Saturday, December 21, 2013
According to a British Medical Journal study virgin births happen all of the time. So much for being special Jesus!
"Just admit it mom, you were a slut." |
Roughly 1 percent of moms may be virgins -- or so they claim in a new survey.
Virgin birth, or parthenogenesis, typically occurs in non-humans that reproduce asexually, including sharks, Komodo dragons, pit vipers and boa constrictors. The British Medical Journal, which published the study in its latest Christmas issue, points out many retell the birth of Jesus to the Virgin Mary this time of year.
A team of American researchers wanted to find out the frequency this occurred in humans.
“We examined the incidence of virgin pregnancy and birth based on self report of pregnancy and sexual debut, hypothesizing that individual and contextual factors may influence reporting,” wrote the researchers, led by Amy H. Herring, a biostatiscian at UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health.
Indeed, that appeared to be the case for some women. The researchers found 0.8 percent of responders gave birth despite being virgins, without the use of any assisted reproductive technology like IVF.
These women were more likely to have signed chastity pledges (31 percent of them) than the non-virgins who reported pregnancies (15 percent).
For the study, researchers surveyed data on almost 7,900 women multiple times over a 14-year period between their adolescent and adult years, each time asking about their sexual and pregnancy histories. They were also asked about their age, religion and knowledge of different birth control methods.
In total, 45 women gave birth while consistently claiming they were virgins.
Wow, so many virgin births. Just imagine if each one wanted to start their own religion.
The majority of Biblical scholars agree that the immaculate conception part of the Jesus story was added much later, however it is still such an important part of the mythology that Christians are willing to go to war with the non-religious over it every holiday season.
However as this study demonstrates virgin births are a dime a dozen these days.
Unless of course the Christians think that a young woman claiming to be carrying a child without ever having KNOWN a man would be lying about that?
Surely they don't think that, do they?
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