Sunday, December 15, 2013
Live Stream: Erik Rush To Host WOBC Tonight; "They Are All Guilty"
Erik Rush to Host
WheresObamasBirthCertificate Show on Friday Evening
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 12, 2013) — Commentator, radio show host, author and columnist Erik Rush will guest-host the WheresObamasBirthCertificate (WOBC) radio show on Friday evening from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. EST.
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WheresObamasBirthCertificate was founded by Michael Volin in 2008 and seeks the truth about Obama’s authentic birth certificate and the perpetrators of the forgery |
The image was quickly declared a forgery by experts. A law enforcement investigation was launched by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse after approximately 250 county residents expressed concern that their upcoming votes in the 2012 presidential election would be compromised if the birth certificate was not authentic and Obama ineligible to hold office.
On November 18 and 19, founder Michael Volin visited Congress to distribute his Sheriff’s Kits, which contain information compiled by the Cold Case Posse. While in Washington, Volin and his team met with aides, chiefs of staff, and several congressmen, to whom they showed the contents of the kits containing the criminal evidence of forgery and fraud in Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service registration form.
In a press release on Thursday, Rush stated that “Mike Volin, who along with volunteers have assembled materials disputing the eligibility of President Obama to hold the office of President of the United States, will report via internet radio Friday the status of Congressional receipt of his ‘Sheriff’s Kits.’”
The issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility was first raised in 2007 when progressive commentator Chris Matthews stated that Obama was “born in Indonesia,” as did reporter Will Hoover in writing for the Hawaii Advertiser in early 2008. The U.S. Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief of the U.S. military be a “natural born Citizen.”
Birthplace is not the sole consideration in determining “natural born” status. Historically, the citizenship of the parents was equally, if not more, important in determining a child’s citizenship. However, beginning in 2009, Congressional Research Service attorney Jack Maskell obfuscated that fact in four CRS memos in which he contended that a simple birth on U.S. soil equates to the status of “natural born Citizen.” Additionally, in the memos written for Congress, Maskell truncated U.S. Supreme Court decisions which cited the citizenship of the parents as having been significant in each case, substituting the words with a deceptive ellipsis.
Volin’s WOBC radio show has featured such guests as Michigan gubernatorial candidate Mark McFarlin, researcher Martha Trowbridge, former attorney and citizen investigator Montgomery Blair Sibley, and Douglas Vogt, who submitted evidence from his own two-year investigation to at least one federal court on the Obama birth certificate forgery and the individuals he believes were involved.
After public pressure began to mount in 2008 through the presidential primaries and campaign, an image appeared at The Daily KOS purported to be Obama’s birth certificate. The document, entitled “Certification of Live Birth,” did not contain the name of the hospital, attending physician, or any signatures of officials having knowledge of the alleged birth on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu. No other documentation was released, including Obama’s passport records, college transcripts, medical information, or a more detailed birth certificate with those missing elements, until April 2011.
Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs had attempted to laugh off requests for Obama’s detailed birth certificate by stating, “I’m the guy who said, ‘Let’s post it on the internet’” in reference to the Certification of Live Birth. At the time, members of the mainstream press pool laughed along with Gibbs, although they are not laughing now. Mocking WND reporter Lester Kinsolving, who asked the question, Gibbs said that officials in Hawaii had concluded “…that the president was indeed born in…Say it with me, Lester: the state of Hawaii.”
In early 2011, business magnate Donald Trump publicized Obama’s lack of documentation and challenged him to release his “long-form” birth certificate.
On April 27, 2011, an image was uploaded to the White House website alleged to be a certified copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate reportedly obtained from the Hawaii Department of Health while its director, Loretta Fuddy, supervised its copying for Obama’s personal attorney, Judith Corley.
In a shocking turn of events on Wednesday, Fuddy was pronounced deceased after a small plane in which she was reportedly traveling on a return trip to Honolulu crashed into the water off the coast of Kalaupapa Peninsula.
After six months of investigation, the Cold Case Posse declared the long-form image a “computer-generated forgery” at a formal press conference on March 1, 2012. This past summer, lead investigator Michael Zullo submitted a lengthy affidavit in a civil court case which is pending at the Alabama Supreme Court detailing the findings of forgery and fraud in both of Obama’s “birth certificates” as well as his Selective Service registration form.
On Thursday, The Weekly Standard reported that a group of 30 Republican members of Congress are exploring the option to “bring legal action against the Executive Branch and challenge recent actions, inactions, and policies,” which includes Obama specifically. The congressmen claim that Obama has violated Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution by failing to “faithfully execute” laws which have been enacted, but the group does not challenge Obama’s possible violation of Article II, Section 1, clause 5, the “natural born” requirement.
To date, no one in Congress to date has spoken out on the birth certificate forgery other than in brief passing or in a jocose manner. While Zullo has been urging Congress to investigate since March, when he visited CPAC and spoke with several congressmen and other “VIPs,” no one has announced that such a probe has been launched.
However, on Monday, it was stated by an individual close to the posse’s investigation that “the wait is almost over” and “prosecutions are coming” relating to the birth certificate forgery.
A very reliable source has told The Post & Email that every member of Congress “knows that Obama is a fraud.” Zullo has said publicly that “There never was a birth in Hawaii” for Obama. On December 6, a citizen investigator and radio show host also close to the Cold Case Posse’s work stated, “Obama has no Hawaiian birth certificate.”
After his visit to Washington, DC, Volin reported distributing approximately 300 kits, 200 of which went to members of Congress. Volin told The Post & Email that he will be releasing the names of the recipients at some point in the near future.
Erik Rush writes a regular column for WorldNetDaily which is also posted on his own website. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity’s show on the Fox News Channel. An author of several books, Rush broke the news of Obama’s relationship with the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ, where Black Liberation Theology is preached.
An article published on Thursday at NewswithViews which refers to the Cold Case Posse investigation and Volin’s work states, “Every member of congress, every member of the cabinet, every member of the Secret Service, every member of the military and every member of the Justice Department took the same oath. They are all guilty of ignoring their duty to uphold the Constitution. Their oath is meaningless…Call your elected officials and demand his [Obama's] arrest. Not his impeachment…his arrest. Forward the links in this article to everyone on your email list and ask them to do the same. The evidence is there…but those who can do something about it are hiding under the rug…”
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