Saturday, November 23, 2013
Sarah Palin has her very own nuclear meltdown over the Democrat's decision to return to simple majority votes to confirm judges and approve executive office appointments.
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May this day honor the late President John F. Kennedy. In his honor, and to protect our republic, Americans implore today's elected leaders to exercise virtuous truth and integrity in office. (Not to put too find of a point on it, but does ANYBODY really believe that Sarah Palin has ANY respect for John F. Kennedy? No, her hero is Ronald Reagan was the very antithesis to JFK.)
Shockingly to some, the White House and Senate Democrats, desperate for a winning political talking point before Congress’s Thanksgiving vacation, just did the opposite.
Liberals just changed 230 years of enduring Senate rules by enacting the “Nuclear Option” that will now let just 51 votes approve the President’s nominees, and thus prevent dissenting Senators from filibustering controversial appointees who’ll be charged with decision making that affects our lives. (And they were forced to do so by who exactly?)
This is significant as further proof that our government is so broken. (And the Teabaggers you supported broke it.) When politicians can’t get anything to work, they change rules and hope we’ll just get distracted. The hugely divisive, dysfunctional “Nuclear Option” sets a terrible precedent. (It might make Palin feel better if she realizes that many refer to his rule change as the "constitutional option." After all she so LOVES the Constitution. But then again probably not.) Mark Levin appropriately calls it “the latest act of leftist tyranny.” It’s also leftist hypocrisy. Back under Republican control of the Senate, Democrats blocked President Bush’s judicial appointees. You should have heard Harry Reid and then-Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden freak out in railing against the “danger... arrogance... poison” of the Republican majority even considering enacting such a rule change. To ensure cooperation and unity in balancing power for We the People, Republicans wisely did not change the rules. (Yes but that was before this happened.)
But that was then. Now this makes for a nice Thanksgiving distraction for the left, but Americans are awake today – we’re not easily distracted with turkeys like this. (Turkeys, oh that reminds me, I have a video to put up next Thursday morning.)
Do these far leftists realize Americans will not be chatting cheerfully around our Thanksgiving tables about how Obama and Reid nuked Senate rules? No, if political speak befalls dinner, we’ll no doubt vent about losing health insurance, seeing premiums skyrocket, not being able to afford unworkable Obamacare plans, and still wanting socialized healthcare scrapped altogether. We'll discuss disappointment in the President and his Party for lying to us. (Don't worry we liberals are ready for that.)
But don’t let this distraction ruin your Thanksgiving, America! Be thankful for at least one thing revealed in this latest radical act of the far left: more Americans are now stirred from slumber! (Yes we are, and the majority of us are liberals.) Only a Butterball’s serotonin-induced sleepiness after dinner will lull us back in; Senate power grabbing distractions won’t do it. (Update: I think she meant Tryptophan-induced sleepiness, NOT serotonin.)
- Sarah Palin
This was not a power grab, this was simply a repair of a broken system that the Republicans had taken advantage of in order to nullify the election of Barack Obama. They do not consider him a legitimate President so they have refused to treat him like a legitimate President.
Harry Reid is on record for not wanting to change this rule, and in fact has resisted incredible pressure from the liberals to do something to fix this broken system for quite a long time. He did not change his mind, the Republicans changed it for him.
Sarah Palin and her conservative buddies were counting on the Democrats to continue playing by the rules forever even as the Republicans tied their shoelaces together, peed in their Gatorade, and hid home plate repeatedly in order to win by any means possible, what they could not win fairly.
Well, if I may be so blunt, fuck them!
They have NOBODY to blame except themselves. And as Rachel Maddow pointed out last night, all the Republicans had to do to avoid this outcome, was to simply allow the President to appoint three more judges to the federal court. The Republicans refused to let that happen, and the Democrats had had enough.
And as for this biting the Democrats in the butt the next time there is a Republican President and Republican majority in the Senate, not really. Number one, considering how the GOP is viewed these days, we may all be dead before that happens. And number two as a rule the Democrats don't pull this filibuster crap nearly as often as the Republicans, and not having the option will have very little effect on how we govern.
After all Democrats are actually interested in governing, NOT breaking the government so that it no longer functions.
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