Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Palin continues to sell her Christmas time snake oil on the tent revival circuit. This time over at Pat Robertson's Alzheimer riddled network CBN.
Click the "she's a man baby" photo to play video. |
Palin told CBN News the book is a rallying cry for Christians to stand up against those who want keep faith out of the public square. "We were founded as written in our charters of liberty, in the documents that created America," Palin said. (No, actually no we were not.)
"We're founded on a Judeo-Christian faith that would allow forever the right to express or respect for faith in America."Palin warned those rights are under attack from atheists. She has a name for them in the book: "Joe McScrooge." (Really has fetish for the name "Joe" doesn't she?)
"Joe McScrooge armed with an attorney is quite dangerous," Palin proclaimed.
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"Joe McScrooge?" Did she get the Dickens and Disney characters mixed up? |
Palin said the situation has her concerned.
"The road that we are on today is too many of those angry atheists armed with attorneys would try to take away that freedom to express faith. It's going to end in ruin unless we do something about it," she warned. (Nobody wants to take away anybody's right to express their faith. We just want the right to not have to see it displayed in government facilities and on public property, so that our rights to worship, or believe, or not believe are preserved. Just like the Founding Fathers wanted.)
That's where the fight comes in. Palin, who knows a thing or two about adversity, (Well she should, she has been fighting against the truth getting out for quite a few years now.) is urging Christians not to be intimidated.
"I want this book to be a call to action, to take steps for school districts, for communities, for business owners, for families to understand they don't have to hide their faith. They don't have to be embarrassed by it," she said. (Since when are Christians embarrassed about their faith?)
Palin added this isn't just about fighting lawsuits.
"This war on Christmas is really the tip of the spear when it comes to a greater battle that's brewing," Palin told CBN News. "And that battle that's brewing is those who would want to take God out of our society, out of our culture, which will lead to ruin as history has proven." (Please don't try to teach us about history. That is like a legless guy giving dance lessons.)
Palin also sees big government as part of the problem and makes it clear that that includes the Obama administration. (Actually in Palin's reality there WAS no big governemtn problem before Obama. And remember, she wants to teach us about history.)
"To tell you the truth, I don't know what they're doing right," Palin told CBN News. (Ended two wars, saved the economy, got millions of Americans health care, killed Bin Laden, yep there are certainly NO examples of the administration doing anything right.)
In her book, she says without a faith in Christ, she wouldn't have been able to stand through those tough times when she ran for vice president. (I think she is confusing "faith in Christ" with "several lines of blow.")
"There is no way I would be standing if it weren't for that faith that I adopted as a kid, asking Christ into my life, putting my life in His hands, saying, 'God you're my Creator. I've got to believe that You know more about destiny than I do, so, heaven forbid I try to orchestrate it myself,'" she said. "'Lord, send me. I'll go.'"
If that last part were true she would have dropped off the face of the planet already. I mean how much more can a deity do after orchestrating a failed campaign, a failed reality show, a failed marriage, getting her kicked off of Fox News so she had to crawl back on her hands and knees for recurring guest spot at a fraction of her original pay, maker her hair fall out, make everybody in her home state despise her, and now slowly drain the nutrients out of her body until she looks like a bewigged version of the Crypt Keeper, before she gets the damn hint?
I don't know if any of your noticed but Palin seems to have orchestrated enough bulk sales of her book to bring back up the Amazon Best Seller's list. I mean it is still nothing to write home, or another book, about, but it is still definitely the result of somebody doing a little wheeling and dealing.
Hmm, now where would she have had to read to realize that she was being mocked for having her book so low on the the Amazon page?
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