Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sarah Palin wishes her mother a happy birthday, and decorates her imaginary cake wtih pure hypocrisy.

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Sarah Palin wishes her mother a happy birthday, and decorates her imaginary cake wtih pure hypocrisy.
So Palin's ghostwritten Facebook post starts off complimenting her mother, wishing her a happy birthday, and saying nice things about her, which is perfectly fine and I don't think that any of us would have any issue with that whatsoever.

After all everybody loves their mom!

However then Palin decides to take a detour and starts delivering a lecture about, and I'm not kidding about this, complaining, which she terms "grumbling."

And knowing mom, the most optimistic person we know, a great gift she'd appreciate from everyone, especially all her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids, is like-minded optimism. She's proof positive it makes the world a better place.

We know there's a lot wrong with our nation right now, but there’s a lot right too! Human nature leads to a pattern of grumbling where we lose sight of things we should be thankful for.

I ran across @thethankables campaign to declare a “War on Grumbling.” Great idea. It's totally "Sally Heath." Take time each day to declare our own #WarOnGrumbling by naming things we’re thankful for.

So Sarah Palin, you know the Sarah Palin who viciously complains about what she sees has the fundamental changing of HER country, would like, in honor of her mother, to suggest to all of you that you not complain so damn much.


So I thought I would provide a few examples, JUST from this month, where Palin engaged in some "grumbling of her own. (And trust me, for the sake of time, I am leaving out quite a few.)

October 1, Palin "grumbles" about the President's positive speech about Obamacare.

October 3, Palin "grumbles" about the closing of the World War 2 memorials that HER Tea Party buddies forced to close.

October 4, Palin "grumbles" about her perception that the media does not understand how government works.

October 9, Palin "grumbles" about the perceived "War on Christmas" and tries to hawk her book.

October 12, Palin tries to get Steve Lonegan elected in New Jersey, and "grumbles" about the effect of the shut down.

October 14, Palin "grumbles" about the possibility of a government default and attempts to blame it on the President.

October 15, Palin goes to Washington to "grumble" in person to Great Van Susteren about the government shutdown.

October 16, Palin "grumbles" about the GOP politicians who refused to let the country default.

October 18, Palin "grumbles" about a cemetery marker.

October 20, Palin "grumbles" about the Republican, compares them to the "Corrupt Bastard's Club."

October 23, Palin "grumbles" that the media is not doing their job, but came after HER too aggressively, (Yeah right!)

October 24, Palin "grumbles" that the lady who fainted behind the President, might just have been faking it.

And then yesterday, Palin "grumbled: that Piers Morgan wanted to interview her.

If indeed Sarah Palin stopped "grumbling" I am pretty sure she would simply dry up and wither away to nothing. After all the only thing that seems to be driving her these days is hate.

Happy birthday Sally Heath. Sorry that your daughter turned out to be such a hypocritical bitch.



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