Friday, October 4, 2013
Louisiana state Representative spitting mad that Starbucks won't let him defend his freedom while drinking coffee decides to go to Chick-fil-A instead. Chick-fil-A says, "Not so fast."
"Welcome to Chick-fil-A please don't shoot us." |
Starbucks boss Howard Schultz runs the “most dangerous” coffee shops in America because he has “respectfully” requested that customers do not pack heat.
So says state Rep. Jeff Thompson, R-Bossier City. No legislator is crazier about the Second Amendment than he.
Thompson has called for a boycott of Starbucks and is organizing armed klatches at competing establishments.
Sadly, he did not find a warm welcome at the first one. After Thompson put in a brief appearance at its Bossier City restaurant, Chick Fil A issued a statement dissociating itself from his cause.
The only events scheduled that day were senior bingo and a child’s birthday party, so maybe a bunch of guys toting semi-automatic weapons would not have been a good fit at that.
What? Even an oasis of conservatism, and homophobia, like Chick-fil-A draws the line when it comes to bringing assault rifles into their place of business?
I like how this idiot believes that a Starbucks is MORE dangerous without 2nd Amendment morons brandishing their semiautomatic penis extenders rather than LESS dangerous with fewer bullets and guns on the premises. It's like logic simply does not exist in the Right Wing world.
Speaking of logic, I wonder how a certain half term governor, will respond to this news?
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