Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Shock: Fox Editor Questions Election; Obama Meltdown; Democrats Turn; Treason?
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- image credit: rockin doc radio - |
Obama Meltdown; Democrats Turn; Treason?
Cracks: In the lead up to Obama's year-end presser Fox News editor Chris Stirewalt said the massive question Obama should be asked is if he [Obama] had told the truth about Obamacare would he have won the election. Although Obama was never asked that specific question he was repeatedly asked if he had any credibility left. The presser covered a range of issues including the polls, Obamacare, NSA, Snowden, and more. Obama appeared completely flustered at times and is clearly out of touch with reality. The empty suit completely exposed;
Fox News host and Democrat Greta Van Susteren ridiculed Obama on ABC's This Week, via Daily Caller:
“The president’s most powerful weapon as president is his ability to inspire — that’s his greatest strength,” Susteren began. “And then he comes out last Friday in the press conference. He was depressing, he was pathetic, he sucked the oxygen out of the room. The media beat up on him, the media had bad questions, they kept punching him. I mean, he ends the year where you just want to slit your throat almost, because it was so depressing. He’s completely lost his ability to inspire.” [...] - More/Video @ Daily Caller.
John Aziz highlights at The Week: Why are Democrats souring on big government?
It's not taxes, regulation, or ObamaCare alone...
According to a new Gallup poll, 72 percent of Americans say that big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than big business or big labor, a record high in the half century that Gallup has been asking the question. The previous high for big government was 65 percent in 1999 and 2000:
And this isn't just Fox News-watching Republicans who think that Obama is a Communist Muslim born in Kenya who is plotting to seize all privately-owned guns and declare martial law.
The numbers of Independents and Democrats worried about big government have also dramatically risen. Fifty-six percent of Democrats are now worried about big government, compared to just 32 percent when Obama came to the presidency in 2009:
The question is: Why? [...]
Maybe the best explanation is that the Obama effect is wearing off, as Obama's falling poll numbers suggest. Democratic levels of distrust in big government were high during the Bush and Clinton years, and then fell dramatically around the time of Obama's 2008 campaign. Obama promised to change the culture in Washington, and make government more responsive to society. He actively promoted the idea of a government that plays a positive role in the lives of Americans.
The data shows Democrats bought into this principle in 2009, but considerably less so in 2013. Obama's presidency has been dogged by difficulties: The ObamaCare website that didn't work; the IRS agents who went after Obama's political opponents; the gunrunning scandal in which the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms shipped guns to Mexican drug cartels; the Edward Snowden revelations; the debt ceiling fights with Congress; and, perhaps most importantly, a sluggish economic recovery that was slow to gather steam despite a stimulus package worth over $800 billion. [...] - Continued @ The Week.
Independent Sentinel excerpts: Judge Jeanine: Obama’s Approval Numbers Can Never Go Lower...
His administration has so far been a disaster for our country, but his approval numbers never go below the high 30%’s and seem to stay at around 43%. That should be alarming to people because they are being kept artificially high by, as Ben Stein calls them, the ‘beautiful people.’
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Branco cartoon via legal insurrection |
A majority of Americans, 55%, say they wish Obamacare had never passed. A stunning 67% of Americans want Obamacare delayed for one year. The majority of the uninsured, for whom this bill was allegedly passed, have a negative attitude towards Obamacare.
Americans by a margin of 82% believe they must have the right to select their own doctor, which most will not be able to do under Obamacare. Americans won’t keep their hospitals either. [...]
The NSA, the healthcare lies, foreign policy disasters, and various scandals have diminished Mr. Obama’s credibility. The only president who was in worse shape since polling began was Richard Nixon who was hated by the press for his anti-Communist activities in the late 1940′s. His poll numbers sank to an abysmal 20% approval. Obama can’t go that low because he is beloved by the media, the rich, Wall Street, and Hollywood.
It should scare people to know that we are being controlled by the ‘beautiful people.’
[...] - More @ Independent Sentinel.
Erik Rush writes at Canada Free Press: Do Democrat lawmakers anticipate treason trials?
It is possible that we not only have a pathologically unethical oligarchy in perpetual residence in our government, but various Mafia-like “families” sharing and trading off power
According to a report by Breitbart’s Elizabeth Sheld, eight Democrat lawmakers have proposed a bill that would eliminate the death penalty as a consequence for individuals convicted of numerous federal crimes, among them espionage and treason. Nothing happens in Washington without a reason, so The Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act (HR 3741) gives rise to a bevy of questions and suspicions.
What motivation would congressional Democrats have for wishing to neutralize the death penalty option for such serious crimes? While the average news consumer is conditioned to summarily dismiss the machinations of government unless it directly impacts their pocketbook, or their sensibilities are deliberately targeted by the press, common sense dictates that elected officials proposing such a law could be anticipating the requisite conditions, thus necessitating the law in the first place.
So, who do these lawmakers suppose might be tried for treason, espionage, or the host of other federal crimes now punishable by death in the not-so-distant future?
Well, take your pick. President Obama himself committed a treasonable offense in supplying military aid to rebels fighting against the Assad regime in Syria, first clandestinely and then overtly after circumventing laws expressly prohibiting same. What other treasonable offenses he may have committed attendant to this process (including those related to the 9/11/12 attack on the Benghazi compound) remains to be seen.
Obama’s insinuation of Muslim Brotherhood operatives into sensitive government positions, as well as actions pursuant to his relationship with them are likely treasonable offenses. Despite the Muslim Brotherhood’s intended goal in subjugating America and the rest of the globe, the only reason that this has not been an issue of contention is because Obama and his surrogates themselves do not wish it to be, the press has been complicit, and the Republican leadership are invertebrates.
Then, there are the recent reports coming out of the Middle East as represented by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat. According to Naglaa Mahmoud, wife of Egypt’s ousted President Mohammed Morsi and Muslim Sisterhood operative, Bill and Hillary Clinton (with an emphasis on Hillary) have been deeply involved with the Brotherhood since the 1980s. Mahmoud has been implicated in Egypt in anti-government operations dedicated to returning her husband to power; he remains in Egyptian custody.
Mahmoud recently appeared on Turkish television network Mehwar TV and alleged that the Clintons recruited her and her husband in the 1980s toward the end of advancing everything from “Green” initiatives in the West to the ascendancy of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East.
Hillary Clinton’s “Girl Friday” just happens to be Huma Abedin (her Deputy Chief of Staff when she was Secretary of State), whose mother is a colleague of Mahmoud’s and a long-time leader in the Muslim Sisterhood. Oddly enough, one of the few topics that Mahmoud refuses to discuss is Abedin. According to Shoebat, “In December of 2011, Abedin went on maternity leave. She returned in June of that year while simultaneously taking a job a Special Government Employee (SGE). In addition to her role their being quite ambiguous, questions about the legality of the arrangement caught the eye of Senator Charles Grassley, who sent Secretary of State John Kerry a letter demanding answers.”
What was Abedin doing? Who knows, but some of the activities in which Mahmoud alleges the Muslim Brotherhood and the Clintons were involved most certainly do not reflect a primary concern for the security of the United States. Were they treasonable? Only an extensive investigation might reveal that, but these allegations proffer that the Clintons’ relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood predates Bill becoming Governor of Arkansas.
Then, we have the body counts. Recently, Larry Nichols, a former Clinton operative, almost casually admitted to having murdered for the Clintons on a regular basis, whether it was low-level political opponents, or “weak link” confidants who held information that might compromise their power.
The lengthy list of individuals whose suspicious deaths directly benefitted Barack Obama began even before he received the Democratic nomination. Most recently of course, Hawaii State Health Director Loretta Fuddy was killed when the small plane carrying her and eight other people crashed into the ocean off the Hawaiian island of Molokai. The only fatality, she is the individual who certified (I use the term loosely) President Obama’s long-form birth certificate. The circumstances and accounts of her demise are respectively, sketchy and conflicting at best.
It is well-known that Obama’s close associates include members of the Weather Underground, whose stated mission was overthrowing the American government. For his entire life, he has been surrounded by radicals, embittered, America-hating anti-colonialists, black nationalists, and avowed communists – yet this has never entered into the area of popular discussion, even in the face of the myriad policies, orders, and actions the President brought about which have directly compromised America’s economy, national security, and domestic tranquility.
Obama’s origins narrative of course remains unresolved. This week for the first time, a mainstream publication supported the voracity of evidence that the President perpetrated a fraud with the forged long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011. It is a little-known fact that the submission of fraudulent documents toward attaining public office on the federal level remains an executable offense under the law.
[...] - Continued @ Canada Free Press.
The Hill names the co-sponsors of HR 3741: Dem bill would end death penalty for federal law
Others sponsoring the bill are Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), John Lewis (D-Ga.), Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and José Serrano (D-N.Y.). [...] The Hill.
BR note: Jose Serrano is the same Socialist trying to do away with presidential term limits...
Breitbart News
On Thursday, a town hall meeting hosted by Al Sharpton and the National Action Network to address gun violence exploded into a revolt against “Chicago Machine” politics, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the aldermen in City Hall, with panel and audience members calling to vote out their elected officials.
One 82-year-old preacher even called for “Tea Party” style meetings in some of Chicago’s south side communities such as Altgeld Gardens and Trumbull Park. [...] More @ Breitbart News.
( Video via Rebel Pundit. )
Yahoo News reports: Democratic senator says Obamacare could have 'meltdown,' hurt party
Manchin said Senate Democrats who are up for re-election next year are "feeling the weight" of the program's woes and could have trouble keeping their majority in the chamber. [...] - Yahoo News.
Tea Party Victory Fund puts out a call to action: excerpt; 4 Angry Dems
For the last two years, all the fights have been about the best way to repeal ObamaCare with Democrats holding the Senate and the White House. But we've missed the most obvious, easiest way to repeal ObamaCare: force Senate Demcrats in red states to crack! Read these names and think along with me here:
- Mary Landrieu of Lousiana,
- Mark Pryor of Louisana,
- Kay Hagan of North Carolina,
- Joe Manchin of West Virginia.
What do they all have in common?
They are all so-called "moderate" Democrats in states where President Obama is DEEPLY unpopular. They all know they they are fighting for their political lives because of their support for ObamaCare. They all got pressured into voting for this unpopular law by the President and Harry Reid, and now they're paying the price. They're mad about it. They're looking for a way out, and they can't find one.
You see, Obama's going to be gone in two years. He never has to run again. But these Democrats do! While Obama is off on a two week vacation in Hawaii, these Democrats are going to be at home, taking it on the chin from their constituents who are fit to be tied over losing their health care plan due to ObamaCare. [...] TPVF.
TPVF is asking folks flood these Dems with phone calls and demand they repeal Obamacare...
I say demand they... REPEAL OBAMA... PERIOD
Maybe it is time to start flooding some Democrats and their disgruntled newsers/supporters with Sheriff's Kits...
Letting an unvetted & unqualified liar continue to pretend to be president is like giving a chimp an AK-47...
- Cartoon Credit: Michael Ramirez @ Investors -
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