Sunday, June 1, 2014

Big budget "Left Behind" movie coming to a theater near you.

2:58 AM By No comments

Holy crap! You know its a good movie when it has Nicholas Cage in it, right?

This of course follows this weird Christian movie renaissance that we have witnessed in 2014.

We had the abysmal God is not Dead, the Noah movie starring Russell Crowe, Heaven is for Real, and I understand there are several more coming to a theater near you in the coming months.

Of course the Left Behind book series has already inspired quite a few straight to video movies, and a few low budget theatrical releases, but none of them featured the guaranteed box office appeal of Nicholas Cage.

No this is big time folks.

And remember folks this is the Dominionist Seven Mountains mandate to take over the world by dominating the cultural peaks. Arts and Entertainment is the fourth peak.

And now that they have Nicholas Cage, they will be unstoppable.


Remember that guy who stole the memorial sign for the Sandy Hook victim? Yeah, well they threw his ass in jail.

2:22 AM By No comments

Remember that guy who stole the memorial sign for the Sandy Hook victim? Yeah, well they threw his ass in jail.
Courtesy of Raw Story:

A Virginia man who claims the massacre of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut never took place has been arrested after stolen memorial signs for two 7-year-old victims were found in his home, police said.

A sign honoring victim Chase Kowalski had been removed from a playground in Mantoloking, New Jersey, and another, in memory of Grace McDonnell, was taken from a playground in Mystic, Connecticut.

Both signs were found on Friday at the Herndon, Virginia, residence of Andrew David Truelove, 28, and he was arrested on a charge of receiving stolen property, Herndon Police Chief Maggie DeBoard told reporters.

She said police tracked down Truelove after he emailed a reporter who had written about the thefts and the journalist passed along information to investigators.

Grand theft charges for removing the memorial signs are pending in Connecticut and New Jersey, DeBoard said.

Truelove told police he is one of the so-called “truthers” who do not believe the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook School actually happened. In the incident, one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history, gunman Adam Lanza, 20, a former student at the elementary campus, killed 20 children and six adults before taking his own life.

This is apparently the outcome when people believe that the right to own guns is more important than the lives of children.

I was amazed at how many people got caught up in the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories.

I also hate the fact that crazy people like this undermine efforts to expose ACTUAL conspiracies or unrevealed facts about things we think we know.


Gun activists harass Marine veteran on Memorial Day. Yeah, that sends a good message.

1:40 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Mother Jones:

On Memorial Day this week, a former Marine in Texas named James got a couple calls from friends who'd spotted an unusual gathering in downtown Fort Worth: Roughly a dozen people, mostly men, were hanging out in the middle of the city's cultural district, armed with semi-automatic rifles. James quickly knew what his friends were describing, having recently encountered an open-carry demonstration himself in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. An independent TV commercial producer who sometimes films live events, James headed downtown with his camera to get some footage.

What he saw there struck him as especially provocative. Not only had the open-carry activists come to a typically relaxed, family friendly part of town, they were displaying intimidating firearms just three days after a major gun massacre in Southern California. What he didn't anticipate was that they would soon be pursuing him for several city blocks with cameras of their own, harassing him and later posting the footage online, where they would also level homophobic slurs and violent threats against him.

I do not know how that guy did not lose his cool. Listen to what they did in an attempt to provoke him:

In a video obtained by Mother Jones that was posted online later that day by one of the activists, the group can be seen pursuing and harassing James through downtown Fort Worth. "I'm following this guy around," declares one of them, setting off after him with his weapon slung across his back. He and others stay right behind James for several city blocks, following him through traffic and taunting him along the way. James grows more agitated and tells them off, calling them assholes and bullies.

"We're being polite, you're calling people names," one of the gun activists pursuing him says.

"You're not being polite out here with assault rifles the weekend after people lost their children," James retorts, before again trying to walk away.

The harassment continues down the street. "Are you gonna cry?" one says. "Sounds like you're about to cry." Another says: "What's wrong with that guy—is he a liberal?

Men openly carrying assault rifles following a veteran around and harassing him. And THIS is supposed to convince people to become more accepting of seeing armed men walking the streets of America?

I would like to think I would be pretty cool headed, and I KNOW they wanted this guy to get physical, but I would have had a hard time nor knocking one of these idiots on their ass.

This is kind of behavior is WAY out of line.


Sarah Palin curses another one.

1:04 AM By No comments

Sarah Palin curses another one.
From Granny Grifter's Facebook page:

To Minnesota GOP Delegates meeting today, I urge you to support Julianne Ortman in her bid to unseat Al Franken as the Gopher State’s next senator. Julianne is a true conservative and the only candidate who is battle tested with the leadership and experience necessary to beat Franken in November. As a state senator, she proved her commitment to conservative principles and her determination to make the tough calls to get things done. As the first woman to ever head the Senate Tax Committee, she led the effort to balance a $5 billion deficit without raising taxes by a single dollar. Those are the kind of results we need in Washington! Julianne will serve Minnesota and the nation with distinction and be a fighter for our liberties in the Senate. Please lend her your support.

- Sarah Palin

Sadly for Palin it looks like her candidate of choice is already flaming out. The delegates HAVE been voting, and as of right now it looks like a battle between Chris Dahlberg and Mike McFaddden for the nomination, with 41% to 28.8%, and Ortman essentially out of the running with an abysmal 18%.

This even though she received backing from the completely still relevant Tea Party Express.

And after she claimed to have raised more money than Senator Al Franken back in April. I mean her campaign would never confirm that, but she SAID it.

You know I wonder if it burns just a little when Sarah Palin endorses you, and if afterward you can feel your political career gasping out its last desperate breaths?
