Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sean Hannity helps Sarah Palin pimp her Christmas book.
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Click the maw of insanity for the video |
This time Palin is wearing her shit eating grin and her Clark Kent glasses, and seems very comfy sitting in the studio that fired her earlier this year. ("I have a new book now you HAVE to interview me.")
Hannity gleefuly starts the interview by suggesting that it is clear there is an attack on Christmas.
Palin: "It's unquestionable that there is an attack on Christmas, which is kind of the tip of the spear when it comes to an even greater battle brewing, and that is an attack on our freedom of religion, where we can exercise our faith, whatever that faith may be. There are double standards applied to those who wish to celebrate Christmas for instance in a traditional way. Those who would..uh..I refer to them as 'Scrooges,' they are usually angry Atheists armed with an attorney, and they want to tell us, they want to tell patriots, they want to tell traditional Americans, that no longer can you acknowledge that Jesus is the reason for the season."
Hannity then laments the fact that there is blow back when people want to put a cross on public property, or a Menorah (?), or thee Ten Commandments.
"No it certainly is this double standard that's being applied. (Wait, didn't he mention a Menorah? How is that a double standard?) So the book's all about empowering Americans to be able to know what to do to stand up for our constitutionally protected rights to exercise our faith. And within the book though are some really jolly Christmas-y ways of doing that and incorporating some traditions, and cool Alaskana recipes, and other kind of family oriented things that make for good reading." (So it's "Stand up for your Christian rights" and "Hey here's a recipe for Moosenugget cookies" side by side?)
Hannity then expresses his belief that Palin loves Christmas and tells some pointless story about his childhood being raised in a right wing think tank while feeding on the blood of innocent liberals. (Or something like that, I wasn't really paying attention.)
After that Hannity does one of the clumsiest transitions ever broadcast on television, by bringing up Obamacare.
'When the President says if you like your plan you can keep your plan period.."
Palin: "LIE! Lie! Lie!"
Hannity, all excited now: "Why?"
Palin: "You know our politicians are to be held accountable. And heaven forbid Americans be intimidated and think that we have to just kinda cower back and not hold a President accountable. He did lie through this Obamacare selling, Sham-well type, Sham-wow type commercialization of what this socialized medicine program is all about."
Some cross talk about Sham-wow.
Palin: "But no there were lies and deceptions involved in all of this. And now the mainstream media, lamestream, thinks that they're going to get away with trying to convince the public that just fixing a malfunctioning website is the answer? That is a de minimis (SOMEBODY Learned a new word. IN Latin even!) fix to the problem. The problem is this stifling, shackling, growing government, that Obamacare is a symptom of. That is the problem, It's the statist (Ooh, another new word!) mindset of our President and the radical Left that follows him. And we need to do something about it. The thing that we do about it is hold our politicians accountable. (I think it appropriate to point out here that Palin was singing a far different tune when Alaskans were trying to hold HER accountable for her actions.) Look at these Democrats who are running in red states, now scurrying for cover. Mark Begich, and the rest of the crew. Here they voted for Obamacare. They have ads running in their states, like Mark Begich does in Alaska, saying 'Rah rah Obamacare' on one hand, but I saw that Fox News cornered Mark Begich and all of a sudden the Senator says 'Oh yeah, I'm chewing out the President every chance I get. You know I'm calling him on the carpet about Obamacare.' No you're not man, you're a typical politician talking out of both sides of your mouth with this." (To be clear Begich still supports the Affordable Care Act but is frustrated about the website. Jut like the President, by the way.)
Hannity then asks Palin if she is going to run against Begich.
Palin: "You know that isn't on my radar screen, but I'm going to call out Begich, (But not in Alaska, where she would be chased through the streets by villagers with torches and pitchforks.) and I'm going to call out all these other Democrats who have so diminished the trust we should be able to have in our government, that was founded upon this idea of it being a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Instead we have these elites in Washington D.C.trying to tell us how to run our lives, and manage our healthcare, and spend our income, and run our businesses. That's un-American."
I continue to find it amazing that there is a market for a book that conflates Christmas with freedom in America, but apparently there is. For them the very idea that Christians cannot proclaim their faith in every public venue in the country, while expressing their intolerance for other faiths, is an attack on their very freedom as Americans. The only question is exactly HOW many people are that stupid and do they have enough spare change to buy Palin's book?
The interview above was actually Palin's second on Hannity, her first, which can be found here, had her weighing in on Chris Christie, his election, his battle with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, and his embrace of the President after Super storm Sandy. I would provide a transcript but my ears are still bleeding from the one I just did.
However rest assured that it too is full of chronic ignorance and venomous word salad.
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