Thursday, December 5, 2013
Woman fights ticket for driving with Google Glass
Cecilia Abadie wears her Google Glass as she talks with her attorney outside of traffic court Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013, in San Diego.
Her case touches several hot-button issues, including distracted driving and how laws often lag technological developments.
LOS ANGELES — A California woman pleaded not guilty Tuesday to what is believed to be the first traffic citation alleging a motorist was using Google's computer-in-an-eyeglass.
The device, known as Google Glass, features a thumbnail-size transparent display above the right eye.
The technology is not yet widely available to the public, but defendant Cecilia Abadie was one of about 10,000 "explorers" who received the glasses earlier this year as part of a tryout.
Her case touches several hot-button issues, including distracted driving, wearable technology that will one day become mainstream, and how laws often lag technological developments.
Abadie was pulled over in October on suspicion of going 80 mph in a 65 mph zone on a San Diego freeway. The California Highway Patrol officer saw she was wearing Google Glass and tacked on a citation usually given to people driving while a video or TV screen is on in the front of their vehicle.
Abadie pleaded not guilty to both charges in San Diego traffic court.
Cecilia Abadie, right, leaves the courtroom followed by her attorney William M. Concidine after an appearance at traffic court Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013, in San Diego.
Her attorney William Concidine told The Associated Press that she will testify at a trial scheduled for January that the glasses were not on when she was driving but activated when she looked up at the officer.
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By Justin Pritchard of Associated Press
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