Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Sarah Palin finds the courage to appear on the O'Reilly Factor? Must be a Christmas miracle. Update!
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Click poorly fitted Christmas wig to start video |
O'REILLY: Continuing now with Governor Sarah Palin her new book "Good Tidings and Great Joy" pretty much takes up my theme that Christmas has to be defended these days in America. So when did you first notice a change?
PALIN: Oh well you know, I noticed a change back when I was the mayor of our city. And I sanctioned and promoted and participated in our Nativity scene that I would allow --
O'REILLY: That was Wasilla. What year was that?
PALIN: Yes that was in the early 2,000s was when I started hearing from people saying you're not going to be able to keep this up, Madam Mayor. Somebody is going to sue you for allowing God to be recognized in the public square. (Yeah I am pretty sure this never happened. Especially not in Wasilla which is full of Fundamentalist Bible thumpers. Just a story to give her self credibility with O'Reilly.)
O'REILLY: Ok so early 2,000?
O'REILLY: It started to come in.
PALIN: In my life, yes.
O'REILLY: Right. And no that's me too. Me too.
PALIN: Ok yes.
O'REILLY: Pretty much 10 years ago. And then it reached its apex when some major corporations ordered their employees not to say "Merry Christmas", do you remember that? (And that Timmy is how the Fox News fake war on Christmas began.)
PALIN: Yes. (Of course she remembers that. Where do you think she got the idea to have this book written for her Bill?)
O'REILLY: And I think you have some examples in your book about that.
PALIN: I do. Yes.
O'REILLY: And then we said to people hey you know maybe you don't want to shop at these places. And then all of a sudden magically, like Santa, they changed.
PALIN: Well, what I recognized in the book too, though, are those businesses that are bold enough to not allow that double standard to be applied. And their employees can say what they want to say. And they can freely express their acknowledgment of Jesus being the reason for the season at Christmas time. And I give shout outs and kudos to those businesses because customers will stick with them then. (Sure but let one business owner celebrate Saturnalia, the foundation for Christmas, by selecting one customer as "Lord of Misrule," to embody the evil in the world, and then slaughter them as a sacrifice, and watch the Christians freak out about that! Hypocrites!)
O'REILLY: And most of them are doing that.
PALIN: Yes, they are.
O'REILLY: You don't have any beef about happy holidays. Do you?
PALIN: Absolutely not nor Santa Claus, or anything else. No it's all wonderful.
O'REILLY: You know this woman -- this woman in the "New York Times" today I forget her name. But she writes a column there. (Gail Collins. Good article too.) She is you know she's mocking you and mocking me saying oh they don't like happy holiday. I don't care about happy holidays. Somebody say happy holidays to me I said ok give me a present that's my thoughtI don't care if they're holidays you know let's -- where is my present. But when you start to say you can't say merry Christmas.
PALIN: Right, right.
O'REILLY: And you can't have the karesh. (I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Update: Okay some of you have suggested that O'Reilly might have said "creche" which is a French word representing the nativity.)
PALIN: Right. (But of course dipshit says "right" anyhow.)
O'REILLY: And you can't have Christmas carols by choirs, school choirs, it's part of our culture.
PALIN: Well and that's the double standard that's applied. And that's what I'm not going to sit down and accept and I don't think the majority of Americans will. Because that is -- that war on Christmas is the tip of the spear that really translates into a war on religious freedom and that's a much bigger problem that we will be facing if we just were to sit back and allow the angry atheists who are armed with an attorney to tell us that we cannot say things like "Merry Christmas". (There's that slam against atheists again.)
Sarah Palin finds the courage to appear on the O'Reilly Factor? Must be a Christmas miracle. Update!
O'REILLY: After you get off the air here you might go over to Times Square there's a big atheist sign now and it's very offensive. It says "You don't need God in Christmas." Ok and it's huge, it's huge. I mean there is money behind these people. Now do I object to that sign? Not really. I don't object to it. But it's mean-spirited. (How is it "mean spirited?" If Christians can put up signs claiming that Christmas belongs to them, and demanding that people remember the so-called "reason for the season" then how is it any different for another group to suggest that you can celebrate Christmas without including a particular religion?) It goes back to MSNBC. It goes back -- it's just mean spirited. ("Back to MSNBC?" Does he mean the same MSNBC that has Rev. Al Sharption as a host as well as the very Catholic Chris Matthews?)
PALIN: And yet, you are going to be called thin skinned and intolerant if you claim taking offense at seeing something like that.
O'REILLY: Really?
PALIN: And yet they can sue for claiming an offense taken because we do recognize Jesus being the reason for the season. (Only on public, or government, property. You know, the people's property. Anybody can put any damn thing they want on their private property.)
O'REILLY: Now let me stop you know because I spray painted over that sign I'm going to be called intolerant? No I wouldn't do something like that. Now, in your book you have recipes. (Wait what are we talking about? Was that supposed to be a smooth segue?)
O'REILLY: Recipes?
PALIN: Yes, yes.
O'REILLY: For what?
PALIN: Well, we have, you know, traditional Alaskan mills that are organic (Yeah except we don't call them "mills" we call them "meals," because we are not idiots.) and our mills happened to be wrapped in fur and not cellophane. (Oh God make her stop talking! Yes we do use cellophane and tinfoil. We are Alaskans, not fucking cave people!)
PALIN: And I explain how it is that we prepare our moose chili and halibut dip. (From what I've heard with mostly store bought ingredients. This woman could not cook if her life depended on it.)
O'REILLY: Moose chili, I've got to get some of that. I was in Alaska this summer I don't know if you know that. I was at Glacier Bay. (And did he bother to stop by and seeing the Grizzled Mama? No he did not.)
O'REILLY: Unbelievably beautiful.
PALIN: Right it's beautiful.
O'REILLY: And we ran around and we caused trouble. And every -- and you know it was my reception was mixed. I mean some of the people really liked me but some of the people you know, they are kind of like you know what are you doing here? Don't ever come again. But I should have stocked up on moose chili. And nobody guided me into that.
PALIN: I'll bring you some next time.
O'REILLY: You have to because there's not a lot of moose on Long Island where I live. So it's either we can't really slay them and chop them up into chili.
PALIN: I don't think you can shoot anything. I mean isn't...aren't..isn't the mayor around here trying to ban everything?
O'REILLY: Well the bad guys can shoot people.
PALIN: Yes the bad guys --
O'REILLY: The good people can't. See, that's the law in New York. If you're bad, yes, go ahead and you can shoot. But if you're good you can't. But in Alaska everybody is armed and ready.
PALIN: Well, we're independent.
O'REILLY: That's right.
PALIN: And we want to protect ourselves and we do want to fill our freezer with organic meat.
O'REILLY: Now I'm holding you to the moose chili business.
PALIN: All right.
O'REILLY: All right so next time in.
PALIN: Absolutely.
O'REILLY: I'm going to show everybody the can. All right Sarah Palin, everybody, thanks for coming in.
"Show everybody the can" What can is he talking about? Does he think she can both cook AND can stuff?
Interesting that O'Reilly's approach to interviewing Palin is to talk most of the time and limit her responses to one or two words, so she can't say anything too stupid on his show.
Not a bad policy really, except that leaves it up to O'Reilly to say most of the ignorant things and he certainly did not disappoint.
By the way you just know that the only reason that Palin showed up on his show is to prove she was not afraid right? But he treated her with such kid gloves that I would bet anything that she would not agree unless he promised not to make her answer hard questions or have her talk about anything she does not understand. Which must be hard considering just how much there is that she knows nothing about.
Update: Palin talks about this interview on Facebook:
I had a great time chatting with Bill O’Reilly last night about “Good Tidings and Great Joy.” I had forgotten I wore the same shirt this morning that I did on Fox last night… that is until every other person at the library today mentioned they enjoyed the O’Reilly interview and thought it was cool I was wearing the same clothes! I laughed and explained that this is what happens when you’re living out of a suitcase on the road meeting all these great people!
Yeah sure she wore it twice becasue she is living out of a suitcase. I thought the reason that people brought suitcases was to have a change of clothes?
Update2: Palin looking very out of place in New York.
More behind-the-scenes: walking to interviews incognito in NYC yesterday snapped by Willow...
You know in Alaska we have had criminals, shysters, pimps, corrupt politicians, and mass murderers, but NOBODY has made us look as bad as this batshit crazy lunatic.
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