nilly if he likes it he enforces it, if he doesn’t, he won’t enforce it, and we really think he needs to be chastened, rebuked, and told that he needs to obey the constitution,” he added.

Republicans have championed the bill as a way to make President Barack Obama enforce immigration and health care laws, and prevent the executive branch from overstretching its regulatory authority.

But a committee report submitted by a co-sponsor of the bill suggested Republicans would also use the law to try to force Obama to crack down on marijuana in states that have legalized its possession and sale.

Lately there has been a lot of talk that Rand Paul presents the best option for the Republicans to challenge Hillary Clinton.

The theory is that Paul, much like his father, has a strong following among the youth, and that Hillary will be seen by that demographic as an establishment figure who they will find less than inspiring.

I am not sure I agree with that assessment, but what I do know is that if Rand gets himself linked to legislation which threatens to force the President Obama to punish citizens legally using marijuana in states where that is an option, he will lose the youth vote overnight.

Personally I don't think that Paul would even survive the increased scrutiny by the MSM if he were nominated, much less make it though a debate with Hillary in one piece, however I am also aware that the prospects for the Republican party are limited, so it is not entirely impossible that Paul might indeed ultimately be their choice.

If so, this is going to be a bloodbath.
