Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Alaska Ear outs Sarah Palin as a nonresident of Alaska for the second year running.
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"Look saying I'm a fake Alaskan, is like saying my glasses and hair are fake. Who'd believe ya?" |
Earwigs who don't care for Our Sarah are taking heart from the fact she didn't apply for a Permanent Fund dividend this year, presumably because she was out of the state longer than is allowed. They seem to think this means she can't run for the U.S. Senate in Alaska.
Sorry. Not so.
Ear checked with Elections Goddess Gail Fenumiai, who said federal rules require only that one be 30 years old and an "inhabitant" of the state. Which is why that wacko from Brooklyn who was in Zaz Hollander's ADN story Friday can probably show up here and run in the primary.
Just what we need. Are there no shelters for the weird in Brooklyn?
Anyhow, while serious lobes were thinking politics, Ear was noticing that Todd, Trig and Piper did apply. So apparently, they don't spend as much time Outside as Mom.
Now of course the article focused on the question of whether Palin could run for the Senate or not, but I know there is no way that she would run for political office again, so that part did not interest me.
What did interest me was the revelation that Palin had not filed for her PFD this year.
As you know I already documented the fact that she did not do so last year either. So I did a check over at the Alaska Department of Revenue, and sure enough Palin's name was not on there.
Bristol was on there. As were Todd's mom Faye, his sister Diana, Track's daughter Kyla Grace, Piper, Todd, Track, and Trig.
But no Sarah.
The other name that was missing was Willow, who I assume was gone to "hair school" in Arizona for much of the year, but who still should have qualified since attending school out of state does not a disqualify you for the PFD. Here are the guidelines for such an absence:
1. receiving secondary or postsecondary education on a full-time basis;
2. receiving vocational, professional, or other specific education on a full-time basis for which, as determined by the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education, a comparable program is not reasonably available in the state;
So perhaps Willow did not qualify for some other reason, or somebody in her family did not prepare the appropriate paperwork.
However what is not in dispute is that Sarah Palin, for the second year running, is no longer a resident of Alaska.
And that is something we Alaskans need to advertise far and wide.
Sarah Palin is no longer Alaska's problem, she now belongs to the world. (And more specifically Arizona. Ha, ha, ha Arizona!)
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