Thursday, October 3, 2013

Live: Sheriff Joe's Obama Fraud Investigator Gives Investigation Update

10:18 PM By No comments

Live: Sheriff Joe's Obama Fraud Investigator Gives Investigation Update

Live: Sheriff Joe's Obama Fraud Investigator Gives Investigation Update

Interview With Mike Zullo: Maricopa County Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Mike Zullo Will Take Phone Calls And Give Updates. Mike Volin Releases Information About A New Plan Involving The Sheriff's Kits. - BTR.

Interview airs tonight (10/3) at 8:00 PM ET
if you miss live feed check back for podcast


Reminder: Rep. King: 30-40 Lawmakers Refuse To Admit Obama Presidency Legitimate - VIDEO:


Warned: Levin Threatens Obama Over WWII Memorial; Stockman Rips Obama

9:45 PM By No comments

Warned: Levin Threatens Obama Over WWII Memorial; Stockman Rips Obama
- Image Credit: Twitter -
Warned: Mark Levin Threatens Obama Over WWII Memorial; Rep. Stockman Slams Obama Admin;


Congressman Steve Stockman ripped Obama via Twitter:

Much more including images @ The Right Scoop.

- Image Credit: Twitter -
- Image Credit: Free Republic -


Report: Media Censorship Of Obama Fraud Continues; Barry-Cades Confirmed

8:58 PM By No comments

Report: Media Censorship Of Obama Fraud Continues; Barry-Cades Confirmed

Media Censorship of
Obama’s Fraud Continues…
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

(Oct. 2, 2013) — As a result of an editorial written by Joseph DeMaio on Wednesday, The Post & Email learned that Twitchy had reported on the Obama regime’s reinforcing of the closure of the World War II Memorial breached on Tuesday by a group of aged veterans visiting from Mississippi.

Obama’s purported long-form birth certificate was pronounced
a “computer-generated forgery” more than 18 months ago by a criminal
investigative team, but the media did nothing about it
Following the visitors’ breakthrough of barriers and tape on Tuesday, mainstream news outlets had reported that the National Park Service (NPS) had said that it would be turning away all visitors for the remainder of the government shutdown. The partial shuttering of government departments began on Tuesday at midnight after an appropriations bill failed to pass both chambers of Congress.

The NPS reportedly threatened to arrest anyone attempting to breach the policy set by the Obama regime.

While national parks and monuments were expected to be closed from lack of funding, the World War II Memorial requires no staff or on-duty police officers, as its design allows visitors to walk or roll through on wheelchairs any day of the week. Many World War II veterans visiting this month are arriving on Honor Flights, which cover the cost of the trip so that elderly veterans may have a chance to see the memorial erected as a result of their heroism.

In a parody of Barack Hussein Obama’s first name, Twitchy’s headline reads:

Barry-cades confirmed: Park Service says Obama
admin ordered closure of World War II Memorial

“Barry” is allegedly the name Obama used while at the exclusive Punahou School during high school and at Occidental College in the 1970s.

The comments under Twitchy’s headline decry the apparent order from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to the Park Service to reposition the barricades, which Rep. Steve Stockman and other congressmen roundly criticized.

On Twitter, Stockman termed Obama’s behavior “curbstomping on vets.”

Additional groups of World War II veterans were expected to have arrived on Wednesday and are scheduled to tour the monument throughout the month. According to news reports, those veterans may be arrested if they attempt to move past the barricades. However, The Hill reported on Wednesday that “The National Park Service opened the World War II Memorial Wednesday to visiting veterans after the site became a flashpoint of controversy.”

At approximately 4:17 p.m., The Post & Email created a sign-in and left the following comment which was published:

If pundits, reporters and members of Congress had reported on the questions lurking behind Barack Obama’s fraudulent documentation, he would never have been allowed to usurp the office of the presidency, bankrupt the country and insult its most cherished heroes. Instead, “birthers” were ridiculed, insulted, defamed, and their lives threatened while the media said nothing. It is now obvious that this man is not an American regardless of where he was born, and that his intent for America was purely evil.
Sharon Rondeau, Editor
The Post & Email

However, when The Post & Email attempted to copy the comment into this piece, the screen froze and the comment disappeared.

The Post & Email’s registration with Twitchy through Disqus remains intact to leave future comments as seen below. Readers can see that a new comment has been moderated following The Post & Email’s, which had appeared directly above the comment from John Ansell.

Screen shot of comments on Twitchy following its posting on the barricades
set up by the Obama regime to keep visitors out of the World War II
and other memorials in Washington, DC because of the government shutdown

Comments with foul language or which speculated that Obama is from Kenya or is a Muslim were allowed to stand.

A two-year law enforcement investigation has declared Obama’s short-form and long-form birth certificates forgeries as well as his Selective Service registration form. His birthplace, parentage and life story have additionally been questioned. The Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, which performed the investigation, has called upon Congress to launch its own probe into the forger or forgers of the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website.

The image is inaccessible as of this writing because of the government shutdown, which Obama blames on Congress. Obama erroneously refers to the impasse as one of “budget,” although an actual budget has not been passed in more than four years. During that time, Congress has been agreeing on “stop-gap” appropriations bills until Monday, when an impasse between the two chambers resulted in a lack of funds for “non-essential” government operations.

Update, 6:44 p.m. EDT: The Post & Email received a response to its comment in its email inbox. The comment reads:

Comment received in The Post & Email’s inbox in response to our comment left at Twitchy

When clicking on the “Read more” link below The Post & Email’s comment, it opens to Twitchy and shows The Post & Email’s comment above Ansell’s but before texanbynature’s was posted:

The refreshed Twitchy web page shows neither The Post & Email’s comment nor that of texanbynature.

Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.


First post in today's "War on Women Thursday." Let's start with Christian hypocrisy shall we?

8:06 PM By

First post in today's "War on Women Thursday." Let's start with Christian hypocrisy shall we?
First post in today's "War on Women Thursday." Let's start with Christian hypocrisy shall we?
Courtesy of the ACLU:

Today, we filed suit in federal court on behalf of Jennifer Maudlin, a single mother who was fired when her employer learned that she was pregnant. Jennifer's employer – a religiously-affiliated community organization called Inside Out – says that it fired Jennifer for violating its unwritten rule against non-marital sex.

What happened to Jennifer amounts to discrimination based on pregnancy status and gender. Why? Because Inside Out learned about its workers' sexual lives by looking at its women workers' bellies. In fact, Jennifer and other women workers who became pregnant had to hide their bellies for as long as possible because they were terrified of being found out and fired. Unmarried men who had sex, and even those who became fathers, had nothing to fear, because – of course – their bellies wouldn't give them away. In Jennifer's workplace, pregnancy became a "scarlet letter," marking unmarried employees for termination.

The treatment of women workers at Inside Out also subjects women workers to mistreatment based on sex stereotypes. When a person can be thrown out of work because she decides to – or must – take on motherhood alone, what are we as a society saying about her? That she's unworthy of any further association with her coworkers? That she's unfit to participate in economic life? That she doesn't deserve to be able to eat, or pay rent, or buy gas?

Add to that the effects of such discrimination on the children. At least half of children growing up in the U.S. today will spend some if not all of their childhoods in a single-parent family. Single parent families have the highest poverty rate in the country, and the highest rate of lacking health insurance – which in the U.S. is usually provided by an employer. We'd be kidding ourselves to think that employment discrimination against single mothers leaves kids unharmed.

So let's get this straight.

These are the same people who stand on street corners waving pictures of shredded fetuses and attempting to shame every woman walking into a family planning clinic by screaming "Murder" at them. And yet when that young lady is an employee and they feel her pregnancy reflect poorly on their "holier than thou" image, they have no qualms about saying "Pack your shit slut, you are out of here!"

Gotta love those Christian values.

If they were really Pro-Life they would do everything they could to help their female employees get whatever services they would to make sure the baby is born healthy and that he or she is well cared for after they were born.

You know like any caring human being who was not being directed by ancient superstitions would do.


Rep. King: 30-40 Lawmakers Refuse To Admit Obama Presidency Legitimate

1:16 PM By No comments

Rep. King: 30-40 Lawmakers Refuse To Admit Obama Presidency Legitimate

Congressman: 30-40 GOP Lawmakers Refuse To Admit Legitimacy Of Obama's Presidency

68Truthseeker: Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) says that there are about 30 to 40 Republicans in Congress who refuse to recognize the legitimacy of Obama's presidency and are seeking to erase everything that's happened during his administration. King made the remarks in a discussion with Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball, after the host asked how many Republicans would like to "erase [Obama's] record as if he was never here."

( Video via MSNBC @ 68Truthseeker. Hat tip SA. )

( Video )


Scientists discover ancient supervolcanoes on Mars

12:32 PM By

Scientists discover ancient supervolcanoes on Mars

Studying images from several orbiting spacecraft, researchers found evidence for several volcanoes that spewed lava and ash on Mars.
LOS ANGELES — Scientists have discovered ancient supervolcanoes on Mars similar to the caldera that sits under Yellowstone National Park.
Volcanoes previously have been spotted on Mars, which is known to have been volcanically active billions of years ago.
What's different about this supervolcano network is that it was found in the Martian northern highlands, a place not known to be active in the past. Studying images from several spacecraft orbiting Mars, researchers at London's Natural History Museum and NASA found at least one massive volcano and evidence for several others that spewed huge clouds of lava and ash.
The finding described in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature suggests that early Mars was more active than previously realized, and that such eruptions could have affected the red planet's climate and atmosphere.

Article Source here
By Associated Press
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It is day two and all of the Republican warnings about Obamacare are coming true. No, NOT the ones they told us, the ones they whispered secretly to each other. "It's going to work!"

11:52 AM By

It is day two and all of the Republican warnings about Obamacare are coming true. No, NOT the ones they told us, the ones they whispered secretly to each other. "It's going to work!"
"Goddammit I knew it would go this way!"
So here we are on day two and the conservatives are trying like crazy to get everybody in the country to focus on computer glitches, long wait times on the telephone, and every little bump or hiccup they can possibly identify.

Sadly for them, much of the rest of the country is ignoring them.

Just take a look at these headlines:

CONNECTICUT: Health Care Plans Begin: 28,000-Plus Go Online To State Marketplace
GEORGIA: Enrollment Sites Are Swamped On First Day
IDAHO: Idaho Health Exchange Launches With Few Hiccups
KENTUCKY: Kynect Opens To High Demand
MAINE: Insurance Marketplace Opens To Flood Of Interest
MICHIGAN: Insurance Exchange Debut Draws Millions
CALIFORNIA: Millions Try To Enroll
PENNSYLVANIA: A First-Day Rush On Health Care

"Wait, they like it?"
You get the idea.

Were there glitches during attempts to sign up or learn more? You betcha!

Were these indications of a long term problem with the program? What are you, an idiot?

Here is how the Washington Post summed it up:

The top story all day was that Republicans had shut down the federal government because President Obama wouldn't defund or delay the Affordable Care Act. The other major story was that the government's servers were crashing because so many people were trying to see if they could get insurance through Obamacare.

So on the one hand, Washington was shut down because Republicans don't want Obamacare. On the other hand, Obamacare was nearly shut down because so many Americans wanted Obamacare.

Pretty much says it all, wouldn't you agree?

So successful was the program that one of Fox News's very own broke ranks:

Personally, as someone who pays through the nose for individual insurance in New York State — a state where, historically, few individual insurance options have even been available — I can’t wait to enroll in ObamaCare and see my premiums plummet, as they are expected to by at least 50%.

Again, all this is why Republicans are in such a desperate rush to try and defund ObamaCare before October 1 — even if it means holding our economy hostage and even if most voters, including Republicans, oppose the repeated and wasteful defunding attempts.

After all, the law is already popular when it’s not fully in effect and most people haven’t felt its benefits. We all know what will happen when ObamaCare takes effect — and works!

So we are coming to the end of the second day of the Obamacare roll out, and the second day of the the Republican's attempt to hold the government hostage in the hopes of stopping it.

One of these things is a colossal train wreck, and will cost the country millions unnecessarily. And it is NOT the one the Republicans want you to think it is.


Sarah Palin takes to Facebook to compare the Republican party to a dead moose. Whose side is she on again?

11:04 AM By

Sarah Palin takes to Facebook to compare the Republican party to a dead moose. Whose side is she on again?
Photo of Todd Palin raping a carcass. Compared to his wife, probably not that much different.
This from the the Screeching She-Devil's Facebook page:

Yeah. Todd bagged a moose. Dinner. Appropriate to remind folks in the GOP establishment that the progressive Bull Moose Party also met its demise - in no small part because of some liberal positions it co-opted from the left.

Hold on there little miss "lack of reading comprehension."

While it may be true that the Bull Moose party was made up of former President Teddy Roosevelt's supporters who did not agree with the more conservative direction that the Republican party was taking, it was NOT the establishment party. It was a faction that split from the party leadership and attempted to run as a third party in 1912 against both the Republican nominee, William Howard Taft, and the Democrat nominee, Woodrow Wilson.

In the end Roosevelt managed to split the Republican vote, which allowed the Democrat, Wilson, to win.

That scenario does not match the metaphor of Palin's Facebook post.

To be more accurate, the Bull Moose Party, though considered more progressive, would be more representative of the insurgent Tea Party group of today, which, though more conservative than the establishment Republicans, is currently battling them for control, just like Roosevelt and his supporters did back in 1912.

So if history were to repeat itself, that would mean that a Tea Party candidate may inject themselves into the 2016 race against the Republican candidate, and Hillary Clinton.

So in that more honest scenario, which is the political party that suffers a crushing defeat and then dissolves after losing virtually all of its support?

The Republican party? Or the Teabaggers?

Need a hint? Like to use one of your lifelines? Perhaps phone a friend?


Kate Upton Goes Without Makeup During Paris Fashion Week

10:18 AM By

Kate Upton Goes Without Makeup During Paris Fashion Week

Kate Upton has graced the covers of Vogue, Cosmopolitan and Vanity Fair, but the buxom supermodel proved she's far from perfect when she returned from the gym in Paris, France, on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Wearing no makeup, the 21-year-old Michigan native was all smiles post-workout.
Despite a few blemishes, there's no denying that Kate is a stunning woman. After all, the recently crowned Model of the Year just nabbed her third Sports Illustrated cover in two years!
The blond beauty has been making the rounds in the City of Light, sitting front row at Chanel and strutting her stuff in the Louis Vuitton show during Paris Fashion Week.
The secret to Kate's success is a positive attitude, according to her mom Shelly, a former Texas state tennis champion. "She really is just so enthusiastic about everything. And when she's excited about something, she gives it her best," the model's mom told Allure Sept. 9. "I just am so proud about how she has handled all the pressure that goes along with all the successes that are amazing as well. She seems to take it in stride and doesn't seem to be inhibited at all."
Shelly is especially proud of Kate's refusal to lose weight in a size-obsessed industry. "She really has been such a vibrant person—she leads a well-balanced life, and she wants to eat healthy. We've always eaten healthy as a family growing up," she shared. "And she's definitely always known what she wanted."
Kate Upton, Beach Bunny Ad Campaign Kate Upton, Beach Bunny Ad Campaign
Kate Upton, Beach Bunny Ad Campaign Kate Upton, Beach Bunny Ad Campaign

Article Source here
Author: by Zach Johnson

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House Majority Leader Eric Cantor attempts to humiliate Democrats with photo-op. Gets mocked mercilessly instead.

10:14 AM By

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor attempts to humiliate Democrats with photo-op. Gets mocked mercilessly instead.
Okay so the photo-op above, of the Republican's bicameral conference committee, was arranged by Eric Cantor to indicate that they were ready to negotiate a deal with the Senate Democrats on passing a CR. (It should be pointed out, once again, that the Continuing Resolution that the Senate has agreed to keep in place, and the House has rejected, contains the sequestration cuts that the House Republicans forced upon the American people the LAST TIME they pulled a stunt like this. Essentially it is already a capitulation by the Democrats in order to keep the government funded.)

The purpose of course is to give the impression that the House Republicans are the reasonable ones, and it is Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats who are responsible for the government shutdown.

This from the New York Daily News:

Cantor gathered the group, which included House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., House Appropriations Chairman Harold Rogers, R-Ky., and House Budget Chairman Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., for a photo-op and to signal that the Republicans were waiting to open the line of communication.

"Come talk to us," Cantor pleaded.

"All of us here, sitting at a table (are) waiting for Senate Democrats to join us so we can begin to resolve our differences," Cantor added.

To which Harry Reid appropriately responded:

"Shutting down the government is deadly serious. Republicans seem more interested in organizing stunts with empty chairs."

And boy do the Republicans love their empty chairs.

Rachel Maddow on her show last night revealed the duplicity of this action however, by revealing that Senator Patty Murray has been asking for just such a meeting for months, eighteen times in fact, and they have always refused.

So yeah, this was nothing more than another bullshit move to dodge responsibility and lay the blame for the shutdown on the Democrats.

And it probably worked on those conservatives who really want this to be true, but not so muhc on the rest of the American people.

One of who tweeted this graphic to demonstrate his disgust.

The Republicans are working overtime to kill Obamacare in its cradle, and then blame the resulting political mess on the Democrats. But that only works if we aren't paying attention.

I am paying VERY close attention. And so are a lot of Americans who sent tons of money to the Democrats yesterday in frustration over the shutdown.

The train wreck was never Obamacare, the train wreck was what was going to be left of the Republican party AFTER Obamacare.


Last night's hysterical coverage by the Daily Show of the Affordable Care Act roll out. Featuring, by the way, Sarah Palin's old pal Gina Loudon.

9:30 AM By

Last night's hysterical coverage by the Daily Show of the Affordable Care Act roll out. Featuring, by the way, Sarah Palin's old pal Gina Loudon.
Click photo to play video
I have to admit I damn near snorted my wine up through my nose when I realized that it was Gina Loudon speaking for the anti-Obamacare side. Could I really be this lucky, I thought?

Yes, I could. And she was just as dimwitted and uninformed as you could possibly imagine. In fact she is SO ignorant that Jason Jones breaks character to call her out on it.

As many of you remember the last time we talked about Gina Loudon was when she participated in "Wife Swap" back in March. It should also be remembered that she quit the show about halfway through.

Yep, that's a friend of Palin's alright.


Samuel L Jackson confirms Elizabeth Olsen 'Avengers' role

9:29 AM By

Samuel L Jackson confirms Elizabeth Olsen 'Avengers' role

Samuel L. Jackson does play S.H.I.E.L.D. honcho Nick Fury. So why shouldn't he be breaking casting announcements for The Avengers sequel?

Jackson let slip to The Wall Street Journal that Elizabeth Olsen would be joining the cast of The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

"I don't think we begin shooting before March of next year. I know we're shooting in London, that James Spader is Ultron and going to be the bad guy, and that we added Ms. [Elizabeth] Olsen, but I don't know what she's doing, if she's on the inside or the outside. I haven't seen a script," said Jackson.

The Internet has been buzzing ever since, seeing this as confirmation that Olsen will play the long-discussed role of Scarlet Witch in the sequel to the superhero hit.

It's another big role for indie-fave Olsen, the younger sister to Mary-Kate and Ashley, who also stars in the much-anticipated Godzilla remake due out in 2014.

Jackson, who was discussing his Nick Fury cameo on ABC's Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., did not confirm who would play Scarlet Witch's mutant brother Quicksilver, long rumored to be Kick-Ass star Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Perhaps theJournal can throw in a follow-up question.

Article Source here
Author: Bryan Alexander, USA TODAY

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Group says it has DNA evidence that Bigfoot does, in fact, exist

8:47 AM By

Group says it has DNA evidence that Bigfoot does, in fact, exist

You guys! Bigfoot is totally real! At least that's the word from a group of researchers who have spent five years and more than $500,000 analyzing DNA samples from what they consider to be "an unknown hominin species." Dr. Melba Ketchum managed to keep a straight face as she presented the results of the Sasquatch Genome Project at a news conference Tuesday, claiming that their "serious study" of 111 specimens of skin, hair and blood from alleged Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) proved that the creature exists in North America.
"They're a type of people, they're a human-hybrid, we believe," Ketchum told ABC affiliate WFAA. "And all of the DNA evidence points to that. And they can elude us, so if you get [footage] at all, it can be fleeting." Ketchum and her crew also screened never-before-seen HD video of a reported Sasquatch that was filmed wandering through the woods in Kentucky. Despite their sort-of serious-looking reports, Ketchum's previous claims of Sasquatch DNA have been debunked by other scientists as being totally fabricated. The truth is still out there, maybe? [Source]

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Author Tom Clancy dies in Baltimore hospital at age 66

8:02 AM By

Author Tom Clancy dies in Baltimore hospital at age 66
Tom Clancy, the thriller writer behind The Hunt for Red October, has died aged 66. Photograph: Andrew Gombert/EPA
Tom Clancy, a writer who was as famed for what Stephen King called his "monster advances" as his wildly popular thrillers, including The Hunt for Red October and Patriot Games, has died in hospital in Baltimore at the age of 66.
The author of 17 New York Times bestsellers was launched on his career by the then US president Ronald Reagan.
The Hunt for Red October, his first novel, had been bought for a lowly $5,000 by the Naval Institute Press. When Reagan pronounced it "the perfect yarn" in 1984, Clancy, then a Maryland insurance agent, was propelled into a hugely successful writing career.
In 1996 he returned the compliment by dedicating his book Executive Orders "To Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th president of the United States: the man who won the war." A lifelong Republican, Clancy dedicated several of his other novels to conservative politicians.
Recalling the story in 2002, he told an interviewer: "President Reagan, despite all the nasty things people used to say about him, was actually a big reader, and he read the book during his tenure at the White House, and he liked it, and he talked it up and Time magazine found out and … did an article about it, and I became a bestselling author." He added: "I mean, I would have done so anyway in all likelihood." Forbes magazine estimated his yearly earnings for 2007-08 at $35m.
The Hunt for Red October introduced his most famous character, Jack Ryan, a CIA agent who becomes president. Ryan has been portrayed by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck respectively in films including Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger and The Sum of All Fears. A new Jack Ryan film, Shadow One, directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Chris Pine, is planned for release later this year. Clancy described the heroic Ryan as a version of himself – "an improved version, because he never had to get his eyes fixed by an ophthalmologist and all that stuff that I've had to do". He also introduced a new character, Ryan's son Jack Ryan Jr, who operates as a covert, off-the-books agent.
His early novels were marinated in the cold war, but he also tackled terrorism and his 1994 novel Debt of Honor was eerily prescient: it features a scene in which a jingoistic Japanese industrialist, bent on bringing America to its knees, crashes a Boeing 747 jet into the US Capitol dome during an address, killing the president and most of Congress. In 2003, Clancy said: "Osama bin Laden has never sent me any fan mail, and I haven't really sold that many books in Afghanistan … If I could predict the future, I'd be down on Wall Street."
Though he had no military or espionage experience, he managed to sound absolutely authentic, making himself an expert on military hardware and tactics. He was often invited to lecture to military audiences and counted high-ranking US army and security services personnel among his friends; he was frequently consulted as a pundit on US military affairs. When asked about his research, he said: "I read the papers, watch CNN and think … It's all in the open. You just have to know where to look." He kept an M4A1 tank on his lawn, and had a shooting range in his basement.
Clancy was one of the pioneers of the notion of author as brand. Alongside the thrillers he wrote – including Command Authority, the 13th Jack Ryan novel, which is published in December – he also sold his intellectual property rights for an estimated £100m to a videogame company and had his name attached to a number of novel series written by other authors. He also wrote various works of non-fiction, some of them co-authored, on military matters, such as his 1993 Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship.
Though his novels sold in their millions, he was no stylist. Reviewing his 2002 novel Red Rabbit in the Guardian, John Sutherland wrote: "Tom Clancy is not, by conventional literary-critical criteria, a great novelist. But he is, without question, the novelist with the biggest ideological clout currently active."
Clancy's attitude to literature was businesslike. "Writers' block," he said, "is just an official term for being lazy and the way to get through it is work."

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Author: and

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8 people killed in Tenn. bus crash with tractor-trailer, SUV

7:26 AM By

8 people killed in Tenn. bus crash with tractor-trailer, SUV

Eight people were killed and 14 were injured when a bus blew a tire, crossed the median and struck two other vehicles in Tennessee.

DANDRIDGE, Tenn. — A bus taking a church group home to North Carolina blew a tire, veered across a highway median and crashed into a sport utility vehicle and tractor-trailer Wednesday in a fiery wreck that killed eight people, authorities said.

Fourteen other people were hurt in the accident in northeastern Tennessee, including two who were in critical condition. The bus was carrying members of the Front Street Baptist Church in Statesville, N.C., which is about 140 miles east of the crash site.
The group of seniors, known as Young at Heart, had been to the 17th annual Fall Jubilee in Gatlinburg, Tenn., an event featuring gospel singers and speakers. Its website described the gathering as "three days of singing, laughing and preaching" for "mature and senior believers."
Inside the Statesville church, people were crying and hugging each other. One woman whispered "It's going to be all right" while hugging another woman. A service was scheduled for Wednesday night.
George Stadfeld, who has been a member of the church for eight years, said he knew everyone on the bus.
"We're all shaken," he said. "As bad as it is, they're all Christians and I know where they're at. I'll join them later."
Dionne Stutts, wife of Front Street Baptist senior pastor Tim Stutts, said her husband and another pastor from the church were en route to the wreck site.
"They had been there and they were on their way home today," she said. "We are devastated and just ask for the people to be praying."
Authorities said the bus crossed the median and the cable barriers that divide the interstate about 2 p.m., clipped the oncoming SUV and slammed into the tractor-trailer, which burst into flames.
Tennessee bus crash: Map of crash location
Map of crash location
Several hours after the crash, clouds of smoke still rose from the tractor-trailer and tree branches that lined the highway were charred.
The bus was on its side next to the tractor-trailer, lying across two lanes of traffic and extending partially into the median.
The bus itself didn't actually catch on fire, but there was some "heat exposure," Jefferson County Emergency Management Director Brad Phillips said. Emergency responders were able to remove people who were alive rapidly to get them away from the flames and other Good Samaritans provided assistance.
The SUV was about 50 yards away from the tractor-trailer. It was still upright, but the back half had been completely ripped off.
The interstate was completely shut down in both directions, and the scene was eerily quiet, despite the presence of many emergency workers.
"This is an extremely horrific event," Tennessee Highway Patrol spokesman Sgt. Bill Miller said at an evening news conference.
He said authorities don't know yet what caused the tire to blowout.
The injured were taken to the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville. In addition to those in critical condition, two were in serious condition and four were stable.
State Department of Safety and Homeland Security spokeswoman Dalya Qualls said in an email 18 people were on the bus and six of them were killed. One person among the three in the SUV was killed and the tractor-trailer driver also died.
None of the victims were identified.
At the church, Jerry Wright said his 73-year-old brother, John, and his wife were on the bus, and he thinks his brother may have been driving the church bus because he had done so in the past.
"If he was driving, it's going to be bad," said Jerry Wright, 71. "I've been trying to ring them. I've been calling their phone, but it keeps ringing and ringing and ringing."
Brady Johnson, superintendent of the Iredell County-Statesville City Schools, said a lot of people who work for the school system are church members. Johnson said he knew people on the bus and they were awaiting word on the conditions.
Johnson said the church had adopted N.B. Mills Elementary School, providing volunteers and school supplies for needy children.
Now, the school system is offering a high school auditorium as a site for a memorial.
"It hits the community as a whole when tragedy strikes. The whole community comes together," he said.
Loller reported from Nashville. Associated Press writer Mitch Weiss in Statesville and Skip Foreman in Charlotte, N.C., contributed to this report.

Article Source here
By Steve Megargee and Travis Loller of Associated Press
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Breaking News! Reports of a shooter at the Capitol. Update!

6:48 AM By

There is still a lot of confusion but apparently there is a LEAST one shooter and people have been rushed inside by Capitol police to protect them while they put of barricades to keep them safe.

By the way the Capitol police are doing this without pay today due to the government shutdown.

I think the Republicans just got their asses handed to them by karma.

Update: Well this figures.
Apparently these assholes don't respect ANY authority.

Update: The crisis is over, but it did not end well.

This from Politico:

Two eyewitness said U.S. Capitol Police fired multiple shots at a black sedan on Constitution Avenue near the Hart Senate Office Building. Two people — including a child — were removed from the vehicle. One adult from the vehicle appeared to be hit by gunfire, according to a eyewitness on the scene. A helicopter landed on Capitol grounds, and one person was taken away.

A female suspect was shot and killed, WJLA reported.

Secret Service at the White House say the car slammed into the south side of the White House gate and then fled to Capitol.

When shots were fired, Capitol Police cleared the plaza on the East Front of the Capitol, and quickly moved dozens of members of Congress, aides, reporters and tourists into rooms.

I am also seeing reports on Twitter that the child in the car was killed as well. (Never mind, those turned out to be false.)

This simply could not be a worse week for Washington D.C.

Update: I guess the question of the day is what drove that woman to ram the security gate outside of the White House and why did she exit her car firing shots at police?


Angry Republicans confront Ted Cruz during closed door lunch meeting. “It was very evident to everyone in the room that Cruz doesn’t have a strategy."

6:00 AM By

Angry Republicans confront Ted Cruz during closed door lunch meeting. “It was very evident to everyone in the room that Cruz doesn’t have a strategy."
"What should we do next? I'm sorry I did not think of that."
Courtesy of Politico:

Ted Cruz faced a barrage of hostile questions Wednesday from angry GOP senators, who lashed the Texas tea party freshman for helping prompt a government shutdown crisis without a strategy to end it.

At a closed-door lunch meeting in the Senate’s Mansfield Room, Republican after Republican pressed Cruz to explain how he would propose to end the bitter budget impasse with Democrats, according to senators who attended the meeting. A defensive Cruz had no clear plan to force an end to the shutdown — or explain how he would defund Obamacare, as he has demanded all along, sources said.

Things got particularly heated when Cruz was asked point-blank if he would renounce attacks waged on GOP senators by the Senate Conservatives Fund, an outside group that has aligned itself closely with the Texas senator.

Cruz’s response: “I will not,” according to an attendee.

“It was very evident to everyone in the room that Cruz doesn’t have a strategy – he never had a strategy, and could never answer a question about what the end-game was,” said one senator who attended the meeting. “I just wish the 35 House members that have bought the snake oil that was sold could witness what was witnessed today at lunch.”

“He kept trying to change the subject because he never could answer the question,” the senator said. “It’s pretty evident it’s never been about a strategy – it’s been about him. That’s unfortunate. I think he’s done our country a major disservice. I think he’s done Republicans a major disservice.”

You know if this keeps going much longer Cruz will replace McCarthy as the example of arrogant megalomania gone amok in Washington.

The end game might not simply find Ted Cruz isolated from his fellow Republican Senators, but actually tarred and feathered and run out of town. The man is essentially destroying what little is left of the Republican's reputation.

Of course what could you expect from a Tea Party bomb thrower whose biggest supporter was Sarah Palin?
