Friday, May 30, 2014
Hillary Clinton to sit down for interview with Fox News in June. Gee (Benghazi!), I wonder what (Benghazi!) they will ask her? (Benghazi!)
Going to sit down for Fox News interview. Might want to start praying for them now. |
Fox News Channel will do an interview with former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton next month on the heels of her memoir release date.
Fox News's Bret Baier and Greta Van Susteren will conduct a joint interview with Clinton on June 17, the network announced Thursday. It will come one week after the June 10 release of Clinton's memoir, "Hard Choices."
I don't usually watch Fox News, but I will be sure to catch this as it will be a chance to watch Hillary respond to some of the Fox News conspiracy theories in person.
I have no doubt she will chew both of these lightweights up and spit them out.
Greta is probably going to be too star struck, and too busy girl crushing, to ask anything of substance, but Baier has a history of being a disrespectful douchenozzle.
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