Thursday, December 5, 2013
Sarah Palin at Liberty University. Update: Palin responds to Bashir resignation.
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Look! It's the ghost of false pregnancies past! |
Sarah Palin at Liberty University. Update: Palin responds to Bashir resignation.
Courtesy of Liberty University:In a sit-down, conversational interview on stage with President Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Vice President for Communications Johnnie Moore, Palin talked about her motivation to keep standing for “time-tested truths” — the same truths Liberty upholds — when she is attacked by the mainstream media for her conservative views. (Really? Liberty University stands up for the fake pregnancy stories and misrepresentation of our country's values that Sarah Palin stands up for?)
“This is what inspires me — you,” she told the arena of more than 10,000 students. “ … What inspires me and allows me to keep going and standing strong is being in a place like this.”
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Courtesy of Facebook |
Coming off a 15-city tour for her new best-seller, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas,” (Is it really still a "best seller" when it is at number 664 on the Amazon best seller list?) she talked about the larger message that the Christmas story brings today.
“My book is about protecting the heart of Christmas, which is really about protecting the heart of America,” (That's right kids the pagan holiday Saturnalia, today mostly represented by the Turkish St. Nicholas, and celebrated by plunging ourselves into debt in order to buy the newest, most expensive factory assembled soon to be obsolete electronics, equals America.) she said. “Because the message of Christmas is the message of hope and change, not the stuff you hear coming out of Washington. (Wait, what?) … It’s the Judeo-Christian faith that provided all the foundation in our charters of liberty, our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence. It was a faith–filled people who understood how blessed our land was and the opportunities we have, our wonderful work ethic, all the things that have made America so exceptional.” (Such as killing off its original aboriginal inhabitants, raping the land for its precious minerals and resources, and polluting its air so that our children are born with allergies and birth defects.)
She said the tour is about more than a book; it is about restoring our nation’s principles. (Of greed and commercialism.)
“That’s why I appreciate Liberty University,” she said. “You will be a force for good, understanding the importance of Christian faith and a Christian education. You are the future leaders of this country.” (Let us all hope that's not true.)
Students submitted their own questions for Palin, which ranged from who her biggest inspiration is (her youngest son, Trig, who has Down syndrome and has taught her “the world’s standards of perfection are not God’s standards of perfection”) to her family’s favorite Christmas memories (eating moose chili and traveling “over the river and through the woods” by snow machines). ("Over the river and through the woods?" Hmm I wonder if they are off to "Grandfather's house?" And I certainly hope that the snowmachine knows the way through the "white and drifted snow." I swear there is not one original thought in this imbecile's head.)
She left students with a lesson she’s learned as a leader:
“Fear not. Again, it’s that message of Christmas; remember the angel came to Mary in a situation with less than ideal circumstances (Yeah she was knocked up and needed to explain it to her husband.) … and that message needs to be received by each one of you here today as you get out there in a pretty rough and tumble world. You’re going to be inundated in the workplace with cultural and societal pressures trying to beat you down (That's Palin speak for "educate you.")… remember that message from that angel. … The greater message was that everybody is made so uniquely, with certain gifts and talents and passions and interests for a reason, to get out there and do good for the world. … When it comes to families, when it comes to jobs, please remember that you do have purpose and you do have destiny — God don’t make no junk. ... Success is letting Him shine through you so that others will be attracted to that light — the eternal destiny is really what matters.”
Looking back at where God has taken her, Palin still calls her rise to a position of leadership “bizarre,” (Well there's something we can agree on.) but credits it as God’s work. (And here he thought the platypus was the worst of his screw ups.)
“Put your life in God’s hands — you never know where you’re going to end up.”
Yeah you could end up promoting a poorly conceived ghostwritten book on a book tour that is falling apart faster than that space station in the movie "Gravity."
If there were actually 10,000 students there you KNOW they were compelled to attend. No way do 10,000 young people, even Liberty University brain washed young people, voluntarily turn out to have their IQ's lowered by this simpleton.
I wonder where she will go next? Perhaps there is a local prison who could lock there inmates into a room to hear her demonstrate her lack of knowledge about America and Christmas?
Or better yet an institute for the insane. THAT would make her feel right at home.
Update: Here is the video of Palin discussing Bashir from Fox and Friends.
And here is a synopsis provided by Mediaite:
“In this world, you are going to be hurt and attacks will come your way,” Palin said. “I just hope attacks like that doesn’t make people hesitate.”
“One of the things about his attack is it was scripted,” Steve Doocy observed. “The people at NBC had a chance to review it and said – they obviously, or apparently, all agreed.”
“It was refreshing to see, though, that many in the media did come out and say, ‘Look, our standards have to be higher than this,” Palin observed.
Brian Kilmeade asked if the Sarah Palin of 2008 would have reacted then to this manner of attack as she did. “At this point I’m used to it,” Palin replied. “That’s kind of a sad state of affairs to have to admit that, at this point, I am used to it.”
“Six years ago, I probably would have been personally hurt by such an attack,” she revealed.
Asked if anyone representative from a women’s advocacy group had reached out to her, Palin noted that she never “heard from one feminist.”
“I’m sure they’re getting to it,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck suggested sarcastically.
Palin concluded by disclosing that she feels “callused” and is no longer surprised by these types of attacks on her character.
Okay I just threw up n my mouth a little.
ANYBODY who believes that Palin is the victim of ANYTHING is a moron. The woman has been playing this victim card since she was a child, and the fact that there are still so many who cannot see through it pisses me off.
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