Saturday, October 12, 2013
There is a new voice coming out of Arizona pleading with the Republicans NOT to shut down Obamacare. Oh, you are not going to believe this one!
Hey, what can I say? The damn thing works. |
Gov. Jan Brewer said Wednesday that she does not want U.S. House Republicans to succeed in their bid to shut down the Affordable Care Act, saying it would “devastate” the state budget.
Brewer said she has never been a fan of “Obamacare.’’ And she pointed out she was among several governors who sued — unsuccessfully — to have it declared unconstitutional.
But the governor said once it was clear the law would take effect, she sought ways to have Arizona take advantage of a key provision rewarding states that expand their Medicaid programs. In this state, that is the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, which she described as the “gold standard” of Medicaid programs.
And she said that made it worthwhile to fight with members of her own Republican Party, to the point of forming an alliance with legislative Democrats, to push the plan through.
“The bottom line is we need that money in our economy to save rural hospitals and jobs in the rural areas,” the governor said, as well as making sure hospitals in metropolitan areas, where most AHCCCS patients are seen, get paid. “It’s all about jobs and getting back federal dollars that our taxpayers have paid to the federal government, to bring them home.”
Brewer estimates the Affordable Care Act will produce $1.6 billion in payments a year to the state’s Medicaid program. And she said there is no direct cost to Arizona taxpayers, with the state’s share being paid by a tax on hospitals.
That concern is causing the normally partisan governor to lash out at congressional Republicans as much as she criticizes the president for the shutdown in Washington over the issue of repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Jan Brewer?
Jan "There are headless corpses in the desert" Brewer?
You know even though I, and many others, predicted that once the ACA started to pay dividends for those states whose legislators allowed the law to be fully implemented, that there would be a lot of Republicans who would embrace it fully, and lawmakers in other states who would feel pressure to follow suit, I have to admit that this is still pretty amazing to witness.
After all Brewer is besties with the most vicious anti-Obamacare crusader of all.
It's just gonna make things awkward the next time they get together to burn a cross on some Arizona immigrants front lawn. That's all I'm saying.
Is it wrong that I am enjoying all of this so much?
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