Sunday, June 29, 2014
Snohomish County Sheriff's Office confiscates anti-tank rifle from drug dealer's storage unit. Gotta love America.
Anti-tank rifle at top of picture depicting very troubling cache of weapons. |
Courtesy of KATU:
A very large anti-tank rifle is probably one of the last thing you want in possession of a wanted criminal, but that's exactly what the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office reportedly found inside a storage locker belonging to a suspected drug dealer.
The Snohomish County Regional Drug and Gang Task Force arrested 40-year-old Aaron Knapp outside his storage unit in Everett Wednesday on suspicion of attempted delivery of a controlled substance.
According to the Sheriff's Office, a search warrant served on Knapp's Mercedes and storage unit turned up a pound of meth, half a pound of heroin, 15 firearms and approximately $40,000 in cash.
Of those firearms, 12 were military assault rifles (five of which were confirmed stolen), two were stolen handguns and one was a fully functional 20 mm anti-tank/sniper rifle, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Gee I wonder how the NRA will defend this loser's right to own an arsenal of military assault rifles and a freaking anti-tank rifle?
You know, not that I am an expert on the Constitution or anything, but I have a little difficulty in believing that the Founding Fathers had anything like this in mind when they wrote:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Don't you agree?
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