Friday, October 11, 2013
Ex-CIA: Marxist Muslim Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy; Agencies Know Background
Ex-CIA Operative: Marxist-Muslim Obama Ordered Murder Of Andrew Breitbart And Tom Clancy; Says All Domestic And Foreign Intelligence Agencies Know About Obama's True Background... More below:
Excerpts: BOMBSHELL! Jim Garrow Reveals Career As Covert CIA Operative, Says Breitbart And Tom Clancy Murdered By Obama Administration [...]
As a long-time friend and guest on NTEB Radio, we know Dr. Garrow to be a previous Nobel Peace Prize nominee and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda Girls school and rescue outreach in China. But on our show tonight, Dr. Garrow made the amazing revelation that he had, in fact, right up until this past Wednesday night at midnight, spent 45 years as a covert CIA operative. Garrow said that as a result of his “litmus test” statement in January, he was outed from the agency by Obama, and forced to accept early retirement.
As a long-time friend and guest on NTEB Radio, we know Dr. Garrow to be a previous Nobel Peace Prize nominee and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda Girls school and rescue outreach in China. But on our show tonight, Dr. Garrow made the amazing revelation that he had, in fact, right up until this past Wednesday night at midnight, spent 45 years as a covert CIA operative. Garrow said that as a result of his “litmus test” statement in January, he was outed from the agency by Obama, and forced to accept early retirement.
But the revelations didn’t stop there.
In addition to revealing that Andrew Breitbart had been killed under orders from Obama administration officials, he also said that spy thriller novelist Tom Clancy had also be killed in much the same way, and for the same reasons. Garrow said that Clancy had been spoon fed inside information for years from covert operatives for his novels, and he knew too much. Interestingly, when asked about where he got his ideas for his novels, Clancy had said this before he died: [...]
Lastly, he revealed that Obama’s administration was made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Dr. Garrow said that it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals This is why, Garrow said, that all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed. [...] Continued @ NTEB. Also @ Clash Daily.
( Video via 68Truthseeker. )
More background on Dr. Garrow via Politichicks(2/14/2013): So just who is Jim Garrow?
James Garrow, PhD. is an educator, businessman and author. He has been a college president, a principal of a teachers college, has an earned doctorate degree as well as been given an honorary doctorate from North Carolina College of Theology. He is also the founder of the Bethune Institute, which operates hundreds of schools throughout China. The children of many of China’s top elite in the military and politics attend his schools.
As if that weren’t enough, three years ago Dr. Garrow was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work through a group called Pink Pagoda Girls. PPG combats female gendercide by rescuing baby girls that are slated for infanticide or abandoned due to the Chinese government’s one child policy. According to his website, Garrow and his group have personally helped to save the lives of nearly 50,000 baby girls!
It Started With A Magazine
What led Dr. Garrow to make such an ominous statement began a number a years ago when Dr. Garrow sat on the board of Crisis Magazine, a Catholic magazine based out of Washington DC. While there he became friends with some of the other board members including Bill Bennet, Secretary of Education under Reagan, Alexander Haig, Sec. of State under Reagan, Bill Simon, Sec. of the Treasury under Nixon and Ford, and others. It was through them that he became acquainted with a particular high ranking military officer and over time the two became good friends.
That is why when Dr. Garrow received a phone call from him saying that he had an important message that needed to get out to the American people in a safe way, Dr. Garrow took it to heart. This now-retired military general went on to say that he had been recently contacted by a close friend, who happened to be another high-ranking military officer who was currently still serving. He called the retired general to tell him that although it was unexpected, he, too, was now retiring and leaving the service. He went on to say that this was not his choice but that he was basically being “shown the door” because he was being asked a question, and depending on how he answered seemed to be the deciding factor as to whether he was to stay or leave.
“Here is the question we are being asked: ‘If in a scenario the military were called upon to go and confront people who were armed, American citizens, who would not relinquish their arms, in spite of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, would you follow the command to fire on American citizens?’”
The general told Dr. Garrow that this officer was completely flummoxed at the question and answered ‘No, I would not fire on American citizens.’ He was then forced to resign his commission immediately.
“It has nothing to do with right or wrong, Constitutional or unconstitutional any longer… They are looking for blind allegiance,” Garrow said. He said to watch the headlines for more like himself being replaced in “untimely exits”. He also said that some might choose to remain silent and try to stay in to see what they can do from the inside.
[...] - Politichicks.
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