Saturday, November 23, 2013
Sarah Palin sells little over 20,000 books in first week of highly promoted book tour. Update!
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BOOK SALES RACE, WEEK 11/17/13: RUSH LIMBAUGH 'BRAVE' REMAINS #1 WITH 52,463 SOLD [300,400 SINCE RELEASE]... O'REILLY 'JESUS' IN SECOND AFTER SCANNING 49,069 [645,976]... MORE... KRAUTHAMMER 'MATTER' TAKES SHOW WITH 40,598 [131,713]... DUCK DYNASTY 'SI-COLOGY' 26,934 [347,811]... DORIS GOODWIN 'THEODORE' 22,268 [47,571]... PALIN 'GREAT' OPENS WITH 20,157 (Note that the other authors listed are on their second, third, and sometimes fourth week of publication. Not their first.)
Gee even after subjecting herself to interviews on the Today Show, CNN, and USA Today she still cannot convince anyone outside of her rapidly shrinking group of supporters. (For context it should be noted that "Going Rogue" sold in excess of 2 million books, most of which were sold in the first few weeks.)
Also keep in mind that the sales for these conservative books are artificially padded through the use of bulk sales to conservative groups who then give them away with donations or subscription to their periodicals or websites. So the question to ask is, are they still doing that for Palin? Or are they doing it in a far less aggressive fashion due to her fading popularity?
By the by, I think that THIS, and not the Bashir controversy, is the main reason why Palin is taking back her invitation to have Matt Lauer fly up to Alaska to interview her.
Or perhaps it was HE who determined that it was a waste of his time, and NBC resources, to fly all the way to Alaska to interview a has been who is no longer relevant to anything or anybody.
Update: As if to illustrate Palin's diminished popularity, here is Bill O'Reilly telling Howard Kurtz that Palin is too afraid to come on his program:
BILL O'REILLY: Let's just be frank here. You want to be frank, Howard? You want to be honest? Sarah Palin won't do this program. She won't come on the program because she doesn't want to mix it up. She doesn't. She wants to give a speech, and nobody gives speeches here. Okay? So she doesn't come on. We invited her on tonight. You're here instead. But I don't begrudge Sarah Palin that. She can come on. She doesn't come on, she does come on, whatever she wants to do. Okay? Fine.
You know when the top rated host of the Right Wing cable news station/Republican propaganda machine that once employed you, feels he can slam you like this, you are essentially finished.
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