Saturday, October 12, 2013
Mark your calendar kids! Tomorrow is the big day where Sarah Palin replaces the "Jersey Shore" reality series as the most embarrassing thing in the state. Well they DID survive Hurricane Sandy.
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Both Lonegan and Levin look like creepers just waiting for Palin's jacket to lose a button or for her to bend over to pick something up. Gross.
Currently Lonegan is 14 points behind Corey Booker and if he really thinks that some radical Right Wing talk radio guy and a disgraced political albatross are going to help him move up, then he is even more ignorant than his critics believe him to be.
Speaking of the disgraced albatross she has also had her ghostwriter put up this bizarre Facebook post:
Friends, please see the article linked below. Consider this school teacher's assignment which mandates that kids undertake the task of deciding the fate of characters in an exercise that can obviously be considered a numbing lesson in “death panels.” Unbelievable.
We’ll be in NJ this Saturday to rally for Steve Lonegan for the U.S. Senate to thank his supporters for pushing back against Obamacare and to halt D.C.-inspired nonsense like this.
We should hope that influential adults could teach the next generation that it is never ethical, it is never right, for our government to take steps towards the destruction of the sanctity of innocent life. And the way to do that is for our culture to condemn and reject the insensitive callus that grows in a society by this kind of thinking. The teacher could hopefully explain how Orwellian and wrong this thinking is. And she'd go on to declare our right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness, upon which American exceptionalism was built. I challenge her to do so.
Wait, the school is supposedly teaching the children a lesson that "obviously" numbs them to the idea of non-existent "death panels?" WTF?
She links to an article by Fox News radio host Todd Starnes, in which he takes a high school social studies exercise, examining ethics, and turns it into some kind of Machiavellian manipulation.
Here is what the exercise entails.
The lesson involves 10 people who are in desperate need of kidney dialysis. For Fox News Only For Fox News Only “Unless they receive this procedure, they will die,” the lesson states.
But there’s a problem. The local hospital only has enough machines to support six patients.
“That means four people are not going to live,” the assignment states. “You must decide from the information below which six will survive.”
The choices for who, would, or who would not receive the dialysis included a doctor, lawyer, housewife, teacher, cop, Lutheran minister, ex-convict, a prostitute, college student and a disabled person.
The worksheet also included their ethnicity, their marital status, their age, and whether or not they had any children.
I don't know about all of you but I engaged in similar exercises while in high school and in college. They were a part of my philosophy classes, and they were the impetus for some rather interesting conversations among the students, who were also asked to explain and discuss their decisions. And by the way this was back in the late seventies and early eighties, way, WAY before there was any talk of "death panels" and back when Sarah Palin was still a frumpy high school kid with bad hair and low self esteem.
Now the Todd Starnes article links to another Right Wing rag which contacted the principal of St. Joseph Ogden High School in St. Joseph, IL and received this in response:
“The assignment you are referring to is not a “Death Panel” assignment. The assignment is one in the sociology unit of our Introduction To Social Studies class. The purpose of the assignment is to educate students about social values and how people in our society unfortunately create biases based off of professions, race, gender, etc. The teacher’s goal is to educate students in the fact that these social value biases exist, and that hopefully students will see things from a different perspective after the activity is completed. The teacher’s purpose in the element of the assignment you are referring to is to get students emotionally involved to participate in the classroom discussion, and to open their minds to the fact that they themselves have their own social biases. The assignment has nothing to do with a “Death Panel.”
We encourage parents to contact their son/daughter’s teachers if they have any concerns about an assignment in the classroom. That line of communication typically clears up any potential misunderstanding.”
However apparently that very reasonable and measured response was not good enough for the Whack-a-Doodle from Wasilla, who simply could NOT let an opportunity to talk about "death panels" slip by without vomiting forth some response.
Oh yeah, I think she is going to do wonders for Steve Lonegan's chances in New Jersey. Just like that iceberg helped the Titanic quickly make it to its destination.
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