Friday, November 8, 2013
Wonkette has a little more fun with Bristol Palin's constant internet defender.
"OMGD, they're talking about me again. If only I had my very own batshit crazy troll to defend me." |
We don’t know what it is about Bristol Palin, but that girl has got herself some fans. Or one fan who won’t stop writing to us. Our short piece yesterday about the child custody lawsuit filed by Manly Alaskan Sperm-Thrower Levi Johnston only drew about 70 comments, which is about right for a one-paragraph story. But it also filled our comments queue with 20 attempted comments from would-be Levi-n-Bristol defender “Lovefirst21,” whom we’ll assume is a new incarnation of “Livefree601,” who previously defended Bristol as “literally the most amazing and strongest woman out there.” Once more, she (? — perhaps we should not assume?) wants us to know that some things are simply beyond the Palin, and should never be said:
"Nice slander. Tripp Palin is an amazing little boy with the maturity of a kid twice his age. Way to go Bristol. Top notch! I’ve never seen a 4 yr old who is always happy and so adaptable."
Yes. Tripp Palin, a child who is known to Lovefirst21 primarily through the teevee, is a wunderkind, and the only reason he’s not already in 3rd grade is that the government schools simply don’t recognize his brilliance. Why is he not yet on a ballot or a payroll somewhere?
Funny stuff but it pales in comparison to the troll's (Or as we know her Kristy Patullo) actual comments.
Like these in reference to Levi:
Yet he’s the one who started the nasty battle :/
Levi did exploit BOTH kids while Bristol was actually working. Thankful for good mothers.
Actually, he was desperate to marry Bristol as he was obsessed with her. He did once say that.
I feel sorry that his father ever made this part of his life public. There’s a reason custody cases aren’t public domain. The inherent bitterness in all of them don’t deserve outsider opinion. But God bless Bristol Palin and her well-raised boy
Or these in reference to Tripp:
He’s the happiest of kids, living a normal life. School, activities. The only difficulty might come from a alienating stepmom who can’t see her husband as the loser he was not too long ago.
LOL All jokes aside, the reality is, Bristol’s son is a blessed, happy boy with a devoted mother and a father who’s finally matured.
Libel. Get a life. Bristol is a remarkable mother raising a lovely boy who beams with love
Tripp is literally the most blessed child. Never without smiles and nurturing. These comments are just wrong.
Libel? Oh yeah, that's our batshit crazy troll alright.
Gee it kind of makes me wish I has saved all of the comments and e-mails she has sent me over the years instead of deleting them, having holy water sprinkled on my hard drive, and hiring a Native American Shaman to wave burning sage over my computer while chanting.
Oh well, I am sure I will have many more opportunities to do so in the future.
(A trip down memory lane.)
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