Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Attack: Rep. Coffman Wants To Sue Obama; Also Says Obama Not Born In America
Attack: Congressman Mike Coffman Wants
To Sue Obama; Also Says Obama Not An American
The DemocRat smear machine is full speed ahead gunning for Rep. Mike Coffman for daring to go against the Obama regime. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) published the following:
Birther Congressman Mike Coffman is doubling down on Tea Party rhetoric, telling Colorado radio stations that he wants to sue President Obama personally for ending the deportations of DREAM Act children. Coffman said that President Obama was “waving the so-called magic wand of this prosecutorial discretion” – the same excuse he used in voting with Congressman Steve King this year to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and deport hundreds of thousands of DREAMers.
Congressman Mike Coffman is trying to dog whistle to his Tea Party allies that he’s standing in the way of President Obama’s deferred action program that protects hundreds of thousands of young people from deportation,” said Brandon Lorenz of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “Congressman Coffman’s staff can try to remove the Tea Party references from his website, but birther Mike Coffman’s decision to sue the president makes clear that no matter how hard his handlers try, they won’t be able to disguise Congressman Coffman’s Tea Party roots.”
Last Week: Congressman Coffman Criticized the President’s use of “Prosecutorial Discretion.” In November 2013 Congressman Coffman said, “I think this country is in a constitutional crisis, because of this President’s ability or abuse of waving the so-called magic wand of this prosecutorial discretion and basically creating law by not enforcing existing law.” [KHOW, 11/26/13]
Congressman Coffman Said President Obama is “Not an American.” According to 9News, “Coffman had steadfastly refused to speak on camera regarding his May 12th comment at a fundraiser in Elbert County. The comments, recorded and posted online by a Coffman supporter, were first aired by 9NEWS. ‘I don't know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don't know that,’ Coffman told donors. ‘But I do know this, that in his heart, he's not an American. He's just not an American.’ [9News, 5/22/12; Denver Post, 5/16/12]
[...] More @ DCCC DemocRats 2014.
Congressman Coffman can be encouraged at:
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