Friday, December 13, 2013
Now Sarah Palin's mad at ESPN because (Buy my book!) they did not accept a hospital advertisement (Buy my book dammit!) that mentioned God and Jesus (Seriously I have truckloads of these stupid things!) and if anybody thinks she has an ulterior motive they are probably just an angry atheist.
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Photo of Sarah Palin's old house before she moved to Arizona. |
ESPN, you've come a long way, baby... from your known wholesome, bold Americana "persona" to now being afraid to support freedom and not being bold enough to allow acknowledgement of the "Reason for the Season." So disappointing. Well, I hope you guys catch and enjoy the Christmas spirit anyway!
Palin then links to an article over at Breitbart where, as we know, journalistic ethics goes to die, discussing the terrible transgression by ESPN:
The commercial mentions that thousands of people in the community send "messages of hope to sick and injured children who may not be able to come home for the holidays."
"At... Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center, we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the season of giving, bringing hope to the many children, parents, and families that we serve," an announcer says in the ad before mentioning that the hospital's patients are "filled with hope" because they receive daily messages from the "treasure chest" beneath its "tree of hope."
The ad concludes by asking viewers to "help us reveal God's healing presence this Christmas. Send your message of hope at"
ESPN reportedly found "we celebrate the birth of Jesus" and "help us reveal God's healing presence this Christmas" to be "problematic."
So once again a business decision made in recognition of the fact that there is a growing number of their viewers who are NOT Christians and who may find such a commercial objectionable, or even insulting to their belief system or lack thereof, has been twisted as an "attack on Christmas and Christianity."
By the way how is it that Palin does not recognize that "freedom" also entails the freedom to pick and choose the advertisements you want broadcast on your network without some anorexic bitch trying to lay a guilt trip on you about it?
But I guess when you have unsellable merchandise you really only care about your own freedom to drum up business by attacking everybody in your line of sight.
You know, just like Jesus would do.
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