Sunday, June 22, 2014

President and Mrs; Obama want their daughters to work minimum pay jobs. What, no reality show?

6:53 PM By No comments

President and Mrs; Obama want their daughters to work minimum pay jobs. What, no reality show?
President and Mrs; Obama want their daughters to work minimum pay jobs. What, no reality show?
Courtesy of MSNBC:

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama want their children to experience the virtues of hard work at minimum-wage pay.

“I think every kid needs to get a taste of what it’s like to do that real hard work,” Michelle Obama said in an interview with Parade magazine published Friday.

“We are looking for opportunities for them to feel as if going to work and getting a paycheck is not always fun, not always stimulating, not always fair,” President Obama added. “But that’s what most folks go through every single day.”

I 100% agree with this sentiment, and applaud the first family for teaching their two girls the importance of hard work and the joy of independence.

I mean with their connections they could easily put their girls on the path to easy street, with book deals, reality shows, buy them a beauty shop to work in, or simply pay them to stay out of trouble and not embarrass them.

But really what kind of crappy parent would do that?



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