Friday, February 21, 2014
Bristol Palin is embarrassed that her generation are not as hard working as she is. Yeah, she actually said that.
Bristol Palin is embarrassed that her generation are not as hard working as she is. Yeah, she actually said that.
Courtesy of Brancy's blog: “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Proverbs 10:4
I came across this Scripture and wanted to pass it along. I love it because it reminds me of my parents and the work ethic they instilled in all of us kids. If you want something, you go out and work for it.
No one owes you anything, and I’m embarrassed to be in a generation that doesn’t have that mindset.
Honest, hard work, is the only way to do it right. Don’t rely on anyone to provide for you.
The world doesn’t owe you anything!
You know if I were a millennial I might be inspired to slap the shit out of Bristol Palin for posting something like this. (No, I am not advocating violence, but urges are urges.)
What a lying, hypocritical bitch!
Literally EVERYTHING this idiot has was handed to her on a silver platter.
Her reality show, her book deal, her speaking engagements, her high school diploma, EVERYTHING was given to her because she has a famous parent, and she did next to nothing to deserve any of it!
Hard working Bristol Palin trying to remember how to work a car. |
Remember this is a girl who took credit for a ghostwritten book, has somebody else write posts for her blog, and has failed miserably to even raise her young son correctly.
And is there anybody left on this planet who actually still believes this loser has that job at the dermatologist? And believe me, when she did have it that was all due to her mother's influence as well.
The very LAST person on earth who should be giving advice on hard work, is Bristol Palin.
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