Sunday, December 22, 2013
Video: Klayman Fires Back: Obama Media Worried About Obama ID Fraud Cases
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- CNN Sucks - |
Video: Attorney Larry Klayman Fires Back;
Heads should roll!
CNN leftist hacks' hit piece
Reclaim America Now Coalition Email
By Larry Klayman
December 20, 2013
Under the guise of journalism, the Obama administration’s low-class mouthpieces over at CNN invited me for a “discussion” about my recent victory over the NSA’s secret and illegal spy program. In typical leftist-ese, it was a hit piece designed to attack my character and reputation, an outrageous attempt to try to cut me down to size because I have opposed President Barack Hussein Obama and his administration and now clearly am a huge threat to his continuation in office.

After a federal judge’s scathing ruling against the NSA, I accepted an interview proposal from Don Lemon on CNN. My appearance Tuesday night was preceded by a profile of me that included disparaging remarks from Bradley Blakeman, the lead-in to Lemon’s hit piece and someone I was forced to sue for improperly using Freedom Watch’s name and forming another group not coincidentally named “Freedom’s Watch” – a front public interest group set up for Sheldon Adelson to run interference for George W. Bush and David Petraeus during the Iraq war to try and sell the “surge.” Not surprisingly, the group shut down after Bush left office, and Blakeman, while a self-proclaimed strategist for MSNBC and CNN, now works with Al Jazeera, the network born out of love and respect for Shariah Law, which obtained and aired tapes from terrorists, including Osama bin Laden, while protecting their whereabouts.
After the misleading introduction, I naturally fired back at my antagonists, saying, “I think it is important to note that you’re a big supporter of Obama. … You have favored him in every respect. You have to try to do a hit piece to diminish a very important decision.” Don Lemon, while interjecting throughout the interview claiming that only he knows his political affiliation, shot his racist mouth off in October 2013: “I say the [Republican] party dominated by aging white Americans and some very vocal bigots, the Republican Party no longer represents the changing demographics in this country. … Republican Party, wake up before it is too late. … Stop drinking the hater-aid,” Lemon concluded. “It is leaving a bad taste in your mouths and the majority of America is recoiling from your bad breath.”
Lemon threatened to turn my microphone off and get me removed from the television screen (and then did) when I responded to his insults. Characteristically, legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin chimed in, calling me a “lunatic,” belittled my intelligence and then disrespected the federal judge’s ruling by alleging that the “case is based on [my] tinfoil hat paranoia about the NSA.” Interestingly, Toobin’s wife for several years held an executive position at Verizon, the company that was just enjoined by the court and successfully sued by me. In fact, on June 10, 2013, Toobin wrote for the New Yorker: “These were legally authorized programs; in the case of Verizon’s Business’ phone records, Snowden certainly knew this, because he leaked the very court order that approved the continuation of the project. So he wasn’t blowing the whistle on anything illegal; he was exposing something that failed to meet his own standards of propriety.” Naturally, Toobin’s wife must have been pleased by his “loyalty.” Perhaps here Toobin attempted to make up for his disgrace after it was discovered he had an ongoing extra-marital affair with a colleague’s daughter. And from a journalistic ethics point of view, Toobin should have disclosed his wife’s association with Verizon, particularly since she probably has a Verizon pension or holds stock or options.
I am disappointed in CNN, which treated me with respect in the past. Don Lemon is a leftist hack. Not only has he attacked Republicans and conservatives, but he has also played the race card on a number of occasions. He and his ultra-leftist colleague, Jeffrey Toobin, who had the high class to impregnate the daughter of CBS’ Jeff Greenfield while he was married, should also not be throwing stones. And his fellow proponent, Blakeman, is clearly nothing more than a two-faced sell-out who aids the Islamists at Al Jazeera. Their lack of journalistic ethics should be rewarded by CNN with their firing, just as Martin Bashir was recently fired by MSNBC.
I find it outrageous that instead of celebrating a victory for the U.S. Constitution and the American people, Lemon and his hoodrats spent almost 10 minutes trying to assassinate me personally, denied me freedom of speech by cutting my mic and removing me from the television screen, and then, instead of arguing the case, claimed I made it all about me when the hit piece was indeed named “Who is Larry Klayman?” It is classic leftist deceit and dishonesty. CNN must now restore its image. It too, along with the public, was disgraced by Lemon and Toobin.
For more information, contact or (424) 274-2579.
See also
RELATED: Attack: Court Sides With "Birther" Attorney; Grants Preliminary Injunction - DETAILS HERE.
RELATED: Fireworks: Obama ID Fraud Attorney Nukes CNN Hosts; Live With It! - DETAILS HERE.
RELATED: Klayman To ABC: Obama Birth Certificate A Fraud; Lacks Citizen Parents - DETAILS HERE.
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- Image: Retrochcop - |
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