Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Certain wingnutty GOP Congressmen have a theory as to why there are so many immigrant children streaming across the border.
Congressman Steve Stockman |
During the last fiscal year, the U.S. Border Patrol documented 38,833 unaccompanied minors attempting to cross the border into the United States: a 59 percent increase over the previous year. Today, officials and advocacy groups estimate that the agency may apprehend as many as 74,000 of these young unattended migrants by year's end.
U.S. Congressmen Steve Stockman (R-Texas) and Steve King (R-Iowa) recently put forward an interesting theory as to why this crisis is happening now and how we can humanely resolve it. Rational adults can debate these things. As the two lawmakers told World Net Daily, a web-based news portal, they believe that President Barack Obama has consciously tailored his administration's immigration policies to engineer just such a humanitarian crisis, endangering tens of thousands of children for partisan gain.
"Obama follows all the far-left, Leninist, socialist-type stuff," Congressman Stockman explained to the news portal, adding that it's "an open secret Obama is trying to flood Texas with illegals to make it into a blue state."
"If we lose Texas, and it becomes like California, then the Republicans lose the chance of ever getting a Republican elected president."
Yes the President is inviting a flood of young children from other countries to cross the border illegally so that in ten years or so when they are old enough to vote they will be Democratic army that will keep the bad old Republicans out of the White House.
Do you know I think is keeping the Republicans out of the White House?
The Republicans.
You know here's the thing, if the Republicans were really concerned with new immigrants providing an unstoppable voting block for the Democratic party, then why don't they work with the President to solve the crisis?
It seems to me that by insulting these immigrants and blocking every attempt to help them achieve citizenship, they are essentially engaging in a self fulfilling prophecy.
They expect all of these new Americans to vote Democratic, so they make themselves into enemies of the immigrants, and lo and behold when they get the right to vote they do indeed vote for the Democrats who championed their cause, and not the Republicans who treated them as if they were less than human.
I don't like to give them too much credit but Jeb and George W. Bush know better than this, and it might be one of the few times that it would serve the Republicans well to listen to their advice.
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