Thursday, February 20, 2014
Sarah Palin is endorsing again. This time Teabagger Greg Abbot, who recently won the endorsement of Ted Nugent as well, and a woman who once shoplifted clothing from J.C. Penney. Sound like winners to me.
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Sarah Palin greeting Katrina Peterson at her recent failed book tour. |
2014 is here. The choices are becoming clearer, and the battle lines are being drawn. The GOP Beltway crowd has convinced itself that the way to maintain or retake the majority is through compromise and capitulation on important issues like amnesty, Obamacare, and the ever-increasing federal debt. They think that by making deals with a deeply unpopular and divisive incumbent president on issues that Americans oppose, they’ll somehow endear themselves to voters.
In other words these Washington politicians think that doing their jobs by working with the opposition and then reaching a compromise that gets laws passed and creates relationships is the right thing to do.
The idiots!
However Palin has a solution, and that solution is to help elect more obstructionists who do not understand how politics work.
Let’s start in Texas. The lines couldn’t be clearer. Katrina Pierson is an emerging leader and important voice for the future of the grassroots conservative movement. Her life’s story is full of hardships she has fought to overcome, which taught her firsthand the importance of self-reliance, hard work, and the blessings of liberty.
A feisty fighter for freedom, Katrina is taking on a powerful incumbent who has so lost touch with the people of his district that he’s not even bothering to spend much time in Texas anymore.
Fun fact, Pierson is challenging Pete Sessions, who has been representing his district for ten years, has a child with Down syndrome so he is known for fighting for the rights of people with disabilities, and has a 100% conservative rating from the American Conservative Union, so of course you could imagine why Palin would endorse his opponent.
Oh that's right, Sessions made the huge mistake of recognizing that repealing Obamacare is no longer an option.
Speaking logically about a lost cause? Well clearly he does not fit in well with the current philosophy of the Tea Party. He's gotta go.
Oh and did I mention that Pierson once plead guilty to shoplifting charges after attempting to steal nine items of women's clothing from J.C. Penney's? Oh yeah, she's a winner.
Currently Sessions is well ahead of Pierson in the fundraising department, and now that she has the endorsement of Sarah Palin the only thing left to decide is where to bury her political corpse.
But Palin was not yet done making bad choices for endorsements.
And while you are out there voting for Katrina, check the box for another good conservative – Greg Abbott for Governor of Texas. Like Katrina, Greg has overcome many personal obstacles and challenges, which have made him a believer in the power of liberty and the need to defend our freedoms from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government. If he is good enough for Ted Nugent, he is good enough for me!
Yep if its good enough for a cowardly pedophile who pooped his pants to get out of going to war, and molested underage fans, before becoming a crazed 2nd Amendment nutjob who makes misogynistic comments about Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, then it is good enough for Sarah "I faked a pregnancy to become a VP candidate" Palin.
I have to agree with Palin on one point, I think we ALL need to keep an eye on what is happening in Texas. It could be a very clear indication of the crumbling power of the Tea Party and signal once and for all the end of Palin's supposed political clout.
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