Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bombshell: Fox Contributor: Actor Harry Lennix Trained Obama To Act Educated

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Bombshell: Fox Contributor: Actor Harry Lennix Trained Obama To Act Educated

Bombshell: Fox News Contributor & Radio Host:
Actor Harry Lennix Trained Obama To Act Educated

Fox News contributor and nationally syndicated radio host Eric "Mancow" Muller dropped a bomb on Alex Jones' show claiming actor Harry Lennix personally told him he trained Obama how to act starting in the 1990's.


Excerpt via Info Wars:

Muller, who knew Obama in Chicago before he became president, said Lennix told him that, “He was the actor hired to teach Obama to be Harry Lennix – watch The Blacklist and you can see Obama – this is an actor that we hired in our president.”
“He’s leaving our studio and sees a cut-out of Obama and says ‘he’s a rat bastard’ – oh because I’m black I have to like Obama,” said Muller.
“He says, Mancow do I remind you of him?….Barack Obama is me, you’ve seen me on TV, you’ve seen me on movies, he is me.”
Mancow says Lennix told him, “He mimicked me, he followed me for years, and they wanted me to train him and teach him how to act….like a an educated south side African-American,” adding that Lennix thought Obama was “very stupid” and had “been taught to act like this.”
Mancow’s producer, who also witnessed the conversation, confirmed its veracity and added that Lennix said the only person who knows Obama better than him is Michelle Obama. [...] - Info Wars.


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